Eaglesfield, Gawen (d. by 1528), High Sheriff of Cumberland 1517

Eaglesfield, Richard (d.1557), High Sheriff of Cumberland 1551 and 1556, son of Gawen Eaglesfield (qv), last in male line of family, his sisters and coheirs being Elizabeth (marr 1528 John Senhouse, of Seascale) and Anne (marr – Bardsey)

Eaglesfield, Robert, founder of Queens college, Oxford, see Eglesfield

Eaglesfield, Thomas (fl.1472), Master of Greystoke College (arbitrator in deed of 8 May 12 Edward IV in CRO, D/HG/B, Skelton)

Ealdred of Bamburgh (d.933; ODNB), leader of the Northumbrians, lord of Bamburgh, the most important Anglo-Saxon in Northumbria in the 10thc, one of the princes who met Athlestan at Eamont Bridge in 927,

Eastham, Thomas (c.1803-18xx), solicitor, born at Whalley, Lancashire, marr Eleanor, of London, 1 son (George, bapt at KL, 21 September 1843), solicitor in Kirkby Lonsdale by 1839, firm of Eastham and Townson, attorneys and clerks to magistrates, Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale (1849, 1851), Thomas Eastham, solicitor, clerk to magistrates and clerk of Commissioners of Property and Income Tax (1858), pres decd by 1873 when Mrs Eastham is of Main Street, later of Town End (1885), not buried at KL

Eastham, Thomas (c.1774-1822), ‘an ingenious mechanic at Chorley Moor’, made machine for cutting all kinds of ivory combs, reported to have been lately erected in Kendal (15 August 1801) for Alderman Berry (qv), who conducted business for several years under his practical management, later became partner in business, ‘became well known and highly esteemed in Kendal for his scientific attainments and worthy character’, died 28 January 1822, aged 48, and buried at Kendal, 1 February, as papist (LC, 117) = father of Thomas Eastham supra?

Eastwood, Tom (1888-1970), geologist, b Lancashire, member of Geological Survey based in Whitehaven, published ‘The Lead and Zinc Ores of the Lake District’ (1921); co-author of British Regional Geology: Northern England, author of Stanford’s Geological Atlas of Great Britain (1965), vice president of Geological Society of London, his books provided the nucleus of the Cumberland Geol Soc’s library; Cumberland Geological Society Proceedings vol 6 1998-9 pt 3, p.403

Eber, Ferdinand (18xx-1884/5), Hungarian refugee, escaped to England after Austro-Hungarian War of 1849, having served in Austrian Foreign Office, trained in Metternich’s College for diplomats, introduced to Kendal by John Whitwell (qv) and tutored numerous families in Kendal district in 1850s in German, inc Arnold family of Fox How (esp Frances, sister of Matthew Arnold, and befriended yr sister, Susanna, who marr John Cropper in 1853) and also dau of Lady Langdale, via whose introduction his article on National Music got into Quarterly Review in 1852/3, followed by others leading to invitation by The Times to report for them with Dr Russell in Crimean War at end of 1853, reappeared in Kendal at end of War with stories of Turks and Russians, reported again for The Times on Austro-French War in Italy, and following battles of Solferino and Magenta, joined Garibaldi’s army and made a general, then returned to Kendal in 186x to give account of Italian volunteer army in Sicily, later returned to Hungary after ban on Hungarian rebels of 1848 was lifted (Ausgleich of June 1867), parents had died and his estate handed to his younger brother, became member of Diet and kept his seat for number of years, friend of James Cropper (qv) and visited Ellergreen in 1879 and gave him first-hand accounts of Cavour, Disraeli and Bismarck, died as result of accident in his house at Pesc (Pesth) in 1884/5 (James Cropper, Notes and Memories (1900), 136-140; letters to James Cropper in private collection)

Eccles, John (c.1730-1810), Catholic priest, of Sizergh Hall, Papist, buried at Kendal, 19 March 1810, aged 80

Eccles, William Henry (1875-1966; ODNB) FRS, physicist and pioneer in radio communications, b. Barrow-in-Furness, son of Charles Eccles a blacksmith, graduate of the Royal College of Science, was an assistant to Marconi, named the diode, co-patented the flip-flop circuit the basis of electronic memory in computers with FW Jordan, assisted in the design of the first long wave radio station, involved in the early work at the BBC after the corporation was founded in 1922,  president of the Physical Society 1928-30, president of the Institute of Electrical Engineers and president of the Radio Society GB, died in Oxford; Biographical Memoirs of the Fellows of the Royal Society

Eccles, William Henry Sr (1875-1966), physicist radio communications pioneer, born Barrow, PhD Royal College of Science, London 1901, lectured SW Polytechnic 1902-16 and the City and Guilds Technical College 1916-1926, proponent of Edward Heaviside  theory of the reflection of radio waves, published A Handbook of Wireless Telegraphy (1915) and Continuous Wave Technology (1921)

Eccles, William, OBE, chairman James Fisher Ltd, Barrow, qv, awarded Norwegian knighthood as vice consul in Barrow

Echlin, Lady Elizabeth (nee Bellingham) (1704-1782; ODNB), writer, born in Lancashire the daughter of William Bellingham (1673-1731) and Elizabeth Raston (1678-1739), her father had lived at Levens Hall in youth, she was co-heir with her sister Dorothy Bradshaigh (qv), married Col Sir Robert Echlin 2nd Bt (1699-1757), his father the 1st Bt was of Castle Hacker, Co Mayo, she corresponded with Samuel Richardson and rewrote the violent ending of Clarissa in later life lived at Haigh Hall (L) with her sister

Echlin, John Robert, MA, clergyman, educ Trinity College Dublin (BA 1833, MA 1851), d 1838 and p 1839 (Chester), curate of Wooton, Kirkham 1838-1839, PC of Bronington, Flints, of The Oaks, Ambleside (1885)

Eckersley, the Rev James H  (1911-1985) The son of the Rev CH Eckersley, the rector of Brougham, James Eckersley was educated at Penrith Grammar School, St Bees, and Keble College, Oxford, following which he studied at Lincoln Theological College. His brothers were John and Charles. Ordained in 1935, after curacies at Workington and Keswick, he became Vicar of Holy Trinity, Millom (forming a friendship with Norman Nicholson, the poet), followed by St Mary’s, Walney Island. He married Dorothy Dougill in Barrow in Furness in 1945. In 1961, he moved to St John the Baptist, Upperby,  but two years later suffered a serious heart attack and transferred to Wreay where he served, as a popular parson, until he retired in 1970.  He was appointed an Honorary Canon of Carlisle Cathedral in 1969.  In his youth he played rugby and all his life encouraged youngsters. As a member of the Cumberland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, he took a keen interest in local history and archaeology.  Suffering much ill health in his retirement, though never complaining, he died in the 50th year of his ministry, leaving a widow, Dorothy (who died in December 2001), a daughter and three grandchildren; one daughter, Dorothy Agnes, had died tragically, aged 13 years, in 1966. He is buried at Wreay cemetery.

Eckroyd, William Farrer (1827-1915), of Whitbarrow, was descended from William Fayrer (d,1691) of Thursgill (qv), he was MP for Preston, his great nephew William Farrer (1861-1924; ODNB) (qv) was a noted historian and feudal genealogist

Ecroyde, John (17xx-1775), surgeon and apothecary, of Kendal, marr (17 September 1746, at Kendal parish church) Mary (born 8 November 1725), 2nd dau of Dr Caleb Rotheram (qv), who left them his messuages and two shops in Kendal by his will of 5 April 1752, 1 dau (wife of John Claxton (qv), surgeon, of Kendal), presented his bill of £20 14s 6d for medicine administered to the poor of town in the year 1770 to Kendal Fell trustees, who ordered that in future a written order from mayor or one of justices of town be obtained before any apothecary attend on the poor at charge of town and be produced with bill to treasurer every three months (CRO, WSMB/K/ minute book, 28 August 1771), died in 1775 (‘an eminent surgeon’, Newcastle Chronicle, 12 August 1775) (ONK, 311, 317)

Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley (1882-1944; ODNB), OM, FRS, MA, DSc, LLD, theoretical physicist and astrophysicist, born in Kendal, 28 December 1882, son of Anthony Henry Eddington headmaster of Quaker school and Sarah Ann Short, ed Brynmelyn School, Owens College and Trinity college Cambridge, admitted honorary freeman of Borough of Kendal on 1 July 1930, apptd to Order of Merit, 9 June 1938, wrote The Internal Constitution of the Stars (1926), The Philosophy of Physics (1938) and upon Einstein’s Theory of  Relativity, died unmarried at Cambridge, 22 November 1944

Edgar Brothers (1868-1968), iron merchants and ironmongers, Lowther St Carlisle; Perriam 2022, 42; CRO mss DB 39

Edgecombe, George H, medical officer, of 10 Thorny Hills, Kendal (Edgecombe Court on Waterside, Kendal)

Edinburgh, duke of (HRH Prince Philip) (1921-2021), consort of the Queen and naval officer, son of Prince Andrew of Greece, keen on environmental and conservation issues, gave his name to the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme, regularly visited Cumbria, to Outward Bound centres, Lowther and Holker horse trials, laid the keel of Deadnought at Barrow in 1959, crossed the sands driving four in hand in 1985, opened the Beacon, Whitehaven in 2008, visited Cumbria Rural Enterprise Agency in 2008, Sellafield in 2016, marr the Queen in 1947, four children: Prince of Wales, Princess Royal, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward

Edington, David (1865-1950), medical officer, cared for wounded troops at Skiddaw Grove, Penrith in 1st WW, hon member of British Red Cross; CW3 xx 202, 205 and 207

Edmondson, ‘carter’, guide across the sands in 1501, appointed by the abbot of Furness; Stockdale, 505

Edmondson, Christopher, clergyman, vicar of Hawkshead 1664-1677, gave volume of Calvin upon the New Testament to Sandes Library for Kendal Grammar School

Edmondson, Henry [1607-1659; ODNB], schoolmaster and author; published Lingua Linguarum ,1655

Edmondson, Isaac, woollen manufacturer, Kendal, and son, James, also woollen manufacturer (see Braithwaite deeds 1872-1889 in CRO, WDB 12/ acc.2067)

Edmondson, Thomas (1792-1851; ODNB), inventor of the original pre-printed card railway ticket, b. Kirkby Stephen, had cabinet-making business in Carlisle, which failed, then joined Newcastle and Carlisle Railway Company, becoming station master at Brampton; his name given to a steam train on the South Tyneside railway

Edmondson, William (1627-1712; ODNB), founder of Quakerism in Ireland, born in Little Musgrave, apprenticed as a carpenter in Yorkshire, joined the Parliamentary army in the Civil War and took part in the battle of Worcester, introduced to Quakerism at Chesterfield, discharged and left for Co Antrim, here he established the first meeting in Lurgan in 1654, lived in Rosenallis in Co Laois, visited America where he debated with Roger Williams (1603-1683) the Puritan theologian in Rhode Island

Edmondson, William (18xx-19xx),  mayor of Kendal 1904-1905, alderman, admitted honorary freeman of borough of Kendal on 1 July 1930, of Carlton Villas, Kendal

Edmonds, Charles (1885-1964), miner, local politician and geologist, iron ore miner, wrote and produced a dialect play (1921), country organiser for the General and Municipal Workers Union, county councillor (education committee) from 1919-1964), involved in the recognition of silicosis and pneumoconiosis as industrial diseases, Hon MSc from Durham in 1954, library in Egremont named after him, researched and published on Carboniferous limestone, two corals incl Nemistium edmondsi named after him, 1st president of Cumberland Geol Soc; Cumberland Geological Society Proceedings vol 6 1998-9 pt 3, p.399

Edmonds, Leonard (17xx-18xx), crown clerk, (son of John Edmonds (qv), of Ambleside, upon his father’s early death  (see below) apprenticed to William Vizard (1774-1859) a partner in James and Henry Leman of Lincolns Inn Fields, private secretary to Lord Chancellor Brougham (qv)), apptd Clerk of the Patents, 6 September 1833 (LG), (LC, 93); Hansard 10 March 1865 discussion of his pension

Edmonds, John (c.1775-1826), electoral agent, supported Lord Brougham (qv) in the 1826 election but was killed while canvassing, Brougham made provision for the chidren including Leonard (qv)

Edmondson, (first name unknown), (fl.early 16thc.), the carter, (the carter was an ancient monastic appointment of one tasked with seeing the safe passage across the estuarine sands of the river Kent, the roads inland being extremely poor), tenant of Carter House (Stockdale, 505; Herbert C. Collins, Lancashire Plain and Seaboard, 1953); (temp Edward II Enquiry into the Appointment of a Sand Guide by the abbot of Furness)

Edward I (1239-1307; ODNB), er son of Henry III, held several Parliaments in Carlisle, slaughtered 400 deer in 1279 in Inglewood forest, spent night of 22 July 1300 at Brougham Castle, fought against the Scots based in Cumberland becoming known as Malleus Scotorum or ‘the Hammer of the Scots’, when seriously ill at the end of his life was supported by his physician Tyngewyke (qv) at Lanercost and eventually died in his camp on the marsh at Burgh by Sands, 7 July 1307; Michael, Prestwich, Edward I, c.1995; Henry Summerson, Edward I at Carlisle, 2011; two monuments to him at Burgh: a large ancient column on the marsh and a modern bronze by Christopher Kelly in the village, David A. Cross, Public Sculpture, 2017,137-8

Edward II (1284-1327; ODNB), king of England, first Prince of Wales, as prince arrived at Lanercost with a pet lion and set himself up at Wetheral priory, his father expected him to push on against the Scots, but after his accession in 1307 he made a token foray north to Scotland but  soon retreated to London, in 1311 the Scots descended into the vacuum, defeated by the Scots at Bannockburn in 1314

Edward III (1312-1377), king of England, visited Carlisle in 1335, on this or another occasion he was shown the relics in the cathedral: a piece of the true cross and the girdle of St Bride; Ian Mortimer, Edward III, 2006, W Mark Ormrod, The Perfect King: The Life of Edward III, 2012

Edward VII (1841-1910; ODNB), King of England, eldest son of Queen Victoria, made Royal Visit as HRH Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, to Lake District in 1857, informally at Windermere and Grasmere (photographed by Moses Bowness, qv), the Prince of Wales hotel [now renamed the Daffodil] named in his honour, arrived at Geldard’s Family Hotel, Patterdale, on Saturday evening, 16 May 1857, from Keswick, attended service in Patterdale church on Sunday, and departed by way of Pooley Bridge, Lowther Castle and Brougham Hall to Penrith, returning to Osborne on 20 May, accepted invitation to stay at Lowther to shoot pheasants in autumn of 1891, but cancelled bec of court mourning for Duke of Clarence, paid private visit to Lowther Castle on 10 January 1896, but always more friendly with Lancelot Lowther, later 6th Earl of Lonsdale (qv) and agreed to sponsor his only son, Anthony Edward, later Viscount Lowther (qv), as his godson in 1896, did not favour Hugh Lonsdale, the Yellow earl’s friendship with Kaiser Wilhelm II (qv), wrote A Walking Tour of the Lakes [1857], there is a memorial plaque to him in Borrowdale on Grange Fell (1910), erected by his sister Princess Louise qv; a local tradition recalls his visit to Grasmere as a teenager when he chased sheep on the island and was rebuked by old woman much to the consternation of his tutor, R. Bingham, Memories of  South Lakes, 65

Edward VIII, as Prince of Wales visited the South Lakes in June-July 1927 and the avenue of trees on the A6 south of Levens Hall was planted in his honour; William Grimble Groves (qv)

Edwards, B J N (Ben) (1934-2011), BA, FSA, archaeologist, educ Colchester Royal Grammar School and Durham University (Hatfield College), first County Archaeologist of Lancashire, apptd in 1963 until retirement in 1995, member of CWAAS council 2000-2003 and publications committee 2007-2010, Fellow 2007, first editor of new series, Cumbria Archaeological Research Reports, 2009, author (with David J Breeze) of The Twelfth Pilgrimage of Hadrian’s Wall, 1999: A Report (2000), paper on ‘Roman finds from “Contrebis”’ in Transactions (CW2, lxxi, 17-34), final paper on ‘Who Ran Hadrian’s Wall?’ (CW3, ix, 221-225), died 24 February 2011; study day in his memory at Lancaster University on 9 June 2012 (Exploring Antiquities and Archaeology in the North West: Essays in commemoration of the life and work of Ben Edwards, ed David Shotter and Marion McClintock, CWAAS Extra Series 47, (2017); CW3, xi (2011), 1-10); m. Margaret; obit. CW3 xi 1-4 followed by his extensive bibliography

Edwards, Philip Walter (1923-2015), FBA, PhD, MA, scholar of English Literature, born at Barrow-in-Furness, 7 February 1923, son of R H Edwards (b.1891), MC, Conservative party agent, educ King Edward’s High School, Birmingham, and University of Birmingham (MA, PhD), 1st wife Hazel Valentine, dau of prof of child psychology, his best man was Michael McCrum, later headmaster of Eton, 2nd Sheila Wilkes, professor English at Liverpool, retired to High Gillinggrove, Kendal, died at Summerhill, Kendal, 27 November 2015, aged 92, and buried in Parkside cemetery, 11 December; British Academy obit online

Egerton, Admiral the Hon Francis (1824-1895), 2nd son of the 1st earl of Ellesmere, married Lady Louisa Caroline Cavendish, daughter of the 7th duke of Devonshire, their son William Francis Egerton DL (1868-1949) was of Gawithfield, Ulverston

Egerton, Judy (1928-2012; ODNB), art historian, b. Australia, dau Kenneth Attiwill a journalist and his wife Jean Muecke, ed Lauriston High Girls GS, Melbourne university,  m. Ansell Egerton, an academic economist at Queens Belfast, friend in Belfast of the poet Philip Larkin and in Cumbria of Cornish Torbock (qv), worked at the ODNB and at the Tate Gallery, organised major London exhibitions of the work of Joseph Wright of Derby and of George Stubbs, visited Dallam Tower c.1995 to examine a version of Wright’s Boy Blowing a Balloon, previously thought to be by Romney, during a research trip with Timothy Clayton, an expert on engravings, after some discussion, it was decided that the composition was by Wright but that the canvas was actually a rather rare early oleograph, a high quality varnished print

Egfrith (645-685), king of Northumbria, gave land to Cuthbert including that at Carlisle and Cartmel

Eggleston, George, ‘portrait and landscape painter’, living in Troutbeck in 1851

Eglesfield (sometimes Eaglesfield), Robert de (c.1295-1349), king’s clerk, b. near Eaglesfield, chaplain to Queen Phillipa of Hainault, consort of Edward III, founder of Queen’s College, Oxford 1341, wrote founding document himself which requires preference in future to be given at his college to men from Cumberland and Westmorland in consideration of the ‘poverty and lack of letters’ in those counties, many Cumbrians graduated from Queen’s, (see entry on the college); his portrait appears in stained glass in the great hall; (CC (AH), 1); CW2 xvi 239

Eglis field (Eglesfeld), Laurence (d.1531), yeoman of the guard, grandson of William Eaglesfield of Eaglesfield, appointed in 1508 and received his livery as a yeoman for the funeral of Henry VII in 1509

Egremont, also see Leconfield and Wyndham

Egremont, 2nd earl, Charles Wyndham (1710-1763; ODNB)

Egremont, 3rd earl, George O’Brien Wyndham (1751-1837; ODNB), art patron, agriculturalist, welcomed George Romney (qv) to Petworth and later JMW Turner (qv) to Petworth an Egremont castle

Egremont, 1st baron, John Edward Reginald Wyndham (1920-1972; ODNB), civil servant and author, m. his 1st cousin once removed Pamela Wyndham-Quin (qv), with Harold Macmillan in North Africa in 2nd WW, later private secretary to Macmillan, lived at Petworth [NT] and at Cockermouth castle, art collector, trustee of the Wallace Collection, died prematurely; autobiography Wyndham and Children First (1968)

Egremont, The Lost Boy of, poem Wordsworth based upon the loss in the river Wharfe of the young son and heir of the lord of Egremont c.1163-6

Egremont, Pamela, Lady (nee Wyndham-Quin) (1925-2013; ODNB), hostess and traveller, daughter of Wyndham-Quin and Marjorie Pretyman, worked at Bletchley Park and Woburn Abbey during the war, m. 1st Baron Egremont (qv), lived at Cockermouth castle, her sister Marjorie [Mollie] was the countess of Salisbury

Elgar, Edward (1857-1934), composer and conductor, friendly with Mr Buck, a GP in Settle who was a keen cellist, his daughter Monica Buck later lived in the Lakes; WR Mitchell, Mr Elgar and Mr Buck: A Musical Friendship, 1991

Elizabeth, the queen mother (1900-2002; ODNB), (nee Bowes-Lyon), dau of 14th earl of Strathmore, m. king George VI, mother of the present queen, opened the high level bridge in Barrow in 1937,  the West Cumberland hospital in 1964 and launched Resolution the first Polaris submarine, in Barrow in 1966

Ellen, Tom, Malayan servant, sometime slave; CW3 viii 169

Eliot, Thomas Stearns (   ), visited Helen Sutherland (qv) at Cockley Beck

Elletson, Margaret Jane (d.1921) and Emily (d.1928), joint ladies of the manor of Pilling (L), daughters of Daniel Elletson of Parrox Hall, Preesall, Over Wyre (L), they lived at Fox Ghyll, Ambleside, the Elletsons had owned Parrox Hall since a marriage with a ffyfe heiress c.1690 who descended from a Hackensaw, temp. King John; amounderness.co.uk

Elliot, Harry (1920-2009), CBE FRS, space scientist, b. Mealsgate, son of Thomas Elliott and Hannah Elizabeth Littleton, educated Nelson Thomlinson school, Wigton and Manchester university, 2nd WW RAF liason with USAF, professor University College, London university, created a cosmic ray detector for Ariel I rocket,

Elliott, Colin (b.c.1910 - d.2000), clergyman, rector Windermere, his wife Helen died in February 2016 (WG, 18.02.2016)

Elliott, Joyce, ran an apothecary business in her kitchen at Rowrah House the home of Dr J Haythornthwaite, her kitchen table was laden with drugs, tinctures, dressings and suppositories, it seems that she was a ‘wise woman’ rather than a qualified apothecary; Sydney, biog of Dr Joshua Dixon (qv)

Elliott, J.M. [fl.1864], clergyman and fell runner, scaled eight major peaks in 8.5 hours in 1864, thus anticipating the achievement of Bob Graham (qv)

Eliott, Robert (fl.1812-1882) MD, physician Carlisle; Boase vol v, 217

Elizabeth II, (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; 1927-2022), queen of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms, dau of the duke and duchess of York (later George VI and Queen Elizabeth), educ at home, marr Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark (qv Edinburgh, duke of), her father died in 1952, she was crowned in 1953, she visited Cumbria several times, notably for the launch of the submarine HMS Dreadnought at Barrow on Trafalgar Day 1960 (Prince Philip laid the keel in 1959), she also visited Appleby and Sellafield (then Windscale) in 1956, Workington for the Bessemer process in 1956, Carlisle for the 800th anniversary in 1958, the Beacon Whitehaven in 2008 and Kendal and Windermere in 2013

Elliott, Russell, admiral RN, agent for Appleby Castle and Skipton Castle Estates until 1882

Ellison, Geoffrey Walker (1898-19xx), MA, clergyman, educ Trinity College, Oxford (BA 1921, MA 1926), Bishop’s College, Cheshunt 1943, d 1943 (Bp Mounsey for Bradf) and p 1944 (Bradf), curate of Sedbergh 1943-1947, vicar of Levens 1947-1953, vicar of Langdale 1953-1961, moving to St Mary’s Lodge, Cartmel, with lic to offic, dio Carlisle 1961-1968 and then dio Gloucester from 1969, having moved to Dancer’s Cottage, Withington, Gloucestershire, died 1976x1987

Ellison, Joan Audrey (1928-2018), microbiologist, nutritionist and concert agent, graduated in microbiology, food scientist with Kent, Jones and Amos consultants, taught nutrition at London university, Sec Gen of the Royal Soc of Health, longstanding member of the Association of Concert Agents and later a business partner with Gunnar Stromsholm of Ellison Stronmsholm, organised many events notably the Casa dei Mezzo on Crete, wrote also as Elspeth Robertson (The Great Scandinavian Cook Book (1966) and Norway’s Delights (1969)), revived the Ernst Bloch Society, a board member of the Liszt Society, lived Fulham for many years and latterly in Cockermouth; www.iamaword.com/article/aje-1994.aspx

Ellison, John (bap Appleby 1807), foundry manager, son of Thomas Ellison of Barwise Hall, Hoff, yeoman farmer, as a younger son worked at Lowca as a labourer in the iron works, later managed Newtown foundry in Whitehaven, married Phoebe Neems (orig. Nimes) daughter of George Neems a Huguenot blacksmith (b.Gloucester 1771)

Ellison, John Gleaston (fl.1920s), four times mayor of Barrow 1924-1928

Emery, W Bryan (1919-2012), bio-chemist involved with research in vitamin B12 and penicillin production at Glaxo, Ulverston, 1940-1951, later General Factory Manager, married Elaine Paxton, also a Methodist preacher; Gordon Emery, The Story of Penecillin within Glaxo, 2023

Ellison, Wesley (fl.1950s-1990s), solicitor and coroner Barrow, b. and d. Barrow, ed Cambridge, m. Jean, 2 daus Deborah and Claire

Ellison, William (c.1742-1828), family retainer, ‘for many years steward to the ancient family of Strickland’ at Sizergh Hall, entered their service at 16 years of age (1758) and continued in it for 70 years, appointed gamekeeper within manors of Sedbergh and Natland and demesne lands there on 27 September 1774, kept account book of goods bought and sold on farm 1786-1790 (with Sizergh Castle MSS), ‘not merely a good and faithful steward but an upright and honourable man’, marr Mary (died at Hincaster, 2 February 1836, aged 87), will 1824, of Sizergh Cottages, died 19 February 1828, aged 86, and buried at Heversham, 23 February (WG, 01.03.1828)

Ellison, William (1787-1865), land agent and agriculturalist, born 3 March 1787, land agent at Sizergh Hall, noted for his involvement in development of agricultural practices in Westmorland, journal of his tour of Europe in 1810, leaving Sizergh on 12 March 1810 for London, marr 1st (18xx), son (William Ellison (1825-1859), junior, of Low Sizergh, who died at Cross Bank House, Kendal, 17 May 1859, aged 34 (LG, 21.05.1859), having made will dated 19 March 1859) and dau (Mary Agnes, who died 26 January 1848, having made will on 26 December 1847), marr 2nd (1831 at Kendal) Jane Ellison, of Sizergh (LG, 13.08.1831), 1 son (Francis Charles, born 2 October 1838, died 17 June 1867) and dau (Elizabeth Jane) (wills in CRO, WD/AG, box 112), died 6 March 1865 = see Stephen Read’s notes

Ellwood, Daniel F, rope and twine manufacturer, Station rope works, Kendal, established 1844 (CRO, WDB 137)

Ellwood, Peggy (fl.20thc.), farmer’s wife, WR Mitchell, Life on a Lakeland Farm,

Ellwood, Robert Dunn (1875-1955), MA, clergyman, bapt at Torver, 15 August 1875, 5th of six sons and 6th of eight children of Revd Thomas Ellwood (qv), educ Christ’s College, Cambridge (BA 1897, MA 1929), d 1898 (Barrow-F) and p 1899 (Carl), curate of St George, Barrow-in-Furness 1898-1899 and St Matthew, Barrow 1899-1901, curate of Torver 1901-1912, succ his father as rector in 1912 until 1916, vicar of Millom 1916-1920, vicar of Whittingham 1920-1928, vicar of St Mary, Carlisle (with St Paul from 1932) 1928-1945, hon canon of Carlisle Cathedral from 1935, rural dean of Carlisle 1933-1945, Officiating Chaplain to Border Regiment 1928-44, editor of Carlisle Diocesan Calendar 1945, vicar of Walton 1945-1952, rural dean of Brampton 1947-1952, served on large number of diocesan committees, member for Millom Above ward on Millom rural parish council 1919-1920, member of CWAAS from 1917, founder member of Lakeland Dialect Society, compiled The Book of the Parish Church of Holy Trinity, Millom, Cumberland (Millom, 1917), and contributed short articles to Transactions on Millom parish church (CW2, xviii, 106-109) and on Nether Denton church (CW2, xlii, 149-152), but too busy to allow him leisure to research and write further, ‘a priest of the old-fashioned type…with a deep spiritual life, a scholar, kindly and courteous to all, with a delightful sense of humour’ (CMLB), retired to 73 Serpentine Road, Kendal, and died 7 June 1955, aged 79 (CW2, lv, 368)     

Ellwood, Revd Thomas (1838-1911), clergyman and antiquary, born at Saltcotes, educ Annan Academy, schoolmaster from age of 16, incl teaching for few years at St Bees School, trained at St Bees Theological College, and Dublin (BA), curate-in-charge of Torver from 1861 and rector of Torver 1861-1911, found dilapidated church, raised funds for new rectory (1868), new school (1873), and new church (1884), spent much time in teaching and tutoring, member of CWAAS from 1893, author of Leaves from the Annals of a Mountain Parish in Lakeland (Ulverston, 1888), Forty-five Years in a Mountain Parish in Lakeland (Carlisle, 1908), Lakeland and Iceland comprising: A glossary of words in the dialect of Cumberland and Westmorland and North Lancashire, and the Landnama Book of Iceland (1895) [reprinted 1995], contributed articles to Transactions (incl Numerals formerly used for Sheepscoring in the Lake Country, I and II, CW1, iii (1877), The Bloomeries of High Furness, viii (1886) etc), edited Anderson’s Cumberland Ballads and Songs (Ulverston, 1904), of Hoathwaite until new rectory was ready, then of Torver Rectory from 18xx, marr (by 1863) Dorcas, 6 sons (John Francis Albert (bapt 13 March 1864), William Edmund (bapt 24 January 1867), Thomas Ernest (bapt 27 July 1868, Gilbert Browne (bapt 6 November 1871), Robert Dunn (qv), and Victor Edward (bapt 31 March 1878)) and 2 daus (Eva Jane (bapt 4 May 1873) and Dorcas Mary Edith (bapt 12 April 1880)), death of his wife Dorcas (buried at Torver, 7 December 1904, aged 71), caused him great suffering and periodic illness (letter in CRO, WD/CAT/acc.2460), died aged 73 and buried at Torver, 28 November 1911 (VVL, 51-53, 186-187); his annotated copy of Anderson’s Cumbrian Ballads (1904), Carlisle Library

Eltham, Barry Edward Maclean- [formerly Eltham] (19xx-1998), nuclear engineer and artist,  founder and first chairman of the Romney Society, chairman of Kendal Regional Group of CWAAS, membership secretary of CWAAS, also member of the original Friends of Abbot Hall, editor of Journal of the Friends of the Armitt, author of Paintings by George Romney in Public Collections (1996), marr (19xx) Audrey Frances Maclean (1925-1986) and changed his name (London Gazette 3 July 1974) (memorial bench in Millans Park, Ambleside), son (Paul), daughter Mme Xxxx lives in France, moved from Ambleside (1 Stockghyll Court) into Kendal in 198x, died suddenly at his home, Helsfell House, Windermere Road, Kendal, January 1998; memorial service Kendal parish church

Emerson, Arthur Edward (originally Middlemas) (d.c.2015), artist, born London, inspired by the coast of the north east, settled in Carlisle, his high quality watercolours often re-used subjects of fisher folk, boats and the Northumberland  coast, his long term partner was Sally Taylor

Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882), visited the Lakes in 1833 and acknowledges his debt to Coleridge and Wordsworth, he also indicates in his journal that his visit to Rydal was an anti-climax after a stimulating visit to Thomas Carlyle in Scotland

English, Thomas, purchased Longholme or Windermere Island from Robert, brother and heir of Thomas Barlow, commissioned John Plaw to build circular house on Belle Isle, Lake Windermere 1774, later owned by the Curwens, poem The Island in Windermere, The Property of Thomas English Esq, (stampacc.880) (AHC, 187)

English, John Wilkinson (1903-1969), film director, b. Cumberland, went to Canada, film credits include Zorro Rides Again (1937), The Drums of Fu Manchu (1940), Westward Ho ! (1942), My Friend Flicka (1943), Roy Rogers films and a large number of what used to be known as B movies

Errol, earl of, see Hay

Erskine, Hay Macdowell (1810-1896), MA, clergyman, born in June 1810, educ Christ Church, Oxford (BA 1833, MA 1837), contemporary and friend of Gladstone and Manning, served in parishes of Hastings, Forthampton, Woburn, Apsley Guise 1864-68, and Woburn Sands 1868-1874, came to Long Marton at age of 63 as rector until 1896, noted for his philanthropy, esp providing £200 endowment fund for erection of Parish Institute in 1893-94 (designed by George Stampa, with large windows, bellcote and porch on north side and containing library, games room and upper room for meetings), died at Rectory, aged 86, and buried in Long Marton churchyard, 18 December 1896 (G H Winterburn, Long Marton, (1983), 39-41, inc photograph)

Escott, Mary Salome Hay Sweet (1846-1910), daughter of the Rev Hay Sweet Escott, rector of Kilve (Som), b.Ventnor Isle of Wight, m. Rev George Crewdson (qv), d. Windermere

Espriella, Don Manuel Alvarez, pseudonym of Robert Southey q.v., in his Letters from England, 1807, described cannon echoes at Lodore; Norman Nicholson’s Lakeland ed Hunt, 1991, p.318

Essex, Col. Thomas Cowper, artist, see Cowper

Evans, Arthur, journalist, son in law of James Melville (qv), inherited his collection of local history material and carried on a long series of articles on local history in the NW Evening Mail at Barrow, author of Lake County Villains (1993)

Evans, Caroline (c.1966-2022), occupational therapist and NHS administrator, born Penrith, dau of John Sharpe a policeman and his wife Lorna Mills matron of a care home, educ QUEGS, studied occupational therapy at Liverpool Inst of HE, began at St James hospital Leeds in 1988, in 1995 became clinical manager of the Woodlands hospice, returned to Cumbria in clinical roles and moved into management in 2010, est a new neuroscience service in 2012 and then became associate director of operations in community services managing more than 1000 staff, finally est eight integrated community care communities, marr Tim, two daus; Guardian obit 16 April 2022

Evans, Revd Francis (c.1813-1868), Congregational minister, Minister of Congregational chapel, Soutergate, Ulverston for 26 years, died 16 August 1868, aged 55; widow Sarah died 31 May 1904 and buried at Norwood cemetery, dau Mary Margaret died 10 September 1858, aged 9 weeks (MI in chapel)

Evans, Rev Frank, clergyman, established the Ulverston Lecture Society which ran for many years, numbering Oscar Wilde (qv) among its guest speakers

Evans, Revd George Bramwell (18xx-1943), Methodist minister, ‘Romany of the BBC’, Methodist minister in Carlisle for 14 years until 1926, known for organising Sunday evening services in the local picture house, experienced the  countryside as regular visitor to Potter family of Old Parks farm at Glassonby in Edenvale, had a ‘vardo’ or horse-drawn caravan, his radio series ‘Out with Romany’ broadcast from Manchester 1933 to 1943, died in 1943, ashes scattered on a hillock at Old Parks Farm, with memorial (LDF, 29-31)

Evans, Gwynne (1940-1964), murderer, born Maryport, killed John West in Seaton, Workington in 1964 with Peter Allen (born in Cheshire), hanged at Manchester later in 1964 (Allen hanged in Liverpool)

Evans, Revd Robert Wilson (179x-1866), BD, clergyman, ed Shrewsbury and Trinity College, Cambridge, vicar Tarvin, then vicar of Heversham 1842-1866 (inducted 15 August 1842), first Archdeacon of Westmorland (collated 29 May 1856 (CRO, WD/K/111), resigned on account of old age by end of 1864, being succ by Canon Cooper, (qv), moved vicarage from site of present Blue Bell to High Leasgill, first chairman of proprietors and occupiers of land in Helsington, Underbarrow and Levens (under Drainage Award of 1843) 1844-1859, noted author of the time, Tales of the Ancient British Church (1840), The Bishopric of the Soul (1842) and many sermons in print, died at Heversham vicarage, 10 March 1866, aged 76, and buried at Heversham, 16 March; Jane Amelia Evans also died at Heversham vicarage, aged 76, and buried at Heversham, 13 June 1862; Georgiana Elizabeth Evans died at Heversham vicarage, aged 74, and buried at Heversham, 4 September 1863 – which is his wife?

Evening, Isaac (19thc), printer and publisher, Station St., Cockermouth, printed the Guide to Cockermouth by Askew (1872), complaints about the 1st edition mentioned in the preface of the 2nd

Everard, Joan, MBE  (1933-2021) social worker, born Rochdale, moved in childhood to Walney Island, educ Barrow Girls Grammar School, interrupted by the war and suspected TB, spent time at High Carley hospital, her brother Philip a doctor, and brother Ivan an engineer, before her marriage she looked after the children of Dr Philip Waind (qv), joined Barrow council’s children’s service, sent to Manchester university, married Brian Everard, mother of Christopher and Louise, period in Norway with Brian, keen on music singing in Barrow Madrigal Group, a voluntary social worker and latterly much involved with war veterans as Divisional Secretary of the SSAFA, supporting them and their families with growing numbers after the wars in Falklands, Bosnia and Iraq with negligible government support, school governor, presented with MBE by the Queen

Everest, Elizabeth (1832-1895), Churchill’s nurse in childhood, he described her as ‘my dearest and most intimate friend’, they kept in touch and he paid for her tomb at City of London cemetery at Newham, prior to being with the Churchills, for twelve years she looked after Ella Phillips, daughter of the Rev Thompson Phillips q.v., in Cumberland and later in Furness; Churchill’s valet Frank Sawyers qv

Evill, Norman, architect, designed Barn Close at Stanwix, Carlisle, for Edwin and Maud Scott-BNicholson (qv).

Ewbank, John Nelson (18xx-19xx), local councillor, apptd Honorary Freeman of Appleby in 1950 for over 25 years’ service as councillor and alderman of Appleby Borough Council, inc one term as mayor 1934-35

Ewbank, Sir Robert Benson (1883-1967), son of the Rev John Ewbank, vicar of Boltongate, CSI, CIE, colonial civil servant, ed Carlisle GS and Queen’s College, Oxford, deputy secretary to the government of India 1920-24, then to East Africa and Newfoundland, late ICS, of Tongue Gill, Grasmere, and later of The Abbey, Carlisle, High Sheriff of Westmorland 1957, chairman, LD Cttee NT 1948-1962, Armitt Trustee 1947-1963

Ewbank, Revd Walter Frederick (1918-2014), clergyman, son of Sir Robert Ewbank qv, b. in Poona, ed. Shrewsbury and Balliol, d and p, curate St Martin, Bowness on Windermere, then successively vicar of Ings, Casterton, Raughton Head and Carlisle, apptd Diocesan Youth Chaplain in 1949, succ Revd John McClintock, archdeacon Westmorland and Furness 1971-77; obit Church Times 9 May 2014

Ewbanke, George William Dalston- (c.1849-1912), landowner, of Borrenthwaite, North Stainmore, buried at Brough, 2 July 1912, aged 63; George Michael Dalston-Ewbanke, of Borrenthwaite, buried at Brough, 31 July 1963, aged 72; Ann Ewbanke, of Borrenthwaite, buried at Brough, 2 June 1890, aged 74; Cora Tertia Dalston-Ewbanke buried at Brough, 25 July 1894, aged 3 and half months; Edward Ravensworth Dalston-Ewbanke buried at Brough, 17 July 1896, aged 1 year; Mary Anne Annas Ravensworth Dalston-Ewbanke, of Borrenthwaite, buried at Brough, 8 November 1948, aged 81

Exley, Catherine (early 19thc), diarist, wife of a soldier of the 34th (Cumberland) regiment in the Peninsula campaign; CWAAS newsletter Spring 2022, 99, 10