Faber, Frederick William (1814-1863; ODNB), C of E clergyman and RC priest, poet and author of 100 popular hymns including ‘Faith of our Fathers’, educ privately by Revd John Gibson at Kirkby Stephen, later at Shrewsbury School, Harrow School, and University College, Oxford (fellow 1837), kept cottage in Lake District from 1837 to 1842, lived with Benson Harrisons at Green Bank, Ambleside, befriended Wordsworth, tutored Matthew Harrison (qv) from 1840 and travelled with him on continent in 1841, curate of Ambleside 1841-1842, converted to catholicism, ordained RC priest in 1847; FWF, Hymns, 1862 (a collected edition)

Fagan, Edith OBE JP (1867-1937) was the daughter of Major Gen James Lawtie Fagan (Maj Gen William Turton qv), she married Sir George Washington Baxter Bt (1853-1926), manufacturer and politician of Forfar, (son of William Edward Baxter of Dundee MP (1825-1890), linen manufacturer and philanthropist), and lived at Ashness, in Borrowdale (why the OBE ?); Hud (C); his papers are at Dundee university library

Fagan, Maj Gen William Turton ((1831-1890), Bengal Staff Corps, his daughter Beatrice married Sir James Morton JP LLD FRSE (1867-1943) of Dalston Hall, the general’s relative Major Gen James Lawtie Fagan (1843-1919) Bombay Staff Corps was the father of Edith Fagan (qv)

Fahy, Terence Geoffrey (1925-1990), MA, DPA, DPsych, psychologist and genealogist, of Shaw End, Patton, Kendal, moved to USA, obtained his driving licence on 6 September 1985 and drove 300 miles every week to give lectures ‘at various colleges on the Reservation’, also bought house in Martin, South Dakota (letter to CRO, 24 January 1986), kept in touch with Roy Hudleston and Margaret Russell on family history matters (papers in CRO, WD/TGF) (WG, 01.06.1990)

Fair, Mary Cicely (1874-1955), polymath, pioneer radiologist, naturalist, genealogist, archaeologist, photographer and novelist, b. Barton-on-Irwell, d. of Revd Thomas Wilson Fair (qv), of Eskdale, trained in medical science, worked in the X-Ray department at University College Hospital and damaged her hands in experimental work, joined the merchant navy as an unqualified medic, trained in radio for the ships, returned north and lived Eskdale with her father and later alone at The Ferns, wrote several books including those on the La’al Ratty, studied a range of natural history subjects and was keen on the Herdwick breed, friend of the huntsman Tommy Dobson of Eskdale, an excellent lecturer, spoke on the BBC, tramped to outlying farms and cottages to support children with fresh milk and cod liver oil, owned an early 1890s Kodak folding camera and took quantities of exposures, sold some to magazines, drove a Trojan 2 cylinder vehicle, her mss were ‘destroyed by a land mine’ during the war, Hon Member, CWAAS 1948, a much loved and appreciated local character, died Whitehaven infirmary, 10 February 1955, aged 80, her ashes scattered at Garrigill on Wilson territory; her estate has given financial help to certain antiquarian projects (CW2, liv, 307-310); articles in CWAAS Transactions; significant photographic collection Tullie House; obit Whitehaven News 24 Feb 1955, C News 18 Feb 1955, Lord Rea of Eskdale qv, another friend, wrote a memoir Whitehaven News 17 Feb 1955 which refers to her ‘crisp opinions’

Fair, Thomas Wilson (c.1842-1911), MA, merchant and clergyman, son of Thomas Fair (d.1848, aged 53), of Frenchfield, Penrith, and Betty (marr.1831, d.1883), dau of Jacob Wilson (1770-1858), of Alston House, Alston, dau Mary Cicely (qv), went to Australia, returned and ran own business in Manchester and Newcastle, educ Jesus College, Cambridge (BA 1881, MA 1885), d 1882, p 1883 (Win), Curate of Newchurch, Isle of Wight 1882-1885 and of Holy Trinity, Ryde 1886-1903, Vicar of Eskdale 1904-1911, died 1911, aged 68

Fairbairn, Walker (1869-1935), OBE, JP, local councillor, born at Kirkoswald, 20 November 1869, 4th of five children of Joseph Fairbairn (d.1881) and his wife Margaret (nee Walker), family moved to Barrow-in-Furness in 1881 after death of his father at age of 49, marr (6 September 1894, at Wesleyan church, Hindpool Road, Barrow) Emma Kerr, 2 sons and 2 daus, went to work for Messrs J H Charles, wholesale grocers and provision merchants, Whittaker Street, Barrow (John Henry Charles prob an uncle, coming from Dungannon/Cookstown district of co Tyrone, where his elder brother Thomas moved and married a Margaret Charles), left Charles to start his own business as a grocer and baker in Earl Street, followed by a grocery shop at 61 Cavendish Street in 1924, with a third shop opening in Kendal later in 1924 (to be run by his younger son, Walker), entered local politics as a councillor (elected on 17 May 1909), Alderman (4 July 1921), and Mayor of Barrow (9 November 1921), serving a three-year term, first duty being to attend unveiling of cenotaph in Barrow Public Park on 11 November 1921, JP 1921, his dau Marjorie’s father-in-law, Councillor Archibald Barrie, was often opposing, spent much time in London trying to get work for town  during the depression, retired from council in September 1927, appointed OBE in New Year 1934, died at his home in Mikasa Street, Walney Island, Barrow, 18 December 1935, aged 66, and buried in Barrow cemetery, 22 December (FFHS Newsletter, No.100, November 2012; grandfather of contributor, Julia Fairbairn)

Fairish, William, Carlisle Chartist; CW3 xv 201 [check spelling of Fairish see below entry for Farish]

Faithfull, Ferdinand (17xx-18xx), clergyman, curate in London for 3 yrs until nominated to stipendiary curacy of St George’s Chapel, Kendal in December 1828 (licensed on 22 December), apptd chaplain to House of Correction at Kendal with salary of £15 pa, 12 January 1829, of Hill house, Kendal (1829), but resigned on 23 April 1830 on preferment to Headley in Surrey, still rector of Headley in 1858 (CRO, Kendal, DRC/10; WQ/O14)

Falcon, Gordon (18xx-19xx), solicitor and coroner, partner with Paisley, Falcon & Skerry, solicitors, 23 Bridge Street, Workington, and coroner for West Cumberland and Lordship & Manor of Egremont, of Stainburn, Workington (1906)

Falcon, Michael (1696-1771), shipbuilder of Whitehaven, his grandson William (d.1815) married Jane the daughter of Harrison of Stainburn (qv); Hud (C)

Falcon, Revd Robert Steward (1829-1887), MA, clergyman, er son of Robert Falcon, MD (1789-1859), of Whitehaven, and Margaret Steward, his wife, educ Queen’s College, Oxford (MA, Fellow), succ his uncle, Anthony Benn Steward (qv) in 1881 and assumed addnl surname and arms of Steward in 1883, died in 1887 and succ by his nephew, son of his yr brother, Revd Thomas William Falcon (qv)

Falcon, Revd Thomas William (1832-1883), MA, clergyman, yr brother of Revd R S Steward (qv), educ Queen’s College, Oxford (MA, Fellow), of Clifton House, Workington, marr, 1 son, William Watts Curwen Falcon (1881-1911), who assumed addnl surname of Steward in 1902, and had only son, Commander Hugh William Falcon-Steward, RN, of Newton Manor, Gosforth

Falconer, Revd Hugh (18xx-19xx), MA, DD Edin, Minister of Presbyterian Church of England, Fisher Street, Carlisle, author of Merrie Carlisle and Poems of Tradition (1913), The Maid of Shulam, and The Unfinished Symphony, of 10 Eden Mount, Stanwix, Carlisle (1921), gone by 1925

Falder, see Faulder

Falkus, Hugh Edward Lance (1917-1996; ODNB), writer, film maker and angler, son of a Surrey bank manager, m. at least four times, several children, 2nd wife Diana Vaughan died in dramatic circumstances, lived latterly in Eskdale at Cragg cottage, specialised in natural history, made prizewinning film Signals for Survival for the BBC with Niko Tinbergen (qv) on the gulls of Walney island, 2nd WW flew spitfires, shot down and POW

Fallona, Revd Vincent (d.1961), Roman Catholic priest, priest-in-charge of Arnside and Milnthorpe parish in 1952, lodged with the Murrays in Arnside, died in March 1961

Fallowfield, John (1726-1802), druggist, born Bolton (W), settled in Cornmarket, Penrith, establishing the chemist’s shop which traded until the present, lived Sothernby House, Castle Sowerby, his sons carried on the business but his youngest son, a surgeon, joined the East India Co and was later of Watermillock and Brisco Hill; Hud (C)

Fallowfield, John (1752-1834), druggist, son of John (1726-1802), his son John (1779-1831) a miscellaneous writer, published essays and poems including The Husbandman and Tradesman’s Gardening Calendar……(including) the Ordering of Bees (1791) and The Kind Instructor consisting of miscellaneous Essays, Poems, Anecdotes and Maxims calculated to inform the ignorant, reform the reprobate and discourage indolency and extravagance (1795); Hud (C)

Fallows, Fearon (1788-1831; ODNB), FRS, astronomer, born at Cockermouth (in house next to Wordsworth), 4 July 1788, son of John Fallows, hand-loom weaver (also acted as clerk in Bridekirk parish), brought up in father’s trade but keen student of mathematics, apptd assistant to headmaster of Plumbland School, entd St John’s College, Cambridge in October 1809 with support of anonymous patron, third wrangler in maths tripos, lecturer in mathematics at Corpus Christi College for 2 years, then elected Fellow of St John’s College, ordained deacon 1815 and priest 1819, FRS in June 1820, marr (1821) Mary Anne, dau of Revd H A Hervey (qv), 1 son (d. young), apptd Astronomer of Observatory at Cape of Good Hope (established by order in council on 20 October 1820), here he catalogued 300 stars, died of scarlet fever at Simonstown on 25 July 1831 and buried in front of observatory; widow returned to England with all his papers and observations; plaque on his house off Main St. Cockermouth, adjacent to Wordsworth House

Fallows, William Gordon (1913-1979), bishop, b. Barrow-in-Furness, ed Barrow GS and St Edmund Hall, Oxford, bishop Pontefract and then Sheffield; portrait on oldbarrovians.org/alumni

Fancy, Harry (1937-2014), museum curator, b. Stockport, worked at Whitehaven for 21 years, initially at the Cupola (now town hall) and later at the Civic Centre, tremendous local knowledge, a good photographer, he was not enthusiastic about The Beacon as the Whitehaven paintings are insufficiently on display, his notable purchases included the Beilby Goblet and at least one work by Robert Salmon (qv), published The Life and Interesting Times of Joseph Ritson Wallace (1805-1895) (qv) in 1910, a Distington museum curator, retired 1996 to Isle of Man and later returned to Nether Kellett, very generous with his expertise and greatly assisted David Cross when he was working on Whitehaven artists; Whitehaven News 21 Oct 2014

Fane family, earls of Westmorland, six of them in the ODNB, though they held this title they had little to do with the county

Fane, Francis (1583-1628; ODNB), 1st earl of Westmorland

Fane, Francis (1825-1891; ODNB), 12th earl of Westmorland

Fane, Harriet (1793-1834), diarist, social observer and political hostess, granddaughter of the 8th earl of Westmorland, married Charles Arbuthnot MP, close friend of the 1st duke of Wellington

Fane, John (1682-1762; ODNB), 7th earl of Westmorland

Fane, John (1759-1841; ODNB), 10th earl of Westmorland

Fane, John (1784-1859; ODNB), 11th earl of Westmorland

Fane, Mildmay (1602-1666; ODNB), 2nd earl of Westmorland

Faraday, James (1761-1810), blacksmith of Outhgill near Kirkby Stephen and his wife Margaret Hastwell (1764-1838) dau of a farmer at Mallerstang, were the parents of the natural philosopher, scientific adviser and Sandemanian, Michael Faraday (1791-1867; ODNB) (qv)

Faraday, Michael (1791-1867; ODNB), son of James Faraday (qv) and Margaret Hastwell, from Outhgill near Kirkby Stephen, his father was a blacksmith, but Michael was born in London as his parents left Kirkby Stephen at the end of 1790, apprent to a bookseller and learned bookbinding, interest in science early on, attended lectures at City Philosophical Soc and Royal Institution where he met Humphrey Davy qv, lab assistant at the Institution and progressed up the hierarchy to be professor of chemistry, discovered bezene and worked on electrochemistry, his work on electro magnetism paved the way for the invention of the electric motor, also invented a Bunsen type burner earlier than the German scientist Robert WE Bunsen (1811-1899), who gets the credit,

Faraday, Robert (1788-1846), brass fitter, born Clapham, early life Kirkby Stephen, son of James Faraday and his wife Margaret Hastwell, dau of a Mallerstang farmer, brother of Michael Faraday (qqv), ran a gas fitting and lighting company from 114 Wardour St, London, marr Margaret Leighton, died in a fall from his gig, the firm continued under his son and grandson; portrait by Ellen Sharples

Farington, Alexander (c.1660-1699), schoolmaster, b. Preston c.1660, MA Oxford, aged 21 in 1681 appointed headmaster of Kendal grammar school, d and p, then vicar  of Penrith from 1695-99

Farington, Joseph (1747-1821; ODNB), RA, landscape painter and diarist, born in Lancashire, lived in north country 1776-1780, published Views of the Lakes of Cumberland and Westmorland (1785), his set of 20 large views of the lakes were popular and were sold at Peter Crosthwaite’s Museum in Keswick (delivered prints himself on 17 July 1792); Farington’s Diary, ed J Greig, 8 vols (1922-28) tells many stories about the members of the RA and the artistic life of the late 18thc to early 19thc

Farish, Charles (fl.early 19thc.), of St Cuthbert’s, Carlisle (related to the Gilpins see Captain JB Gilpin qv DCB), author of Minstrels of Winandermere (1811)

Farish, James, clergyman, vicar of Stanwix, Carlisle

Farish, Stephen (1727-1785), mariner, diarist; CW3 v 243

Farish, William (1759-1837; ODNB), MA, BD, clergyman and chemistry teacher, born in 1759, one of at least three sons of Revd James Farish (qv), educ Carlisle Grammar School and Magdalene College, Cambridge (admitted sizar in March 1774, BA 1778 as senior wrangler and first Smith’s prizeman, fellow and tutor, MA 1781), d 1780 and p 1782, BD 1820, rector of Little Stonham, Suffolk from 1836, where he died, 12 January 1837

Farish, William (1818-1896), hand-loom weaver and Chartist, born at Carlisle in 1818, first started work as a bobbin wheel operative at age of eight, graduating to loom two years later, endured a period of decline of hand-loom weaving industry, involved in Chartist activities in Carlisle, travelled widely and settled in Chester, autobiography published in 1889 (Caliban Books, 1996) (www.stevebulman); Emma Griffin, The Making of the Chartists: Popular Politics and Working Class Autobiography, English Historical Review, vol.129, no 538 [June 2014], 578-605

Farlam, Solomon de (fl. early 13thc), gave land to Lanercost Priory; Hud (C)

Farmer, Revd George (16xx-1724), MA, clergyman, ordained by Bishop Thomas Barlow of Lincoln, 21 September 1689, presented by Trinity College, Cambridge, instituted and inducted on 21 May 1691, succ Thomas Ridley, as Vicar of Heversham, signed the anti-Jacobite “Association” formed in support of William III, 14 July 1696, possessions and rights of vicar recorded during his incumbency in terrier of 1701 (vicarage with two bays, barn, stable, and garden but no orchard, no glebe land but for two little paddocks or yards, and no lands free of tithe, but vicar only received small tithes of ancient demesne lands of Heversham Hall, in addition to his income from endowment of living valued at £66 6s 8d.), new paten purchased (inscribed ‘For the service of Heversham in the County of Westmorland 1713’) for £2 19s. 4d. on 19 July 1713, died unmarried and buried at Heversham, 7 February 1723/24 (CRO, DRC 10; WQ/I/4; WPR 8/4/1; ECW, II, 952, 980; CH, 42-43)

Farmer, J H (1811-1872), journalist, Editor of Westmorland Gazette, issued with James Routledge a Local Chronology of Kendal (to end of 1840) in 1865, spent 28 yrs in Kendal, when taken ill with dysentery on 29 July 1872, went to Arnside on 17 August for a few days but returned home and died on 28 August, aged just turned 61

Farndell, Cynthia (d.1970), piano teacher and accompanist of Kathleen Ferrier; involved with Carlisle and District Musical Festival 1930-1970; Cumberland News 26th March 1970

Farquhar, Maria Townsend, Lady Farquhar (c.1790-1872), of Dale Lodge, Grasmere (1858, 1873), buried in Grasmere churchyard, 31 August 1872, aged 82 , perhaps =  Maria Frances Geslip, 2nd dau of Joseph Frances Louis de Lautour, of Madras, marr 1st (10 January 1809) Sir Robert Townsend-Farquhar, 1st Bt (d.1830), 2nd son of Sir Walter Farqhar, 1st Bt, 1 son (Sir Walter MintoTownsend-Farqhar, 2nd Bt), marr 2nd (15 February 1834) Captain Thomas Hamilton (d.s.p.1842), yr brother of Sir William Stirling-Hamilton, 9th Bt. of Preston, employed French cook from whom Sarah Nelson is reputed to have obtained recipe for Grasmere gingerbread, died 27 August 1875 [sic] (BP, 1904)

Farquhar, Sir Robert Townsend-, 6th Bt (1841-1924), born 26 September 1841, yst son of Sir Walter Minto Farquhar, 2nd Bt (1809-1866) and Erica Catherine Mackay (d.1899), testamentary heiress of 7th Lord Reay, and grandson of Maria, Lady Farquhar (qv), educ RMA, Lieut, RA, succ his brother, Sir John Henry, in 1877, declined to join Lake District Association ‘as a temporary occupier of a cottage in Grasmere’ (letter of 13 February 1878 to G Gatey, in CRO, WDX 269), when of Easedale Lodge, author of a book of poetry A Shilling for My Thoughts (1890) (copy in CRO, WD/Ry/121/13), died at 5 Oriental Place, Brighton, 30 June 1924, aged 82, and buried in Grasmere cemetery, 4 July

Farrall, Thomas (1837-1894), teacher, dialect writer and authority on agriculture, born at Low Mill, Embleton, near Cockermouth, ed Durham training college, first post at the tiny Isel school, then Wetherall and Dovenby, lectured part time at Aspatria college of agriculture, died aged 57 and buried at Aspatria, numerous pseudonyms including ‘Bachelor Joe’ and ‘Wise Wiff’, author Betty Wilson’s Cummerland Teals, great raconteur

Farrar, Constance Lily MBE (1887-1968) (nee Adams), clergy wife, born at Rosano, Argentina, daughter of the Rev George Adolphus Adams (1856-1936) later of Erith, Kent, her father’s four siblings were born between 1859-1868 in Montevideo, Uruguay where her grandfather was also a priest, Constance married at the age of 18 the Rev Ivor Farrar (1874-1944) (qv), the vicar of Millom, she moved with him as the vicar of Grange over Sands in 1907 where they lived until 1916, in 1911 the census records as a visitor George Iliff (1867-1946) the missionary Bishop of Shandong, then the Farrars moved to London as Ivor was unwell and needed considerable care, he worked 1923-7 as a curate at St John’s, Fitzroy Square, eventually they settled in the small parish of St Mark’s at Brithdir in North Wales, Constance was an artist manqué  and recorded several domestic interiors, here in the church designed (1895) by Henry Wilson (1864-1934), they enjoyed the Arts and Crafts details of the interior including beaten and moulded copper and pews carved with zoomorphic figures, as they had no children Constance devoted her life to parish work and to the promotion of local National Savings groups, supporting the organisation established in 1916 to finance deficits in government spending, for this she was awarded an MBE, she was buried with Ivor at Brithdir

Farrar, Ivor (1874-1944), clergyman, born Marlborough, 14 September 1874, son of the Very Revd. Frederic William Farrar (1831-1903; ODNB), later Dean of Canterbury and his wife Lucy Cardew, educated at Westminster School, 1887-91, Trinity College, Cambridge (M.A. 1899) and Ridley Hall, Cambridge, 1896, deacon at London for Canterbury 1897, priested at Dover in 1899, curate of Walmer, Kent, 1897-1900 and St, Michael, Chester Square, SW1, 1900-03, vicar of St. George, Millom with St. Luke, Haverigg, 1903-08; perpetual curate of Grange-over-Sands, 1908-16, curate of St. John, Fitzroy Square, W1, 1923-27, during the war chaplain to the Y.M.C.A. in the Italian theatre of war from 8 December 1916, retired to Plas Hen, Brithdir, Dolgellau, Gwynnedd, Wales, died on 28 June 1944, buried Brithdir

Farrer, see Fayrer

Farrer, Captain Henry (d.1800) of Scaleby Hall, East India Co maritime service, and his brother James, a solicitor, ‘played important parts in the sad story of Mary Eleanor, the countess of Strathmore’ (1749-1800), they were sons of the Rev James Farrer, vicar of Brignall (Y), Henry commanded the True Briton and died in St Helena, his son Henry (1798-1853) married Frances dau of Rowland Fawcett of Scaleby Castle (qv); Hud (C); Ralph Arnold, The Unhappy Countess, 1957 explains the bullying she endured from her predatory second husband Andrew Robinson Stoney (later Stoney-Bowes) (1747-1810); WM Thackeray used the tale for The Luck of Barry Lyndon (1844) (later a film by Stanley Kubrick)

Farrer, John (fl.1819-mid 19thc), tea and coffee merchant, 13 Stricklandgate, Kendal, married Anne XXX of Greyrigg, son John Farrer II

Farrer, John (18xx-1894x97), tea and coffee merchant, of 13 Stricklandgate, Kendal, and (home) of 40 Stramongate, Kendal (1885, 1894), marr, son (Edward, of 7 Airethwaite (1905) and daus (Annie and Lucy, wife of James Harrison (qv)) [Misses Farrer at 40 Stramongate and Mrs John Farrer, jun (Eliza Ann) at 6 Albert Road East, Kendal Green, in 1897/1905]

Farrer, John (1843-1930), architect, born at Sleagill and bapt (with sister Hannah) at Morland, 5 November 1843, son of Hannah Farrer, single woman, from long established family of yeoman farmers and builders, little education (unlike his cousin, William, whose attendance at Appleby Grammar School was paid for by his father Joseph), worked for six years with his uncle in his firm of builders and agricultural engineers, living as carpenter with his sister and family of his aunt Sarah Bowman in Hilton in 1861, left for London about 1865 and articled to James Wesley Reed, architect and surveyor in Hornsey, practised as architect in London, planned Warner estate in north London (houses built 1898-1909), encouraged others like himself who had come to find work in London and involved in The Westmorland Society in London (party to agreement in 1924, CRO, WDSo 91/30), died 26 July 1930 (The Man who changed Hornsey by Janet Owen, HHS, 2009)

Farrer, John Anson (1849-1925), barrister and writer, born London, educ Balliol, lived Ingleborough, JP Westmorland, published: Primitive Manners and Customs (1879), Zululand and the Zulus (1879), Books Condemned to be Burnt (1892), Literary Forgeries [seek date BL]

Farrer, Mabel (c.1895-1947) policewoman, born Braithwaite, trained in London, appointed by Margaret Damer Dawson (1873-1920; ODNB) the co-founder of the Women’s Police Volunteers in 1914 as an early special constable at Gretna from 1917 supporting the munitions factory which employed 12,000 young women, paid £2 per week and one shilling a week boot allowance, soon she was one of 170 women police constables there and in October 1918 moved to Northampton, retiring as a sergeant in 1947 on a pension of £182 p.a.; Gretna’s Devil’s Porridge Bowl Museum has information and a photograph

Farrer, Montagu, army officer, major in the Inniskilling dragoons, retired 1743, lived Scotch St Carlisle and was involved in the defence of Carlisle in 1745, High Sheriff 1741, his daughter Elizabeth (1725-1781) married Capt Francis Lind 14th Foot, and her sister Margaret (b.1731) married Dr James Ainslie (qv); Hud (C)

Farrer, Reginald (1880-1920; ODNB), botanist, toured China with Purdom qv sponsored by W.G. Groves of Holehird qv, publications include My Rock Garden [1907], and Alpines and Bog Plants [1908], Viburnum farreri and other plants named after him

Farrer, William (1861-1924; ODNB), DLitt, JP, historian and genealogist, formerly Ecroyd (assumed surname and arms of Farrer under will of his great-uncle, 1896), DLitt (Manchester), of Whitbarrow Lodge, Witherslack, Westmorland County Councillor from 1917, Vice-President, CWAAS 1903 and elected member from 1887, vice-president of Chetham Society from 1915, died at Forsjord, Mosjoen, Norway, 17 August 1924 (CW2, xxiv, 383); Ellen Jane Farrer, of Whitbarrow Lodge, buried at Witherslack, 4 June 1897, aged 38

Farrer, William (1872-1949), of Olrig Bank and Lambrigg Foot, nr Kendal, descendant of Thomas Farrer (b.1804), wife Ellen Louisa (d. 14 March 1972; will dated 28 January 1972 and proved Newcastle DPR, 12 October 1972), purchased ground for lease to Kendal Cricket Club 1936, died 2 May 1949 (CRO, WD/Fa)

Farrer, William James (1845-1906; ODNB), agronomist, specialising in wheat breeding, born at Docker in Lambrigg, near Kendal, 3 April 1845 and privately bapt at Grayrigg, 9 May, eldest of four children of Thomas Farrer and Sarah (d.1853), dau of John Brunskill, educ Christ’s Hospital (1853-1864) and Pembroke College, Cambridge (1864-1868), intended to enter medical profession, but tuberculosis and friendship with Australian fellow student persuaded him to emigrate to Australia in 1870, took up surveying New South Wales lands department 1875-1886, marr (11 September 1882) Nina, dau of Leopold Fane de Salis, of Cuppacumbalong Station, near Tharwa [ACT], no children, settled on property, Lambrigg, near Tharwa, in 1894 and devoted himself to wheat improvement, concentrating on rust resistance, adaptability, and flour quality instead of yields, apptd wheat experimentalist with NSW agriculture dept in 1898 and built up new seed varieties (esp Federation and Florence), died at Lambrigg, 16 April 1906 and buried there, 18 April (MOK, 122-123)

Farrer, William Maurice (19xx-1994), son of William Farrer (qv), of Whitbarrow and latterly (1993) of Fairhaven, Kents Bank Road, Grange-over-Sands, father of Trevor Maurice Farrer, CBE, died 7 January 1994

Farrington, Alexander (c.1660-1699), BA, clergyman and schoolmaster, son of Lawrence Farrington, of Preston, educ Brasenose College, Oxford (matric 15 July 1676, aged 16, BA 1680), Master of Kendal Grammar School 1681-1694, Vicar of Penrith 1694/5 until his death in 1699 (AoH, 60)

Farquar, Sir Horace Brand (1844-1923; ODNB), businessman, banker and politician, marr Emilie dau of Lt Col Henry Packe of Hurleston, Northants, was cr viscount and later earl Farquar, a friend of Edward VII, master of the royal household to Edward and George V, died an undisclosed bankrupt, described as ‘a cavalier financier’

Farquar,  (later Townsend-Farquar), Sir Robert (1776-1830), first British Governor of Mauritius, second son of Sir Walter 1st bt., visited the Lakes to meet the poets, married Maria Frances de Lautour, one of her sons Sir Horace Brand Farquar (1844-1923) was cr viscount and earl, a friend of Edward VII

Fatio, Louisa Martha (1763-1834), born in London, daughter of Francis Philippe Fatio, a Swiss army officer and his Italian wife Marie Crispel, who moved to London, in 1771 the family went to St Augustine, south of Jacksonville, Florida and established a plantation, her father became an officer from 1775 during the American Revolution, in 1777 she met and married George Bruere Jr (1744-1786) when she was only fourteen, he succeeded his father George Bruere Sr as governor of Bermuda in 1780, she had large dark eyes and curly brown hair, was ‘gay, pleasure loving, affectionate and loyal’ and could speak and write in four languages, being more like her Italian mother than her staid Swiss father, conflict between British and American factions on the island led to Bruere’s removal in 1782, soon after this he died and she married Col John Hallowes (qv) in 1787, she was 24 and he was 58, and they lived in England, for a while she ‘followed the drum’, one son was born in Penrith in 1788 and she lived there for a few years, when the Col retired in 1795 they were in straitened circumstances for a while and gave up their daughter Juliana for adoption by friends in Dublin, moving to Kent things improved and eventually they had five more sons, when Hallowes died she moved to Cleobury Mortimer in Shropshire where she died; Hud (C); hallowesgenealogy.co.uk

Faulder, Joseph (1730-1816), artist, founder of Cockermouth School of painters, M. E.  Burkett, Cockermouth School

Faulder, J H, BSc (Agric, Dunelm), NDD, Principal of Newton Rigg College 1925-1947

Fausset, Hugh I’Anson (1895-1965) poet, b. Sedbergh, son of vicar of Killington, Westmorland, educated Sedbergh, reviewer TLS and Guardian, wrote poems, drama, lit crit, on William Cowper and his autobiography, friend of Percy Withers q.v. lived Forge Cottage, Little Walen, Saffron Walden, d. Cambridge

Fawcett, Christopher, sr (17xx-1835), Governor, House of Correction, Kendal, died of injuries following a disturbance in Finkle Street, Kendal, October 1835

Fawcett, Christopher, jnr (1810-18xx), born in Kendal in 1810, appointed governor of the House of Correction in place of his father Christopher above 1835, marr Elizabeth (Betsy) Kendal, son (Christopher, bapt 4 August 1843, died 18 November 1874 and buried at St Thomas’ church, 21 November; photo in volunteer’s uniform with bugle in Annie Smith’s album, CRO, WD/MD/acc.10469)

Fawcett, Henry (1833-1884; ODNB), economist and politician, born at Salisbury, 26 August 1833, son of William Fawcett, who had been born at Kirkby Lonsdale, 31 March 1793, but had left for London about 1812

Fawcett, James (1730-1803) was the son of James Fawcett of Scaleby Castle (d.1729), he married Agnes dau of Henry Stephenson of Docker Garth (W) and she was the sister of Rowland Stephenson MP for Carlisle (1728-1807) (qv), also of Scaleby; Hud (C)

Fawcett, James (1886-11 October 1835), policeman, fatally kicked when on duty and making arrests following street disturbances in Kendal

Fawcett, James, governor of the House of Correction, Shaw’s Brow, Kendal (1829)

Fawcett, John (fl.1648/50), clerk to Committee for Sequestrations for County of Westmorland, meeting at Kendal [present at first meeting: John Bradshawe, esq, Robert Hide, esq, Richard Branthwaite, Edward Werdon, Gervase Benson, Roger Bateman, John Archer, and Mathew Atkinson, gents, sworn before Thomas Sandes, Mayor of Kendal and one of the Justices sitting by ordinance of Parliament] (minute book of orders and resolutions from 26 September 1648 to 21 January 1649/50 in CRO, WD/CAT/22/acc.10559)

Fawcett, John (1789-1867), psalmody composer, born at Wennington, near Lancaster, 8 December 1789, of Wesleyan Methodist family, followed father as apprentice shoemaker, moved to Kendal by 1798, developed early love of music, listening to organ voluntaries in parish church, joined singing class, mastered flute and attempted to teach himself composition from Christopher Sympson’s A Compendium; or Introduction to Practical Music (London, first pub 1665, ninth edn 1775), but found it of little use, one of first pieces a political song (‘New brooms sweep clean’), apptd choirmaster at St George’s chapel, Kendal in 1806 with salary of £5 a year, taught himself to play hymns on organ, joined volunteer corps, later local militia, as clarinet player, and apptd bandmaster, composing marches and waltzes, first three books of psalm and hymn tunes published by James Peck, wrote oratorio The Promised Land (now missing) in about 1814 in concert he organised, first ‘ever performed in Kendal by native talent’, wrote extended set pieces with instrumental accompaniment for chapel and Sunday School anniversaries, his music appears in Lark MSS, died 26 October 1867 (‘Death of Mr John Fawcett’, Bolton Chronicle, 2 November 1867; ‘John Fawcett of Bolton’ by Sally Drage in Nineteenth-Century British Music Studies, 2 (2001), 59-69; ‘The Larks of Dean: Amateur Musicians in Northern England’ by Sally Drage in Music in the British Provinces 1690-1914, 202)

Fawcett, John (1769-1851), MA, clergyman and headmaster, born in 1769, only son of Revd John Fawcett (1733-1783), MA (Cantab), who was son of John Fawcett, hosier, of Sedbergh, educ Cambridge (MA), headmaster of Carlisle Grammar School 1795-1803, perpetual curate of St Cuthbert’s, Botchergate, Carlisle 1801-1851, rector of Scaleby 1802-1826, marr, sons (a grandson incl William Milner Fawcett (1832-1908), MA, FSA, FRIBA, architect, of Cambridge Cavendish Laboratory), died in 1851

Fawcett, John (1796-1883), DL, JP, barrister, eldest son of Revd John Fawcett (qv), barrister-at-law, of the Crescent, Carlisle (1829), built Petteril Bank in 1829 (architect xxx) [later the home of  Lady Gillford (qv)], used as private residence until 1936, when purchased by Cumberland County Council and Carlisle City Council for use as a hostel and workshop for the blind, later as emergency rest home in 1940s and a children’s home, later new Carlisle Archives Centre], marr 1st (1825) Catherine (d.1829, aged 34), only dau of John Hinchcliff, of Burley Grove, near Leeds, marr 2nd (1830) Sarah Grace, only dau of Joseph Hodgson (qv), 3 sons (inc John Henry (qv) and Morris James (qv)), died in 1883

Fawcett, Sir John Henry (1831-1898), KCMG, barrister, eldest son of John Fawcett (b.1796) (qv), of Petteril Bank, Carlisle, Consul-General at Constantinople, Judge of Supreme Consular Court of the Levant 1877, member of Rhodope Commission after Russian and Turkish-Bulgarian War, d. Jersey, mss National Archives

Fawcett, Joseph (17xx-18xx), clergyman, incumbent of Natland 1827-1863 (brass memorial tablet in chancel of Natland church)

Fawcett, Millicent DBE (nee Garrett) (1847-1929; ODNB), dau of Newson Garrett (1812-1893) a businessman of Suffolk and his wife Louisa Dunnell, she was the sister of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (1836-1917; ODNB), the first woman doctor, she spoke on the subject of ‘Votes for Women’ at Kendal Town Hall 12 October 1908; Melissa Terra and Elizabeth Crawford eds, Selected Writings of Millicent G Fawcett, 2020

Fawcett, Morris James (1839-1899), JP, 3rd son of John Fawcett (b.1796) (qv), of Petteril Bank, Carlisle, served as colonel in Turkish army, Inspector-General of Police in Newfoundland and Jamaica

Fawcett, Col Percy Harrison DSO (1867-1925), geographer, cartographer and South American explorer, cousin of James Farish Malcolm Fawcett, of the Scaleby Fawcetts, his disappearance in 1925, in the region of the Upper Xingu, a tributary of the Amazon, led to several ‘rescue’ expeditions, the discovery of putative remains and also  his signet ring, Peter Fleming’s Brazilian Adventure (1933) and inter alia books by his son Brian and a film ‘The Curse of the Inca’s Gold’; Hud (C)

Fawcett, Thomas (1812-1891), sketcher and poet, born in house near Black Bull, Kirkby Stephen, 22 March 1812, lost mother before age of ten, apprenticed to Thomas Armstrong, plasterer, plumber and glazier, then went to Liverpool and learnt painting business with Mr Tindal Atkinson, returned to Kirkby Stephen in 1834, marr (25 June 1835 at Kirkby Stephen) Esther (born 10 May 1814, died 26 May 1867), 2nd dau of Josh Bailiff, of Crosby Garrett, started own business, joined Wesleyan Society and was one of the band who built up Methodism, made sketch-book portraying Kirkby Stephen as he knew it as as a boy (1817), both buildings and people and their customs, accompanied by poems, when in retirement in 1880s (see Kirkby Stephen for modern reproduction, with historical commentary by Anne M A Anderson and Alec Swailes, 1985), died 1891 (CRO, WDX 1137)

Fawcett, William Milner FRIBA (1832-1908), grandson of the Rev John Fawcett (1769-1851) (qv) was the architect inter alia of the Cavendish laboratory, Cambridge and Breaghwy, co Mayo; Hud (C)

Fawsett, Capt Ralph, 57th regt of foot, died at the Battle of Albuera 16 June 1811, ‘his integrity of mind, (and) noble and generous disposition, were equally transcendant’; CJ 22 June 1811; CFHS June 2020 p.55

Fayrer, Joseph (d.1801), Captain, partner in Low Wood Gunpowder Company (whose works were built by Francis Webster and William Holme), of Harmony Hill, Milnthorpe (a three-bay ashlar house with pedimented Ionic doorcase, prob a Webster design), (will proved 1801); will of Elizabeth Fayrer, 26 June 1816

Fayrer, Sir Joseph KSCI FRS MD LLD FRCP FRCS Bt (1824-1907; ODNB), surgeon, born Plymouth, son of Cdr Robert John Fayrer RN of Milnthorpe (1788-1869), lived at Haverbrack (W), here he came to be acquainted with the Lake poets and John Wilson (qqv), joined RN as midshipman in 1843, educated at Charing Cross hospital, took a surgical post at the Westminster, MRCS 1847, MD Rome 1849, in 1850 he went to India where he was concerned with public health and became Surgeon General, during the Mutiny his house was both a hospital and fortress, he disagreed with Dr Robert Koch (1843-1910) about the germ vector theory of cholera (qv Sir Joseph Gilpin’s views), published The Thanatophidia of India (venomous snakes) (1872), responsible for the health of the Prince of Wales when he visited India, published An Epidemiology of Cholera (1882), also interested in the fauna of India and wrote a book on Tigers (1875), married Bethia Spens in 1855 had six sons and two daughters, retired to the UK and died in Cornwall; Hud (W); Transactions of the Epidemiology Society vol 26, 1906-7

Fayrer (Farrer), William (d.1691) of Thursgill, Whinfell, was an early Quaker and was consequently imprisoned in Appleby gaol in 1660, in 1669 he bought Browhead in Greyrigg, his descendant William Farrer Eckroyd (1827-1915) (qv) of Whitbarrow was MP for Preston; Hud (W)

Fearon, Joseph (17xx-18xx), diarist, sailor from Harrington, sailed from New Providence on 12 April 1797, bound for Liverpool, captured by a French privateer on 18 May, taken to Nantes and imprisoned there until 24 February 1798, marched up Loire valley, held at Orleans, through Paris and billeted at monastery of St Denis in July, marched on to Valenciennes and held there from 17 July until sailed from Dunkirk on 4 December, landed at Dover, and marched north reaching Liverpool on 18 December 1798 (‘Harrington Sailor’s Interesting Diary’ article in West Cumberland News of 29 December 1928, by Joseph Wear, who had possession of it then, but he died shortly afterwards, aged about 97)

Fearenside, Thomas Charles (1850-19xx), solicitor, born 14 September 1850 and bapt at Burton-in-Kendal, 6 November, son of John and Deborah Fearenside, attorney-at-law, Burton

Featherstonehaugh family; CW2 xiv 196; but also Fetherstonehaugh (qqv)

Featherstonehaugh, Henry (bap.1695), fellow of St John’s Cambridge, master of the hospital of St Mary Magdalene in Newcastle

Featherstonehaugh, Sir Timothy [d.1651], executed at Chester; his son had died the same year at the battle of Worcester; CW2 xiv 196

Feestone, Nicholas (1917-1978), poet b. Kendal

Feilden, Henry Arbuthnot (1828-1909), BA, clergyman, born in 1828 at Walton-le-Dale, Lancs, educ St Alban’s Hall, Oxford (BA 1851), d 1852 and p 1854 (Ox), perpetual curate of Smallwood, Cheshire 1857-1862, chaplain of St Raphael’s Convalescent Home, Torquay 1873-1884, vicar of Kirkby Stephen from 1886, completing total renovation of church, hon canon of Carlisle, member of CWAAS from 1887 and described Kirkby Stephen church to members at meeting on 30 August 1901 (CW2, ii, 406-08), died 28 September 1909, aged 81, and buried at KS cemetery, 1 October; widow Ellinor Georgina Kathrine died 17 December 1910, aged 76, and buried 20 December

Fell, Alfred (1861-1942), manager iron company, of Belle Vue, Princes St, Ulverston, m Mary Winder, so  Eric Winneray Fell (1901-1985) metallurgist, author of The Early Iron Industry of Furness and District (Ulverston, 1908) and assisted Arthur Paul Brydson (qv) in Some Record of Two Lakeland Townships (1908); (Barrow CRO BD Broughton /30/17/2

Fell, Bryan Greg (Tony) (1905-1978), MA, clergyman and local historian, born 27 June 1905, only son of Sir Bryan Hugh Fell (qv), marr (6 December 1935) Jean (1911-1996), only dau of Charles Miller, of Chipping Campden, 1 son and 2 daus, vicar of Witherslack 1964-1973, rector of Lowther with Askham 1947-1956, died 23 December 1978 and buried at Witherslack

Fell, Clare Isobel (1912-2002), MA, FSA, archaeologist, dau of Sir Matthew Fell (qv), ed Newnham College, Cambridge, author Early Settlements in the Lake District (1972), expert on stone axes, president, CWAAS 1963-1966, committee member of Brathay Field Study Centre (1969); CWAAS 150th volume,  303ff

Fell, J, shipbuilder Workington, built Corea (1859)

Fell, James (18xx-19xx), MA, educ Pembroke College, Cambridge (BA 1886, MA 1890), d 1887 (Dur) and p 1888 (Adel for Dur), curate of Holy Trinity, Sunderland 1887-1888 and Christ Church, West Hartlepool 1888-1890, asst chaplain, Seamen’s Institute, Liverpool 1890-1893, chaplain of Mission to Seamen, San Francisco 1893-1898, perpetual curate of Burneside 1899-1905,  vicar of Christ Church, Penrith 1905-1910, vicar of Arnside 1910-1924, keen cricketer and driving force behind transfer of Penrith Cricket Club from Foundry Field to Tynefield, playing in first game on new ground in May 1907

Fell, John (1735-1797; ODNB), Independent minister and classical tutor, born at Cockermouth, 22 August 1735, son of Daniel Fell, clerk at dissenting meeting-house and schoolmaster, apprenticed to a tailor in Cockermouth, then moved to London to continue in his trade, but developed ambition to become a dissenting minister, entered Mile End Academy with financial support of friends and King’s Head Society in 1757 and trained by John Conder, Thomas Gibbons and John Walker, left academy in 1761 with respect of his tutors, became assistant in school at Norwich for a short time until invited in 1762 to minister to an Independent congregation at Beccles, Suffolk, where he remained until 1770, though it was not ‘formed into a regular church’, succ David Parry in May 1770 as minister at Independent chapel in Thaxted, Essex, where he was ordained on 24 October, succ Benjamin Davies as resident and classical tutor at Homerton Academy, London on 1 October 1787, but his period of office not successful, with difficulties leading to his forced resignation in January 1797, depression and deteriorating health, never recovered from illness, died unmarried at Homerton, 6 September 1797, aged 62, and buried in Bunhill Fields, 15 September, with funeral oration by Revd Joseph Brooksbank and further funeral sermon by his friend Henry Hunter at the Old Jewry on 24 September 1797

Fell, John (1826-1910), DL, JP, barrister, of Flan How and Daltongate House, Ulverston

Fell, John Barraclough (1815-1902), CE, civil engineer and railway contractor (A N Rigg, 1996) = Windermere Steam Yacht Company and Lady of the Lake (launched on 31 May 1845) (GASW)

Fell, Leonard (1624-1701; ODNB), quaker missionary and writer, son of Thomas Fell of Baycliff near Ulverston, employed by Thomas and Margaret Fell of Swarthmoor (qqv)

Fell, Margaret, nee Askew (1614-1702; ODNB), Quaker, born at Dalton-in-Furness in 1614, dau John Askew of Marsh Grange, marr 1st (1632) Thomas Fell (qv), 1 son and 7 daus, marr 2nd (1669) George Fox (qv), imprisoned in Lancaster Castle, died at Swarthmoor in 1702 and buried in unmarked grave at Sunbrick, Birkrigg; see titles by I. Ross, H.G. Crosfield, M. Webb and H. Barber

Fell, Sir Matthew Henry Gregson (1882-1958) KCB CMG, soldier and physician, son of John Fell JP DL, ed Sedbergh and Bart’s Hospital, RAMC Boer War, Queen’s Medal and despatches, 1st WW staff officer Mesoptamia organizing transport of casualties, transferred to RAF as director of Medical Sevices, air commodore, kt, director General Medical Services, hon royal physician to George V 1926-9, marr Marion Isabel Wallace, dau Clare Fell (qv), retd as Lt Gen, lived Flan how, Ulverston, a large burly figure with twinkling blue eyes; Times obit 30 Jan 1959; Plarrs Lives, CW2 lix 178

Fell, Richard Crampton (1804-1866), BA, clergyman, born at Kendal, 3 October 1804 [no bapt at Holy Trinity], educ Sedbergh School (entd September 1822, aged 17, left April 1824) and Queen’s College, Oxford (BA 1828), ordained, curate of Worlingham and Chelsham, Surrey, died 8 August 1866 (SSR, 174)

Fell, Sarah of Swarthmoor Hall (late 17thc); her account books are described in Helen Shacklady, History of Ulverston

Fell, Sheila (1931-1979; ODNB), RA, painter, of Aspatria, educ Nelson Thomlinson’s School, Wigton, Carlisle College of Art, and St Martin’s School of Art, London, friendly with L.S. Lowry (qv), they went painting together, exhibited Royal Academy, later elected RA, died aged 48 after a serious fall, (Looking Towards Aspatria sold at Mitchells auction, Cockermouth for £8,200 in December 2012; Sheep in Snowdrift and Field near Drumburgh sold for £18,000 and £13,000 in March 2012, while Field in Cumberland sold at Anderson & Garland in Newcastle for £5,500) (Cate Haste, Sheila Fell: A Passion for Paint, 2010)

Fell, Thomas (1598-1658; ODNB), judge, vice-chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster, son of George Fell, of Ulverston, admitted to Gray’s Inn in 1623, b. Hawkshead, marr (1632) Margaret (qv), dau of John Askew, of Marsh Grange, 1 son (George, d.1670) and 7 daus, inherited Swarthmoor Hall estate, which descended to Abraham family with marriage of his dau Rachel to Daniel Abraham (qv), (dau Sarah kept household account book 1673-1678), JP for Lancashire 1641, elected MP for county in 1645, died about 11 o’clock on Friday evening, 8 October 1658, and buried under his pew in Ulverston church, 10 October; his legacy led to the foundation of Ulverston Grammar School

Fell, Thomas (d.1763), clergyman, curate of Crosthwaite, entd 8 August 1718, ‘near 46 years’ until his death, buried at Crosthwaite, 11 November 1763

Fell, Thomas (17xx-18xx), appointed deputy recorder of borough of Kendal in May 1818, succ late James Wilson (qv)

Fell, Thomas Edward (1873-1926), CMG, colonial civil servant, born 1873, son of John Fell, of Flan How (qv), Colonial Secretary, Fiji 1919, died 21 May 1926

Fell, William (1761/2-1848; ODNB), schoolmaster and writer, prob born near Brampton, schoolmaster Manchester, Wilmslow and Lancaster, published Hints on the Causes of the High Prices of Provisions, 1800 and Hints on the Instruction of Youth

Fell, William (b.1766), The History and Antiquities of Furness (1777), written at the age of 11 but not published until 1887, copy Barrow library

Fell, William (1780-1852), soldier of Colton, tombstone Haverthwaite; CW3 iv 221

Felton, Joseph (c.1824-1xxx), schoolmaster, born in Marylebone, Middlesex, aged 27 in 1851, when he was Master of Witherslack School, living in the Old Parsonage

Fenton, Sir Myles (1830-1928), JP, railway manager, born in Kendal, 5 September 1830, privately bapt 1 October and christened 26 December 1830, son of Myles Fenton, Post-master of Kendal, Lowther Street (bur 18 April 1830, aged 27), and Elizabeth, educ Kendal, marr (1883) Charlotte Jane, dau of George Oakes, started on Kendal & Windermere Railway in 1845, subsequently worked on East Lancashire, Great Eastern, London & South Western, Manchester, Sheffield and Lincs Railways, also Rochdale Canal, Secretary of East Lancashire Rly 1856, Asst Manager of Lancs & Yorks Rly, General Manager of Metropolitan Rly 1863 and of South Eastern Rly 1880, Consulting Director, South Eastern & Chatham Rly 1896, Lt-Col Engineer Railway Volunteer Staff Corps, knighted in 1889, JP for Surrey, Chevalier Legion of Honour, Officer of Order of Leopold of Belgium, of Ridge Green House, Nutfield for 16 years, then of Redstone Hall, Redhill, Surrey, died aged 98, 14 March 1928

Fenwick, Benjamin (d.1752), Captain, RN, died 15 November 1752, aged 83 (MI in Kendal parish church)

Fenwick, Sir Henry (1401-1459), of Fenwick (N), landowner, High Sheriff of Northumberland 1427 and of Cumberland 1436-7 and 1458-9, he settled in Cumberland where he became warden of Cockermouth Castle, he married Joan Leigh daughter of Sir William Leigh of Isel, his six daughters married into local families: Denton, Moresby, Hudleston, Lamplugh, Skelton and Radcliffe; further details in Hud (C)

Fenwick, John (16xx-1687), MA, clergyman, rector of Cliburn 1673-1687, instituted and inducted to Cliburn, 9 October 1673 (CRO, WPR 24/2), buried at Cliburn, 1 July 1687 (ECW, ii, 1243-44)

Fenwick, Sir John 3rd Bt (1645-1697; ODNB), brig general, MP Northumberland, married Mary dau of 1st earl of Carlisle (qv), insulted Queen Mary, as a Jacobite plotted against king William III, executed for treason, he had sold his horse White Sorrel to the king who fell from this horse when out riding and died

Fenwick, John, formerly Wilson (17xx-1757), landowner, er son of Thomas Wilson (qv), of Kendal and Kentmere, and of Dorothy, er dau of John Fenwick, of Nunridding, Northumberland, succ to Burrow Hall properties under entail created by his uncle Nicholas Fenwick (will of 9 September 1748) on his death in April 1750, took name of Fenwick by Act of Parliament, but his Tatham and Lambert cousins were discontented that estates had not been divided between them and questioned validity of will, JF applied to crown on 8 February 1751 to appoint a commission to examine witnesses to will, which was confirmed, marr (13 November 1752, at Melling) Ann, dau of Thomas Benison, of Hornby Hall, who made over her estates (valued at £900 a year) to him so as to raise money, but he was unable to reconvey them to her as a Catholic, no issue, killed when hunting and buried at Tunstall, 10 February 1757 (Mr Fenwick’s Case and Mrs Fenwick’s Case in CRO, WD/Big/1/124) HPT, 57-59)

Fenwick, Nicholas, formerly Tatham (1732-1801), landowner, bapt at Tunstall, 19 February 1733, 5th and yst son of John Tatham (1688-1745), of Cantsfield, later of Lowfields, near Burton-in-Lonsdale, and Isabella (bapt 28 March 1693, buried 23 October 1743), dau of John Fenwick, of Burrow Hall and of Nunridding, Northumberland (marr 9 February 1719), inherited Burrow Hall estate under entail on death of his cousin, Thomas Fenwick (formerly Wilson) (qv) in 1794, and assumed name and arms of Fenwick, died unmarried, 23 July 1801, aged 69, and buried at Kirkby Lonsdale, 26 July, and succ by his cousin once removed, Thomas Lambert, son of Robert Lambert (d.1779) and grandson of Josias Lambert (qv) and Mary (nee Fenwick) (HPT, 59, 64)

Fenwick, Robert Edward (1876-1928), JP, landowner, of Burrow Hall, Kirkby Lonsdale, born 26 February 1876, only son of Thomas Fenwick Fenwick (1842-1907) and Mary, eldest dau of John Dugdale, of Llwynllanfyllin, co Montgomery, died unm, 4 May 1928, leaving his estate absolutely to his mother

Fenwick, Thomas, formerly Wilson (c.1729-1794), DL, barrister and politician, yr son of Thomas Wilson (qv), of Kendal, lord of manor of Kentmere, and of Dorothy, er dau of John Fenwick, of Nunridding, in Northumberland, took name and arms of Fenwick on succ to estates of his uncles, Thomas and Nicholas Fenwick, at Langshaws and Nunridding, on death of his elder brother John in 1757, also obtained estates (to value of over £2,000) of his sister-in-law Ann (by virtue of deed of 22 May 1753) and refused to restore them, but Act of Parliament in 1772 vested her estates in hands of trustees for life with payment of sums to her, also succ to his father’s Kentmere property (purchased in 1745 from executors of Henry Fisher, who purchased from Stapletons, who had succ by descent from Ladarina, co-heiress of Peter de Brus, Baron of Kendal) in 17xx, Recorder of Kendal 1766-1777, put forward as opposition candidate to Lowthers in 1768 election, backed by Brougham, Suffolk and Derby, and elected MP for Westmorland 1768-1774, but not esp popular in county at large, and unsuccessful for both Westmorland and Northumberland in 1774, his sister Jane Wilson marr James Dowker (qv), of Kendal, kept diary for much of his adult life, though only surviving from 1775 onwards, describing his time divided between London in the law terms and north Lancashire in vacations, also managing his other estates in Northumberland and co Durham, constantly on the move, with extensive descriptions of his journeys, with observations on agriculture and wild life and speculations about science, man of great curiosity, died s.p. at Burrow Hall, co Lancaster, 3 April 1794 and buried at Tunstall, 7 April; will made 20 March 1794 and proved at Lancaster, 10 April 1794 (copies in CRO, WD/W/1/2/1/31/4 and WD/Big/1/124); (Mrs Fenwick’s Case in CRO, WD/Big/1/124; diaries in private ownership, but edited by Jennifer S Holt for List and Index Society in four volumes, 2012-2013; CWMP, 352; GM, 64, pt 1, 389; HPT, 57-59; N&B, I, 135)

Ferguson, Charles John (1840-1904), FSA, FRIBA, JP, architect and antiquary, yr son of Joseph Ferguson (qv) and yr brother of R S Ferguson (qv), pupil of Scott, in partnership with J A Cory (qv) in Carlisle from 1860, mainly building or restoring churches in diocese, inc Tebay (1880), Ormside restoration (1885-86), All Hallows, Mealsgate (1896-99), also resp for restoration of Naworth Castle (Stanley wing on west side [now removed] after withdrawal of Philip Webb in 1879), Muncaster Castle (billiard room, part of service court and extensive interior work in 1886), and Newbiggin Hall (new drawing room wing in 1881, or 1890-91 acc to P), practice at 50 English Street, Carlisle, played leading part in establishment of library and museum in Tullie House, founding member of CWAAS, first secretary 1866-1871 and vice-president, of Cardew Lodge, Cumdivock, Carlisle, died 1 December 1904, aged 64 (CW2, v, 315-316)

Ferguson, Joseph (1788-1863), MP, son of Robert Ferguson (b.c.1760) and Anne dau of John Wood of Maryport, father of Robert Ferguson MP (b.1817) (qv)

Ferguson, Richard (17xx-17xx), manufacturer of osnaburgs in Carlisle in 1746 and importer of flax from Hamburg, marr, 5 sons all in business in Carlisle (John (d.1802), Richard and George established cotton mill at Warwick Bridge in 1791 on land leased by Howard of Corby) and dau (Mary, who marr Peter Dixon, qv) (CWMP, 348-9)

Ferguson, Richard Saul (1837-1900; ODNB), DL, JP, MA, LLM, FSA, antiquary, er son of Joseph Ferguson (qv), and brother of C J Ferguson (qv), Chancellor of Carlisle Diocese, President, CWAAS 1886-1900, Editor of Transactions 1873-1900, author of Early Cumberland and Westmorland Friends (1871) [biographical sketches of early members, appeared first in columns of Carlisle Journal], Carlisle Cathedral (illustrated by Alexander Ansted) (1898), died 1900 and buried at Stanwix, Carlisle; CWAAS 150th volume, 303ff; Fred Chance, Notable Cumbrians, c.1890

Ferguson, Robert, of Morton, Carlisle, author of The Northmen in Cumberland and Westmoreland, dedicated to Henry Howard, of Greystock Castle (1856), The Dialect of Cumberland (1873), The Teutonic Name System, The River-Names of Europe, etc.

Fermaby, family; CW2  lv 170

Ferrier, Kathleen Mary (1912-1953; ODNB), CBE, singer, born at High Walton, Lancs, 22 April 1912, dau and 3rd surviving child of William Ferrier, schoolmaster, of Bank Terrace, High Walton, Walton-le-Dale, and his wife Alice Murray, educ Blackburn, Post Office telephonist at age of 14, amateur pianist in Blackburn, marr (19 November 1935) Albert Wilson (b.1908/9), district bank manager, moved to Silloth in 1936 and joined golf and tennis clubs and Silloth Dramatic Society, where her services were in demand as accompanist on piano and as teacher of local children, entered Carlisle Music Festival in 1937 as a pianist, but also entered contralto solo class as well, winning trophies for both classes and also won prize for best singer of festival (Silver Rose Bowl), proved turning point for her, going on to win Gold Cup at Workington Music Festival in 1938 (adjudicator Dr Stanton), moved to Carlisle after outbreak of war and Bert called up for service, signed up to tour with CEMA, which took music and arts to people in factories, village halls and hostels throughout country during war, auditioned for Sir Malcolm Sargent at Wigmore Hall in 1942, relocated from Carlisle to London in 1943, to a flat in Hampstead with her sister Winifred, started lessons at Royal Academy of Music with Roy Henderson, took part in concert series at National Gallery organised by Myra Hess, went on to achieve national fame, her marriage annulled in 1947, Bert allowing a dissolution rather than pain of divorce, but each never spoke disparagingly of the other, Bert going on to marry Wyn Hetherington after death of her husband Jack in late 1950s, their son Peter Hetherington as a small child having coined her nickname of ‘Clever Kaff’, which she adopted throughout her life (Klever Kaff or ‘K.K.’), probably went on to have a number of affairs, with serious possibility of marrying Rick Davies, antiques dealer, at one point, but marriage was incompatible with her career, sang in Benjamin Britten’s Rape of Lucrece at Glyndebourne and Gluck’s Orfeo and was popular for her rendering of ‘Blow the Wind Southerly’,  she also sang the lyric ‘A Soft Day’ by the poet Winifred Letts (1882-1972) (a cousin of Thomas Baker Ashworth (qv)), set by Charles Villiers Stanford (opus 140 no 3), aged only a little over 40 she died in University College Hospital, London, 8 October 1953; (Kathleen Ferrier Cancer Fund established at UCH in her memory) (You couldn’t help but like Kathleen: Kathleen Ferrier in Cumberland by Barbara Thompson (2012); Kathleen Ferrier Society formed in Blackburn in 19xx; Memorial Scholarship; featured as a Briton of Distinction on postage stamp in June 2012; Centenary Recital by Joan Rodgers in Carlisle Cathedral on 13 July 2012; plaque on building in Eden Street, Silloth; CuL, 165 (July 2012),150-152); biographies by her sister Winifred [1955], Charles Rigby and Maurice Leonard [c.2010]; Neville Cardus, Kathleen Ferrier, A Memoir, c.1954; Klever Kaff:Letters and Diaries ed.Christopher Fifield, 2003; during the rehearsals for The Rape of Lucretia, Benjamin Britten had a serious quarrel [not with KF] and she took him aside and said ‘Oh Ben, do try to be nice’.

Ferte (de Feritate), Gilbert (fl.1265), of the le Brun family, Rector of Bowness-on-Solway in 1265

Fetherstonehaugh family, also Featherstonehaugh (qqv)

Fetherstonhaugh, Albany (fl.1543-1573), eldest son of Alexander Fetherstonhaugh, of Fetherston Castle, Sheriff of Cumberland 1477 and 1512 (will dated 1544), and Anne, dau of John Crackanthorpe (qv), of Newbiggin, and grandson of Nicholas Fetherstonhaugh, of Fetherstonhaugh, Northumberland, and Maude (marr 1461), dau and coheir of Sir Richard Salkeld, of Corby (qv), thereby acquiring a share of manor of Triermain, marr (1543) Lucy, dau of Thomas Dudley, of Yanwath (qv), and second cousin of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 3 sons (inc Alexander (who marr Ann, dau of Richard Lowther) and Henry (qv)) and 2 daus, sold his share of Triermain to William, Lord Dacre (qv) in 1553, died in 1573; his widow marr 2ndly her second cousin, Gerard Lowther (qv), of Penrith, and died in December 1596; his eldest son Alexander (d.1596), of Fetherston, marr Anne, dau of Sir Richard Lowther (qv), of Lowther, with son Albany (aged over 21 in 1596), who marr Frances, dau of John Barwise, of Islekirk (VPCW, 45; LF, 97, 463)

Fetherstonhaugh, Charles, formerly Smalwood (1762-1839), bapt at Kirkoswald, 20 March 1762, 2nd son of Revd Charles Smalwood (qv), assumed name and arms of Fetherstonhaugh on succ his uncle Timothy (qv) in 1797, formerly of East India House, London, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1805, marr Elisabeth (d.1823, aged 51), dau of Thomas Hartley (qv), of Gillfoot, Egremont, 2 sons (Timothy (qv) and Charles (qv)), died in 1839

Fetherstonhaugh, Charles (1812-1885), DL, JP, bapt 1 June 1812, yr son of Charles Fetherstonhaugh, formerly Smalwood, marr 1st Jane (d.1874), 3rd dau of Francis Aglionby (qv), formerly Yates, of Nunnery, marr 2nd ??, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1857, of Staffield Hall, Kirkoswald, died in 1885

Fetherstonhaugh, Henry (d.1626), founder of Kirkoswald branch of family, yst son of Albany Fetherstonhaugh (qv), settled as customary tenant of farm at Douthwaite, Dacre, later purchased estate of dissolved College of Kirkoswald for £140 in 1590 (and purchased freehold in 1612), became steward of royal manors of Kirkoswald (Glassonby and Staffield, TNA, SC2/165/9 and 17) at date before 1606, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1613/?21, marr Dorothy (d.1621), dau of Thomas Wybergh, of Clifton, son (Timothy, qv) and dau (Dorothy, wife of John Stanley, of Dalegarth), died in November 1626

Fetherstonhaugh, Richard (1638-1693), bapt at Kirkoswald, 29 May 1638, 5th son of Sir Timothy Fetherstonhaugh (qv), marr 1st Catherine, dau of Richard Graham, of Nunnery

Fetherstonhaugh, Sir Timothy (1601-1651; ODNB), royalist army officer, born in 1601, son of Henry Fetherstonhaugh (qv), of The College, Kirkoswald, educ Queen’s College, Oxford (matric on 30 May 1617, BA 3 February 1619/20), admitted to Gray’s Inn on 24 October 1620, marr (1623) Bridget, dau of Thomas Patrickson, of Howe, Ennerdale, 18 children but 6 sons and 5 daus surv, estates inc lands at Kirkoswald and Dacre, coal mine at Broughton, and mills at Caldbeck and Ravenwick, steward of crown manors of Kirkoswald, knighted at Whitehall on 1 April 1628, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1638, granted freedom within Borough of Kendal on 26 October 1643 and gave 40s. to the poor (BoR, 21), fought for Charles I in Civil War, apptd a commissioner of array in 1642 and left Cumberland with 3,000 men to join royalist northern army under Earl of Newcastle in 1643, served in defence of York and in defeat at Marston Moor in 1644, served with Northern horse, contributed provisions to Carlisle garrison, being in city on 8 October 1644, just before the siege, in Oxford by February 1645 seeking reinforcements for defence of Cumberland (to no avail), compounded for delinquency in arms on 26 February 1647 and took negative oath, fined on 11 May 1647, but money still unpaid in September 1649, joined royalist army invading England and captured after battle of Wigan on 26 August 1651, ordered by parliament on 11 September to be brought to trial by court martial, charged with corresponding with Charles II and beheaded at Chester, 22 October 1651 (final letter to wife written from Chester Castle on 20 October, copy in CRO, WD/Ry/HMC 212 and trans in FiO, i, 354-356); eldest son, Henry, said to have been knighted a few hours earlier, killed with his brother at battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651; another son, Philip, petitioned in 1665 that his father had lost £10,000 in royal service; another son, Thomas (1628-1686), had dau Mary (1652-1723, aged 12 in 1665) by first wife, Katherine (d.1652, at Kirkoswald), dau of Thomas Musgrave (3rd son of Sir William Musgrave (qv), of Crookdake) and son Timothy (qv) by second wife, Mary (d.1693), dau of Henry Dacre, of Lanercost (NAFM, 289); Richard (1638-1693), of Langwathby (qv); William (bapt 8 July 1646/7?; and eldest dau Jane (1629-1695) was wife of Sir Edward Hasell (qv), of Dalemain; and yst dau Eliza (bapt 1 September 1648);  MI in chancel of Kirkoswald church (CW3, x, 167)

Fetherstonhaugh, Timothy (c.1658-1728), born c.1658 (aged 7 on 27 March 1665), er son of Thomas Fetherstonhaugh, of The College, Kirkoswald, by his second wife, Mary, dau of Henry Dacre, of Lanercost, marr Bridget (buried 14 June 1736, aged 73), dau of James Bellingham, of Levens, 1 son (Heneage (1693-1737), merchant in Bristol), High Sheriff of Cumberland 1697, died and buried at Kirkoswald, 12 December 1728, aged 70

Fetherstonhaugh, Timothy (c.1725-1797), last of male line at The College, Kirkoswald, born prob in Bristol, only son of Heneage Fetherstonhaugh, and his wife Jane or Joan L(y)idston(d.1784), of Dartmouth, Devon, with two sisters and coheirs (Elizabeth (d.1809), wife of Philip Leigh, of Dartmouth, and Joyce (d.1778), wife of Revd Charles Smalwood, qv), educ Appleby Grammar School and Oriel College, Oxford, marr (prob 1783) Dorothy (died in Penrith and buried at Kirkoswald, 3 April 1817, aged 74, will dated 10 February 1814 and proved at Carlisle, 14 April 1817, leaving bequests to her Lacy children, qv sub Samuel Lacy, of Salkeld Lodge), dau of Joseph Dacre (Appleby), of Kirklinton Hall, and widow of Richard Lacy, of Newcastle upon Tyne, no issue, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1755, will dated 1795 leaving estate to his nephew Charles Smalwood (qv), died 21 June 1797, aged 72, and buried in Kirkoswald church, 26 June (MI) (CW2, xiv, 226-27, 233-34)

Fetherstonhaugh, Timothy (1811-1856), JP, bapt at Kirkoswald, 4 March 1811, er son of Charles Smalwood Fetherstonhaugh (qv), High Sheriff of Cumberland 1845, marr (15 October 1838, at Tiverton) his cousin, Eliza Were (died 6 August 1895), dau of John Were Clarke, of Bridwell, Devon, by his wife, Frances, dau of Sir Thomas Carew, 6th Bt (d.1805), of Haccombe, Devon, and his wife Jane, dau of Revd Charles Smalwood (qv), 3 sons and 3 daus, killed by a falling tree in grounds of The College, 5 April 1856

Fetherstonhaugh, Timothy (1840-1908), DL, JP, born at Kirkoswald, 5 December 1840, eldest son of Timothy Fetherstonhaugh (qv), marr (4 July 1865, at Oldham) Hon Maria Georgiana Carleton (d.1918), yr dau of Guy, 3rd Baron Dorchester, 2 sons (first Timothy, born 11 July 1866 and died 19 August 1868; second Timothy, qv) and 1 dau, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1870, died 6 March 1908 and buried at Kirkoswald

Fetherstonhaugh, Timothy (1869-1945), DSO, DL, JP, born 1 January 1869, only surv son of Timothy Fetherstonhaugh (qv), marr (29 December 1898) Nancy (died at Clevedon Place, London SW, 11 May 1917), dau of James Martin Carr-Lloyd, of Lancing Manor, Sussex, 1 son and 2 daus, hosted visit of CWAAS to The College on 5 September 1912, with his wife (CW member from 1912) as co-author (with Col F Haswell, qv) of major article on ‘The College of Kirkoswald and the Family of Fetherstonhaugh’ (CW2, xiv, 196-237), served WW1 as Major, Seaforth Highlanders, and colonel of its pioneer battalion, recovering from ‘trench fever’ illness in London in 1917 when his wife died after a serious operation, marr 2nd Bronwen Alicia Mary, dau of St John Charlton, of Cholmondeley, Malpas, Cheshire, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1926, Chairman of Cumberland Quarter Sessions, chairman of Penrith Magistrates Division (1938), author of Our Cumberland Village (Carlisle, 1925), died in 1945

Fetherstonhaugh, Sir Timothy (1899-1969), OBE, DL, JP, Lieut-Col, born 7 October 1899, only son of Col Timothy Fetherstonhaugh (qv), High Sheriff of Cumberland 1951, Vice-Lord Lieutenant of Cumberland 1960-1969, knighted in 1960, marr Anne Gladys, dau of Sir Harry Ross Skinner, of Tarland Aberdeenshire, 1 son (Timothy Ross Fetherstonhaugh, currently of The College, High Sheriff of Cumbria 1981), died in 1969

Ffinch, Michael (1934-1999), poet and author, born in Kent, spent much of his boyhood in Suffolk, educ Repton and St Edmund Hall, Oxford (read English, with W H Auden as tutor for a time), national service as subaltern with Royal Norfolk Regt in Hong Kong, cut flamboyant figure in Bohemian life of 1960s Hampstead, wrote and recited verses in pubs, etc, master of written and spoken word, also librettist, broadcaster and teacher, taught at Prep School in Kent, a London comprehensive, Casterton and Sedbergh Schools, writer in residence for Cumbria County Library 1979-1980, embraced Roman Catholicism, retained his eccentric dress and manner, biographer of Gilbert and Sullivan, G K Chesterton (1986) and Cardinal Newman, author of Portrait of the Howgills and the Upper Eden (1982), Portrait of Kendal and the Kent (1983), and Portrait of Penrith and the East Fellside (1985), poetry collections published as Selected Poems and The Beckwalker, marr 1st Patricia Major (diss), 2 sons, marr 2nd Patricia Kelly (d.1998), 1 son and 1 dau, of Newbiggin-on-Lune, died 14 September 1999, aged 65 (Times, 28.9.99); obit. C. and W. Herald 25th September 1999

Fidler, Tom (fl.1890s), coachman, with Rigg’s Coaches of Windermere, running several coaches to and from Keswick daily, wearing a white box hat and a red coat with brass buttons (Richard Rigg (qv)) drove the 10.48 a.m. from Windermere station for almost thirty years with his team of greys (“Fidler’s four flea-bitten greys” acc to his son Teddy) running eight seasons and never once missing their weekday run (photo at Wythburn church in 1895 in Fenty’s Album)

Field, Anne (nee Hodgson) (1926-2011), CB, CBE, FBIM, Brigadier, WRAC, born at Keswick, 4 April 1926, dau of Captain Harold Derwent Hodgson and his wife Annie Helena (Nellie), and sister of David Hodgson (died in February 2011), educ Keswick School, St George’s, Harpenden, and London School of Economics, joined ATS 1947 and commissioned 1948, served WRAC 1949-1992, comd 4th Independent Company, WRAC in Singapore and Malaysia 1951-1953, then held regimental and staff appts in London, Catterick and Scotland, Major and chief instructor, WRAC Centre, Guildford 1961, joined HQ Middle East command, Aden in 1963, dep asst dir at Lansdowne House, Berkeley Square, London 1965, Lieut-Col 1968, Asst Director of WRAC, BAOR, Colonel 1971, Brigadier and Director of WRAC 1977-1982, Hon ADC to Queen 1977-1982, retd April 1982, Deputy Controller Comdt, WRAC 1984-1992, Deputy Col Comdt, Adjutant General’s Corps 1992-1993, special commissioner, The Duke of York’s Royal Military School, Dover 1989-2004, life vice-president of WRAC Association from 1998 and chairman of trustees 1985-1997, supported Army Benevolent Fund, etc, Regnl Director, Greater London Regional Board, Lloyds Bank from 1982, Freeman of City of London 1981, Liveryman of Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers 1990, CB 1980, CBE 1996, CBIM (FBIM 1978), dedicated and tenacious, helping to pave way for women to join regular army, remained in London in retirement, but often visited Lake District, marr Captain Anthony Field (diss), died 25 June 2011, aged 85, funeral at Crosthwaite church, Keswick, 7 July (CN, xx. xx. 2011)

Field, William (1770-1860), bridge master, high constable, antiquary and shopkeeper, known as ‘The Father of Cartmel’, kept shop at Cartmel Church Town, which ‘sold nearly everything’, regarded as source of all knowledge on Cartmel parochial matters, arranged for carving of the Three Shires Stone (a single limestone pillar marking county boundaries of Cumberland, Westmorland and Lancashire, inscribed ‘Lancashire’ on one side and ‘WF 1816’ on other) in 1816, though not erected in its present position on Wrynose Pass until after his death [previously (1671) three stones had marked the spot, with both Saxton (1576) and Speed (1610) marking ‘shire stones upon Wrenose’], died 3 January 1860, aged 90, and buried at Cartmel, 9 January (AC, 575); CW2 lvi 155

Fielding, Anthony Vandyke Copley (1787-1855), artist, son of Nathan T Fielding (qv), born Sowerby (Y), pupil of John Varley, 1810 an associate of the Old W/C Society, in 1813 a full member and in 1831 the president, gold medal at Paris salon 1824, lived Keswick 1804-7,  taught Ruskin and produced lakeland subjects for the rest of his life

Fielding, Nathan Theodore (1747-1814; ODNB), artist, born in Sowerby (Y), married Elizabeth Baker of Rochdale, in London by 1788 working as a portraitist, moved to Keswick by 1800 and produced landscape work, father of Anthony Vandyke Copley Fielding

Fiennes, Celia (1662-1741; ODNB), traveller, unmarried granddaughter of the 1st lord Saye and Sele, breaking with convention and alone but for two servants, rode sidesaddle, all over the UK, visited the Lakes in 1695, her 1702 text was produced for the family, Southey (qv) published extracts in 1812, 1st full edition 1888, 1st scholarly edn by Charles Morris (qv) 1947

Fildes, Charles (c.1834-1912), steamboat pioneer and tin plate manufacturer (from Manchester family of tin, copper, and zinc packing case manufacturers and gas fitters), pioneer of steamboats on Lake Windermere, built Fairy Queen, first private paddle steamer recorded on Windermere, in 1850, later steam launch Cygnet, elder brother Alfred owned Dolly, living at Gillbank, north of Colt House, Hawkshead, in 1891 with wife and 9 children, later moved to Overdale on Kendal Green, owned Coventry Notette motorbike (EC 152) registered in 1904 when 70, 3rd wife a popular hostess (died in 1943, aged 88), died by 1912 (estate papers in CRO, Barrow, BDHJ/285; John Satchell, Family Album, 1996, 141-2; KG, 125-128; GASW, 47)

Fishburn, Revd Norman Bramley (1913-2011), BA, Methodist minister, Supernumerary Minister on Keswick and Cockermouth Circuit, living at Threlkeld, member of regional Fellowship of the Kingdom study group, vice-president of Cumbria Wesley Historical Society, had great love of Lake District, doing all Wainwright walks and regularly climbing Blencathra into his advancing years, acted as Lake District voluntary warden, man of quiet manner, ready smile and quick wit, marr Cicely (died in 1986), dau (Liz), died aged 98, funeral at Keswick (Methodist Recorder, 22.12.2011; CWHS, No.69, 19)

Fishar, Mr, ballet master Whitehaven; Cumberland Paquet 3December 1782

Fisher, goldsmith London, born Cumberland, made the presentation epergne for Dr Joshua Dixon which was decorated with a Good Samaritan; is this Fisher of Robinson and Fisher of King St., St James’s Sq in the list of Goldsmiths; Sydney, Life of Dr Joshua Dixon (qv); Finberg, 18thc Women Dramatists, 2001

Fisher, Alan (17xx-17xx), BA, Queen’s College, Oxford, headmaster of St Bees School 1738-1755

Fisher, Alen/Alan (c.1703-1787), clergyman and benefactor, of Hundhow, Strickland Roger, bequeathed by will dated 1781 £600 for endowment of Burneside School to provide yearly income, a library, and two annual Foundation prizes for boys, funds for second floor to be built on school-house, with lower floor to house master, and sum of 10s. 6d. for expenses of Christmas dinner at annual meeting of school trustees, and also for six poor boys of Strickland Roger to receive free education, and other pious uses, died 16 May 1787, aged 84, and buried at Kendal, 18 May (BHVS, 2-3, 6)

Fisher [later Slack], Ann (1719-1778), teacher, grammarian and bookseller; published early English grammar

Fisher, Charles (1827-1883), iron master, lived Distington Hall, later Windermere, dau Benita Violet Fisher (1894-1980) marr Jim Gaddum (qv), son of William Gaddum (DCB)

Fisher, Edward (d.1642), clergyman, vicar of Beetham, died in 1642

Fisher, George MBE (d.2000), mountaineer and businessman, established Keswick mountain rescue team in 1946 and ran it until 1981, established his shop in the former Abraham’s photographic shop (qv)  in Keswick, collaborated with firms worldwide to improve boots, climbing jackets and other gear, he named the Lakeland climb Jaga after his daughters Janice and Gail; allerdale-house.co.uk

Fisher, James (fl.mid 19thc.), founded James Fisher and Sons, shipowners, Barrow in 1847, was successful in shipping Furness haematite, by 1868 had seventy ships; Nigel Watson, Around the Coast and Across the Sea: The Story of James Fisher and Son, 2000

Fisher, John (1668-1753), shoemaker and modest farmer, his ancestors lived near Loweswater at a house called Stockbridge, near the bridge to the mill, son of Robert and Ellinor Fisher, the house is marked on Peter Crosthwaite’s map Buttermere, Crummock and Lowes-water of 1794, John probably began in his father’s trade as a shoemaker but was soon lending money at interest, appointed bailiff to the Lawsons, Lords of the Manor from c.1703, marr Sarah Winder c.1703, probably of Thackthwaite, three daughters and four sons, moved to Cold Keld on the Thackthwaite road, his son Thomas became curate of Lorton; Lorton History Society newsletter 2022

Fisher, John (b.c.1810), born in Barrow village, son of William (1775-1861) sailed from Liverpool on 13 August 1844 and arrived at New York 31 days later, travelling on to see his uncle in Brownsville, Pennsylvania, and returned from California after absence of 12 years and four months, but left again for New York in April 1857

Fisher, John (1809-1870), joiner, builder and antiquary, and alderman, born at Fisher Yard, 86 Stricklandgate, Kendal [present site of Library Road], in 1809, son of William Fisher (who had purchased the house in 1806), also joiner and alderman, within which was oak room and mantelpiece known as his “Old Curiosity Shop”, where he kept his pictures, books, files of ancient papers, bric-a-brac, coins and tokens, had consuming love for Kendal and all that belonged to its past, wrote under “K. K.” pseudonym and contributed appendix to Local Chronology, with intention of continuing work, but not done and 32 years later before Enoch Bowker picked it up in 1840, employed by Webster firm as a draughtsman and associated with its architectural practice, responsible for joinery of Farrer’s tea and coffee shop and Friends’ Meeting House in Kendal, also supervised all of FMH building work (CRO, WDFC/F/1/97), made two pen and ink illustrations of White Hall Assembly Rooms (1829), [fronted in classical Grecian style and surmounted by cupola and later converted into new Town Hall to replace Moot Hall in 1859], Castle Street cemetery chapel, Market Place covered market, and Dowker Hospital, restored Grandy Nook on Fell Side, Kendal in 1864, became Alderman of Kendal in 1859, died 2 October 1870 [Met Office gives dates as 23/06/1831 to 25/09/1870] (jewel of large gold Maltese cross set with diamonds and pearls and bearing medallion portrait of Queen Elizabeth was presented to Mayor and Corporation of Kendal on 300th anniversary of First Charter of Incorporation, 1575, by his friends in memory of his life-long interest in service of town) (KK, 52, 330-331)

Fisher, John Cowley (fl.1863-77), barrister Middle Temple, son of John Sanderson Fisher of Woodhall, Cockermouth, a judge, educated Queens College, Oxford, called to bar 1834, member of the Geological Society (letters of 1837-8 in their archives), also lived Cockermouth at Wood Hall, wrote Liturgical Purity (1863), there followed the anonymous A Scriptural View of Liturgical Purity by a clergyman of the Church of England, Fisher also wrote The Death of Christ was a Propitiatory Sacrifice (1877), married Sarah, daughter of George Henry Hewit-Oliphant (qv) of Broadfield House, Southwaite (C), later Lord of the Manor of Huthwaite (Hewthwaite?), their son Henry (b.1843) later an ironmonger

Fisher, Sir John (c.1900-c.1985), chairman of James Fisher and Sons, Barrow, philanthropist, m. Maria Elsner, lived on the shore of Windermere below Gummers How, played a significant role in the evacuation of Dunkirk; the Sir John Fisher Foundation [est. 1980 by Sir John and Lady Fisher] focuses on seafarers and the arts, particularly in Furness; Nigel Watson, Around the Coast and Across the Sea: The Story of James Fisher and Son, 2000

Fisher, John Hutton (179x-1862), MA, clergyman,   vicar of Kirkby Lonsdale 1831-1862 (CW2, xxix, 190)

Fisher, Joseph (1655-1704), MA, clergyman, son of Richard Fisher, of Whitrigg, educ Queen’s College, Oxford (matric 4 December 1674, aged 19, BA 1679, MA 1682), instituted to vicarage of Brough, 28 May 1695, on presentation of Queen’s College, and inducted by William Nicolson, archdeacon of Carlisle, 6 June 1695, also collated rector of Great Salkeld, 9 July 1702, but resided at Brough, later also archdeacon of Carlisle, said to have been skilled in Hebrew and Oriental languages (A G Loftie), marr (23 May 1696, at Brough) Isabell Kidd (prob dau of Robert Kidd, bapt 11 August 1679, at Brough), buried at Brough, 15 November 1704; his widow Isabell later married Francis Thompson (qv), his successor as vicar (CRO, WPR 23; ECW, i, 381 and ii, 1122)

Fisher, Joseph (c.1655-1704; ODNB), clergyman and oriental linguist, b. Whitrigg (C) son of Richard Fisher, rector Brough-by-Sands and later Great Salkeld, archdeacon of Carlisle, author of Epistle to Thomas Lambard, Lambard was one of his pupils

Fisher, Joseph (18xx-19xx), JP, local councillor, farmer and coal dealer, councillor for South Ward of Dalton-in-Furness Urban District Council and chairman 1910-1911, of The Farm, and also coal dealer, of Beech Hill, 96 Market Street, Dalton (1882, 1890, 1912)

Fisher, Ken (1927-2018), solicitor, educated Uppingham and St John’s Cambridge, joined his father’s practice WC Kendall and Fisher, eventually becoming senior partner, past chairman Agricultural and Land Tribunal (North), member of the Furness NHS Trust, past president North Lonsdale Law Society, chair of governors Chetwynde School, President of the St George Society, chair Dalton Leisure Centre and organised the formal opening by Princess Margaret, president of local agricultural shows, played cricket for Dalton and rugby for Furness, married Mary Towers, 1 son and 1 daughter; obit NW Evening Mail 20 October 2018

Fisher (nee Elsner), Lady Maria (1905-1983), opera singer and wife of Sir John Fisher (qv), a popular Adele in Die Fledermaus, her first husband was the playwright and novelist Odon von Horvath (1901-1938), whose Youth Without God (1938), warned of the dangers of fascism

Fisher, Mary (fl.mid 19thc.), writer and poet,  Tales Local and Legendary (c.1860)

Fisher, May Chatteris  [b.1874], artist, married William Smallwood Winder, also a Lake Artist, Renouf, 33

Fisher, Ralph (c.1777-1837), DL, merchant, from Liverpool, acquired Hill Top in Hutton-le-Hay in 1818 (WG, 8 & 15 August), originally built c.1795 for a Mr Nowell, but altered and enlarged c.1820 by Websters (mixture of Francis and George’s styles), adding south wing with new dining and drawing rooms, gave £100 towards New Hutton church of 1828 designed by George Webster, died 11 May 1837, aged 60, and buried at New Hutton, 19 May (memorial tablet by Webster in church) (WoK, 50, 120)

Fisher, Revd Ralph Watkins (1803-1849), MA, JP, son of Ralph Fisher (qv), of Hill Top, Hutton-le-Hay, Kendal, which he inherited from father in 1837, died at Perth, Scotland, 17 June 1849, aged 46; wife Elizabeth Sleddall, dau of Dr Edmund Tatham (qv), died in London, 7 December 1869, aged 64 (memorial tablet by Webster in church), Mrs Fisher was of Hawkrigg cottage, Hutton in the Hay in 1858; [William Wilson of Hill Top in 1849, William Fleming, MD, in 1858; house and lands were purchased in 1864 by Lord Bective (qv)]

Fisher, Robert (1824-1911), trainer of horses, worked for the Lowthers and was later manager of the Whitehaven cab company, his monument with a fountain was erected outside the bus station and is now in Castle park; memorialdrinkingfountains.wordpress.com

Fisher (later Brocklebank), Thomas DL JP (1814-1906), nephew of Thomas Brocklebank (d.1845) (qv), changed his name and effectively inherited the chairmanship of T and J Brocklebank (qv); Hud (C)

Fisher, Vivian (fl.early to mid 20thc.), writer and gate keeper, lived Low Strutton Gate, Borrowdale, keeper of the gate to Ashness, Keswick, before the advent of a cattle grid, with long hair and wearing baggy tweed trousers, cheerily opened the gate to allow cars to pass holding out his cap for a tip, sometimes even sang a sing or declaimed verse, ‘a poet and student of the vernacular’, translated St John’s Gospel into Cumbrian dialect; West Gaz has photo 5 March 2010; Wainwright, In the Valleys of Lakeland, 202, Gordon Readihough, 258

Fisher, William (1775-1861), yeoman farmer and diarist, of Barrow village, Low Furness, kept diary and farm accounts 1811-1859, farmed about 80 acres, great detail of family, local and national events, marr, son John qv, died 25 April 1861, aged 85 (CW2, lxvi, 382-401; CNWRS, 1986); =? William Fisher [?1811-1859], his farm [the founding landholding of the town] on the 1843 map of Barrow (Furness Collection Z/2406), text produced by a Barrow archivist and framed with the map in Dalton library (now hangs in Community Centre across the road)

Fisher, William Webster (1797-1874; ODNB), physician, professor of medicine, born at Thrimby, Little Strickland, educated at Thorp Arch in Yorkshire, Montpellier university where he became a friend of Auguste Comte (1798-1857), the philosopher of science, and Trinity College Cambridge, became the Downing Professor of Medicine in 1841 and physician at Addenbrooks Hospital (est 1766)

Fisher-Rowe, Captain, author of My Solitary Life wrote of the Croglin Vampire, as did Augustus Hare (qv); Hud (C)

Fitzgerald, Edward (1809-1883; ODNB), poet, translator of the popular ‘Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam’ (1859) (verses written by the Persian polymath Khayyam (1048-1131)), he travelled from Suffolk and visited Mirehouse to stay with James Spedding (qv), probably in company with Thomas Churchyard and Bernard Barton (qqv); a parody of the Rubaiyat was written by Stanley Eddington (qv)

Fitzhamon (formerly Hayman), Lewin Henry Dell (1869-1961; ODNB), film maker, born Cheltenham son of the Rev Henry Hayman (1823-1904; ODNB), controversial headmaster of Rugby and for thirty years rector of Aldingham and his wife Matilda Westly (1830-1911), educ Rossall School, performed in the Music Hall, actor, director and stage manager, worked with Cecil Hepworth, Rescued by Rover (1905), That Fatal Sneeze (1907) and The Man and his Bottle (1908) and the Tilly Girls’ comedies including Tilly the Tomboy Visits the Poor (1910) and Tilly’s Party (1911), made films at an astonishing rate of two per week; Times obit 11 Oct 1961; West Gaz 4 June 2015

Fitzgibbon, Mary Rose (fl.mid 20thc.), writer, Lakeland Scene (1948)

Fitzsimmons, Revd J C (19xx-1975), Roman Catholic priest

Fitz-Swein, Adam, landowner in Cumberland and Yorkshire and founder of Monk Bretton priory near Barnsley

Flashman see Fleishman

Flavius Romanus, record clerk killed Galava aged 35, tombstone found 1963; WG Collingwood, ed Rollinson, 19

Fleishman (or Flashman) (b.1920s), nurses, two sisters of German origin who worked at Brampton hospital in the 1950s and 1960s, one had been a midwife

Fleming family of Furness; CW2 xxxi 28

Fleming of New Field; CW2 lxii 328

Fleming family of Rydal; CW2 lxiv 264

Fleming, Mistress, of Skirwith; her inventory CW2 xxviii 33

Fleming, Albert (1846-1923), barrister and linen manufacturer, Ruskin follower and instigator of local arts and crafts, moved from Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, to Neaum Crag in Ambleside with his housekeeper, Marian Twelves (qv), established Langdale Linen Industry, member of Lake District Defence Society; q.v. Hills; Sydney Chapman, Armitt Journal no 1, 46

Fleming, Anne Frederica Elizabeth (1784-1861), landowner, dau and only child of Sir Michael Fleming (qv), marr Sir Daniel Fleming, 5th Bt (qv), no issue, inventory of her household furniture at No.11 Portugal Street, 28 November 1816 (CRO, WD/Ry/123/2), granted land at Coniston as site for schoolhouse for poor children of township (deed of 6 December 1853 in CRO, WD/AG/116/3), died 5 April 1861

Fleming, Barbara (nee Fletcher) (1634-1675), daughter of Sir Henry Fletcher of Hutton, marr Sir Daniel Fleming of Rydal (qv), portrait by John Bracken; Cumbrian Characters exhibition Abbot Hall 1968 (16)

Fleming, Catherine, of Rydal, m. Sir Peter Byrne-Leicester in 1755, they both sat to Francis Cotes and the portraits are still at Tabley Hall, Cheshire

Fleming, Sir Daniel (1633-1701), landowner, magistrate, ‘emergent regional Tory power broker’ and antiquary, born at Coniston Hall about midnight on 24/25 July 1633, eldest son of William Fleming (qv), family moved to Monk Hall, near Keswick, and then in 1639 to Skirwith Hall, taught by eight schoolmasters until he entered Queen’s College, Oxford as a commoner on 20 July 1650, Thomas Smith (qv) being his tutor, but left on 13 July 1652 without degree, entered Gray’s Inn in January 1653, but left London in September following death of his father to take possession of estates, which were in hands of Committee for Compounding, with two female cousins also claiming them (FiO, i, 365-373), first saw Barbara Fletcher, his future wife (eldest dau of Sir Henry Fletcher (qv), of Hutton-in-the-Forest), in St Mary’s church, Oxford, in June 1651 (where she had been taking music lessons with the organist Edward Lowe (1610-1682; ODNB)) and later presented her with a gold ring (FiO, i, 4, 551), marr (27 August 1655), 15 children,  Barbara (died 13 April 1675), died 25 March 1701; CW3 ii 183; CW3 iii 12; Michael Mullett, Political and Religious Restoration Cockermouth, CWAAS Tract, 2013; Blake Tyson (ed), The Estate and Household Accounts of Sir Daniel Fleming of Rydal Hall, 2001, Scott Sowerby and Noah McCormack (eds), The Memoirs of Sir Daniel Fleming of Rydal Hall from 1633-1688, 2021

Fleming, Sir Daniel, 5th Bt (17xx-1821), landowner, marr (4 February 180x) Anne Frederica Elizabeth Fleming (qv), catalogue of books at Rydal Hall 1821 (CRO, WD/Ry/123/1)

Fleming, Fletcher, his arms over the door at Fell Foot, Little Langdale; WG Collingwood, ed Rollinson, 27

Fleming, Fletcher (1795-1876), clergyman, one of 8 sons of John Raincock Fleming (qv), of Rayrigg, Windermere, also owned Bel(s)field, estate of 932 acres (1873), rector of Grasmere 1857-1863, also served Rydal chapel

Fleming, Sir George, 2nd Bt (1667-1747; ODNB), MA, LLD, bishop of Carlisle, 5th son and 9th child of Sir Daniel Fleming (qv), educ Sedbergh School and St Edmund Hall, Oxford (matric 14 July 1688, BA 1692, MA 1695), profligate university career with his father trying to restrain his lavish expenditure, pluralist, LLD (Lambeth) 22 February 1727, bishop of Carlisle 1734-1747, died 2 July 1747 (WW, i, 137-140, ECW, i, 198, 382, 390)

Fleming, George Cumberland Hughes le (c.1807-1877), soldier, major-general, estate of 3,611 acres (1873), of Rydal Hall, buried in Grasmere churchyard, 13 June 1877, aged 69

Fleming, Henry (1659-1728), DD, MA, clergyman, born 29 July 1659, 2nd son and 4th child of Sir Daniel Fleming (qv), educ Queen’s College, Oxford (entd as batler 27 May 1678, matric 4 July, aged 17, BA 18 December 1682, MA 26 May 1685, B and DD as grand compounder 8 July 1696), marr (10 April 1700) Mary, dau of John Fletcher, of Hunslet, 1 dau (Penelope, wife of John Keate, Lieut in Scotch Horse Grenadier Guards), rector of Grasmere 1685 and of Asby 1694, died 12 April 1728 (FiO, i, 200)

Fleming, Hugh (c.1492-1557), landowner, son and heir of John Fleming (qv), aged 30 and upwards at his father’s IPM in 1522, escheator for Cumberland and Westmorland 33 Hen VIII, marr Joan, dau and coheir of Sir Richard Hudleston (qv), of Millom Castle, 4 sons and dau, died 8 June 3-4 Philip & Mary [1558]; IPM at Kendal on 13 June 1558, lands detailed, nearest heir and kinsman (grandson?) was William Flemyng, aged 23 and upwards (RK, ii, 25; Visitation pedigree 1665)

Fleming, Hugh (1843-1913), BA, clergyman, 2nd son of Thomas Brandon Fleming and Mary Raincock, educ Jesus College, Cambridge (BA 1871), d 1871 and p 1872 (Sarum), curate of Bishopstone, Wiltshire 1871-1876, asst secretary, Incorp CBS (Church Building Society?) 1876-1879, secretary, CAF (Curates’ Augmentation Fund) 1879-1886, vicar of Great Thurlow, Dio Ely 1886-1908 and curate of Little Thurlow 1889-, granted arms in 1902, marr Mary Rosa, 2 sons (Hugh Raincock (qv) and Basil (later le Fleming), who succ as vicar of Great Thurlow in 1908 until 1951, when he retired to Horsley Manor, Stroud, Glos), died in 1913

Fleming, Hugh Raincock (later le Fleming) (1872-1945), clergyman, born 1872, er son of Revd  Hugh Fleming (qv), educ Jesus College, Cambridge, d 1904 (Barrow for Carl) and p 1906 (Carl), curate of St Andrew’s, Penrith 1904-1905 and Christ Church, Penrith 1905-1907, rector of Stretton, Rutland 1907-1910, Lyng, Norfolk 1910-1912, and Euston with Fakenham Parva and Barnham, Suffolk 1912-1914, marr 1st Joan Kenyon, marr 2nd Olive Allan, 1 son and 1 dau, of Rayrigg Hall, Windermere (1939), died in 1945; Rayrigg Hall sold in 1946 by his son, Fletcher le Fleming (b.1910), formerly of The Crosses, Windermere, and later of Viaduct Farm, Chappel, Essex, to pay estate duty, but his grandson, Richard Hugh Fletcher le Fleming (b.1945), is current owner of Rydal Estate

Fleming, John (d.1522), landowner, son of John Fleming and his wife, Ann, dau of Sir xxx Broughton, marr Jane (or Jennet), dau of Sir Hugh Lowther (qv), of Lowther, son (Hugh, qv) and daus, died 9 January 13 Hen VIII [1521/22]; IPM at Kendal on 22 February 1522, lands detailed, his son and nearest heir is Hugh Flemyng, aged 30 and upwards (RK, ii, 24-25; Visitation pedigree 1665)

Fleming, John (d.1642), of Rydal, had lands in Cumberland, Westmorland and Lancashire, but always lived in Westmorland and ‘for many yeares before his death beddridd’, never sequestered in counties Cumberland and Lancashire, trustee for purchase of rectory of Sherburne in co York, but county committee sequestered it in his name in 1644, though he had died two yrs before and rectory was discharged from sequestration, died in February 1642 (CRO, WD/Ry/39/1/5, copy of will dated 22 December 1638 in WD/Ry/95)

Fleming, John (formerly Raincock) (1768-1835), son of Revd William Raincock (qv) and Agnes Fleming, assumed surname of Fleming in 1779, later ordained, marr, 8 sons (all died s.p., inc Revd Fletcher (qv)) and 2 daus (Barbara and Jane Isabella, both died unm), died in 1835

Fleming, John (1822-1883; ODNB), gardener, in early life worked for Mr Aiton of Bardsea

Fleming, Michael le (d.c.1150), of Aldingham

Fleming, Sir Michael, 4th Bt (17xx-1806), politician and landowner, MP for Westmorland 1774-1806, High Sheriff of Westmorland, planning to visit Daniel Wilson at Dallam (undated letter), of Hertford Street, Mayfair, London, where he died, 19 May 1806, and buried in Grasmere churchyard, 7 June (letters to him in CRO, WD/Ry/106/13)

Fleming, Sir Richard, 6th Bt (17xx-1857), clergyman and landowner, rector of Grasmere, died 3 April 1857

Fleming, Selina (nee Healey), met Charlotte Mason (qv) at the Home and Colonial Training College in London, Selina established a school Loughrigg View, Ambleside, Charlotte stayed there in 1864 and taught at the school, married Ambleside architect John Fleming, later in 1891 having written seven books CM stayed there again and soon afterwards her work in Ambleside began

Fleming, Stanley Hughes le (18xx-1939), DL, JP, landowner, of Rydal Hall, Lord Lieutenant of Westmorland 1931-1939, DL (apptd in March 1878), valuation of china at Rydal Hall made in 1913 (£1,304) and inventory of furniture and effects made prior to tenancy of Countess van Bueren, who took possession of furnished house in June 1923, with list of breakages accrued by 2 August 1923 (CRO, WD/Ry/117/1), died at Riggs Hotel, Windermere, aged 84, and buried in Grasmere churchyard, 2 November 1939

Fleming, Sir Thomas (13xx-14xx), landowner, marr (1408/09) Isabell, one of four daus and coheirs of Sir John Lancaster (qv) and thereby acquired half the Rydal estate (family settlement made on 12 August 1443 (deed in CRO, WD/Ry/92/90) when the other moiety went to her sister Margaret, wife of Sir Matthew Whitfeld (qv) and was not acquired until after 1547), 1 son (William, d.s.p.14 Edw IV), died in 14xx; his widow Isabell granted her manors and lands in Rydal and Loughrigg to John Fleming of Conyngshead and John Uttyng, chaplain, by deed of 2 March 21 Edw IV [1482] (RK, ii, 24)

Fleming, Thomas le, saw the Spanish Armada near the Scillies from his scout ship Golden Hinde (surely this is Drake’s ship?) on 15 July 1588 and took a warning message to admiral Lord Effingham and vice admiral Sir Francis Drake at Plymouth, his announcement was perhaps the trigger for Drake’s famous (and probably apocryphal) comment that he would win his game of bowls and beat the Spaniards too

Fleming, William (16xx-1649), died 12 May 1649

Fleming, William (16xx-1653), landowner, DF’s father, marr Alice, dau of Roger Kirkby, of Kirkby Hall, Kirkby Ireleth, died at Coniston Hall, 24 May 1653 in his 44th yr and buried in chancel of Grasmere church, 25 May 1653 (brass plaque and memorial window)

Fleming, Sir William, 1st Bt (1656-1736), MP for Westmorland 1696-1700 and 1704-1705, created baronet in 1705 with remainder to his brothers on failure of male issue

Fleming, Sir William, 3rd Bt (16xx-1757), MP for Cumberland 1756-1757, will made 6 October 1749 (draft in CRO, WD/Ry/85)

Fleming, William (1770-1829), yeoman and diarist, of Rowe Head, Pennington, author of Journal and Commonplace Book 1798-1820 and Diaries 1800-1821, attended performance of The Tragedy of Barnwell at Ulverston in November 1800, member of Dalton and Ulverston Book Clubs; (CW2, lxxii, 269); John Graeme Livingston, A Pennington Pepys (2019)

Fleming, William (mid-late 19thc.), of Pennington, wrote a boyhood diary 1848-1856; CW2 xlii 132

Fleming, William (1799-1880), MD, JP, physician, founder member of Chetham Society and its first hon secretary, of Broughton View, Pendleton, Manchester, and of Rowton Grange, near Chester, also of Hill Top, New Hutton (1858), which he rented from Fisher family

Fletcher family of Cockermouth, later of Hutton-in-the-Forest (see Sir Richard Hutton)

Fletcher family of Whitehaven, lived at The Flatts in 1599; CW1 iii 362 and 364

Fletcher, Abraham (1714-1793), pipe maker and mathematician, b. Bridekirk, eldest son of Joseph Fletcher (1684-1769) tobacco merchant of Little Broughton [CW], maths teacher and self taught physician, author of The Universal Measurer and Mechanic, 1762; H Winter, Great Scholars of Cockermouth

Fletcher, Barbara (d.1675), dau of Sir Henry Fletcher (qv), married Sir Daniel Fleming (qv)

Fletcher, Charlotte Maria (1854-1926), playwright, dau of Revd Henry Mordaunt Fletcher (qv), rector of Grasmere, wrote first play The Dalesman in 1893, for Grasmere Dialect Plays, of Lowfold, Grasmere

Fletcher, Elizabeth (fl.mid 17thc.), Quaker preacher, Kendal

Fletcher, Elizabeth [Eliza] (nee Dawson) (1770-1858; ODNB), poet and autobiographer, of Edinburgh, friend of Wordsworths, m. Archibald Fletcher, advocate of Edinburgh, WW looking for house for her in 1835, met at Lancrigg in Easedale, near Grasmere in 1839 to discuss alterations to farmhouse (perhaps by George Webster, WoK, 365) where she settled and died on 5 February 1858 (Autobiography edited and published by dau Mary (Lady) Richardson in 1875), her diary is at Dove Cottage

Fletcher, Sir Frank (1870-1954), headmaster of Marlborough and Charterhouse, born Manchester, son of Ralph Fletcher colliery owner and his wife Fanny, educ Rossall and Balliol, appointed as the first headmaster to a major school who was not in holy orders, marr Dorothy Pope dau of William Pope, lived in the south but had links with Crow How, Ambleside; biography by John Witheridge

Fletcher, Sir George, 2nd Bt (c.1633-1700), politician, 2nd son of Sir Henry Fletcher, 1st Bt, of Hutton-in-the-Forest (qv), inherited manor of Asby Winderwath and advowson of Asby from his grandfather, Sir Richard Fletcher (qv), High Sheriff of Cumberland 1657 and 1679, MP for Cumberland 1661-1700 (with breaks), restored to the Deputy Lieutenants of Westmorland and Cumberland, by order of Lord Conway to Earl of Carlisle, the Lord Lieutenant, 19 July 1681 (CRO, WD/Ry/HMC xxxx), marr, son (Henry, qv) and daus (Barbara, wife of Sir Daniel Fleming (qv)), died 23 July 1700, aged 67

Fletcher, Henry (fl.16thc), merchant of Cockermouth, entertained Mary Queen of Scots at his home in 1568 before she was taken to Carlisle castle, he gave her sixteen ells of rich crimson velvet to replace her worn apparel, his grandson Richard (qv) bought Hutton-in-the-Forest; Hudleston (C)

Fletcher, Sir Henry, 1st Bt (16xx-1645), royalist, son of Sir Richard Fletcher (qv), of Hutton-in-the-Forest, marr Catherine (died at Cockermouth, about 8 am, 16 April 1676 and buried there, 18 April), eldest dau of Sir George Dalston (qv), of Dalston Hall (she marr 2nd Dr Thomas Smith, later Bishop of Carlisle (qv)), son (George, qv) and daus (Barbara, wife of Sir Daniel Fleming (qv), Frances, wife of William Fletcher, of Moresby, and Bridget, wife of Christopher Dalston), High Sheriff of Cumberland 1641-1645, cr Baronet, 19 February 1640/41 ?or 1645, raised regiment for king and fell at head of it at Battle of Rowton Heath, 1645

Fletcher, Henry, of Moresby, father of William, who marr Frances, sister of Sir George Fletcher, 2nd Bt (qv), of Hutton-in-the-Forest (1 dau), and of dau Bridget, who marr Robert, 4th son of Gawen Braithwaite (qv), of Ambleside (FiO, i, 206-07)

Fletcher, Henry (1640-1712) of Tallentire, described by Sandford as ‘a great gamester’; Hud (C)

Fletcher, Sir Henry, 3rd Bt (c.1661-1712), MP for Cockermouth 1689-1690, settled his estates on his kinsman, Thomas Fletcher, of Moresby, who died s.p. in 1700, then inherited by his sisters and coheirs Lucy and Catherine, retired to Douai Abbey, in France, where he died unmarried, 19 May 1712 and buried in chapel of English convent there, which he built for community at own expense (BEB, 202)

Fletcher, Henry (1723-1759), captain of Grenadiers, fought at Quebec with Gen James Wolfe (qv) but was shot through the heart; Hud (C)

Fletcher, Sir Henry (1727-1807; ODNB), Bt., politician and chairman East India Co., 7th child of John Fletcher of Clea Hall and 2nd wife Isabella Senhouse

Fletcher, Henry Allason (1834-1884), JP, locomotive manufacturer, yst son of John Wilson Fletcher of Tarn Bank, Greysouthen, coalmine owner, and brother of Isaac (qv), took out a number of patents, esp successful with ‘Fletcher’s tank-locomotive’, Fletcher, Jennings & Co taking over Tulk & Ley Lowca foundry in 1857 (having made locomotives for Maryport and Carlisle Railway from 1830), becoming Lowca Engine Works, managed operation until compelled to retire by ill-health at beginning of 1884, by which time 171 locomotives had been built there, sold to Lowca Engineering Co Ltd [re-named New Lowca Engineering Co Ltd in 1905 but wound up in 1926], president of Whitehaven Scientific Society (to which he contributed a paper on the Archaeology of the Iron Trade of West Cumberland), chairman of Moresby Board School, of Croft Hill, Moresby, died in 1884, aged 49 (WN, 12.12.2018)

Fletcher, Henry Mordaunt (1822-1914), MA, clergyman, 3rd son of Miles Angus Fletcher (1792-1831) and Charlotte Catherine, dau of Brigadier-General Henry Mordaunt Clavering (1759-1850), educ Oxford University (MA), rector of Grasmere 1878-1893

Fletcher, Isaac (1714-1781), Quaker yeoman, lawyer, merchant and diarist, of Underwood, Mosser, Cockermouth, refers to a camel on view at the Globe Inn at 9d a time in 1760, died 26 November 1781; (Diary 1756-1781 published, edited by AJL Winchester, CWAAS, Extra Series, XXVI, 1994); CW2 c 293

Fletcher, Isaac (18xx-19xx), MP, FRS, author of paper on ‘The Archaeology of the West Cumberland Coal Trade’; CW1 iii (1878), 266-313

Fletcher, Isaac (1827-1879) F.S.A., iron master and politician; fellow of Royal Astronomical Society

Fletcher, John (fl.late 18thc), of Pardshaw Hall, near Cockermouth, ran a private school in the meeting house attended  by John Dalton  qv, when Fletcher closed the school young John started one of his own aged 12

Fletcher, John (1808-1876), DL, JP, of Croft, Clappersgate, Ambleside, dau Edith was first wife of H D Rawnsley (qv)

Fletcher, Sir Lazarus FRS (1854-1921; ODNB), mineralogist, born Salford, son of Stewart Fletcher, educated Manchester GS and Balliol, demonstrator under Professor Robert Bellamy Clifton (1836-1921), held the Millard lectureship in physics at Trinity, then keeper of minerals at the BM, married Agnes Ward Holme, daughter of the Rev Thomas Holme of Oldham, published many papers including The Dilation of Crystals on a Change of Temperature and A Guide to the Collection of Meteorites, retired to Ravenstonedale and died in Grange-over-Sands

Fletcher, Mary, daughter of Henry Fletcher of Tallentire Hall, married Dr Richard Gilpin of Scaleby (qv)

Fletcher, Mary Frances (Maisie) (nee Cropper) (1881-1975), musician, born in 1881, 2nd dau of Charles Cropper (qv), marr (19xx) Sir Walter Fletcher (qv), President of Westmorland Orchestra, in which she played for many years, also strong supporter of Moral Rearmament, died in March 1975

Fletcher, Prof Nicholas Richard Herbert (1848-1905) of Rampholme, Windermere, father of Reginald Fletcher (Lord Winster) (qv)

Fletcher, Norman (1877-19xx), JP, of Edenbrows, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1929, grandson of John Fletcher (qv), of Croft, Clappersgate, Ambleside

Fletcher, Ralph (1842-1916), colliery owner, son of Ralph Fletcher (1815-1882) of Atherton (L), lived Crow Howe, Ambleside, owned Atherton colliery (L); Hud (W)

Fletcher, Sir Reginald Thomas Herbert (1885-1961; ODNB), later Lord Winster of Witherslack, liberal and labour politician, son of a professor of mathematics Nicholas Richard Herbert (1848-1905) who died in Ulverston, his grandfather was Joseph Fletcher of Witherslack, MP Nuneaton 1935-1942, minister of aviation, governor of Cyprus 1946-1949, marr Elspeth Lomax Lakes

Fletcher, Sir Richard (d.1637), merchant, of Cockermouth, purchased Hutton-in-the-Forest from Lancelot Hutton (qv) in 1606, and also manor of Asby Winderwath, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1615 (or 1624-25?), knighted in 1617, marr, son (Henry, qv), died in 1637

Fletcher, Thomas (fl. early 19thc), canal engineer, built the Hincaster Tunnel for the Lancaster Canal, near Sedgwick, opened in 1817, it is 346 metres long, brick lined and was in use until 1944

Fletcher, Tom (1874-1950), rugby international, born at Seaton in 1874, one rugby union cap for England v. Wales on 9 January 1897, on wing and first Cumbrian back to play for England, made debut for Oldham Rugby League Club on 12 November 1898, died at High Harrington, 28 August 1950 (CRL, xx)

Fletcher, Sir Walter, marr Mary Frances (Maisie), 2nd dau of Charles Cropper (qv)

Fletcher, William (fl.1670s), built new facade upon Moresby Hall c.1670, Hyde and Pevsner

Fletcher, William (1814-1881/91), railway missionary, born in Leeds and bapt at St Peter’s parish church, 8 August 1814, eldest son of Isaac Fletcher, cloth dresser, and his wife Mary Brownridge, had yr brothers John and Charles, and sisters Mary and Elizabeth (who marr James Meredith Buckley in 1837), educ not known, described as a cloth dresser when marr 1st (2 April 1836, at St Peter’s Leeds) Mary Bottomley (decd), marr 2nd (1837, at South Parade Baptist chapel, Leeds) Elizabeth Curtis (d.1845 from “disease in brain”, aged 33), 1 son (Edward Curtis, b.1842, d.1845 from meningitis) and 2 daus (Mary Curtis, b.1839, d.1844 from enteritis, and Martha Brownridge, b.1841, who marr (1863, at Westgate Baptist chapel, Bradford) Thomas Illingworth, stuff merchant, and living at Mossgill House, Crosby Garrett in 1881), marr 3rd (August 1846, at South Parade Baptist chapel, Leeds) Mary Mortimer (from Plymouth, working as a private governess at Fairfield House, Armley, near Leeds, died at Bradford in March 1893), 2 sons (William, b.1848, and Mortimer, b.1849) and 2 daus (Margaret, b.1850, professor of music in 1871, who marr 1st (2 December 1873, at Hallfield Baptist chapel, Manningham Lane, Bradford) Walter Henry Harland (died of consumption in early 1875), commercial traveller, and marr 2nd (by 1881) Thomas E Bell, asst municipal overseer, of Crook, co Durham, and Mary, b.1852, home missionary in Bradford in 1871, who marr (2 June 1873, at KS Congregational church) Christopher Holmes Watson (d.1894), yarn merchant, of Bradford, and died at Bradford, September 1893, aged 42), family moved to Halifax about 1848 (at 6 Bond Street in 1851), still working as a cloth dresser (as were his brothers), moved to Villiers Street, Little Horton in Bradford by 1861, manager for cloth manufacturer by 1863, appointed by Bradford Town Mission as missionary to workmen on Settle & Carlisle Railway (Second Contract), living in Kirkby Stephen (1871, 1873), ?minister at Smardale chapel?, keeping Journal from 23 September 1870 to 31 July 1875, showing his dedication to Baptist religion and compassion for railway navvies, persistence and fortitude in difficult conditions, work on second contract of Settle to Carlisle Railway completed by 1875 and his missionary work finished, presumably returned to Bradford, but at his dau Margaret’s home in Crook, co Durham in 1881, could not then be located by Bradford Mission for another position as a railway project missionary, and had died by 1891, when his widow Mary was at the Ilkley home of their yst dau Mary Watson, but she herself died at 8 St Mary’s Road, Bradford in March 1893, aged 82 (Journal in Bradford Archives and transcribed by Kay Gordon, of Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2011)  

Fletcher, William (1831-1900), DL, JP, FGS, politician, MP for Cockermouth 1879-1880 (elected at by-election and replaced by Edward Waugh (qv) in 1880), first Chairman of Cumberland County Council 1889-1892, member of CWAAS from 1877, of Brigham Hill, died in 1900

Fletcher-Vane family, see Inglewood

Flimby family, lords of Allonby in the early medieval period

Flint, William Russell [1880-1969], artist, exhibited at the Lake Artists; Renouf, p.76

Flintoft, Joseph (Josh) of Keswick, artist, made giant plaster bas-relief model of Lake Country (now in Fitz Park Museum); Marshall Hall, 27

Flower, John (1793-1861), topographical and landscape artist, pencil and watercolour, made extended sketching tours, incl north of England, illustration of St Oswald’s church, Grasmere on front of parish magazine, Brathay Bridge, etc (in local collections in Leicestershire); dau, Elizabeth Flower (1816-1902), also topographical artist, accompanied her father on sketching tours (ex inf Neil Finn, 15.4.09)

Floyer, Revd John Kestell (1865-19xx), MA, FSA, clergyman, son of Revd Ayscoghe Floyer, MA, educ Wadham College, Oxford (BA 1890, MA 1897) and Ely College 1890, d 1892 (Ely for Sarum) and p 1893 (Sarum), Curate of Downton 1892-1895, Minor Canon of Worcester 1895, elected FSA 1895, Organising Secretary of SPG for Arcdeaconry of Worcester 1898-1901, Curate in charge of St Swithin’s, Worcester 1901-1903, Librarian of Worcester Cathedral 1897-1903, author of Catalogue of the MSS of Worcester Cathedral (1906), Vicar of Warton 1903-1908, increased number of services and celebrated Holy Communion weekly, enlarged vicarage house by addition of new wing (paid for by Ecclesiastical Commissioners and by public subscription), member of CWAAS from 1904 to 1910 and contributed substantial article on history of Church of St Oswald the King, Warton to Transactions (CW2, x, 39-80), resigned to become Rector of Esher in Surrey (Dio Winchester) in 1908

Flynn, Right Revd Thomas Edward (18xx-1961), PhD, MA, Roman Cathoic bishop, second Bishop of Lancaster, consecrated new chapel at the Sacred Heart Convent, Brettargh Holt in 1959, died 4 November 1961

Foix, Jean de, vicomte de Castillon and earl of Kendal (fl.1443-1485), Gascon lord and adherent of King Henry VI, nominated KG, 12 May 1446 and created earl of Kendal about the same time, but no record of creation is preserved, never summoned to Parliament, marr Margaret de la Pole, niece of William, Duke of Suffolk (Rot Parl, v, 179) and said to be dau of Sir John de la Pole, made peace with King Louis XI of France after deposition of Henry VI in 1461, surrendered Garter in 1462 and presumably his English earldom when he became a subject of French king, died shortly after 5 December 1485; his two sons, Gaston and Jean and their descendants, styled themselves Comtes de Candale until last of line died in 1714 (CP, VII, 108-110)

Foley, Alice (nee Williams) (b.1896), born Carlisle, worked at the Devil’s Porridge factory at Gretna, the largest munitions operation during the 1st World War, married Thomas Foley and lived at West Walls, Thomas had lost a leg in the 1st WW

Foley, Right Revd Brian Charles (1910-1999), STL, Roman Catholic bishop, born in Ilford, 25 May 1910, ordained 25 July 1937, consecr third Bishop of Lancaster by Archbishop Heenan, 13 June 1962, laid foundation stone (taken from ruin of ancient chantry on Ladyholme or St Maryholme) for church of Our Lady of Windermere and St Herbert on 9 September 1962, which he formally opened and dedicated on 14 June 1964, churches also being built at Grasmere and Keswick at same time, retired 22 May 1985, Hon DLitt (Lancaster University), of Nazareth House, Ashton Road, Lancaster, died 23 December 1999 (LDD, 2000, 8-12)

Fool, Tom, of Isel Hall, jester to Sir Wilfred Lawson; mss in city accounts, referred to by Stephen Longstaffe, Cumbria University

Fool, Tom, of Muncaster, see Skelton

Foot, Michael Mackintosh (1913-2010; ODNB), PC, FRSL, politician and writer, great supporter of Wordsworth Trust, serving as Trustee for 15 years to 2001, then Fellow, lectured regularly at Wordsworth Summer Conference in Grasmere, esp on Hazlitt and Byron, donated his collection of Hazlitt MSS to Trust in 1998 and then his books (inc Hazlitt’s Liber Amoris) in 2004, died aged 96

Forbes, Alexander (c.1784-1861), gardener, apptd head gardener at Levens Hall in 1810, employed by Colonel F G Howard (qv) to improve the gardens without changing their original form, after some years of neglect, and oversaw vigorous re-establishment of horticultural order,  author of Short Hints on Ornamental Gardening (1820), retired in 1861, buried at Heversham, 2 March 1861, aged 77

Ford, Edmund Brisco (‘Henry’) (1901-1988; ODNB), FRS, popular ecological geneticist, born at Papcastle (or Dalton-in-Furness (ODNB)), 23 April 1901, only child of Revd Harold Dodsworth Ford, curate at Dalton, and Gertrude Emma Bennett, educ St Bees School and Wadham College, Oxford, joined Oxford faculty 1927, published Mendelism and Evolution (1931) and Ecological Genetics (1964), professor 1963, emeritus 1969, contributed to the genetics of natural selection, studied populations of freshwater crustacea, died in his rooms at All Souls, Oxford, 21 January 1988

Ford, Henry Edmund (18xx-1909), MusD, organist, Organist and Master of Choristers, Carlisle Cathedral (1847), of 13 Fisher Street, Carlisle, died in November 1909 (memorial north choir aisle window in Carlisle cathedral)

Ford, Isabella (1855-1924; ODNB), social reformer, born and died Leeds, trades union activist and writer, supported the Westmorland National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies; Roger Smalley, Political Dissent in Westmorland, 1880-1930, 2013

Ford, John Rawlinson JP LLD (1844-1934), antiquary, son of William Ford DL JP (1816-1898) of Ellel, he was of Yealand Conyers

Ford, John (1915-19xx), clergyman, born in 1915, started career as an actor, declined offer from Sam Goldwyn to go to Hollywood at age of 21, before training for priesthood at Lincoln Theol College 1938, d 1940 and p 1941 (Bristol), curate of Stoke Bishop 1940-1942, Cirencester with Holy Trinity Watermoor 1942-1943, and Tewkesbury with Walton Cardiff 1943-1944, rector of Wolverton, Stratford-on-Avon 1944-1945, came to Carlisle dio as vicar of Seathwaite 1945-1946, Eskdale 1946-1950, and Wigton 1950-1956, then after brief emigration to Vancouver for three weeks in 1956, back to south west as vicar of Wootton Courtenay 1956-1961 and rector of Luccombe 1957-1961 near Minehead, Somerset, but returned to Cumberland as vicar of Brampton 1961-1967 and rector of Aikton 1967-1972, moved to London as curate-in-charge of St John Evangelist, Waterloo Road, Lambeth 1972-1976, first at 1 Secker Street, SE1, before moving into St John’s Vicarage, later p-in-c with All Saints, Southwark, retired in 1976 to The Old House, Gornal Ground, Thwaites, Millom, met Jean Winstanley (1913-1971), of Manchester when they were both understudies in a Gielgud production (student of sculpture at Manchester then actress at RADA, graduated 1934, died aged 57), marr Jean, 4 sons and 1 dau (Anna Ford, born at Tewkesbury, 2 October 1943, journalist, television presenter and chancellor of Manchester University), regarded as rather a lost soul by his daughter, died between 1988 and 1998

Ford, John R (19xx-19xx), local government officer, retired as Chief Executive of Cumbria County Council on 7 June 1991, succ by John Burnet (qv)

Ford, Randal (d.c.1723), and son, coiners, from Dent, both convicted for making forged currency at Tebay and executed at Appleby in c.1723 (LC, 5)

Ford, Richard (1697-1757), ironmaster, founder of Newland Company, born at Middlewich, Cheshire in 1697, marr (10 July 1725, by licence at Hawkshead) Elizabeth, dau of Revd William Bordley (qv), Vicar of Hawkshead, 10 children, manager of Cunsey iron works 1722, left in 1735 to build furnace at Nibthwaite on land leased from Thomas Rigg, with his financial assistance, lawsuit over ownership of Crake river-bed in 1746, resolved with grant of lease for 100 yrs to Richard Ford & Co in 1750, built Ford Lodge on Grizedale Hall estate, died 15 September, aged 60, and buried at Ulverston, 18 September 1757 (MI in St Mary’s Church, Ulverston erected by dau, A.F.) (TWT, 23-24)

Ford, William (1728-1769), ironmaster, bapt at Hawkshead 17 January 1728, eldest son of above, marr (c.1751) Catherine (buried at Hawkshead, 7 July 1765, aged 46), yst dau of Richard Harrison (qv), first living at Ulverston (where first child, Catherine, born though bapt at Hawkshead, 29 March 1753), then moved to Coniston Waterhead (5 more children born: 2 sons (both Richard, d.inf and boy) and 3 daus (2 d.inf and Agnes, bapt at Hawkshead, 5 December 1761), will left Coniston Waterhead to er dau Catherine (qv Knott) and Grizedale Hall estate (incl Ford Lodge) to yr dau Agnes (qv Ainslie), with share capital in Newland Co divided nearly equally between them, died at Coniston Waterhead, aged 41, but buried at Ulverston, 24 May 1769 (TWT, 24-25)

Ford, William (17xx-18xx), clergyman and artist, curate of Cumwhitton, author of Description of the Scenery in the Lake District (1st edn 1839)

Fordyce, Charles Elphinstone (19xx-19xx), soldier and land agent, only son of B E Fordyce, marr (29 April 1935) hon Violet Ethel Mary Hennessy, 2nd dau of 1st baron Windlesham, issue, captain late Seaforth Highlanders, agent for Lord Hothfield’s Skipton Castle estate

Forshaw, William Thomas (1890-1943), VC, of Barrow, 1st/9th Manchester Territorials, held an important position at Gallipoli 7 August 1915

Forster family of Brampton (fl.18thc.), violin makers; The Strad, violin magazine, April 1979; see John and William I and II (qqv)

Forster family of Stonegarthside; CW2 lx 169

Forster, Henry (d.1775), of the Excise, descended from the Forsters of Stonegarthside, became Excise General Accomptant; Hud (C)

Forster, Jane (18xx-1961), schoolmistress, last Schoolmistress of Mardale 1891-1932, of the Laithes, Keld, buried at Shap, 27 September 1961, aged 93

Forster, John, of Etterby, son of John Forster of Moorhouse Hall, Bowness on Solway, tea planter, of the Oriental Club, London; (C)

Forster, John (fl.early 18thc.), of Brampton, father of William I qv, descendant of reivers, made spinning wheels

Forster, John (1852-1928), Primitive Methodist minister, Cockermouth, published verse Pictures of Life (1923), H. Winter, Cockermouth’s Great Scholars

Forster, Sir John, 1st Baron Forster of Harraby (1888-1972), KBE, QC, judge, born at Carlisle, 15 September 1888, yr son of John James Forster (1858-1963), OBE, of The Hawthorns, Norfolk Road, Carlisle (1894, 1897), Coledale Hall, Newtown Road, Carlisle (1906), 11 Warwick Square East, Carlisle (1910), 116 Warwick Road, Carlisle (1921), educ Sedbergh School, barrister-at-law, Grays Inn 1919, served WW1 in RA, leading authority on settling disputes, deputy umpire under Unemployment Insurance Acts, Chairman of Court of Inquiry into London Transport dispute 1937, Chairman of Trinidad Labour Riots Commission 1937, Chairman Court of Inquiry into London Bus Dispute and other industrial inquiries, Chairman of Railway Staff National Tribunal 1940-1960, Chairman of Industrial Court 1946-1960, knighted 1939, KBE 1948, QC 1946, Chairman of National Arbitration Tribunal from 1944, Judge, Administrative Tribunal International Labour Organisation 1957-1960, created Baron Forster of Harraby, of Beckenham, co Kent 1959, marr (4 September 1917) Muriel, er dau of Samuel Vosper, of Stoke, Devonport, 1 dau (Pamela, who marr (3 July 1948) Peter Hitcham, only son of Harry Palmer, of 24 Hanover House, London NW8, and Westgate-on-Sea, worked under Constance Spry qv and ran a florist’s business with Lady Rose Paget for many years), of 1 Brick Court, Temple, London EC4, and of Broome, 84 Albemarle Road, Beckenham, Kent, died 24 July 1972; barony extinct (His Grant of Arms and letters patent for sale in Hollett’s Christmas catalogue 2012)

Forster, Margaret (1938-2016; ODNB), novelist and author, born in Carlisle, educ Carlisle High School for Girls and Somerville college, Oxford, marr (11 June 1960) Hunter Davies, journalist and biographer of London, formerly of Caldbeck, her novels include Georgy Girl (1965), which inspired the film and The Seduction of Mrs Pendlebury (1974); her biographies include the lives of Daphne du Maurier and Elizabeth B. Browning; her non-fiction includes a history of Carr’s Biscuits, Rich Desserts and Captain’s Thin (1997) and several memoirs, later lived Loweswater; Guardian obit. 8th February 2016

Forster, Westgarth (1772-1835), geologist and mining engineer, born Coalcleugh near Alston, son of Westgarth Forster Sr (1738-1797), mining agent at Alston lead mines, publ. A Treatise on a Section of the Strata from Newcastle to the Mountain of Cross Fell (1809), ‘a clever but eccentric man’, highly regarded locally, died penniless; White and Albritton, Biographies of Geologists

Forster, William, farmer and gamekeeper, lived Brown Knowe, shot by James Armstrong a poacher 26 September 1891, monument two miles to NE of Green Rigg, between Bewcastle and Nichol Forest, sandstone obelisk on granite base, signed G. Hope, Smithfield; www.historicengland; Old Cumbria Gazetteer

Forster, William I or William sr (1739-1808; ODNB), violin maker, b. Brampton, to London c.1759, early publisher of Mozart

Forster, William II or William jr (‘old Forster’) made fine cellos for the Prince of Wales, published JC Bach and Haydn; lived Oulton House, influenced Stainer and Amati

Forster, William Edward (1818-1886; ODNB), politician, son of William a privy councillor, marr (1850) Jane Martha (1821-1899), eldest dau of Thomas Arnold, of Fox How, Rydal, and acquired adjacent property, Fox Ghyll, in 1873, MP for Bradford but lived Ambleside, (obelisk in St Mary’s churchyard, Ambleside)

Forsyth, Alan William (1928-2019), OBE, DL, businessman, artist and poet, born in Wallasey, Cheshire, of Welsh land-owning farming and Cumbrian seafaring stock, joined Recce Corps 1945, commissioned in RAC The Queen’s Bays, studied art at Liverpool, commissioned in Cheshire Yeomanry, employed by Cammel Lairds, joined Vickers Supermarine in Technical Publications, then as deputy chief draughtsman at Chilbolton, moved between aircraft and engineering companies until joining Furmanite in 1967, growing it from a two-man operation to a staff of 1,500 and sales of £50 million, marr (19xx) Jennifer, 2 sons (Andrew and Mark) and 2 daus (Jane and Nicola), spent retirement painting, illustrating and writing poetry (published by Gregynog Press in 1992 and 1995), volume of 46 poems published as Waypoints (2012), exhibited with Jennifer at Cirencester, Grizedale and Kendal, late of Cartmel Fell, OBE 1981, DL Cumbria 1995, died 4 February 2019, aged 91; W Gaz, 23 Feb 2019

Forsyth, John (1856-1934), photographer; CW3 22, 154

Forth, Lancelot (d. 1717), JP, pewterer, Mayor of Kendal 1684 and 1708, family of pewterers in Kendal, purchased tin from Thomas Lower on occasions in 1677-78, owned White Hall in Highgate, Kendal, entertained at his house a party incl Sir Daniel Fleming on proclamation of James II, associated with John Archer (qv) in prosecution of Quakers, dau Anne marr Thomas Winter, Mayor of Kendal 1719, died in 1717 (SF, 578)

Forwood, Sir William Bower (1842-1928; ODNB), KBE, DL, JP, cotton broker, ship owner and politician, Mayor of Liverpool 1880, High Sheriff of Lancashire 1909, Commodore of Windermere Yacht Club in 1879 and 1885, and the then Royal Windermere Yacht Club in 1894, and first Hon Life Commodore (joined Windermere Sailing Club in 1868), marr (18xx) Mary Eleanor (buried at Windermere St Mary’s cemetery, 28 December 1896, aged 54), of Blundellsands, Liverpool, died in 1928; raised funds for Liverpool cathedral; drinking fountain monument near Bowness pier

Forz (Fortibus), Isabel de, Countess of Aumale (d.1293), of Cockermouth Castle

Foskett, Daphne (nee Kirk) (1911-1998; ODNB), art connoisseur and writer, dau of Lt Col WC Kirk, married Reginald Foskett (qv), Anglican priest and later bishop of Penrith, while living in Edinburgh became interested in portrait miniatures which was a neglected field, this led to several books including British Portrait Miniatures (1963), John Harden of Brathay Hall (1974) and Miniatures: A Dictionary and Guide (1987)

Foskett, Reginald (1909-1973), MA, PhD, suffragan bishop, born 1909, only son of A E and E E Foskett, of Retford, Notts, educ Derby School and Keble College, Oxford (BA 1931, MA 1935), Cuddesdon College, Oxford, PhD (Nottingham 1957), ordained d 1932 and p 1933, curate of All Hallow’s, Gedling 1932-1935, curate of Mansfield 1935-1937, curate in charge of Rainworth Conventional District 1937-1943, rector of Ordsall, Notts 1943-1947, surrogate 1943-1947 and 1948-1957, lecturer, Notts County Training College for Teachers 1946-1950, vicar of Ilkeston, Derbyshire 1948-1957, rural dean of Ilkeston 1950-1957, hon canon of Derby Cathedral and examining chaplain to bishop of Derby 1954-1957, provost of St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh 1957-1967, examining chaplain to bishop of Edinburgh 1959-1967, bishop suffragan of Penrith 1967-1970, resigning because of ill health, assistant Bishop of Carlisle from 1971, historian of the church, author of Some Scottish Links with the American Episcopal Church 1685-1785 (1962), (ed) The Zambesi Journal of Dr John Kirk [his wife’s grandfather] (1964), Zambesi Doctors: the Correspondence of Dr David Livingstone and Dr John Kirk (1964), marr (1937) only dau of Lieut-Col J W C and M A Kirk, of Gedling, Notts, 2 daus, retired to Field Broughton Place, Field Broughton, Grange-over-Sands, died 13 November 1973; Watson, Mitred Men of Cumbria

Foster, Ann (nee Knowles) (d.2016), editor The Catholic Universe;  N.W. Evening Mail 23rd December 2016

Foster, David (fl.1965-2003), university administrator at York, registrar for 17 years, hon PhD 2010

Foster, John Porter I (1812-1878), industrialist and landowner, born Bolton, son of John Foster and Isabella Stanger, married at Hom Cultrum Jane Rigg daughter of Samuel Rigg of Abbey House, merchant and manufacturer of drapery, of the firm Foster, Porter and Company, held 624 acres at Killhow where he bred pedigree short horn cattle, High Sheriff 1875, supporter of Wigton Agricultural Society, his son, a barrister, died in Luxor in 1920; CJ 9 April 1878; Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 11 Feb 1920

Foster, John Porter III (1874-1920), barrister, son of John Porter Forster II, grandson of the above, educated Eton and Trinity Coll Cambridge, went to Africa and after some years settled in Cairo where he prosecuted those arrested after riots, died in Cairo,

Foster, Mary, master mercer and apothecary, signed on apprentice; CW3 xv 163

Foster, Myles Birkett (1825-1899; ODNB) RWS, artist, illustrator and engraver, b. North Shields, son of Myles Birket Foster (1785-1861) who had a beer bottling business, and his wife Ann King (1790-1884), m. Frances Dawson (b.1842) dau of Dawson Watson of Warton, friend of Burne-Jone and William Morris (qqv), built an arts and crafts house at Goldalming, his daughter married Lancelot Glasson (qv) [he designed tin boxes elsewhere but did he design for Hudson Scott (qv) ?]

Foster, Robert (1754-18xx), of Hebblethwaite Hall, Sedbergh, born 24 April 1754, er son of Dodshon Foster (b.1730), of Lancaster, and Elizabeth, dau of Myles Birket, of Hebblethwaite, inherited the Wood estate in Cartmel Fell after death of his great uncle, James Birket, on 25 July1783 [in Birket family since 1679], marr (1 March 1784 at Brigflatts, Sedbergh) Mary Burton, of the Hill, Sedbergh, 4 sons and 5 daus and 1 stillborn (SH, V, 6, 30-43)

Foster, Samuel Porter (1845-1909), DL, JP, MA, barrister, only son of John Porter Foster (qv), of Killhow, Mealsgate, educ Cambridge University (MA), called to Bar in 1869 and practised on Northern Circuit, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1881, marr, son (John Porter (1874-1920) qv, MA, Avocat de la Cour d’Appel at Alexandria, died at Luxor, Egypt), died in 1909

Fothergill family, C. Thornton and F. McLaughlin, The Fothergills of Ravenstonedale, 1905

Fothergill, Anthony (1685-1761; ODNB), theological writer and landowner, bapt at Ravenstonedale, 9 December 1686, yst of four sons of Thomas Fothergill (1656-1701), of Brownber, Ravenstonedale, and (marr 1675) his wife, Ann Blades (d.1701), lived on and farmed family estate at Brownber, which was split up on 12 January 1737 between (a) himself, (b) John Fothergill (1682-1761), (c) Thomas Fothergill (1708-1802), (d) William Fothergill (b.1719), (e) Ann, dau of William Fothergill (1677-1707), and William Whitehead, of Ormside, and (f) George Robinson, of Tranmoor, said to have had no ‘liberal education’, but had ‘natural talents and acquir’d knowledge’ that ‘rendered his character truely respectable’, and despite being ‘plac’d in a private station’, he published several theological works, inc Wicked Christians Practical Atheists, or Free Thoughts of a Plain Man on the Doctrines and Duties of Religion in general, and of Christianity in particular.…(1754), which was well received by William Rose, who praised the ‘honest ploughman’ (Monthly Review, 13 (1755), 57), followed by two pamphlets, A Modest Inquiry how far the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England and the Creed..…are consistent with the Declarations of Jesus Christ and the Doctrines of his Apostles (1755), which rejected the Athanasian creed, and The Fall of Man: an Enquiry into….the doctrine of original sin (1756), which discussed Arminianism, the author describing himself as ‘a husbandman in the county of Westmoreland, also wrote some verse and contributed to the Monthly Review, had deep understanding of traditions of the dale and thought highly enough of to act as parish lawyer, as evidenced by his memorial, marr 1st (1707) Sarah Pinder (buried 29 January 1713/14), 2 sons (Thomas (1708-1802) and John, qv), marr 2nd (2 September 1714) Margaret (buried 7 November 1739), only dau and heir of Christopher Todd, of Wheatfield, near Smardale Bridge, bringing sum of £1,200 with her, 2 sons and 3 daus, died (‘departed this (His chequer’d) Life’, 13 June 1761, aged 75, and buried at Ravenstonedale, 14 June 1761 [4th falso in BT]; ‘He distinguished Himself by a firm adherence To the cause of Truth, Liberty and rational Religion. His integrity of Heart, Social Disposition, And uncommon abilities gained him general esteem’ on brass MI in south aisle of Ravenstonedale church (WCN, ii, 258; GM, 1186; F1, 69) 

Fothergill, Anthony (1737-1813; ODNB), MD, FRS, FRCP, physician, b. Murthwaite, Ravenstonedale, son of Anthony Fothergill and Francis Bainbridge, ed Sedbergh, (WW, ii, 199-204)

Fothergill, Arthur (18xx-1916), JP, county councillor, died after many years of ill health, 15 April 1916, aged 62 (CW2, xvi (1916), 310)

Fothergill, Arthur Brian (1921-1990), biographer, born in Ulverston, son of John Smirthwaite Fothergill (1887-1938) and his wife Kathleen Anderson Entwistle and the grandson of Arthur Fothergill (1854-1916) of Newlands, Natland, had a particular interest in those ‘on the margins of history’ and published six books: The Cardinal King (Henry IX of England, brother of Bonnie Prince Charlie) (1958); Nicholas Wiseman (Catholic Prelate) (1963); Sir William Hamilton (1969); The Mitred Earl (Lord Hervey) (1974); Beckford of Fonthill (1979) and The Strawberry Hill Set (Horace Walpole et al) (1983)

Fothergill, Revd Clifford Douglas (1866-1938), MA, clergyman, born 16 May 1866 and bapt at Crosthwaite (W), marr (13 May 1896, at Ormskirk) Eleanor Amelia (1865-1954), dau of Revd Canon Fergie, of Ince, nr Wigan, 1 son and 3 daus, died at Tunbridge Wells, 26 October 1938 (F2, 310-311)

Fothergill, Eric Lambton (1900-1970), MB, BCh, MRCS, LRCP, JP, medical practitioner, born 24 March 1900 at Allan Bank, Grasmere, son of George Fothergill (qv), by his 3rd wife, educ St Bees School, Keble College, Oxford (entd 1918, BA 1924), and St Thomas Hospital, started general practice in Ambleside in 1929, of Oakland, Millans Park, Ambleside, doctor’s practice, Chairman, Armitt Trust, member local NT cttee, served WWI with RE, MO for commando training unit in LD in WWII (F1, 197; F2 309)

Fothergill, George (1607-1683), MA, clergyman, bapt at Ravenstonedale, 29 November 1607, son of Anthony Fothergill, prob of Brownber and Ravenstonedale line, educ Sedbergh School and St John’s College, Cambridge (matric 1623, Lupton scholar 1625, BA 1627/8, MA 1631), d and p (Linc) 1631, vicar of Pontefract 1641, vicar of Orton 1643-1663, elected by feoffees of Orton advowson and supported by inhabitants for presentation to living, who also petitioned marquess of Newcastle (Lord General in North) in 1643 against Mr Lowther ‘who is a mere stranger to them and still in Ireland for anything they know’, and complained to Archbishop Ussher of institution and induction of someone other than George Fothergill whom they had elected, compounded for his first fruits in December 1651, approved by Parliamentary Commissioners in May 1654, paid 18s. 4d. for Tarnhill, Brownber at general fine due to lord of manor of Ravenstonedale in 1655, prob Episcopalian with strong Puritan sympathies, on list of Ejected Ministers but unlikely as his ministry was continuous until his removal in 1663, refused to conform to Act of Uniformity 1662 despite pressure from Lord Wharton, deed of resignation from Orton vicarage, 13 May 1663 (CRO, WPR 9/ I 36-38, 41), removed to Warsop, near Mansfield, Notts where he compounded for his first fruits in 1663 as Vicar (1663-1682), still contributed to endowment of Ravenstonedale Grammar School and also £10 towards building of third court at St John’s College, marr (wife pre-decd), 3 sons (inc Thomas (qv infra) and Francis (buried at Orton on 23 April 1663)) and 1 dau, died at Warsop, 23 August 1683, aged 75 (brass plaque in Warsop church); son Thomas Fothergill (1645-1703), MA, clergyman, educ St John’s College, Cambridge (BA 1666/7), marr (ante 1679) Grace Cartwright, of Warsop, 2 sons, succ father as vicar of Warsop in 1682 until his own death on 16 December 1703, aged 57 (ECW, ii, 1203-1208; F1, 129-131)

Fothergill, George (1705-1760; ODNB), DD, MA, college head, born at Lockholme in Ravenstonedale, 20 December 1705, eldest of 7 sons of Henry Fothergill (1670-1753), of Lockholme, and Elizabeth (1681-1766), dau of Richard Fawcett, of Rottenmoor, Warcop, educ Ravenstonedale free school and Kendal School, and Queen’s College, Oxford (entd as batteler, arriving on horseback on 16 June 1722, Appleby scholar 1724, later a tabedar, BA 1726, MA 1730), Chaplain 1730, elected to next vacant fellowship 1734 and acquired 1736, BD 1744 and DD 1749), apptd Principal of St Edmund Hall, Oxford and Vicar of Bramley, Hampshire 1751, tied with Dr Joseph Browne in election by fellows for Provost of Queens in 1756, but lost by virtue of Browne being the senior candidate, concern for his local community in Ravenstonedale reflected by gifts of chalice and paten and silver decanter in 1743, towards building of ceiling in new church in 1751, and for rebuilding of school in 1758, his sermons on Several Subjects and Occasions including The Importance of Religion to Civil Society [written 1735] published by his brother Thomas Fothergill (qv) in 1761, unmarried, died 5 October 1760 and buried in chapel of St Edmund Hall (portrait, but monument forbidden) (letters to his parents in CRO, WDX 94/acc.165; F1, 40)

Fothergill, George (1833-1915), JP, of Allan Bank, Grasmere (F1, 193; F2, 304)

Fothergill, George, writer and artist, George Fothergill’s Sketchbook, Darlington, c.1904;  identical with the above ?

Fothergill, George Jackson (c.1934-2011), teacher, born at High Stennerskeugh, Ravenstonedale, educ Murton school, Appleby Grammar School (head boy, captain of school football team), and Queen’s College, Oxford (history), but first did National Service with Royal Norfolk Regt, which inspired him to enter teaching profession, at Bolton School, Lancashire 1958-1966, vice-principal of Peter Symonds’ College, Winchester from 1973, elected to Winchester City Council in 1984 and served until 2005, Mayor of Winchester 1998-99, chairman of Littleton and Harestock Parish Council, chairman of Winchester Historical Association, marr 3rd Jenny, 2 sons, died aged 77

Fothergill, Henry George (1804-1869), clergyman, born 1804, son of Thomas Fothergill (1759-1821) and Frances Bathurst (1770-1849), marr (1827) Lydia Hole (b.1796, d.1872), 1 son (qv) and 1 dau, when of Finkle Street, St Bees, while training at St Bees Theological College, (F1, 43; F2, 279)

Fothergill, Henry John Arundel (1831-1885), clergyman, bapt at St Bees, 29 May 1831 (F1, 43; F2, 279)

Fothergill, John (1713/14-17xx), portrait painter, born 26 January 1713/14? [but no bapt in Ravenstonedale], yr son of Anthony Fothergill (qv), of Brownber, Ravenstonedale, by his first wife Sarah, who died at or just after his birth, became a noted portrait painter, said to have married a Kendal woman, ‘rather a fast character but extremely clever….he taught her to paint’, but no record of any marriage or children (F1, 69)

Fothergill, John Miles (1917-1941), pilot officer, son of John Smirthwaite Fothergill and brother of Arthur Brian Fothergill (qv), shot down over Brest by ‘friendly fire’

Fothergill, John Milner (1841-1888; ODNB), physician, b. Morland son of George Fothergill, surgeon apothecary, ed St Bees

Fothergill, John Rowland (1876-1957; ODNB), ‘pioneer amateur innkeeper’ and eccentric, b. Kent, of a Cumberland family, son of George Fothergill (1833-1915) and Isabel Crawshay, (his father died at Allen Bank, his grandfather Richard Fothergill (1789-1851)  b. Kirkby Stephen and d Kendal), ed St John’s Oxford and the Slade, ran the Three Swans, Market Harborough and the Spread Eagle at Thame, founded the Carfax Art Gallery with William Rothenstein (qv) and Robert Ross, knew Oscar Wilde as a young man, wrote An Innkeeper’s Diary (1931) and Confessions of an Innkeeper (1938), d. Rugby; also see Samuel Shaw, The New Ideal Shop: founding the Carfax Gallery, Brit Art J., Autumn 2012 vol xiii  no 2,  35-43

Fothergill, John Milner (1841-1888; ODNB), physician, b. Natland, son of George [d.1866] a surgeon apothecary and his wife Sarah Milner, educated St Bees

Fothergill, Richard (1728-1797), carrier, of Kirkby Stephen, bought Low Bridge estate, nr Kendal (F1, 187; F2, 301-303)

Fothergill, Richard (1822-1903), iron master and MP, son of Richard Fothergill of Lowbridge House, near Kendal, educated Edinburgh military academy, manager and later proprietor of Aberdare iron works South Wales, MP for Merthyr Tydfil 1868-79, built Fothergill’s Park and a house at Abernant, in the Rhonnda, died Tenby; Merthyr Telegraph 1 August 1879, married twice, his second wife Mary Roden was the mother of Sydney Roden Fothergill (1864-1943), her brother William Sergeant Roden (1829-1882) was a partner on Shelton Bar Iron Co of Stoke and lived at Etruria Hall after the Wedgwoods

Fothergill, Robert [1693/4-1778], designer and supervisor of buildings

Fothergill, Sydney Roden (1864-1943), MA, TD, DL, JP, soldier and landowner, Lieut-Col, born at Aberdare, 14 October 1864, 2nd son and 5th child of Richard Fothergill (1822-1903), MP for Merthyr Tydfil, by his 2nd wife, Mary Roden (d.1909), educ Eton and New College, Oxford (Classics, BA 1889, MA 1891), barrister, Lincoln’s Inn (called to Bar, 17 November 1891, Major, Pembroke Imperial Yeomanry 1901-1904, serving in South Africa as Captain, 34th Imperial Yeomanry 1902, Lieut-Col comdg Westmorland and Cumberland Hussars Yeomanry 1911-1916, served WW1 on staff 1917, inherited Low Bridge, Selside, and Sion House, Pembrokeshire, Lord of Manors of Bleatarn and Kirkby Stephen, High Sheriff of Westmorland 1922, DL (apptd in March 1908) and JP (qualif 7 April 1899) Westmorland, Deputy Chairman of Westmorland Quarter Sessions 1909-1929/34, marr (14 July 1896) Winifred Steuart (b.1871, died 17 April 1914), only dau of Samuel Steuart Gladstone (d.1909), of Capenoch, co Dumfries, and of Sophia (d.1922), yst dau of Sir George Musgrave, 10th Bt (qv), 2 sons and 2 daus (inc Mrs Acland), of Low Bridge House, Kendal, died 14 March 1943, aged 78, and buried at Selside, 18 March (funeral conducted by his son in law, Revd B C Robinson, qv) (F1, 204; F2, 312)

Fothergill, Thomas (1594-1677), MA, BD, clergyman and college head, born at Ravenstonedale and bapt there, 29 September 1594, 4th and yst son of Robert Fothergill, of Brownber, educ Sedbergh School and St John’s College, Cambridge (admitted Lupton Scholar on 9 November 1614, BA 1616/17, admitted Foundress Fellow on 27 March 1618, MA 1620, and college tutor to John Barwick (qv), who later procured him a prebendal stall at York (infra) and described him as ‘a considerable tutor, a sober regular man who maintained the College discipline to the height... a grave divine and honest man’), ordained deacon and priest at Peterborough on 15-16 May 1625, BD 1627, prob Rector of Hardwick 1630-1632, Senior Bursar of St John’s from 19 December 1638 to 16 December 1640, admitted a Senior on 29 April 1641, prob Rector of Thorington, Essex in 1643 and sequestered in 1644, presented to Vicarage of Holme on Spalding Moor by St John’s on 29 May 1648 (but gone by July 1649), chaplain to Duchess of Suffolk in 1650/51, President (Master) of St John’s College from 1647 until his death in 1677 (except for a period in 1650 when Isaac Worrell held the office), supporter of Charles II, collected and smelted down 2,000 ounces of silver, mostly college plate, to help king, founder of Ravenstonedale Free Grammar School in 1668, Prebendary of Botevant in York Minster from 1660 until his death on 27 March 1677; will dated 26 October 1675, bequeathing £300 to St John’s College, £100 to St Paul’s and £40 to Sedbergh School, and endowed Ravenstonedale Free Grammar School (as by indenture of 9 June 1688; memorial east window in St Oswald’s church with text of ‘Suffer little children to come unto me’) (F1, 61-62; SSR, 68; CCR, 228)

Fothergill, Thomas (1715-1796), DD, MA, college head, provost of Queen’s College, Oxford 1767-1796 (F1, 42)

Fothergill, William (temp Henry VIII), standard bearer to Lord Wharton at the Battle of Solway Moss in November 1542, near Arthuret, the English forces defeated the Scots, many of whom were drowned in the river Esk; Hud (W)

Fountaine, Edward (d.1648), ‘Register of Carliell’, buried at St Andrew’s, Penrith, 14 April 1648; perhaps identical with Edward Fountaine, notary public mentioned in several mss DX 109/8 and DAY/1/327; is he of the landed family in Norfolk ?

Fowke, Margaret (later Benn -Walsh), (1758-1836) collector of Indian Songs, daughter of Joseph Fowke (1716-1800; ODNB), went to India, married Sir John Walsh (later Benn-Walsh) (qv), she was the mother of the 1st Lord Ormathwaite (qv), in India she became fascinated by the notion of the ‘Hindustannie Air’ (her own term) and collected songs by bringing musicians together and transcribing both the lyrics and the music, arranged a concert for Warren Hastings, governor of Bengal (1732-1818; ODNB), her letters and diaries have much information of interest to students of India; see her father’s ODNB entry; Dilys E Blum (ed), Englishwomen’s Dress in 18thc India: The Correspondence of Margaret Benn-Walsh, 1983

Fowke, Richard (d.1693), MA (Cantab), clergyman, rector of Greystoke 1686-1693

Fowkes, Frederick (c.1860-c.1925), of Waterside, Hawkshead, electrical engineer, MD of RH Fell of Troutbeck Bridge, made first turbine at Troutbeck Bridge Mills to produce electricity in area, initially used by five Bowness hotels in 1892, had first electric motor car in thew Lake District, married Emily Jane (kinswoman of the Satterthwaites), a great friend of the Armitt sisters qqv

Fowler, Charles Binstead (1902-19xx), clergyman, trained at Kelham Theol Coll 1919, d 1927 and p 1928 (Exeter), Curate of Ottery St Mary 1927-1930, St Philip, Aldrington 1930-1932, and All Saints, Cheriton, Street 1932-1938, Vicar of Pagham, Sussex 1938-1941 and 1945-1951, CF (EC) 1942-1945, vicar of St Paul, Chichester 1951-1953, vicar of Flookburgh 1953-1963, petition sent to bishop of Carlisle requesting that he remain in parish when he was due to accept living of Underbarrow [in 1959] (cutting in CRO, WPR 26/Z4), vicar of Skelsmergh with Selside 1963-1969, lic to offic, dio Carlisle from 1969 when he retired to Rose Cottage, Newbiggin, Hutton Roof, Kirkby Lonsdale, decd 1976/1987

Fowler, Henry Tutty (1874-1934), architect, born Gloucester, educated Victoria University Manchester, articled to JF Curwen of Kendal (qv), established an independent practice in Barrow, ARIBA 1904, built Vickerstown Board Schools on Walney Island, Cottages for Barrow Board of Guardians, houses Egremont, Kendal, Askham, Ulverston and Barrow, an extension to North Lonsdale Hospital, Barrow, a shop for Barrow Co-op, King’s Hall, Barrow, the Friends Meeting House, Cheltenham; Who’s Who in Architecture (1914)

Fox, Charles James (18xx-19xx), schoolmaster, of School House, Coniston c.1888-1891, marr Annie Maria, 2 sons Walter Ruthven (born 14 July 1888 and bapt 19 August) and William Ruthven (born 18 February 1891 and bapt 27 March) and dau Annie Ruthven (born 17 December 1889 and bapt 9 February 1890), but gone by 1894, succ by John Morris (qv)

Fox, Clement (1810-1848), clergyman, youngest son of William Fox (1772-1848) and his wife Hannah (d.1848), of High House, St Bees, Rector of Corney, died 18 April 1848, aged 38

Fox, Frederick Middleton (1892-1973), Comdr, OBE, AFC, VRD, RNVR, DL, er son of S M Fox (qv), High Sheriff of Cumberland 1957, Director for Cumberland, British Red Cross Society 1932-1952, of Fawe Park, Keswick

Fox, George (1624-1691; ODNB), founder of Society of Friends (Quaker movement), marr (1669) Margaret Fell (qv), first preached in area in 1652, purchased house at Swarthmoor from John Petty for £72 in 1687 (rented at time by wife’s daus, Susanna and Rachel) and gave it to Society of Friends as a meeting house (opened in 1688), died in London in 1691, Rex Ambler (ed), The Truth of the Heart: An Anthology of George Fox, 2011

Fox, Henry (1831-1914), MA, JP, clergyman, born 22 November 1831, son of William Fox (1800-1866) (born 3 June 1800 and died 8 April 1866), and his wife Mary Anne (born 23 March 1800 and died 6 September 1879), of The Abbey, St Bees, had an elder brother John (1827-1839) and a younger brother Thomas (1834-1862), marr (18xx) Margaret (born December 1834 and died November 1908), son (Philip Henry, qv sub William Fox) and dau (Anne Gibbon), MA Oxon, JP, of High House, St Bees, died 13 January 1914 (memorial brass plaque in St Bees Priory church)

Fox, John (1774-1855), MA, DD, college head, son of Henry Fox (1741-1806) (died 8 July 1806, aged 65), and his wife Catherine (died 20 March 1826, aged 85), of High House, St Bees, and yr brother of William Fox (1772-1848), Provost of Queen’s College, Oxford 1827-1855, Fellow 1808-1827

Fox, John (1806-1859), MA, schoolmaster and clergyman, 2nd son of William Fox (1772-1848) (died 23 December 1848, aged 76), and his wife Hannah (died 4 February 1848, aged 77), of High House, er brother of Revd Clement Fox (qv) and yr brother of William Fox (1800-1866), educ Queen’s College, Oxford, Headmaster of St Bees School 1830-1841 (papers in CRO(W), YDS 60/acc.9354), Perpetual Curate of Haile 1844-1859, marr Faith, 2 sons (John, bapt 2 December 1832, and Clement, bapt 23 April 1837) and 1 dau (Hannah, bapt 16 August 1835), of High House, St Bees; Henry, son of William Fox, of High House, St Bees, bapt at St Bees, 11 May 1741; William on 15 May 1743; and Thomas on 1 April 1745

Fox, Richard James Lord (18xx-19xx), clergyman, St Aidan Birk 1856, d 1858 and p 1859 (Ches), curate of Tintwistle, Cheshire 1858-1860, Oxcombe and Belshford, Lincs 1860-1862, Woodchurch, Cheshire 1862-1864, Alton, Hants 1864-1866, Finningley, Notts 1867-1870, Plemstall, Cheshire 1870-1873, Bradden, Northants 1873-1876, vicar of Stoak, Cheshire 1876-1878, gen lic, dio Chester 1880-1895, perpetual curate of Martindale 1895-1901, resigning in 1901 (letters from him in Weston-super-Mare about Martindale glebe and income in CRO, WPR 92), retiring to ‘Martindale’, Winscombe, Somerset, Lic to Preach, Dio Bath and Wells 1903-1910, Rector of West Lexham 1910-1912, of Tacoma, Mundesley, Norfolk (1914)

Fox, Robert (d.1827), murderer, Fox was of Gosforth, he bought two pennyworth of arsenic from Saul David in Whitehaven and poisoned his wife Sarah who was heavily pregnant and her sister, he claimed the poison was for rats, hanged at Carlisle 11 Mar 1827, huge crowds, his body was sent to the anatomists; Martin Baggoley, Murder and Crime: The Lake District

Fox, Samuel Middleton (1856-1941), BA, LLB (Cantab), son of Samuel Lindoe Fox, marr Adelaide Eliza (1859-1922), dau of James Spencer-Bell (qv), of Fawe Park, Keswick, succ to Fawe Park

Fox, Tadeusz Andrzej (c.1915-1992), local councillor, Westmorland County Councillor for Fell (Eastern) Division of Kendal Borough from 9 April 1970 to March 1974, and Cumbria County Councillor, marr Mary E Juksa, ATD, art teacher and member of Kendal Art Society from 1955, formerly of 109 Windermere Road, Kendal, later of Stone Lea, Sedgwick, died aged 77 and buried at Crosscrake, December 1992

Fox, William (Bill) (1922-1998), MA, JP, bursar, son of Philip Henry Fox (1875-1936), JP, MA, Paymaster Lieutenant, RNVR, educ St Bees School (Foundation 1935-1940) and Queen’s College, Oxford (MA), served with Colonial Service in Malaya, apptd assistant bursar of St Bees School in January 1958 and bursar (retired 19xx), president of Old St Beghians’ Club 1982-1984 and former secretary and treasurer, JP Cumbria, of High House, St Bees, died in March 1998 and buried in St Bees Priory churchyard

Fox, Wilson MD, physician to Victoria, lived Fieldfoot, Rydal, plaque in church

France, Kenneth (1924-1999), ophthalmic optician, born in Honley, near Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, son of George France (1890-1960) whose family ran the Forresters Arms at Honley for a couple of generations, George married Margaret Anne Spencer (b. Derbys) (they ran a grocer’s and off license business, later a fish and chip shop and retired to Carlisle), Kenneth was educated at Honley GS and then joined an optician’s practice in Huddersfield, took evening classes at Bradford Technical College as an ophthalmic optician, war service interrupted the course, joined the RN serving as a Chief Petty Officer on various ships and saw service in the Russian Convoys, became friendly with Eric Simpson of Carlisle a fellow optician, after the war Eric announced he was leaving his firm at Carlisle, so Kenneth joined JW Johnston’s optical practice in Castle St, Carlisle, he married Nancy M Austin (1926-2022) in 1948 in Huddersfield (she was the dau of Bertram Austin (1885-1935) a haulage driver and later bus driver and his wife Hannah Whitwam (1887-1958)) and moved with his new bride to Carlisle, the practice moved to Devonshire St (later sold to Black’s ?), during this period after 1948 and the founding of the NHS he was very busy dealing with the surge of interest in free spectacles, with post war shortages of supplies it sometimes took two years for clients to receive a pair, then Kenneth left and set up on his own in the Crescent, behind Barr’s Jewellers and Dring’s Bookshop in 1966, moved again to 26 Spencer St in 1976 and his sons David and Michael joined him, as an ophthalmic optician he examined eyes and prescribed spectacles made by his son Michael who stayed in the business as a dispensing optician, David moved to Middlesborough where he continued in this occupation, during Kenneth’s career there were considerable improvements in materials and he learned to dispense contact lenses in the 1950s and 60s (the earliest comfortable contact lenses being developed in the 1930s by William Feinbloom (1904-1985)), computers being used for keeping records, Kenneth carried on until his retirement in 1989, being a keen gardener and a ballroom dancer at Bond’s Dance School at Cummersdale, he bought two time shares in the Canaries and died ten years later in 1999, cremated at Carlisle, his ashes were scattered in the cemetery; information Michael France

Frankland, Alfred William (1912-2020), allergist and immunologist, b. Bexhill, son of the Rev Henry Frankland, schoolmaster, moved Cumberland, educ Carlisle GS, St Bees school and Queens College, Oxon, strong believer in the deleterious effect of excessive hygiene, worked on penicillin with Sir Alexander Fleming (1881-1955; ODNB), popularised the pollen count as a piece of weather related information, Guardian obit 5 May 2020

Frankland, Edward Percy (1884-1958), BA, MSc, PhD, scientist, historian, draughtsman and novelist, born Paddington in 1884, only child of Percy Faraday Frankland FRS (1858-1946), professor of chemistry (son of Sir Edward Frankland (1825-1899) JP DCL FRS), and his wife Grace Coleridge Toynbee (1858-1946; ODNB), a chemist and microbiologist of London and Dundee (dau of Joseph Toynbee (ODNB) FRS, ear surgeon and brother of ArnoldToynbee (ODNB), political scientist), family moved to Edgbaston, Birmingham in 1894, educ King Edward’s School, Birmingham, University of Birmingham (read chemistry) and Wurzburg University (PhD in chemistry), lecturer in chemistry, Birmingham University from 190x, visited Ravenstonedale with his parents, who knew the Hewetsons of Hwith and had bought two adjacent farms there, health too delicate for military service in WW1, marr (1915) Maud Metcalfe-Gibson (1885-1979), 2 sons (Noble (qv) and E R P (qv)) and 1 dau (Helga), kidney removed and advised to live in country, causing him to resign his lectureship, living at Needlehouse Farm, Ravenstonedale for the rest of his life, had passion for history, writing several novels set in early Britain (notably Arthur the Bear of Britain (1944)), prolific draughtsman, filling at least 50 sketchbooks with drawings from Ravenstonedale, Sedbergh, Dent and Garsdale area, also had knowledge of old buildings, which he delighted in drawing (his sketches of Kendal yards in 1930s-1940s (1924-1952) published by Kendal Civic Society with introduction by Caroline Morris (2014), died Westminster 22 October 1958 (CW2, lviii, 205); his eclecticism is evident from the juxtaposition of two final works: The Western Fells and The Murders at Crosby (1955)

Frankland, Edward Raven Percy (19xx-1998), farmer and county councillor, son of Edward Percy Frankland (qv) and brother of Noble Frankland, Westmorland County Councillor for Ravenstonedale to 1974, and Cumbria 1974 to 19xx, member of CWAAS from 1946, of Bowberhead, Ravenstonedale, marr Juliet (d. 2013), who bequeathed Pendragon Castle to John Bucknall, his cousin

Frankland, Henry (18xx-1958/9), MA, clergyman, educ Wadham College, Oxford (BA 1900, MA 1905), Bishop’s Hostel, Newcastle upon Tyne 1901, d 1902 and p 1903 (Newc), curate of Choppington 1902-1904, St Jude Bradford 1904-1906, Boston Spa 1906-1908, Missionary at Marksville, Ontario 1908-1909, rector of Fort William, Ontario 1909-1911, curate of St Mark, Bexhill 1911-1913, TCF 1916-1917, vicar of Dacre 1914-1923, Burgh by Sands 1923-1936, Hesket in the Forest 1936-1943, and Newton Arlosh 1943-1948, retired to Woodside, Broomfallen Road, Scotby, marr, son Dr William (Bill) Frankland (author of From Hell Island to Hay Fever), died 1958/9

Frankland, Juliet, landowner and naturalist, married Edward Raven Percy Frankland (d.1998) (qv), she and her husband bought Pendragon Castle and consolidated the walls; Capel, The Stream Invites Us In, 2020, 23

Frankland, Richard (c.1775-1814), clergyman, of Brampton, clerk of Brougham, marr (not at Longmarton) Margaret Bellas (died in Ann Street, Kendal, and buried at Kendal, 31 October 1840, aged 70), 1 son (John, bapt 18 April 1803 and buried at LM, 21 March 1806) and 1 dau (Isabella, bapt at LM, 8 February 1807), died when of Brougham, but buried at Longmarton, 27 August 1814, aged 39

Franklin, Benjamin (1705-1790; ODNB), US polymath, b. Boston, of English stock, spent several years in England, visited Whitehaven in 1771 with Sir John Pringle and met Dr Brownrigg (qv), they experimented together by successfully pouring oil on troubled water at Derwentwater  (Royal Society transactions 1774), at Whitehaven Franklin also met (Carlyle) Spedding (qv) and visited Saltam pit, 800 feet below the surface where he was shown fossils, soon afterwards climbing Skiddaw 3000 feet above, so celebrated negotiating the total height difference of 3800 feet

Franks, Cecil Simon (1935-2014), politician and solicitor, born in Salford, 1 July 1935, son of George Franks, estate agent and Labour councillor, educ Manchester Grammar School and Manchester University (LLB), admitted solicitor 1958, acted as legal adviser and promoter to a number of pop groups in 1960s, joined Labour Party at age of 17, election agent at Knutsford in 1959 election, elected to Salford Council in 1960 (alongside his father), but dropped in 1964, alleging a plot against him by left-wing trade unionists, appealed to Transport House and won, but joined Conservatives in 1965, elected to council in 1966 and became leader of Conservative group, elected to Manchester City Council in 1974 and was leader of its Tory group, selected at last minute as prospective Conservative candidate for Barrow and Furness in June 1983 general election, winning seat from Albert Booth (qv) with a majority of 4,577 votes, campaigning on Labour’s commitment to unilateral nuclear disarmament and the threat to Vickers’ naval shipyard jobs, blamed decline of shipbuilding on ‘the disastrous combination of appalling management, the Luddite mentality of the shipbuilding trade unions and a totally undisciplined workforce’, opposed bid by Trafalgar House to take over Vickers in 1986 and supported buy-out by workforce (now owned by BAE Systems), with Labour still committed to cancel Trident his hard work on behalf of his constituents enabled him to hold the seat in 1987 general election with a majority of 3,927 votes, but lost it in 1992 to John Hutton by 3,576 votes, raised money for charities out of Parliament, esp opposing the processing of Amazon rainforest wood in China, director of Opera 80, Lancashire county chess player, keen skier and bridge player, marr 1st Marlene Glick (diss), marr 2nd (separated), died 2 February 2014, aged 78 (DTel, 06.03.2014)

Fraser, George Macdonald (1925-2008; ODNB), OBE, FRSL, journalist, novelist and screen-writer, born at Carlisle, 2 April 1925, son of William Fraser, MB, ChB (Glas), physician and surgeon, (with Allan Donald Fraser, MB, ChB, his brother?), surgery at 48 London Road, Carlisle, and his wife Annie Struth, nee Donaldson, a nurse, educ Carlisle Grammar School and Glasgow Academy, intending to read medicine at university, but thinking he would not achieve the necessary qualifications to enter medical school, enlisted in Border Regiment in 1943, sent to India to serve in Burma campaign, as recounted in his memoir Quartered Safe Out Here (1992), promoted to lance-corporal on four occasions but returned to ranks three times for minor infringements of army discipline, commissioned in Gordon Highlanders and served in Middle East and north Africa, which provided material for his semi-autobiographical ‘McAuslan’ stories, returned to Carlisle on demobilisation in 1947 and embarked on a career in journalism, first on the Carlisle Journal, then to Canada on the Regina Leader-Post, and finally to Glasgow where he moved in 1953, having married (16 April 1949) Kathleen Margarette, journalist, dau of George Hetherington, baker, of 13 Norfolk Street, Carlisle, 2 sons (Simon and Nicholas) and 1 dau (Caro), but became disillusioned by late 1960s, having served as deputy editor of Glasgow Herald 1964-1969 (and acting editor for a time), and passed over by new owners, so turned to writing full-time, creating the adult character of Flashman (borrowed from Tom Brown’s Schooldays (1857) by Thomas Hughes (1822-1896; ODNB)) and publishing numerous Flashman novels offering a  humorous critique of the Victorian imperial project, Hollywood screen-writing career, also wrote noted history of the Border Reivers, The Steel Bonnets (1971), moved to Isle of Man as a tax exile, his political and social views becoming increasingly more hard-line, appointed FRSL in 1998 and OBE in 1999, died of cancer at Nobles Hospital in Strang, Isle of Man, 2 January 2008; obit. Guardian Weekly, 11 January 2008; Cumberland News 11 January 2008

Fraser, Sir William Jocelyn Ian MP CH (1897-1974), politician and advocate for the blind, son of William Percy Fraser of South Africa, educated Marlborough and Sandhurst, blinded in the 1st WW in 1916, encouraged by Sir Arthur Pearson (1866-1921) he went to St Dunstan’s (now Blind Veterans UK) a charity which he supported all his life, for 52 years as chairman, MP in 1924 and again from 1931 of north western constituencies, lived at Low Wood, Haverthwaite, he was knighted in 1934 for his service to blind veterans, board member and later chairman of the family firm Frasers Ltd, the first life peer to be appointed, in 1958, as Lord Fraser of Lonsdale, he was also a governor of the BBC and President of the British Legion, married Irene ‘Chips’ Mace who had delivered the letter from Sir Arthur Pearson to his hospital bed; Hud (W)

Frearson, Arthur (fl.mid 20thc.), chief architect Calder Hall, lived near Cartmel, knew W. Heaton Cooper, a connection which may have led to Ophelia Heaton Cooper’s commissiones at Risley (qqv)

Frearson, Strickland (fl.1826-1849 Mannex), Baptist minister, ed northern Baptist educational society, at Bradford 1835 (poll book), Hawkshead Hill (1849)

Freeman, Brian Thomas (1924-1998), welfare officer, born at Shaws Brow, Kendal, educ St Thomas’s School and Kendal Grammar School, joined Welfare Dept of Westmorland County Council 1940, served WW2 with RAF 1943-1947, homes and projects officer for social services, South Lakeland area, Cumbria County Council, deputy registrar of births and marriages, a founder of Kendal Stick and Wheel Club (treasurer from 1956), marr (1956) Margaret, 1 son and 1 dau, died in 1998

Freeman, Gage Earle (1820-1903; ODNB), priest and falconer, born Tamworth, son of Captain Charles Earle Freeman and Mary Parsons, educated St John’s Cambridge, curate Geddington, Northants, then Bolton le Moors, Macclesfield Forest 1856-1889, finally Askham, near Penrith from 1889-1903, where he was also chaplain to the earl of Lonsdale, as a falconer he flew sparrowhawks, merlins and peregrines, married twice, collaborated with FH Salvin in publishing Falconry: Its Claims, History and Practice (1859) to which he had made the main contribution, also Practical Falconry (1869), Lord Lilford stated that Freeman had done more to keep British falconry in the ‘right way’ than any man living, he also published verse

French, William (1735-1821), surgeon, born at Burton-in-Kendal, 4 February 1735, and bapt there on 23 February, son of Robert French (buried at Burton, 23 March 1769) and Margaret (buried at Burton, 14 October 1764), of the Green Dragon Inn, Burton, educ Burton Grammar School, apprenticed to his brother at Bentham, near Hornby, but transferred to Mr Barclay, surgeon and apothecary, of Bradford, Yorkshire, made two voyages as surgeon’s mate in service of East India Company, settled in London about 1759, in business with his old master Barclay, on whose death shortly after, carried on his professional practice in Harpur Street, Red Lion Square, building up a notable business, esp with lawyers of Lincoln’s Inn, friend of Dr John Fothergill (qv), sympathetic to Quakers, esp in dress and manners, but remained member of C of E, marr (17xx) Henrietta Girling (d. ante 1800), of Ipswich, no issue, retired to Needham Market, Suffolk, but after her death moved in about 1800 to lodgings in Lancaster, which he left in 1811 to live with his widowed sister back in Burton, where he had all tombstones in churchyard repaired at his own expense, subject of Poetical Address from Vicar of Burton, Bryan Waller (qv), presented early in January 1815, died 4 March 1821, aged 86, and buried at Burton, 8 March (LM, III, 27-29)

Fresh, Thomas (1803-1861), pioneer in environmental health, b. Newbarns (then in the parish of Dalton-in-Furness and now in Barrow), family involved as land owners with iron mining, moved to Liverpool and was involved perhaps from the late 1830s with the police department whenever issues of public health arose, he was also the superintendant of almshouses and of scavengers (the precursors of public cleansing staff and sanitary inspectors), m. Martha, no children, appointed inspector of nuisances in 1844, three years earlier than the appointment of Dr William Henry Duncan as Liverpool’s medical officer of health in 1847, created a model sanitary department and became nationally famous, he worked closely with Dr Duncan who is often given all the credit, solved the problem of accumulating night soil by arranging for it to be transported to outlying fields where he lived at what is now Freshfield, named after him, this natural fertiliser improved the soil quality and the area became famous for asparagus, the train station at Freshfield between Southport and Liverpool was also named after him, living in Glasgow in 1861; his former house is now 95 Freshfield Rd and has a blue plaque, John Moore’s University have an annual Fresh memorial lecture; Journal of Medical Biography, 21 [4], 238-49

Fricker, two daughters, Sarah (b.1770) m. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (qv) and Edith (1774-1837) m. Robert Southey (qv), some uncertainty about the identity of their parents, both families lived at Greta Hall, Keswick; Kathleen Jones, A Passionate Sisterhood, 2000

Frost, Albert (c.1907-1963), secretary of the IMF, son of Harry Frost, boilermaker of Jackson St Carlisle, ed Carlisle GS and Cambridge, appointed secretary of the International Monetary Fund, d.Nove,ber 1963 (CJ 29 November 1963, 3)

Frost, Winifred (1902-1979), freshwater biologist, ed St Helens and Liverpool university, postgraduate research on krill, 1938 to Ferry House, several publications led to her DSc, author of The Trout (1967) and papers on the feeding and growth of eels, minnows and pike, observed the behaviour of the char of Windermere

Fry, Elizabeth (1780-1845; ODNB), prison reformer, on an early visit to the Lakes climbed Skiddaw, in 1821 Fry and her daughters visited Cumberland to establish a branch of the British  Ladies Society for Promoting the Reformation of Female Prisoners’ Welfare, an organisation she had founded, members provided wool and offcuts of cloth to women prisoners, encouraged re-skilling, supported George Head Head (qv) in his work on abolition, his second wife was Fry’s niece

Fry, Sir Theodore 1st Bt (1836-1912), politician, son of Francis Fry FSA, bibliographer (his ancestor was Joseph Fry (1728-1787) who founded the chocolate firm), MP for Doncaster 1880-1895) he lived there and also at Glen Rothay, Rydal (now the Glen Rothay hotel), involved with coke and iron businesses in the north east, married Sophia (1837-1897; ODNB), philanthropist and activist, granddaughter of Edward Pease, the railway pioneer, they had eight children, she was keen on education and keen to be involved in canvassing founded a Liberal Women’s Association in Darlington in 1881 which led to the establishment of the Women’s Liberal Federation in 1888 of which she was the hon secretary, she died in an accident in Biarritz, he lived for a further fifteen years, Spy published his caricature n Vanity Fair in 1909; Hud (W), Times obit 16 Feb 1912

Fryar, Reginald Herbert Findlay (c.1882-1942), BA, clergyman, educ University College Durham (BA 1915), d 1916 (Dur) and p 1928 (Newc), curate of Willington 1916-1921, St Helen, Low Fell, Gateshead 1921-1927, lic to offic, dio Newcastle 1927-1930, curate of Delaval 1930-1931, rector of Newbiggin, Westmorland 1931-1942, died aged 60 and buried at St Edmund’s, Newbiggin, 25 February 1942

Fulford, Sir Roger Thomas Baldwin (1902-1983; ODNB), CVO, MA, DLitt, historian, author, journalist and politician, born at Flaxley vicarage, Gloucs, 24 November 1902, yr son of Revd Frederick John Fulford (Vicar of Flaxley 1890-1904, Rector of Fornham All Saints, Bury St Edmunds 1904-1925, later Hon Canon of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich), and Emily Constance, dau of W H Ellis, of Ottermouth, Budleigh Salterton, Devon, er brother died young and sister became a nun, educ Lancing College and Worcester College, Oxford (BA 1927; president of union 1927), called to bar 1931 but never practised, joined editorial dept of The Times 1933 and remained a contributor for many years, also part-time lecturer in English at King’s College, London 1937-1948, worked in War Office during WW2 as an assistant censor 1940-1942 and as asst private secretary to Sir Archibald Sinclair, Secretary of State for Air 1942-1945, a fervent and lifelong Liberal, contested three elections as Liberal candidate for East Suffolk 1929, Holderness 1945, and Rochdale 1950, wrote The Liberal Case for general election of 1959, President of Liberal Party 1964-65, completed editing of first unexpurgated edition of The Greville Memoirs after death of Lytton Strachey in 1932, but esp interested in history of English royal family in late 18th and 19th centuries, publishing Royal Dukes (1933, rev edn 1973), George the Fourth (1935), The Prince Consort (1949), Queen Victoria (1951), also wrote The Right Honourable Gentleman (1945), Glyn’s, 1753-1953 (1953) and Votes for Women (1957), before returning to the royal family with Hanover to Windsor (1960), The Trial of Queen Caroline (1967), and edited five volumes of correspondence between Queen Victoria and her eldest daughter: Dearest Child (1964), Dearest Mama (1968), Your Dear Letter (1971), Darling Child (1976) and Beloved Mama (1981), CVO 1970, knighted 1980, member of The Literary Society and committee member of the London Library, member of CWAAS from 1946, Council 1957, Vice-President 1961 and President 1966-1968, marr (27 September 1937) Sibell Eleanor Maud (died aged 90 and buried at Barbon, 20 October 1980), dau of Charles Robert Whorwood Adeane, CB, of Babraham Hall, co Cambridge, and widow of Revd Hon Charles Frederick Lyttelton, MC (died 3 October 1931) and previously widow of Edward James Kay-Shuttleworth (qv sub Shuttleworth), no issue, of Barbon Manor, which he reduced and remodelled internally to design of Hon Claud Phillimore in 1955 when large addnl wing of 1893 was demolished, and where he died 18 May 1983, aged 80, and buried at Barbon, 23 May ; CWAAS 150th volume, 303ff

Fuller, William (c.1843-1924), JP, schoolmaster, clerk of the entries and practical secretary of Grasmere Sports from 1866 [still in 1910], master of National School and organist at St Oswald’s church, Grasmere (1873, 1885, 1894), JP for Westmorland 1910/11, marr, of Rothay Villa, Grasmere, died xx August 1924, aged 81, and buried in Grasmere cemetery, 2 September

Fuller-Maitland, John Alexander MA (Cantab) Hon DLitt (Dunelm) (1856-1936), music critic, born London, son of John Fuller-Maitland, music critic for the Guardian and The Times, involved in the re-discovery of the work of Henry Purcell, criticised for not supporting his contemporary composers, lived Borwick Hall, wrote books on music including a life of Schumann (1884), The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book (1899) and was involved in the editing of The Grove Dictionary of Music, co-edited John Lucas’ History of Warton, published by Titus Wilson in Kendal; Hud (C) supplement; CW2 xxxvi 240; obit The Times 31 March 1936

Fulton, William Scott, FRGS JP, Bank End House, Appleby; Gaskell, C and W Leaders, c.1910

Furmston, Edward (18xx-19xx), MA, clergyman, educ University of Durham (BA 1860, MA 1864), d 1862 and p 1863 (Lich), curate of Denstone, Staffs 1862-1864, vicar of Cockshutt, Shropshire 1864-1881, vicar of Mansergh 1881-1920s

Furmston, Edward Bentley (18xx-19xx), BA, clergyman, [? son of the above] educ Christ’s College, Cambridge (Wilson Exhibitioner, BA 1909) and Ridley Hall, Cambridge (1909), d 1910 and p 1912 (Carl), curate of Aspatria 1910-1920 (when of Grosvenor House, Aspatria), vicar of Flimby 1920-1927, rector of Plumbland 1927-1955, retd to Thurstonfield, Carlisle, died by 1965

Furness, Annie (c.1890-c.1974), commercial and domestic cleaner, brought up on Walney Island, Barrow-in-Furness, from the age of twelve she crossed the channel by ferry from the island to the mainland (there was no bridge until the 1930s) to work long hours in a sequence of shops, she always remembered the early trauma of squeezing out a floor cloth and accidentally twisting a piece of wire into her fingers, she married George Furness who worked in the shipyard, they lived latterly in Sycamore Rd, several of her own children, grandchildren and great grandchildren appeared, her work as a cleaner continued, being a vigorous and scrupulous worker with a sweet and calm personality she was soon taken on by a series of middle class families in St Paul’s parish, she worked on until she was over 80, making light of the two mile walk up Abbey Rd to her final employment, she was about seventy, still grateful to be in work and deferential to a fault, though encouraged to ring the front door bell even in the 1970s she always came into the house at the back door, here she worked six mornings a week, bringing in the coal, raking, laying and lighting the three fires and scrubbing the floors with great energy as she had always done, her employer would then drive her home, generous every Christmas she would give the children a large box of Quality Street, in her retirement this diminutive figure was held in great affection and would entertain members of her final ‘family’ to tea, she had great human warmth and a lovely smile and would amuse the family with some of her expressions, one of her favourites when recounting a peccadillo at home was that she would ‘play’ ‘amlet’ in response

Furness, Michael de (there are several Michaels) (aka le Fleming) (perhaps 1197-1219), descended from the first lord of Aldingham, died crossing the sands of Morecambe Bay

Furness, Roger de (aka Le Fleming), his dau marr Sir Adam de Strickland (1066-1160)

Furniss, Revd John (19xx-19xx), Methodist minister, welcomed to Kendal from Spalding, Lincs, in September 1967, succ Revd James Welch, who moved to Ilkley

Furnival, George (1803-1846), currier, b. Warrington, son of George Furnival senior (1770-1847), after a disastrous fire in their Warrington tannery in 1838 moved to Cockermouth and set up anew, his descendants called Ridiard (qv) ran the shoe shop beside the Cocker bridge

Furuta, Hideo (1949-2007), sculptor, born Hiroshima, lived at quarry in Creetown, Galloway, made the Bench Marks in Bitts Park; documentary Moving Mountains BBC 1997