Hack, John Barton (1805-1844), son of Maria Hack qv, early emigrant to Australia, settler, farmer, businessman, lost money in the crash of 1840; Australian Dic of Biog, also his brother Stephen Hack an explorer qv, Iola Mathews, Chequered Lives, 2013

Hack, Maria (1777-1844; ODNB), quaker and educational writer, b. Carlisle, dau of John Barton and Maria Done, sister of Bernard Barton (qv) the poet, m. Stephen Hack (1775-1823) a currier of Chichester

Hack, Stephen, grazier, bushman and explorer, son of Maria Hack and brother of John B. Hack, nephew of Bernard Barton (qv), explorer Australia, Iola Mathews, Chequered Lives, 2013

Hacker, George Lanyon, bishop of Penrith; R. Watson, Mitred Men of Cumbria

Haddock, Captain Oliver, of the Commerce a vessel of 70 tons, built by Petty and Postlethwaite of Ulverston and was launched in 1815, later in 1827 carrying 200 barrels of Furness gunpowder to Liverpool, lying off Rampside, was unlucky enough on 23 March of that year to have a fire on board, the men rapidly left the vessel and the explosion could be heard in Lancaster; Lancaster Gazette undated but after 23 March 1827; J Snell, 36

Hadfield, Phil, photographer, lived Walney; Les Shore has information

Hadrian, (Traianus Adrianus) (AD 76-138), Roman emperor from 117-138 AD, following a rebellion in Britain from 119-121 AD and military losses, after 122 AD he ordered the building of the eponymous wall stretching for 73 miles from the Solway to the Tyne, an expression of Roman power, it had a defensive role but was also important as a means of controlling cross border trade and immigration, the construction took six years but Hadrian returned to Europe and never saw it, intriguing to Cumbrians is the notion that there are similar vestiges of Roman walls, ditches and forts in Germany, part of the 5000 mile boundary marking the extent of the empire in the 2nd c AD and what has been called the Roman Limes; Anthony Birley, Hadrian: The Restless Emperor, 1997; Brian Dobson, Hadrian’s Wall, 2000; David Breeze, Hadrian’s Wall: A History of Archaeological Thought, 2014

Hadwen, John (1708/9-1786), one of senior aldermen of Kendal, buried at Kendal, 29 January 1786, aged 78

Haigh, Diana (1949-2022), born in Kendal, the daughter of Donald Haigh, architect and Joan (nee Law), educated at Kendal High school, Newnham College, Cambridge, then her diploma at Darwin College, following the early death of her father her mother Joan ran the practice with the local architect Michael Bottomley (1927-2015) (qv), in Cambridge she met William Fawcett whom she married in 1977 and with whom she collaborated for many years, work followed on school projects until 1982 when she moved to Hong Kong to teach at the university, later returning to Cambridge, next as project architect for Freeland Rees Roberts she worked on the conversion of Thorpe Hall near Peterborough into a hospice from 1986-1990, she was also director of studies at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, supervising students at the weekends whilst still working during the week in London, with her husband in the 1990s she restored several houses by Baillie Scott and finally the Cumbrian house Blackwell, above Windermere, these projects culminated in the writing of a book Baillie Scott: The Artistic House (1995), from 1996 she was with Allies and Morrison until appointed as director of architecture and design review at the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, her projects included the London Olympics and the buildings for Crossrail, her  particular concern was to hold designers to account with regard to quality, an earlier major project was the restoration of the Queen’s House, Greenwich, an Inigo Jones building of 1635 in which she ingeniously replaced an original staircase and inserted a lift to achieve disabled access, from 2005-7 she was engaged with the upgrading of the Royal Festival Hall, which had declined since its erection in 1951, she fought English Heritage and the 20th Century Society who were more concerned to preserve the original fabric than to allow a functional building to emerge, following research into the design and plans of the original building and interviewing surviving members of the project she won the day and managed to restore the original ideas and palette of the initiators, in 2011 she returned to Allies and Marrison and edited The Fabric of Place, a popular architecture course book, s he had two children, who are both architects; Guardian obituary 20 September 2022

Haistwell, Edward (c.1658-1709; ODNB), in youth the amanusensis of George Fox, travelled in North Germany and Holland, sometimes with William Penn, married a wealthy woman and became a merchant; wrote The Diary of George Fox of 1677 and 1678

Haldan, lord of Catterlen, and his sons; W Percy Hedley, CW2 lxiv 98-109

Hale, Bernard John Windham (1905-1945), paymaster commander RNVR, of Mell Fell House, Watermillock, killed in action in 2nd WW; Hud (C)

Hale, Sir Matthew (1608-1676; ODNB), ed. Magdalene Hall, Oxford [what is his link to Cumbria ?]

Hales, Charles Vivian (1902-1986), headmaster, born Lamplugh, son of Charles Hales (1867-1953) also a schoolmaster and his wife Kate Bartle, educated Liverpool university, married Madeline Peart at Birkenhead 1928, in 1939 teaching in Flintshire living at Tan Y Bryn, Holywell, encouraged by Delmar Banner (qv) became the head of Kings School, Ambleside (founded by Charlotte Mason ? qv), the children often ran up the fell after school, died Kendal and buried at Ambleside, memorial in St Mary’s church of a Nativity in low relief

Halfdan Ragnarsson (d.877; ODNB), Danish king of York, destroyed Carlisle in 875; mss evidence is not clear

Halifax, John (c.1869-1919), hotel proprietor, lived Appleby, owned the Tufton Arms 1902-1919, believed to have been the first driver of a motor car in the town, his daughter Lilian marr xxxx Roberts (father of Robert J Roberts of Fettes and Worksop independent schools), died 1919, funeral St Lawrence, Appleby 13 July 1919

Hall, Abraham Richard (18xx-19xx), MA, clergyman, educ St Catherine’s College, Cambridge (BA as jun opt and 2nd cl Classics 1874, MA 1884), d 1876 and p 1877 (Ches), curate of Bollington 1876-1880, Christ Church, Bootle 1880-1884, St George’s, Barrow-in-Furness 1884-1886, and St Mary’s, Carlisle 1886-1893, vicar of Wreay 1893-19[40], hon canon of Carlisle 1905, died or retired by 1940

Hall, Alice (d.1762), Quaker preacher, wife of Isaac Hall, lived Little Broughton, travelled to America; Female Friends and the Making of Transatlantic Quakerism 1650-1750 (2018)

Hall, Hannah Sutton (1867-1940), diarist, intellectual and pioneer feminist, dau of Jonathan Pearson agent to Grubb Richardson, Moyallen, Portadown, Ireland and his wife Hannah Sutton, she married Richard Johnson Hall and lived at Parkgate Hall, Waverton and then Alpha Lodge, Wigton, son Richard Lawrence Hall, sister Minna married Louis Adair of Maryport, her Sutton cousins lived Great Orton, her Baynes cousins lived Temple Sowerby; Julie Beniams, Hannah Sutton Hall : Intellectual, Pioneer, Feminist, (2022), mss diaries at Carlisle archives

Hall, James Wharrier (18xx-19xx), BA, clergyman, educ University College Durham (Theol Exhib and Prizeman, LTh 1906, BA 1910), d 1908 and p 1909 (Newc), curate of Percy, Tynemouth 1908-1911, Maryport 1911-1912, and St James, Barrow-in-Furness 1912-19xx, curate-in-charge of Broughton Moor 1920- , vicar of Eskdale to 1928?, decd by 1933 (when dedicatee of The Hermit of Eskdale by Agnes Hilton (qv)

Hall, Jim S (19xx-19xx), CBE, BSc (Dunelm), farmer’s son, principal of Newton Rigg College 1954-1965, professor of Agriculture, Glasgow and principal of West of Scotland College of Auchincruive from 1965, a specialist in animal husbandry

Hall, John (fl.1472), ‘parson of church of Skelton’ (arbitrator in deed of 8 May 12 Edward IV in CRO, D/HG/B, Skelton)

Hall, John (fl.1700-06), Under-Sheriff of Westmorland 1700 (letters to Col James Grahme, 11 September 1700 and 28 October 1706, Levens Hall MSS in HMC, 335, 341)

Hall, John (fl.1751), his name appears on the façade of a house at Eamont Bridge which bears the fine inscription OMNE  SOLUM  FORTI  PATRIA  EST  HP  1671

Hall, Sir John (1795-1866; ODNB) KCB, military surgeon, b.Little Beck, Westmorland, educ Guys and St Thomas’s hospitals, joined army medical service in June 1815 to support the end of the Waterloo campaign, there followed periods in Jamaica, Ireland, Spain, Gibraltar, South Africa, Bombay and the Crimea, in the latter campaign he was inspector general of hospitals and had clashes with Florence Nightingale, he described her as ‘a petticoat imperieuse’ but he welcomed the help of Mary Seacole; his mss are in the RAMC collection in the Wellcome library; (CW2, lxvi, 402-418)

Hall, John (18xx-19xx), BA, clergyman, educ Hatfield Hall, Durham (BA 1902), d 1903 and p 1905 (Carl), curate of St John, Workington 1903-1909 and 1911-1916, and Cleator Moor 1909-1911, vicar of Frizington 1918-1931, Colton 1931-

Hall, John Madison (fl.late 19thc), freed slave, presented a gilt headed walking stick to Charles Aglionby in 1899; H Summerson, The Aglionby Family, 207

Hall, John Henness Vine (1912-19xx), BD, clergyman, AKC 1934, University of London (BD 1935), d 1935 and p 1946 (Lon), curate of Holy Cross with St Jude, St Pancras 1935-1938, St John, Workington 1938-1940, and Kirkby Lonsdale with Mansergh 1940-1943, vicar of St Peter, Kells, Whitehaven 1943-1951, vicar of Hutton Roof with Lupton 1951-1962 (and parish councillor; wife Nora led petition for bus service between Kirkby Lonsdale and Hutton Roof in 1953, papers in CRO, WPC 49/corresp), rector of Threlkeld 1962-1977, retired with perm to offic in 1977 to Rivendell, 3 The Green, Melmerby, Penrith (1987)

Hall, Joseph (fl.1800), clockmaker, Alston, made a clock which had twelve tunes; A Robertson, History of Alston, 60

Hall, Leonard (1866-1916), son of Spencer Hall qv, a social activist, worked to improve the conditions for the navvies on the Manchester Ship Canal

Hall, Peter (c.1922-2010), furniture maker, native of New Zealand, founder in 1972 of Peter Hall & Son, furniture manufacturers, Windermere Road, Staveley, marr Mary (decd), 1 son (Jeremy) and 2 daus (Jennifer and Elizabeth), died at Westmorland General Hospital, Kendal, 22 May 2010, aged 88 (private cremation, service at St James’s church, Staveley, 4 June)

Hall, Rev George Rome (1835-1895), brought up in Brampton, educ St Bees Theological College, published Northumbrian antiquarian articles and one in CWAAS on a skull known as the ‘Old Man of Castle ‘ (CW1 vi 456-80); Bruce Benison CWAAS newsletter 2021, 18

Hall, Rev Matthew (1760-99), clergyman, son of Joseph Hall of Gilcrux, tutor to the Senhouses at Netherhall and curate of Ponsonby, his son was Capt Humphrey Senhouse Hall (d.1827) 40th Madras NI; Hud (C)

Hall, Richard Watson (1882-after 1926), grocer, poet and climber, lived Cockermouth, organised camping parties to the continent, member of the Fell and Rock Club, built a coracle for Bassenthwaite Lake, wrote On Cumbrian Fells [1926], The Art of Mountain Tramping [1932] H Winter, Cockermouth’s Great Scholars

Hall, Richard (1950-2024), archivist, born near Cockermouth into a Border Reiving family, his father farmed on the Solway where the farm had been part of the Lawson estate based at Brayton, he was educated at Seascale Prep School, St Bees and at Jesus College, Cambridge, a period of doctoral research followed on the finance of the Anglo Scots War of 1335-50 and then he took an archival diploma at Aberystwyth, his first post was at Carlisle record office from 1973-1976, then he moved to Kendal record office from 1973-2013, during this period he assisted many local scholars in their research, he was the Honorary Secretary of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society from 1983-2001 and was then a Fellow and a member of the publications committee,  a committee member of the Romney Society, he co-edited their Transactions for a few years, from the founding of Cumbrian Lives in 1998 he hosted the initial meetings and then accumulated hundreds of references to significant Cumbrians, these became the spine of the website established by David Cross and Stephen White during the Covid epidemic, in retirement he was a great supporter of musical events in Cumbria and further afield in the UK, he was a trustee of Lakeland Summer Music and sponsored concerts , in 2024 one by the Brodsky Quartet, also a member of the Elgar Society and a visitor to the Three Choirs Festival for twenty five years, being quoted in the Daily Telegraph during the Covid hiatus by referring to ‘this wonderful event which has lasted for more than three hundred years’, he died on 2 August 2024; Cumbrian Lives - Richard Hall’s writer’s page; Daily Telegraph, 21 June 2021

Hall, Dr Spencer Timothy (1812-1885; ODNB) MA PhD Tubingen, trained as printer for the Nottingham Mercury, printer on his own account in Sutton-in-Ashfield, joined the firm Hargrove in York, co-editor Iris newspaper Sheffield, published Life and Death in Ireland as Witnessed in 1849 [1850], hon sec Sheffield Phrenological Society, interested in Mesmerism 1841 and gave public demonstrations, cured Harriet Martineau (qv), homeopathic doctor from 1852, married twice, son Leonard Hall (1866-1916) (qv), a social activist, published Homeopathy: a Testimony [1852], sec Society for the Abolition of Capital Punishment, started a Hydropathic Establishment at Banel Head, Plumgarths, Kendal, c. 1860, but it did not succeed, many high profile friends including Dickens, Elizabeth Browning and Alfred Russell Wallace, lived from 1871 in straightened circumstances in Burnley, Lytham and Blackpool d. Blackpool in 1885, buried Layton cemetery

Hall, William Armstrong (Bill) (1923-2017), teacher and local preacher, born in Low Fell, Gateshead, in 1923, mother Elizabeth, Methodist upbringing, educ interrupted by WW2, evacuated to north Yorkshire, and Newcastle University, served with Marconi Radio Testing station at Chelmsford, Essex, where he met his first wife Joan (marr 1948, died aged 29) and settled in Great Ayton, North Yorkshire, son (Alan, born 1951), apptd head of mathematics at Friends School, accredited local preacher from 1945, moved to Wigton on his appt as head of mathematics at Nelson Thomlinson School in 1953 (pupils inc Melvyn Bragg), marr 2nd (1957) Daryll Seager, 2 sons (Tim, born 1959, and David, born 1963), established school’s career week and organised events and trips to London and European countries, keen on local music as member of Silloth Men’s Choir, tireless worker for Methodist Church, received 70 years certificate as local preacher in 2015 in Wigton, Silloth, Aspatria and Caldbeck circuit and countywide, also circuit steward, treasurer, Sunday School teacher, youth club leader and events organiser, died in Wigton Community Hospital, 12 December 2017, aged 94, cremated with service of thanksgiving at Wigton Methodist Church, 21 December (CN, 15.12. 2017; 5.1.2018)

Hallas, Revd Gerald David (1933-2001), clergyman, buried in Bowness cemetery

Hallett, Penelope Anne Hughes- (nee Fairbairn) (1927-2010), author, born in London, 13 June 1927, eldest of three children of former Guards’ officer and African explorer, later stockbroker (d.1943), brought up at Steventon, Hampshire, near Jane Austen’s house, her education cut short by father’s sudden death, requiring her to help mother, secretary at Faber & Faber until marr (1948) Michael Hughes-Hallett, land agent, 3 children (inc Lucy), studied with Open University, later tutor and lecturer in literature at Open University (eventually a governor) and also at Oxford University’s dept of external studies, assisted Valerie Eliot in editing T S Eliot’s Letters for Faber & Faber (1988), began own writing career with anthology of Childhood (1988), followed by My Dear Cassandra (1990), At Home in Grasmere (1993), and The Immortal Dinner (2000) (based on dinner party given in 1817 by Benjamin Haydon), supporter of Wordsworth Trust at Dove Cottage for many years before becoming a Trustee, then a Fellow from 2007, also trustee of Esmee Fairbairn Foundation (set up by her uncle), died 1 April 2010, aged 82

Halliday, Iain (fl.mid 20thc), engineer, lived Barrow in 60s and 70s, married, children David and Anne, involved with the technique of continuous casting of Steel at Barrow and Workington; CASCAT has references

Halliday, John (1915-1945), cricketer and RAF officer, born at Cockermouth, 4 July 1915, son of John and Ann Elizabeth Halliday, educ Oxford University (1st XI), elected Oxford County Cricket Club captain in 1938, served WW2 with RAF, commissioned 59 Squadron, mainly engaged in photographic reconnaissance of harbours, bridges and convoys, later on escort duties  on convoys, night bombing raids and anti-invasion sweeps, pilot officer 1940, flying officer 1941, flight lieutenant June 1942, and wing commander 194x, but killed on board a Liberator B-24 with 28 other passengers and crew after wing broke off when struck by lightning near Rochefort, 3 December 1945, and buried in Rochefort-sur-Mer naval cemetery (The Coming Storm: Test and First-Class Cricketers killed in World War Two by Nigel McCrery (20xx); WN, 18.01.2018)

Halliday, Thomas (1898-1969), educated Wigton, a British Lion

Hallowes, Col John (fl.17thc), army officer, son of Thomas Hallowes (1684-1740) of Glapwell, Dethick and Mugginton, Derbys, the family were of Derbyshire from 1339-1943, 56th and 58th regiments, married to (1) Lady Catherine Brabazon (1684-1742), daughter of the earl of Meath and (2) Louisa Martha, daughter of Francis Fatio of St Augustine’s, Florida, a Swiss born landowner, and widow of George Bruere (1744-1786) Lt Governor of Bermuda, following the birth of their first son Francis in Penrith in 1788, they lived there from 1788-1796; Hud (C); Hallowes mss Derby record office; online pedigrees suggest that the Col was the son of Lady Catherine but that does not fit the dates

Halsey, Rev Canon Frederick (1870-1952), clergyman, son of Sir Thomas Frederick Halsey Bt PC DL JP MA, vicar of Cartmel and later canon of St Albans

Halsey, Henry David (1919-2009), clergyman, born 27 January 1919, son of George Halsey, MBE, educated King’s College School, Wimbledon, King’s College, London and Salisbury and Wells Theological college, d and p, curate, Petersfield 1942-1946, chaplain, RNVR 1946-1947, curate, St Andrew’s, Plymouth 1947-1950, marr (1947) Rachel Margaret Neil [d.2013], dau of Revd Neil C Smith, 4 daus, Sarah, Jill, Mary and Jane (wife of Robert Hasell McCosh), suffragan bishop of Tonbridge, 64th Bishop of Carlisle 1972-1989, died xx May 2009

Halstead, Edward (d.1612), clergyman, Vicar of Beetham, died in 1612

Halton, Charles (1825-1867), solicitor, steward of Lord Lonsdale’s court at Egremont, ‘of a kind and generous disposition’, died at his home in St Bees, aged 42 (WN, 24.01.1867)

Halton, Elizabeth (1786-1883), daughter of Henry Dobinson solicitor of Carlisle, described the wedding of Walter Scott; drawing by Mary Slee in her Local Worthies (qv)

Halton, Immanuel (1628-1699), mathematician and astronomer, and agent, bapt at Greystoke, 24 April 1628, son of Miles Halton (qv), then of Town Head, Greystoke, agent and auditor to 6th Duke of Norfolk at Greystoke, was of Greenthwaite Hall, but migrated to Derbyshire in 1678, being of Wingfield Manor, Derbyshire, died in 1699; family continued interest and occasional residence at Greenthwaite until estate was sold to Duke of Norfolk by his great-grandson, Colonel Winfield Halton (1760-1831), DL, JP, in 1785 or 1795

Halton, John de, canon and cellarer Carlisle, Bishop of Carlisle from 1292-1324, with Edward I in Scotland, Pope Nicholas IV commissioned him to collect the crusading tax, he excommunicated all the opponents of Magna Carta in 1298, also excommunicated Robert the Bruce in 1309 for murdering John Comyn

Halton, Miles (1599-1653), High Sheriff, born in 1599, descended from William de Halton, of Halton, Lancs, and also of Greenthwaite Hall, Greystoke in 1346, marr Dorothy Wybergh (died aged 89, having lived 44 years a widow, and buried at Greystoke 26 February 1696/7), of Town Head, Greystoke, and at Greenthwaite, 2 sons (Emmanuel (qv) and Timothy (bapt 19 September 1633)) and 1 dau (Bridget, bapt 21 July and buried 28 October 1629; and Mary, bapt 26 March 1649), but also had a child buried in church in 1645, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1652-53, died in office 15 March 1652/3 and buried at Greystoke, 17 March; Mrs Dorothy Halton of Johnby Hall died  ‘on Sunday 28th June about 5 or 6 a clock in the morning’ and buried at Greystoke, 1 July 1719, dau (Barbara, wife of William Williams, (qv))

Hamilton, Anthony (1752-1830), Lieut-Col, Bengal Army, son of Isaac Hamilton (qv), John Hamilton’s yr brother and lived for many years in retirement in Roper Street, Whitehaven

Hamilton, Archibald (d.1904), MD, physician Windermere, lived Oakthorpe, founder member of Windermere golf club, initiated campaign to fund Queen’s Park as jubilee memorial to Victoria, his own memorial gates at Queens Park Windermere, des by Dan Gibson qv; CRO Carlisle has his will PROB/1904/W934

Hamilton, Elizabeth (1756-1816; ODNB), poet, essayist, novelist and satirist, b. Belfast, father Charles Hamilton a merchant who died young, she lived with an aunt in Stirling, later entered into controversies re the education and rights of women, work incl. Memories of the Life of Agrippina (the wife of Germanicus) (1804) which was written during a holiday in the Lake District, a translation of the Letters of the Hindu Rajah, Letters on Education (1801), she died in Harrogate

Hamilton, Isaac (1708-1780), surgeon, Whitehaven, marr Frances Langton, dau of Isaac Langton, father of Anthony and John (qqv)

Hamilton, John (d.1746), soldier, officer left in charge of the garrison of Carlisle, with 100 men, after Bonnie Prince Charlie had taken the city and headed south for Derby, the then governor was Sir John Arbuthnot, after the Prince returned followed by the duke of Cumberland, Hamilton was taken to London and executed on 26 November 1746 as ‘an attainted Jacobite’

Hamilton, John (1739-1814), eldest son of Isaac Hamilton (1708-1780), surgeon, of Whitehaven, and his wife (marr 1737), Frances (d.1792, aged 76), dau of Isaac Langton, of Whitehaven, marr (1790) Elizabeth, widow of James Spedding (qv), of Summergrove, and dau of Thomas Harrington (qv), High Sheriff of Cumberland 1799, died in 1814

Hamilton, John (d.1845), surgeon, lived Whitehaven, surgeon extraordinary to Whitehaven Dispensary (by 1808), his dau became Baroness de Sternberg (qv)

Hamilton, Thomas (1790-1842), sporting gentleman, born at Glasgow, 4 January 1790, 2nd surviving son of Dr William Hamilton, professor of Anatomy and Botany at Glasgow University,  died at Pisa, 7 December 1842 (CW3, viii, 177-188)

Hamilton, Capt Thomas (1789-1842; ODNB), writer, born Pisa, son of Prof William Hamilton of Glasgow, anatomist, commissioned in the army and saw action and was wounded at the Battle of Albuera (1811) in the Peninsula, then was in Canada, published Cyril Thornton (1827) and Annals of the Peninsula Campaign, lived Rydal and Elleray, Windermere, the house previously owned by John Wilson, his second wife was Maria (nee de Latour) the widow of Sir Robert Townsend Farquar (1776-1830), died Florence

Hammond, Archie [d.1928], market gardener, built Hammond’s Pond, Carlisle, opened the gates before 1923 and charged an entrance fee, after his death bought by CCC for £1850, refurbished in 1990s with lottery money

Hammond, Richard, worked with Donald Sartain qv at Her Majesty’s theatre Barrow in the 1960s, then in London, designed inter alia the set for the first production of Tom Stoppard’s Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

Hampson, Sir Robert Alfred (18xx-1919), JP, solicitor, Lord Mayor of Liverpool in 1903-04, knighted in 1904, chairman of estate committee of city council on occasion of Roby Hall estate being donated to City by Alderman Bowring in 1906, occasional resident of Brown Howe, Blawith, ‘a pleasant mansion delightfully situated at the foot of Coniston Lake’ (1912), which had previously been residence of John Robinson, JP, of Leek, Staffs (1882), marr Kate Bolland, dau of Walter Ashton, of Warrington, died in 1919

Handley, Harold (1877-1942), professional footballer and manager, born in Barrow-in-Furness, 1877, played for West Bromwich Albion, Aston Villa and Nottingham Forest F Cs, died in 1942

Handy, Nicholas Charles (1941-2012), FRS, DSc, PhD, MA, chemist and college head, born 17 June 1941, son of Kenneth George Edwards Handy (d.1995), of Swindon, Wiltshire, and his wife, Ada Mary (nee Rumming), educ Clayesmore School and St Catherine’s College, Cambridge (MA, PhD, DSc, Fellow 1965), marr (19 August 1967) Elizabeth Carole, dau of Alfred Rennick Gates (d.1960), 2 sons (Charles Paul, b.1971, and Julian John, b.1973), Harkness Fellow, Johns Hopkins University, USA 1968-1969, demonstrator in chemistry, University of Cambridge 1972-1977, lecturer 1977-1989, reader 1989-1991, and professor of quantum chemistry 1991-200x, President of St Catherine’s College, Cambridge 1994-1997, FRS 1990, hon Dr, Univ de Marne-la-Valee, France 2000, member of International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science 1988, secretary of Cumbria Branch, Cambridge Society for three years until April 2011, of Hall Garth, Thornthwaite, Keswick, died 2 October 2012, funeral at Thornthwaite, 11 October

Hankinson, Alan (1926-2007), author and journalist, born in Gatley, Cheshire, educ Bolton School and Magdalen College, Oxford (modern history), 2nd WW with the Black Watch and the Gurkhas in India, early post with Nigerian Broadcasting Co, scriptwriter for ITN, editor for News at 10, covered first direct climb of North Wall of the Eiger and Chris Bonnington’s Annapurna South Face expedition for ITN, regularly played tennis with Reginald Bosanquet, author of several books on the history of rock climbing, inc The First Tigers (1972), Camera on the Crags (1975),  The Mountain Men: An Early History of Rock Climbing in the Lake District (1977), The Blue Box: The story of the Century Theatre, Keswick, 1947-1983 (1983), The Regatta Men (1988), The History of Higham Hall (c.1991), Coleridge Walks the Fells (1992) and Geoffrey Winthrop Young (1995), sporting rock star locks, he was also a lively lecturer on local subjects, lived with his partner Joan in Skiddaw St, Keswick, ITN obituarist, a founder member of the Cumbrian Lives project, lived Skiddaw Street, Keswick, died in 2007 (KC, xxx); obit Times and Star 6 April 2007; his film archive at the Mountain Heritage Trust

Hannay, Robert DL JP (1807-1874), iron master and businessman, son of Robert Hannay of Rusko, Kirkcudbright, educated at nearby Borgue and then in Bromley, Kent, his uncle was senior partner of Niven, Kerr, Black and Co., so he began in his uncle’s office,  in 1853 joined Henry Schneider (qv) to develop the Park mines in Furness and establish furnaces, their enterprise Schneider, Hannay and Co grew until 1866 when the mines and goodwill were transferred to the Barrow Haematite Steel Co., then he was involved with his sons in expanding Blockairn Ironworks, outside Glasgow, which failed in 1875 and they lost much of their capital, stood as a Liberal candidate in 1868 in Kirkcudbright but was defeated by a small majority; Grace’s Guide

Hanson, Joseph Broom (b.1806), handloom weaver and Chartist, leader of the Carlisle Chartists, important at the hustings, his group were vociferous in 1841 and he was elected as a candidate but could not pay the fees, the group swamped public meetings across Cumberland with Chartist resolutions; victoriancommons.wordpress.com/2013/05/08

Hanvey, John CBE (1943-1995), educated Wigton, chairman Harris Research Centre, an independent political research unit involved in polling

Hanvey, Robert Jackson (Bob) (1899-1989), rugby union player, born at Blennerhasset, 16 August 1899, 1st WW Border regt from 1918,  played Blennerhassett Reds as prop forward, 47 caps from Cumberland from 1919-1929 and in 1926 played all four international games vs Wales, Ireland, Scotland and France, died 17 October 1989; Terry Goodwin, Who’s Who of International Rugby, 1987

Happold, Frank Charles (1902-1991), DSc, PhD, biochemist, born at Barrow-in-Furness, 23 September 1902, son of Henry Happold and his wife Emma (nee Ley), educ Barrow Grammar School and University of Manchester (PhD 1927, DSc 1934), with dept of Bacteriology, University of Leeds 1926-1936, dept of Physiology 1936-1946, and professor of Biochemistry 1946-1967, Leverhulme Fellowship to Harvard University Postgraduate Medical School 1939, research professor, University of Florida 1958-1959, visiting professor, University of Ghana 1967-1970, Royal Society visiting professor, University of Science and Technology, Kumasi 1972, chairman, Federation of European Biochemist Societies 1964 (Diplome d’Honneur 1974), author of numerous scientific publications, marr (1926) A Margaret M Smith, MA (died 1988), of Brighton, 1 son and 1 dau (Miss K Happold?), of 4 Widcombe Terrace, Bath, died 4 March 1991, aged 88 (WWW, IX, 231)

Harbottle, Ruth Barbara (1931-2012), MA, FSA, archaeologist, b. Gosforth (N) ed Queen Mary’s York and Girton, excavated Corbridge via Durham university, Blackfriars in the 1960s-1980s, Kendal, Penrith and was appointed first county archaeologist for Tyne and Wear in 1974, in post until until 1997, president of CWAAS 199 and SOCANT, formerly of Eland Lodge, Ponteland, died in Newcastle, 18 February 2012, memorial service at Newcastle Cathedral, 7 March 2012; CWAAS 150th volume, 303ff

Harcla, Harclay or Hartcla family (later generations, Harcley and Hartley)

Harcla [Harclay], Sir Andrew de, (c.1270-1323; ODNB), soldier, later earl of Carlisle, probably eldest son of Sir Michael de Harclay (qv), campaigned in Scotland in 1304 and 1310, ordered to assist Robert Clifford in defending English West March against Scottish attack in 1309, knight of shire for Cumberland in 1312, Sheriff of Cumberland 1311, 1312-1316, 1318 and 1319-1323, led defence of county against Scots raid in December 1313, directed successful defence of Carlisle against Scots in July-August 1315, captured by Scots late in 1315 or in 1316 and had to pay at least 2000 marks to recover his freedom, only fully restored to royal favour in 1319 with appointment as sheriff of Cumberland, keeper of Carlisle and Cockermouth Castles, and warden of the West March, paid 1000 marks for keeping Carlisle and its march in 1320, personally summoned to parliament in 1321, commanded loyalist army against Thomas of Lancaster at Boroughbridge on 16-17 March 1322, rewarded by being created earl of Carlisle on 25 March 1322, with promise of lands worth 1000 marks yearly, campaigned against Scots in August 1322, later entered into negotiations with Scots to end war, concluded on 3 January 1323, but his intervention was regarded as treasonable by Edward II, though probably an act of pragmatism which was neither understood nor forgiven,  stripped of his offices, arrested by Sir Anthony Lucy (qv) at Carlisle Castle on 25 February 1323, arraigned for treason before royal justices on 3 March, degraded and executed as a traitor on Harraby Hill, Carlisle, beheaded and quartered, with remains not allowed burial until 1328, his sister Sarah gathered the quarters of his body and his head and interred them in the Hartley Chapel at Kirkby Stephen; he is shown on an Edward II charter to Carlisle of 1316, defending the city walls and identifiable by his shield; it is also thought that the small figure drawn in the frontispiece of Carlisle’s Dormont Book is his likeness; CW2 xxvi 307; CW2 xxix 98; q.v. the Abbot of Furness also negotiated with the Bruce and paid him off; Cornelius Nicholson gave a paper on de Harcla towards the end of his life

Harcla, Henry (c.1270-1325), philosopher and academic, b Carlisle, son of Sir Michael (qv) and brother of Sir Andrew (qv), studied at Oxford and Paris (at Paris under John Duns Scotus (1265-1308)), the M Theol by 1312, rector of Dacre, chancellor of Oxford university 1312-1317, William of Ockham (1287-1347) was probably one of his students (the principle of Ockham’s Razor being his most familiar conception), travelled to Avignon twice during the ‘Babylonian captivity’ to consult the Pope when the local Dominican monks were infringing Oxford university privileges, on the second visit he died there, the main issue at stake seems to have been related to the testing of beer

Harcla, Isabel de (later de Vernon), probably the sister of Andrew de Harcla; see de Vernon

Harclay, Sir Michael de (d. before 1309), Sheriff of Cumberland 1285-1298, descended from an old knightly family

Harcla, Sarah de (fl.1323), sister of Andrew de Harcla (qv), who gathered the quartered remains of his body and interred them at the Harcla (Hartley) chapel at Kirkby Stephen

Harcourt, formerly Venables-Vernon, Edward (1757-1847; ODNB), clergyman, b. Sudbury Hall, Derbyshire, son of 1st baron George Venables-Vernon (1709-1780), ed.Westminster and Christ Church College, Oxford, fellow of All Souls, 1777, canon Christ Church, prebend Gloucester, bishop of Carlisle from 1791, later in 1807 archbishop of York, married in 1784 Anne Leveson-Gower (1760-1832), the daughter of the marquess of Stafford, (the tall girl with a tambourine in Romney’s Gower Children at Abbot Hall Gallery), her brother George became the1st duke of Sutherland, several of her sixteen children were born at Rose Castle 1791-1807; David Weston, Rose Castle

Harcourt, Georgiana (1807-1886), poet and translator, daughter of bishop Harcourt (qv) of Carlisle and York, born Rose Castle shortly before the family moved to Bishopsthorpe, translated the novels of Gustav Freytag (1816-1895) from German

Harcourt-Vernon, Granville, (1792-1879), MP, son of archbishop Harcourt (qv)

Harcourt-Vernon, Octavius (1793-1863; ODNB), vice admiral, son of archbishop Harcourt (qv), born Rose Castle

Harcourt, William Venables Vernon FRS (1789-1871; ODNB), cleric and scientist, son of the archbishop (qv), born Sudbury, moved to Rose Castle aged two, inspired by the science of Dean Milner at Carlisle, elected general secretary of the British Association for the Advancement of Science

Harcourt, William Vernon (1827-1904; ODNB), politician, Home Secretary under Gladstone 1880-85, grandson of archbishop Harcourt (qv) and son of the Rev Canon William Harcourt of Nuneham and his wife Matilda Gooch daughter of Col. William Gooch

Hardcastle, Mary (1901-1964), Dip Theol (Oxon), college principal, spent her whole life under the PNEU system, principal of Charlotte Mason College from 1954 and again from 1960 when it was transferred to Westmorland County Council, her salary of £950 per annum plus full board and accomm, but she accepted £600 p.a. voluntarily; charlottemasonpoetry.org/the-strait-gate

Harden, John (1772-1847), landowner and artist, of Brathay Hall, marr Jessy Harden, diarist, trustee of Ambleside Turnpike Road from 24 March 1832 (minute book in CRO, WST/1); numerous drawings in the collection at Abbot Hall; Daphne Foskett  John Harden of Brathay Hall, 1974

Harden, Joseph Webster (c.1805-1872), MA, clergyman, born at Brathay, Hawkshead, probably the son of John Harden (qv), educ Sedbergh School (entd October 1822, aged 17, left June 1824) and St John’s College, Cambridge (BA 1828, MA), ordained, vicar of Condover, Shropshire from 1841, died in 1872 (SSR, 175)

Hardie, (James) Kier (1856-1915; ODNB), trade union activist, politician, founder of the Labour Party, spoke in Kendal in 1891 following the opening of Kendal Labour Church by Herbert Mills (qv), the Labour party was founded in 1900, Kier Hardie Avenue in Cleator Moor was named after him in 1934; Fred Reid, Kier Hardie: The Making of a Socialist, 1978

Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972), photographer, born at 35 Ainsworth Road, Radcliffe, near Manchester, 21 January 1893, one of five children of Walter Hardman (died 1 September 1895, aged 43), yeast dealer, and his wife Elizabeth (nee Francis) (born 1855), of Check O’Bent, near Wigan, started work at age of 11 at a shuttle-makers on Ebury Street, but came north to Kendal with his elder brother Walter in 1911, purchased 3 Park Avenue for £250 on 3 July 1918 (his mother living there until he joined her on his return to Kendal after being discharged and invalided out on 29 November 1918, having been wounded on cruiser HMS Vindictive), established Kendal Window Cleaning Company (expanded into carpet cleaning), joined Kendal Photographic Society and eventually gave up job for full-time photography, freelance photographer for 50 years, often for Westmorland Gazette, travelling up to 200 miles a week by taxi, structured around seasons of year, dark room at his home in Park Avenue, also did promotional work for Blackpool Tower Circus, forced to give up photography in 1969 because of diabetes, took thousands of pictures between 1930s and 1960s, pictures widely used in local press, recording a way of life fast disappearing by middle of 20th century, sold house 3 Park Avenue to Robert Bowman in 1967 but continued to live there, marr (at United Methodist Church, Radcliffe, 22 May 1920) Edith Shaw (died 2 June 1978), no issue, nephew Eric Shaw (who inherited 600 photographs, but 4500 glass negatives donated to MOLLI and Kendal Library in 1972), died at Kendal Green Hospital, Kendal, 21 September 1972, aged 79, and buried in Parkside cemetery, Kendal, 26 September; (Anne Bonney, Joseph Hardman: Lakeland Photographer (2016); Cumbria Life, 113, August 2007; images digitised and available online from December 2012 at www.lakelandmuseum.org.uk/hardman); one of his most familiar images shows the shepherd Isaac Cookson (qv) photographed with a lamb over his shoulders, this was used as a motif on one side of the 25th anniversary medallion cast in a limited edition of 100 for Abbot Hall in 1987

Hardy, Charles Penfold (1814-1xxx), JP, auctioneer, born at Grantham, Lincs, 8 July 1814, educ and lived there till 1836 when he started business in Spalding, then moved to Carlisle in 1844, elected to Carlisle Town Council for Botchergate ward in 1856, Mayor of Carlisle 1872-73, apptd magistrate 1887, auctioneer and valuer at 47 Lowther Street, Carlisle, intention to retire noted on 7 November 1894 (notebook of memorabilia, 2 April 1892, in CRO, WDX 214/A142)

Hardy, Eric, The Naturalist in Lakeland, 1973

Hardy, Ernest (19xx-19xx), Methodist minister, chairman of Carlisle District of Methodist Church, apptd (by LEA) as governor of Charlotte Mason College, Ambleside in 1960, of Nab Gate, Cornbirthwaite Road, Windermere

Hardy, Kier (1856-1916), trade unionist and politician, visited Barrow (qv Elizabeth Ward)

Hardy, Heston (19thc), master mariner of Maryport, lost at sea in command of the paddle steamer Queen Victoria and his son Thomas Glaister Hardy, drowned at sea on the barque Oregon off the island of Oeno, Pitcairn Islands, 22 August 1883 aged 42; Annie Robinson (qv)

Hardy, Revd Theodore Bayley (1863-1918; ODNB), VC, DSO, MC, BA, clergyman and army chaplain, born 20 October 1863, yr son of George Hardy (d.1866), commercial traveller, and Sarah (twice widowed young), of Barnfield House, Southernhay, Exeter (er brother Ernest also became a clergyman), educ at home, City of London School and London University (BA, 1889), marr (13 September 1888 at Great Victoria Street Baptist MH, Belfast) Florence Elizabeth (died in June 1914), 3rd dau of William Hastings, civil engineer, of Belfast, 1 son (William, Captain W H Hardy, RAMC, in 1918) and 1 dau (Elizabeth), teacher in London for 2 years, d 1898 and p 1899 (Southw), curate of Burton Joyce with Bulcote 1898-1902 and of New Basford, Notts 1902-1907, asst Master at Nottingham High School 1891-1907, headmaster of Bentham Grammar School 1907-1913, vicar of Hutton Roof 1913-1918, commissioned as a temporary chaplain to forces on 16 September 1916, attached 8th Lincs Regt and 8th Somerset LI, service career details on Western Front, won DSO at Oostaverne to east of Wytschaete and south of Ypres in July 1917 (gazetted 18 October 1917), MC near Hill 60 in October 1917, and VC at Bucquoy in April 1918 (gazetted on 11 July 1918 and invested by George V on 9 August), apptd Chaplain to King in September 1918, wounded on 10 October 1918, died in Red Cross Hospital at Rouen, 18 October, two days before his 55th birthday, and buried in St Sever cemetery extension, Rouen, 20 October; brass memorial tablet on north wall of Carlisle Cathedral as part of diocesan tribute  (D Raw, 1988)

Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928; ODNB), novelist and poet, went rowing on Windermere on 22nd June 1911 to avoid the coronation of George V; grevel.co.uk

Hare, Augustus Cuthbert (1834-1903), author, wrote travel books and also about ghosts, wrote of the Croglin Vampire in The Story of My Life (1890s) (another source, Captain Fisher-Rowe (qv))

Hare, Dorothy Christian CBE MB BS MD MRCP DPH (1876-1967), physician, daughter of Edward Hare CSI (1812-1897) Inspector General of Hospitals (he was descended from the Rev Edward Christian (later Hare)), General Medical Director of the WRNS in 1918, lived latterly at Appleby and buried at St Lawrence’s

Hare, Thomas Richard (1922-2010), bishop, educated Marlborough and Trinity college, Oxford, his great grandfather Thomas Hare was a friend of JS Mill and an enthusiast for electoral reform, in the RAF during the war, trained at Westcott House, curate at Haltwhistle, archdeacon Westmorland and Furness, canon residentiary Carlisle, colourful and unforgettable character especially after his exposure to the Charismatic movement, suffragan bishop of Pontefract for twenty years, remembered for his astonishing memory for names, retired to Cumbria, buried at St Bega’s churchyard, Bassenthwaite; obit Church Times

Harford-Battersby, T.D. (fl.late 19thc.), clergyman, vicar of St John’s Keswick, co-founder with Robert Wilson (qv) of the Keswick Convention (est.1875), hon canon of Carlisle, Battersby Hall named after him; memorial service at Crosthwaite, Keswick, 21 August

Hargrave, Gordon, artist, member Lake Artists,  father of Ellwood and John (b.1894) artists; Renouf, 37-8

Hargrave, John Gordon (1894-1982; ODNB), writer, illustrator and cartoonist, born Sussex, son of Gordon Hargrave (fl.1870-1920) landscape artist and Babette Bing, had a bohemian childhood in the Lakes, educ Hawkshead GS, founder of the Kindred of the Kibbo Kift, an organization for men, women and children focused on camping, hiking and handicraft, Hargrave was known as White Fox, published Lonecraft (1913), 1st WW RAMC; Ross and Bennett, Designing Utopia: John Hargrave and the Kibbo Kift, 2015

Hargreaves, Alan Bennet (1904-1996), climber and conservationist, known as ‘A B’ or ‘the little man’ on account of his short stature, born in Blackburn, qualified as chartered accountant in Liverpool, which became his base for exploring mountains of north Wales, joined Lakeland Laundries in Barrow in 1935, (under W G Milligan (qv), also a climber), being secretary for many years and retiring as chairman, many notable climbs in north Wales with Colin Kirkus, but also active in Lake District, esp with Maurice Linnell (later killed on Ben Nevis), doing first girdle traverse of Pillar Rock in 1931 and first ascents of Esk Buttress, also took part in early ascents of Great Slab on ‘Cloggy’ in north Wales and Central Buttress on Scafell Crag, founder member of Friends of Lake District from 1934, serving on its committee from 1966 to 1984, and also member of boards of Lake District Special Planning Board 1962-1977 (nominated by Secretary of State) and Lake District Farm Estates, strong supporter of national parks movement, active member of several climbing clubs (Alpine, Wayfarers, Climbers (president), and Fell and Rock (president and later hon member), also prominent in establishment and development of climbing huts in LD, esp Brackenclose hut in Wasdale, marr, 1 son (R) and 3 daus, lived in Ulverston more than 60 years, latterly of 1 Wellhead, Fountain Street, died aged 92 (FRCC, BMC, FLD, LDFE papers in CRO, WDX 1271; AHG)

Hargreaves, John Edward (18xx-19xx), DL, JP, local councillor, Kendal Borough Councillor, West Ward, Borough and County Magistrate for Kendal, Trustee of late James Allen, DL Westmorland (apptd in April 1899) and JP (qual 7 January 1887), president of South Westmorland Liberal Association (1905), member of CWAAS from 1878, of Beezon Lodge, Kendal (1886), of Shortlands, Kendal (in JPs list)

Harker, Alfred FRS (1859-1939), geologist, ‘the founding father of modern petrology’, born Yorkshire the son of Portas Harker, fellow St John’s Cambridge, reader in petrology, his Petrology for Students (1895), worked with Marr (qv) at Shap and Carrock Fell, joint paper on Shap granite; Cumberland Geological Society Proceedings vol 6 1998-9 pt 3, p.381

Harker, Christopher (1886-1946), JP, farmer and local council leader, chairman of North Westmorland Rural District Council 1934-1946, JP for East Ward PS Division, of Hartley, Kirkby Stephen, buried in Kirkby Stephen cemetery, 29 December 1946, aged 60

Harkness, Robert (1816-1878), geologist, b.Ormskirk, educ Dumfries and Edinburgh university, aged 26 read first paper in Manchester, 1849 first visit Cumberland, paper on Silurian rocks of the Solway Basin, work on graptolites (collection Tullie House), Fellow Geol Soc and FRS, ^^^^^^^ buried Penrith;   Cumberland Geological Society Proceedings vol 6 1998-9 pt 3, p.333

Harland, Right Revd Ian (1923-2008), son of Samuel Harland general secretary of the Commonwealth and Church Society, ed. Dragon school, Haileybury, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, Wycliffe Hall,curate Melton Mowbray, vicar Rotherham, suffragan bishop of Lancaster, 65th Bishop of Carlisle, 1989-2000, died 27 December 2008

Harmer, John (1916-2002), geologist; collection Kendal Museum

Harms, Sheila Jones (1931-2004), soprano soloist, b. Carlisle, performed in lieder, oratorio and opera, est the International Opera Studio in Dallas, Texas in 1984

Harper, Kenneth, clergyman, Vicar of Walton, Brampton, author of The Story of the Lakeland Diocese, 1933-1966 (1966), which Bishop Bloomer had asked him to write as a concise story of how the diocese of Carlisle was meeting the difficulties of changing conditions

Harrington family, of Harrington, descend from Osulf or Aculph of Flimby temp Richard I, Sir John Harrington, later the 1st baron Harrington (1281-1347), the barony descended to the 5th baron who died s.p. Hud (C)

Harrington family of Aldingham; ODNB

Harrington family of Wraysholme Tower also descended from the Harringtons of Harrington; Hud (C)

Harrington, Lord, killed last wolf, lived Wraysholme Tower, near Grange-over-Sands, the story retold by Mrs Jerome Mercier (qv) and others

Harrington, Barnaby, a.k.a. ‘Drunken Barnaby’ b. Appleby; his Four Journeys, copy Whitehaven CRO

Harrington, Sir John (c.1281-1347), 1st Lord Harrington, m. Joan Dacre, involved in death of Piers Gaveston; elaborate tomb, Cartmel Priory; David A. Cross, Public Sculpture, 2017, 155-6; CW2 lxxxv 115

Harrington, Robert (1751-1837; ODNB), surgeon and writer on science, b. Carlisle; CW2 xlvi 116;

Harrington, Robert (1805-1884), animal painter; b. Carlisle

Harrington, Thomas (fl.1487), involved with the  attempt of Lambert Simnel (qv) on the throne in 1487; Hudleston [W]

Harrington, William of Wraysholme (fl. mid 15thc) married the daughter of Sir Thomas Parr of Kendal, their son Thomas supported Lambert Simnel and was disinherited; Hud (C)

Harrington, William de (fl.1415-19), Lord of Aldingham, soldier, standard bearer at battle of Agincourt 1415, succ to lordship of manor of Aldingham in 1419, with wife Margaret gave one of the bells to Urswick church  = ?William, 5th Lord Harington died in 1458 (failure of male line in eldest branch of family)

Harrington, William (d.1523; ODNB), catholic priest, b.Newbiggin

Harris, Alan (19xx-19xx), MA, PhD, university lecturer, lived in Bolton for most of his early life, educ London University (MA) and Hull University (PhD), apptd Assistant Lecturer in Geography at Hull University in 1954 and Lecturer from 1956, interest in North West and the changing landscapes of industrial areas arose from residence in Arnside for some years, member of CWAAS from 1964, member of Council 1967-1970, Hon Asst Editor 1970-1975 and Joint Editor 1975-1978, and vice-president 1978-19xx, author of The Rural Landscape of the East Riding of Yorkshire, 1700-1850 (19xx), Cumberland Iron: The Story of Hodbarrow Mine 1855-1968 (1970), and papers in Transactions (‘Askam Iron: The Development of Askam-in-Furness, 1850-1920’ (CW2, lxv, 381-407), ‘Millom: A Victorian New Town’ (CW2, lxvi, 449-467), ‘Denton Holme, Carlisle’ (CW2, lxvii, 206-228), ‘The Hodbarrow Iron Mines’ (CW2, lxviii, 151-168), ‘The Tindale Fell Waggonway’ (CW2, lxxii, 227-247), ‘Colliery Settlements in East Cumberland’ (CW2, lxxiv, 118-146), ‘Concrete Square, Haverigg’ (CW2, lxxiv, 218-221), ‘James Thompson’ (CW2, lxxv, 378-380),and ‘A Traffic in Lime’ (CW2, lxvii, 149-155), of 61 Wilson Street, Anlaby, Hull

Harris, Alfred (1826-1901), JP, banker and landowner, of Lunefield, Kirkby Lonsdale, and of Bradford, High Sheriff of Westmorland 1885, built Lunefield in 1869-70 on site of earlier house built by Roger Carus in 1815-16, bought Holme House estate in Tunstall from Carus-Wilson (and sold to trustees of Underley Hall estate after his death in 1901, copy of sale partics in CRO, WDY 312), purchased dwelling house in Red Dragon Yard, Kirkby Lonsdale from Charles Scott for £220, 20 December 1879 (deeds in CRO, WDB 20/ per RG), marr, 1 son (Theodore, late of Arnside by 1935) and daus (yst, Gwendolen, wife of N F Wilson, qv)

Harris, Annie Maria (nee Armitt) (1850-1933), born at Salford, 2nd dau of William Armitt, teacher with her sisters Sophia (qv) and  Mary Louisa (qv) at school they kept together at Eccles, esp literature, painting and music, wrote poetry, assisted W F Rawnsley in his editing of her sister’s research on Rydal (1916) with her sound critical judgement, gave generously to Library during her lifetime and made bequests in her will, marr the surgeon Stanford Harris (qv), died 30 November 1933, aged 83, and buried at Ambleside, 2 December

Harris, H John (1812-1869), engineer and investor, born 16 July 1812, 2nd son of William Harris (b.1781, d. by 1825) and Sarah Ross (b.1786), transferred to Darlington from Pardshaw monthly meeting on 10 March 1835, mar 1st (1838) Mary Ann Mason (d.1839), of Penrith, marr 2nd (1844) Mary (1819-1887), dau of Isaac Wilson (qv), of Kendal, 2 sons and 2 daus, died 20 July 1869 (CW2, lxix, 330-343)

Harris, Hannah (1778-1861), ‘wise woman’, of Brigham, skilled with herbs, bandages and poultices, the wife of the Rev Isaac Harris of Brigham, she had been a domestic in the household of a Quaker, Lindley Murray (1745-1826; ODNB) of Holgate, York, (a lawyer and grammarian born in Pennsylvania who nurtured a huge variety of plants in his garden), here she seems to have learned about benign botanicals, she was frequently consulted in the local community as she had a wide knowledge of medicine

Harris, Isabella (1792-1864), the mother of Joseph Lister, the pioneer of hospital cleanliness   (1827-1912; ODNB), b. Maryport, daughter of Anthony Harris of Maryport, worked in Ackworth Quaker school where her mother [a widow of Maryport] was superintendant; plaque 28, High St

Harris, John (1827-1863), DL, JP, son of Joseph Harris (qv), of Greysouthen

Harris, John Frederick (1902-19xx), landowner, born 1902, er son of Joseph Harris (qv), of The Old Tower, Brackenburgh, marr 1st (1926) Gwendolen Arden (died 1932x1944), dau and heir of George Colville Arden Kentish (qv), 1 son (Joseph Hugh, qv), marr 2nd (1944) Violet Mary Arnison, yr dau of Jacob Vickers, JP, of Wandales, Wetheral, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1936, died xxxx

Harris, Joseph (1780-1860), JP, colliery owner, of Greysouthen

Harris, Joseph (fl.1880-1910) JP DL, landowner, lived Calthwaite Hall, erected reading room in 1888; Gaskell W and C Leaders c.1910

Harris, Joseph (1859-1946), DL, JP, landowner, son of John Harris (qv), High Sheriff of Cumberland 1895, Captain and Hon Major, Westmorland and Cumberland Yeomanry, built Brackenburgh Tower, Calthwaite, marr, 2 sons

Harris, Joseph Hugh (1932-xxxx), landowner, born 1932, only son of John Frederick Harris (qv), High Sheriff of Cumbria 1976

Harris, Lilian (18xx-1950), campaigner for women’s causes, dau of Alfred Harris (qv), great friend of Margaret Llewelyn Davies (qv), with whom she helped to run the Women’s Co-operative Guild from Kirkby Lonsdale until 1908, moved to Hampstead, then to Dorking, Surrey

Harris, Sir Robert Hastings (KCB KCMG RN) (1843-1926), admiral, saw action in South Africa, commended for his writing on the impact of new armaments for the United Services Institution in 1885, president of the Royal Naval College at Greenwich, married Cordelia Henn-Gennys, dau of Cdr Henn-Gennys (qv) of Whitehaven; Hud (C)

Harris, Robert William (18xx-19xx), MA, clergyman, educ Hertford College, Oxford (MA), rector of Long Marton 1903-1939, succ by Revd A W Neale (qv), hon canon of Carlisle

Harris, Stanford (18xx-19xx), orthopaedic surgeon, of Esthwaite Mount, Hawkshead (leased from Satterthwaite family), marr Annie Maria (qv), dau of William Armitt and sister of Sophia and Mary Louisa Armitt (qqv)

Harris, Stephen (b.c.1730), indigo planter, of Comilla, Bengal, his daughter Mary Anna Frances Antoinetta married John Pattenson (1774-1818) of Melmerby Hall,

Harrison, Mr, commercial coach driver, lived Sadgill, Longsleddale, killed when he fell from his coach, see Joseph Meldrum

Harrison, Benson (1786-1863), ironmaster, son of Matthew Harrison (qv), head of firm of Harrison, Ainslie & Co, acted as chairman of trustees of Ambleside Turnpike Road in 1832, marr 2nd (1823) Dorothy Wordsworth, cousin of poet, 5 sons (Matthew (qv), with 5th son, John Wordsworth Faber Harrison (1835-1849), who died at Scale How, Ambleside, aged 14, and buried in Grasmere churchyard, 12 October 1849, with memorial east window in St Mary’s church, Ambleside) and dau (Dora, wife of John Bolland), one of chief benefactors of new church of St Mary at Ambleside, obtained new grant of arms in 1860, of Greenbank/Scale How, Ambleside and of Waterpark, High Nibthwaite, died in November 1863

Harrison, Braithwaite (1823-1855), MA, clergyman, son of Thomas and Isabella Harrison, of Appleby and late of Sandford, Warcop, died 7 September 1855, aged 32, and buried at Warcop

Harrison, Catherine Augusta (baroness de Sternberg (qv))

Harrison, Claude (1922-2009), ARCA, RP, artist, born at Leyland, 31 March 1922, son of a draughtsman with Leyland Motors, and a dressmaker mother, educ Hutton Grammar School 1930-1939, Harris College, Preston 1939-1941 and a term at Liverpool College of Art before being called up by the RAF in 1941, trained as radio operator, serving in Burma and India, and later in Hong Kong, returned to Britain in 1948 and resumed studies at Royal College of Art 1947-1950, marr (1949) Audrey Johnson (qv), 1 son (Toby), moved north to Ambleside in 1950 (The Red House in Old College Grounds) and had studio there till 1953, then moved to Easedale House, Grasmere from 1959, painted pub signs for Vaux breweries, submitted designs to old friend, Alistair Morton, abstract artist, at Carlisle (his unfinished portrait acquired by Lakeland Arts Trust for Abbot Hall in 2012), did murals at Rydale, Blackpool and St Annes, portrait commissions enabled him to move to Easedale House in Grasmere in 1959, then began his ‘paintings of the imagination’, with his wife’s love of dolls inspiring his Commedia dell’ Arte series of paintings, ‘conceits’ with Harlequins and Columbines playing ball games against backdrop of Lake District hills and coastlines, as if caught in a distant unreachable reverie, ‘scenes of Arcadian loneliness’, his ironic genre paintings becoming in 1960s richer in potential for allegorical and surrealist elements that always seemed out of reach (influence of Chaplin, Marx Brothers and Marcel Marceau), regular exhibitor at RA, RSPP, NEAC, etc, Lake Artists Society, also interested in early oriental works of art and textiles, resigned (with his wife) from Kendal Art Society in 1978, moved to former QMH on Cartmel Fell in 1979, gave up painting with onset of Parkinson’s disease and after death of wife moved to Menton in south of France with his son Tobias (a potter) and family, author of The Portrait Painter’s Handbook (Studio Vista, 1968) and The Book of Tobit (for UNICEF, 1969), died 13 September 2009, aged 87 (Times, 10.12.2009)

Harrison, Daniel (17xx-1851), of Singleton Park, Kendal, buried at Kendal, 25 November 1851, aged 76 – is he rel to Thomas and Daniel below?; Mary Ann Harrison, dau of Daniel Harrison, by his wife Betsy decd, of Sand Area, Stramongate, Kendal, buried in Kendal churchyard, 3 July 1834, aged 17

Harrison, Daniel (1836-1878), solicitor, son of Thomas Harrison (qv), Under-sheriff, Harrison & Son, Lowther Street, Kendal (Kelly 1873), of The Abbey, Staveley (let from R W Buckley, qv), marr Frances Anne (died 4 July 1913), 3 sons (Frank (1862-1927), of Hundhow, Edgar (1863-1947), also of Hundhow (qv), and Oliver (1873-1906, died 8 December 1908? (memorial brass tablet)), acted as executor for will of G H B Yeates (qv) from 1875, died 25 February 1878, aged 41, and buried at Staveley (memorial tablet of William Morris design in St James’s church, Staveley; choir stalls given in memory of his widow)

Harrison, Dick (1922-1998), auctioneer, worked in Harrison and Hetherington auctioneers (est 1877) in Carlisle, awarded Blamire medal in 1987 for his services to agriculture, after his death the Dick Harrison Trust was established to give awards to students keen to work in livestock auctioneering or estate management

Harrison, Edgar Garston (1863-1947), CB, DSO, Colonel, big game hunter, 2nd son of Daniel Harrison (qv), donated his collection of hunting trophies to Kendal Museum in 1938 with annexe to house them (now World Wildlife Gallery), of Hundhow, Kendal, died at Kentdale Nursing Home, Kendal, 22 June 1947, aged 84, cremated at Blackpool, 26 June, and ashes buried at Staveley, 17 July 1947

Harrison, Edmund (1802-1870), JP, twin son (with John, qv) of Joseph Harrison (1769-1808), of Bury, Lancs, director of Kendal & Windermere Railway 1853-1859, tenant of Abbot Hall, Kendal (1855-59), moving to Owlet Ash, Milnthorpe in February 1869, when stabling and farm buildings were rebuilt for him, marr Sarah (d.1886), who went to live at Woodhouse after death of Mrs Haslam (nee Harrison) in 1872 until her own death in 1886, but the Misses Eliza and Emily Harrison (daus?) continued to live there (poss till 1907), died in 1870

Harrison, George (c.1750-1824), mayor, Mayor of Appleby 1783, kept ms volume with names of all the donors of old silver plate, which was exchanged for a silver punch bowl, by order of court, Thomas Heelis, Mayor, 1785, following order of 26 October 1784, of Battleborough, Appleby, died 18 July 1824, aged 73, and buried in St Lawrence’s churchyard, Appleby, 21 July

Harrison, George (17xx-18xx), banker, of 69 Lowther Street, Whitehaven, partner in establishing bank of Messrs Moore, Hamilton, Harrison, Serjeant & Co in 1793, later joining up with Messrs Thomas and Milham Hartley in a Joint Stock Banking Company by 1829

Harrison, Jackson (1741-1804), JP, Alderman of Kendal Corporation

Harrison, James (c.1628-1687), Quaker leader, born near Kendal, moved to Bolton, Lancs, became a prominent immigrant of Pennsylvania (The First Publishers of Truth, London 1907 in HABSF, 521)

Harrison, James (c.1839-1xxx), JP, grocer and provision merchant, son of John Harrison, manufacturer, of Sand Area House, Stramongate, Kendal, established grocery business at 82, 84 and 86 [and later 88] Stramongate in 1863, [also Registrar of marriages for Society of Friends 1884-1901, or is this another James Harrison?], marr 1st (31 July 1866, at Kendal FMH) Louisa Maria (19), dau of George Lidbetter, agent, of 58 Stramongate, widower by 1875, aged 36, when he married again (9 June 1875, at Grayrigg FMH) Lucy (aged 32, died 2 December 1880 and buried in Friends’ cemetery, Kendal Parklands), dau of John Farrer (qv), tea dealer, of Kendal, another near neighbour in Stramongate, [his dau Bertha (24) marr (4 May 1897 at Kendal FMH) Ernest Jackson (26), civil engineer, of Ash Meadows, East Bank, Kendal, son of John Jackson, decd, manufacturer], Westmorland County Councillor for Kendal Borough Longpool division (1894), of Sand Area House, died by 1897/1901 [firm advert in Bulmer Directory 1905, p.ii]

Harrison, James (18xx-1927), clergyman, trained at St Bees Theol College 1863, d 1865 and p 1867 (Ripon), curate of Birkenshaw 1865-1867, Bamburgh 1867-1871 and Barbon 1871-1872, vicar of Barbon 1872-1926/7, died at The Parsonage, Barbon, aged 89, and buried at Barbon, 17 January 1927

Harrison, John (c.1632-1705), clergyman, vicar of Barton for 44 years, died 24 June 1705, aged 73, and buried at Barton, 25 June

Harrison, John (1701/02-1761), clergyman and schoolmaster, bapt at Isel, 17 January 1702, educ Hawkshead Grammar School, nominated to curacy of Finsthwaite chapel and school in 1725 (bond in £200 to Richard Robinson (qv), Clement Taylor (qv) and others, 22 July 1725, in CRO, WT/Ch/acc. 11085; clergy bundle in LRO, DDCh 37/51), though schoolmaster first from 1724, moved to Hawkshead in 1741, author of article in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society about the movement of water on Windermere in 1756, but ordered his other mss to be destroyed by his executors, died, unmarried, after 20 year incumbency, and buried at Hawkshead, 25 October 1761(CTF, 231)

Harrison, John (1761-1833), Unitarian Minister, born at Gatacre, near Liverpool, 6 February 1761, son of Edward Harrison (d.1802, aged 70), watchmaker, and ….died 6 May 1833, aged 72, and buried in Market Place chapel yard, Kendal, 10 May (ONK, 366-394)

Harrison, John (1802-1884), JP, twin son (with Edmund, qv) of Joseph Harrison (1769-1808), of Bury, Lancs (2nd son of James Harrison, of Lowfields, Barbon), director of Kendal & Windermere Railway 1853-1859, of Summerlands and of Hundhowe, nr Kendal, died in 1884

Harrison, John (fl.19thc), yeoman, of The Landing, Lakeside, Newby Bridge, built Stott Park bobbin mill (did he also create High Dam as the head of water?), sought a tenant and appointed a Mr Rushworth, then James Bethom, then a member of the Coward family of Skelwith (qv)

Harrison, John Robinson (1865-1923), b.Scalesceugh, son of John Harrison of Gatesgill, and his wife Frances Robinson, an heiress of Scalesceugh, co-founder of shipping firm Gow, Harrison of Glasgow, retired to Scalesceugh in 1913, he built the present house and lived there for ten years

Harrison, Joseph Broom (1806-1865), Carlisle Chartist; CW3 xv 204-8

Harrison, Matthew (c.1753-1824), ironmaster, son of Matthew Harrison and a Braithwaite, chief partner in firm of Harrison, Ainslie & Co, iron works at Newlands, lived Waterhead, Coniston, died in 1824, aged 71; CW3 x 17 ff; CW3 v 244; see Ainslie

Harrison, Matthew Benson (1824-1879), DL, JP, eldest son of Benson Harrison (qv), of Greenbank, Ambleside, and his 2nd wife, Dorothy (nee Wordsworth), High Sheriff of Westmorland 1860, served in Westmorland and Cumberland Yeomanry Cavalry 1851-1866 (Lieutenant, 3 May 1851, promoted to Captain, 6 September 1858) [his jacket and other militaria auctioned at sale in London on 30 June 2010], marr?, dau (Catherine Day, wife of A P Brydson (qv) and heiress to Water Park, High Nibthwaite), died at Datchet, Berkshire, aged 54, and buried at Ambleside, 25 January 1879

Harrison, Mike (1945-2018), musician, rock band Carlisle from 1967-74, lead singer in Spooky Tooth

Harrison, Myles (c.1715-1797), attorney and recorder, Recorder of Kendal 1777-1797, about to come to live in Kendal in 1757, having ‘come the circuit with the judges many years… He’s accounted a skilful man in the law & tho’ he is deprived of his sight, … yet for chamber advice he may be very useful’ (letter of T Rebanks to J Wilson, 21.ii.1757, in CRO, WD/HCW), his advice sought by Isaac Fletcher in 1763, 1774, 1775 and 1776 (DIF, 139, 291, 307, 319), wife Frances (buried at Kendal, 21 January 1783, aged 64), 2 daus (Elizabeth buried at Kendal, 25 March 1833, aged 84), of 73 Stricklandgate, Kendal, died 16 February 1797, aged 82 (AK, 177; DIF, 430; 1787 census; portrait, cf letter of 1892 in CRO, WDX 605)

Harrison, Sir Nicholas (c.1345/6-1404), MP, raided Beaumont

Harrison, Ponsonby, of Eaglesfield, correspondent of Jonathan Dalton qv

Harrison, Richard (1676-1761), of Coniston Waterhead, bapt at Hawkshead, 26 September 1676, son of Lancelot Harrison, of Coniston Waterhead (which estate his father had purchased at end of Civil Wars, largest in Monk Coniston), last male Harrison to live at Coniston Waterhead, which passed to William Ford (qv) by his dau Catherine’s marriage, buried at Hawkshead, 7 October 1761 (TWT, 25)

Harrison, Richard (1720-1789), clergyman and schoolmaster, bapt 15 June 1720, son of Joseph and Mary Harrison, of Skews, Bampton, schoolmaster of Burneside until nominated and apptd to curacy of Winster by vicar of Kendal, with concurrence of several inhabitants, on resignation of William Grice, 16 May 1746, ordained deacon (Chester) in August 1746, curate of Winster until his death, buried at Winster, 27 August 1789 (CRO, DRC 10; WD/Ry/71/43 for 1787 doc)

Harrison, Richard (fl.1870-1898), auctioneer, a local farmer who set up an auction mart at Botchergate, Carlisle in 1870, in time he merged with George Hetherington (qv) of Kendal to create Harrison and Hetherington (H and H), which was operated by a joint board at least from 1925, the firm has grown and is still thriving, in the 20thc run by Dick Harrison (qv); H and H website

Harrison, Robert (d.1828), hosier, senior alderman of Kendal and magistrate of borough for 21 years, first came to reside in Kendal about 1773, devisee in trust under will of Isaac Knipe of Ambleside (deed of 18 Feb 1803, WD/HW/8764), died at his house in Highgate, Kendal, 2 October 1828 (LC, 72)

Harrison, Robert (c.1792-1863), clergyman, perpetual curate of Temple Sowerby from 1845, buried at Temple Sowerby, 22 January 1863, aged 71

Harrison, Thomas (1792-1841), tobacco and snuff manufacturer, born in Stramongate, Kendal, 17 January 1792 and bapt at Holy Trinity, Kendal, 15 July, 2nd of 4 sons and 2 daus of Anthony Harrison (died in Kendal, 25 January 1806), shearman dyer, and his wife Ann, brought machinery from Scotland, with necessary skill and knowledge to operate a four-mortar snuff mill, setting up on River Mint at Mealbank, also had recipe of original Kendal Brown snuff (still kept by present snuff makers, Gawith, Hoggarth & Co Ltd, in Kendal bank strongroom), marr, son, also Thomas, who purchased 27 Lowther Street, near Town Hall, in 1830, where he set up home and opened snuff factory, until his wife Ann died in 1851, after which the business was taken over by Samuel Gawith (qv), who had been taken into partnership by Mr Brocklebank on his (Harrison’s) death in February 1841 (G G Elliott)

Harrison, Thomas (1737-1809), attorney and coroner, born at 61 Highgate, Kendal, in 1737, son of Edward Harrison, of Crook, cordwainer, served apprenticeship with James Dowker, apptd by Lord Chancellor to be a master extraordinary of High Court of Chancery in 1764, apptd Coroner in 1794 (CRO, WQ/SR/530), acting for Sir Michael Fleming, of Rydal Hall (letters in CRO, WD/Ry/106/4), apptd steward to Lord Lonsdale in 1800, had benevolent reputation ‘gave at his house in Kendal a sixpenny loaf each to one hundred and twenty poor families in that town and the adjoining village of Kirkland’ (CP, 24.12.1782) and ‘distributed 210 sixpenny loaves in the like charitable manner’ (CP, 08.01.1799), had a brother G in London, whose letter concerning Dr Burn’s account of Quakers in his History he sent on to Burn with his own covering letter of 19 April 1778 (CRO, WPR 9/2/1/6), marr (21 August 1771, by licence at Kendal, but ‘married before in Scotland’) Jane Lawson (died at 61 Highgate, left as her dower house, in 1820), 1 dau (Jane, Mrs Grant, who later lived at property until about 1836, following death of her mother), died in October 1809 (KK, 101), or ? of Finkle Street, buried 27 July 1809, aged 67 ? (WPR 38 /10)

Harrison, Thomas (1774-1834), JP, MD, surgeon and Mayor of Kendal, bapt 23 January 1774 at Crosthwaite, er son of Thomas Harrison (bapt 31 January 1741/2, buried at Kendal, 25 July 1809), ‘cow and horse doctor’, of Church Town, Crosthwaite (himself the eldest son of Thomas Harrison and Sarah Swainson), by his first wife, Mary (bur 13 October 1784, aged 37), dau of Daniel Robinson, of Moss-side, had one brother (Daniel), 4 sisters (inc Mary, wife of John Gough, qv), 2 half-brothers and 2 half-sisters, early educ?, studied medicine at Edinburgh University (listed as student in Dr Gregory’s classes 1797-1799), awarded degree of MD at Glasgow University (5 December 1799), marr (30 June 1800) Nancy (bapt at Preston Patrick, 21 March 1769, d.1821, aged 52), dau of William Bateman, of Old Hutton, 1 son and 3 daus, refused admittance to Society for Promoting Useful Knowledge in 1804 (with his brother-in-law, John Gough) bec not a Quaker, Mayor of Kendal on three occasions 1805-06, 1815-16 and 1828-29, apptd one of Senior Aldermen (and Magistrate) in place of William Berry (qv) in April 1832, author of An Impartial Narrative of the Riotous Proceedings which took place in Kendal on Wednesday, February 11, 1818 (1818), highly esteemed in Kendal, combining ‘a quick and clear understanding, with great physical vigour’, instrumental in bringing many improvements to town by his activities on council, bought land in 1825 on which Aynam Lodge was being built for him by George Webster in 1824 (with his consulting room in south-west wing approached along a verandah from a rear entrance), died 4 July 1834, aged 60, and buried in Kendal parish churchyard on 9 July (CW2, xciii, 204-206; WoK, 67; CRO, WDX 188/1; memorial WDX 749/1)

Harrison, Thomas (1806-1884), solicitor, born in 1806, yr son of Joseph Harrison (1769-1808), of Bury, Lancs, and brother of John and Edmund Harrison (qv), of Sand Aire House, Kendal, and later of Singleton Park (built 1848-49 for him by George Webster), Town Clerk of Kendal Corporation for 30 years (elected on 25 August 1832, succ William Berry), clerk to Magistrates of Borough and County, and to commissioners for assessed taxes of Kendal Ward, land steward to Lady Mary Howard (office in Lowther Street), dedicatee of The Annals of Kendal (1861), marr Jane, dau Mary (buried at Kendal, 26 May 1836, aged 11 months)

Harrison, Thomas Frederic (18xx-1925), shipping merchant, son of William Harrison (qv), of Windermere, joined staff of Rankin, Gilmour Company on 17 November 1886 and became partner on 1 January 1898, chairman of Shipping Federation, Liverpool District, member of Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, friend of John Rankin in Liverpool and his guest at Hill Top in October 1915 and October 1918, when of 8 Linnet Lane, Sefton Park, Liverpool, dau Lottie marr in August 1909 and dau Elizabeth marr on 12 October 1911, but son died at Savannah in November 1911, went to Egypt in February 1912, wife died in February 1919, apptd an Associate of Institute of Naval Architects in March 1920, went to Jamaica in March 1920, died at Miller Howe, Windermere, after day out on his yacht with his brother-in-law, Edward Huskisson (deed of partition in CRO, WDX 1045)

Harrison, William (c.1741-1816), JP, clergyman, deacon 1764 and priest 1765 Carlisle dio, curate of Stapleton 1771, vicar of St Bees 1785-1789, vicar of Startforth, near Barnard Castle, Durham 1797-1816 (inst 9 September 1797), marr (26 December 1761) Bridget (bapt at Whitbeck, 23 February 1735/6, buried at Startforth, 6 September 1813, aged 79) dau of Hudleston Parke (qv), of Whitbeck Hall, died in May 1816, aged 75, and buried at Startforth, 4 June 1816; son in law, John Sharples Lawson, dedicated his MD thesis De alimento assimilando to ‘Rev William Harrison, a magistrate’ and was buried with his wife at Startforth in 1816 (ex inf Nicholas Royal, Bath, 15.07.09)

Harrison, William (17xx-18xx), surgeon, of Ulverston, brother-in-law of James Stockdale (qv), of Cark, and friend of Benson Harrison (qv), of Newland, 1813 (CRO, BDKF/216)

Harrison, William (1812-1860), b.Maryport, 1st captain of Brunel’s Great Eastern

Harrison, William (1818-1899), builder, master joiner and stonemason, born at Skelsmergh in 1818, apprenticed as joiner, went to London, worked in south of England and in Wales, returning to Westmorland in 1849, purchased plot of land (1,700 sq yds) at Birthwaite near station from Kendal & Windermere Railway Company for £150 in 1851, built houses on future High Street and lived in No 10 for rest of his life, over 100 houses attrib to him in Windermere (incl several larger mansions and poss Holehird), one of first members of Windermere Local Board and successor Windermere Urban District Council until his death, one of original directors of Windermere Gas and Water Company, chairman of Lake District Association for many years, driving force in getting subscribers for new St Mary’s church, first churchwarden in 1856 and 1857, also served in 1860, 1887-1890, marr Charlotte (buried at St Mary’s, 19 March 1904, aged 83), son (Thomas Frederic, qv) and dau (Mary Charlotte, wife of Edward Huskisson), died aged 80, and buried at St Mary’s, Windermere, 1 September 1899; memorial window in south aisle (1918) (article by Charlotte Kipling (1991) in CRO, WDX 1045; Ian Jones, StM, 42-43)

Harry, Hubert (1927-2010) Concert pianist and pedagogue, born Dalton-in-Furness 1927, son of William Arthur Harry (the organist and choir-master of Dalton St. Mary’s Church). Child prodigy, studied in Manchester and Switzerland. After his early concert career in Britain and Europe settled in Switzerland and dedicated most of his life to teaching, playing in public about a once a year, the concerts recorded live and available on CD.

Harry, WA (1878-1938); see DCB Lives

Hart, John (fl.late 16thc), of Furness, lord mayor of London

Hart, Joseph (1770-1813), shipbuilder, Ulverston, son of Thomas and Eleanor Hart, his partner Christopher Ashburner (b.1755), built at the yard in Saltcoats, Ulverston, copper bottomed trading vessels of between 150 and 350 tons, including the brig James of 136 tons, the Belfast (1797) a snow of 266 tons, Albion (1797) a snow of 230 tons and 12 guns, Kitten (1800) a barque of 232 tons, some sailed with letters of marque, the Ulverstone (1811) was built for Hart in Liverpool for the St Petersburg route, later for emigrants to the USA and eventually a collier by 1873; J Snell, Ulverston Canal, 2020, 19

Hart, William, sea captain, master of the Paragon, sailing to Barbados in 1803 attacked by a French privateer in the West Indies and repulsed them; J Snell, Ulverston Canal, 20

Hart, William (18xx-19xx), MA, LLD, clergyman and schoolmaster, educ St John’s College, Cambridge, appointed Headmaster of Heversham Grammar School in July 1872, resigned in August 1897

Hartley family of Cumberland, said to be descended from Andrew de Harcla qv

Hartley family, brewers of Ulverston, bought out by Robinsons of Stockport

Hartley, John Simm (1917-2018) DFC, accountant, teacher and editor of free newspaper, b. Barrow, son of John Colton Hartley an accountant in Barrow Steel Works, his grandfather was a gamekeeper on the Duddon Hall estate, educ Barrow GS, navigator in the RAF in the 2nd WW, awarded a DFC in Burma, began as an accountant in the Steel Works in Barrow, m. Peggy Hayes (1917-2010), a domestic science teacher, daughter of Samuel Victor Hayes (qv), two children Michael and Linda, actively involved in the Elizabethan Players, friendly with John Towler and John Myers (qqv), retrained in education at Edghill, Ormskirk, taught in primary schools in Northamptonshire, lived Barton Seagrave, Desborough and Market Harborough, directed summer plays in the Cotswolds including TS Eliots’ Murder in the Cathedral, during rehearsals in Barrow he encountered Norman Nicholson (qv) taking notes at the back, the poet was writing The Old Man of the Mountains at the time, in retirement established and virtually singlehandedly ran The Enterprise, a free newspaper in Market Harborough being in regular touch with contributors and advertisers, wrote local history columns himself, remarkably physically robust, he drove a car until his later 90s, moved into an appartment in York aged 99 and spoke without notes at his 100th birthday party, welcomed by the local RAF members, aged 100 stood between a Wing Commander and a lady sergeant to turn the page in the Book of Remembrance in York Minster, died York

Hartley, Milham (1771-1839; DCB), banker, industrialist, slave trader, pres brother of Thomas (qv), was co-founder of the bank, lived Rosehill, Moresby and Moresby House (1829); Legacies of British Slave Ownership website

Hartley, Reginald, founded Appleby Grammar School in 1574; see Hinchliffe, Bainbrigg Library, 1996 p.20

Hartley, Thomas (17xx-18xx), banker, founded first bank in Whitehaven in 1786 as Messrs Hartley, Littledale, Hartley, and Potter, but another established in 1793 by Messrs Moore, Hamilton, Harrison, Serjeant, & Co, with both being concentrated in banking house of Messrs T & M Hartley and G Harrison in 1xxx, and a Joint Stock Banking Company was established by resolution of February 1829, at 8 Coates Lane, by 50 Roper Street, Whitehaven

Hartley, Thomas (1802-1855), DL, JP, banker, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1839, of 156 Queen Street, Whitehaven and of Gillfoot, Egremont

Hartley, Thomas (1847-1929), DL, JP, banker, son of Thomas Hartley (qv), of Gillfoot, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1887, bought Armathwaite estate in 1880 and built the Hall (now Armathwaite Hall Hotel) in 1881 to over-inflated baronial design of C J Ferguson (qv), replacing house of c.1800 built by Sir Frederick Fletcher-Vane (qv), marr, son (Thomas Milham (1878-1966), who sold estate in 1931 and bought Silchester House, Hants, and was last male of this branch of the family)

Hartley, Tyson, Herdwick sheep farmer, legendary breeder of Seathwaite

Hartley, Walter (18xx-19xx), BA, clergyman, educ London University (BA), incumbent of Firbank 1913-1925

Harvard, S P, Wesleyan Methodist minister, of Town head, Penrith (1847)

Harvey, Frank (18xx-19xx), Alderman, made first Hon Freeman of Borough of Whitehaven (with Alderman William Stephenson) on 19 March 1952 in recognition of their work on behalf of local community

Harwood, Basil (1859-1949), composer, grandfather of Christopher Harwood who married Annette Hudleston (qv), educated Charterhouse and Trinity College, Oxford, organist at Ely cathedral and Christ Church Oxford, wrote hymn tunes and added to the repertory of organ music

Harwood, Sir Busick (1745-1814), professor of anatomy, visited the Lakes with William Gell (qv)

Harwood, Sir John James (18xx-19xx), landowner, of Higher Broughton, Manchester, lord of manor of Wythburn (1894), city councillor and mayor 1887-8, chairman of the water committee, his name is upon the Thirlmere dam plaque

Harwood, Lawrence OBE (c.1933-2020), land agent and surveyor, son of Cecil Harwood and his wife Daphne, a godson of CS Lewis (1898-1963) (Lewis was a close friend of Harwood senior at Oxford), went up to Christ Church Oxford but transferred to the Royal Agricultural College Cirencester, as a student assisted on a Somervell farm near Kendal, joined the National Trust in 1960 and worked in Norfolk, Northumbria and finally in Cumbria as director, lived Grasmere, loved and supported the traditions and farming methods of Lakeland and was a keen conservationist, chairman of the County Landowners Association and a director of Grasmere Sports, advisor to The Kilns, Oxford, the CS Lewis study centre, marr Melissa, 1 son Matthew and 1 dau Alice, published CS Lewis My Godfather: Letters, Photos and Recollections, 2007; obit West Gaz 31.1.2021

Haschenperg, Stephan von (fl.1540s), military engineer from Moravia (now the Czech Republic), tasked by Henry VIII with strengthening the fortifications at Carlisle castle from 1541-3, sacked by the Privy Council for squandering funds and for having ‘lewdly behaved himself’, nonetheless he effectively lowered the walls of the earlier medieval keep, built the two south facing round towers (the ‘citadel’ restored by Smirke (qv)) and built a battery by the gatehouse

Hasell, Dorothea Julia (1883-1936), JP, CC, farmer and local councillor, born at Dalemain, 13 January 1883, er dau of J E Hasell (qv), and er sister of Eva Hasell (qv), whom she helped with administration of Western Canada Sunday School Caravan Mission in 1920s and 1930s, farmed at The Lodge Farm, Cumberland magistrate (Penrith Division), County Councillor for Greystoke (both apptd post 1925 but ante 1934), also member of Penrith RDC, of Dacre Lodge, killed in motor  accident, 19 February 1936

Hasell, Sir Edward (1647-1707), steward to Lady Anne Clifford (qv), MP, his mother was sister of Bishop Rainbow’s wife, Elizabeth Smyth, marr 2nd (24 November 1696) Dorothy, eldest dau of William Williams (qv), of Johnby Hall, a Clifford legacy enabled him to buy Dalemain in 1679; Hudleston (C)

Hasell, Edward (1737-1794), High Sheriff of Cumberland 1792, died at Woodford, Essex, 7 April 1794 (GM, 64, pt 1, 389)

Hasell, Edward William (1888-1972), DL, JP, MA, landowner, High Sheriff of Westmorland 1927

Hasell, Edward Williams (1795-1872), DL, JP, MA, landowner, of Dalemain

Hasell, Elizabeth Julia (1830-1887; ODNB), writer and literary reviewer, dau of Edward Williams Hasell and his wife Dorothea, contributed to Blackwoods and the Quarterly Review, author of books on Pedro Calderon and Torquarto Tasso, involved in local education

Hasell, Eva Frances Hatton (1886-1974; ODNB), DD, MBE, OC, traveller and missionary, born at Dalemain, 13 December 1886, yr dau of J E Hasell (qv), did voluntary work for CoE in diocese of Carlisle, became a collector for the fund launched jointly by archbishops of Canterbury and York to provide for clergy in isolated parts of western Canada, Carlisle dio raising £3,000 for the Western Canada Fund, appointed diocesan Sunday School organiser for Carlisle and sent to St Christopher’s College, Blackheath in 1914 for specialised training in religious education and social work, inspired by Aylmer Bosanquet, an Anglian missionary, with vision of a small army of itinerant women Sunday school teachers travelling by caravan to remote regions of Canada from Newfoundland to Alaska during short summers and teaching by post from larger towns in rest of year, CMS stopped its mission work in Canada in 1920, so the Western Canada Sunday School Caravan Mission was founded in response to continuing need in remote communities, acted as its hon secretary and treasurer, with her elder sister Dorothea (1883-1936) (qv) helping with the administration at home, author of Across the Prairie: a 3000 miles tour by two Englishwomen on behalf of religious education (1922), Through Western Canada in a Caravan (1925), and Canyons, Cans and Caravans (1930), MBE (1935), first woman awarded DD degree by College of St Emmanuel and St Chad, Saskatoon, in 1965, officer of Order of Canada (1969), reluctantly gave up her missionary work and retired to Dacre Lodge, near Dalemain in 1950s, died unmarried at Penrith Hospital, 3 May 1974

Hasell, George Edmund (1847-1932), JP, MA, clergyman and landowner, succ his brother John Edward (qv) at Dalemain in 1910, rector of Aikton 1872-1911, rural dean of Wigton 1888-1911, hon canon of Carlisle 1897-1932, marr, 2 sons

Hasell, John Edward (1839-1910), DL, JP, BA, landowner and huntsman, 3rd and eldest surv son of Lieut-Col E W Hasell (qv), educ Oxford (BA), marr Frances Maud Flood (d.1911), 2 daus (Dorothea Julia (qv) and Eva Frances Hatton (qv)), of Dalemain, master of Ullswater Hounds until 1910, died 1910 s.p.m., and succ by his brother, Revd G E Hasell (qv)

Hasell, Margaret, see Washington

Hasell, Sylvia, see McCosh

Haskett-Smith, Walter Parry (1859-1946), rock climber, b. Bognor, educ Eton, in 1881 stayed for six weeks at Wasdale and was encouraged by Frederick Hermann Bowring, made first ascent of Napes Needle in 1886, he had a muscular and gymnastic style of climbing, wrote Climbing in the British Isles,1894

Haslam, John Park (18xx-19xx), MA, clergyman, educ University College, Oxford, succ Sidney Swann (qv) as vicar of Crosby Ravensworth from 1912, and succ by Samuel Taylor (qv) in 1919

Haslam, Samuel Holker (c.1797-1856), DL, JP, born at Bury, Lancs, son of Thomas Haslam, marr (1819) Mary (1798-1872), dau of Joseph Harrison, of Bury, and sister of John Harrison (qv), of Summerlands, and Edmund Harrison (qv), of Owlet Ash, no issue, of Greenside Cottage, Hincaster, built Woodhouse, Milnthorpe  shortly before his death in 1856, having been apptd a trustee of Woodhouse estate charity in 1848 (CRO, WPR 8/12/1/3/9), died aged 59 and buried at Heversham, 18 April 1856, with widow buried at Heversham, 11 April 1872, aged 73

Haste, Cate (1945-2021), historian, biographer and documentary film maker, born Leeds, dau of Eric Haste, engineer and his wife Margaret Hodge a technical college lecturer, the family emigrated to Australia in 1949 and returned in 1956, educ Thornbury GS Bristol and Sussex university, BA in English, diploma in adult education Manchester, among her documentaries are The Day Before Yesterday (a series about 1945-1959) (1969-70), as associate producer), Man Alive (1970s),  her first series as director was The Secret War (1977), then Keep the Home Fires Burning (1977), Just Sex (1985) for Channel 4, The Writing on the Wall (1986), Drink: Under the Influence (1990), Secret History: Death of a Democrat (Jan Masaryk d.1948) (1992), The Churchills (1995), five episodes to the BBC’s Cold War (1998), Hitler’s Brides (2001), Married to the Prime Minister (2005), publications include: Rules of Desire (1992), Nazi Women: Hitler’s Seduction of a Nation (2001),  The Goldfish Bowl (with Cherie Blair) (2004), Clarissa Eden: A Memoir (2007), Sheila Fell: A Passion for Paint (2010) and Craigie Aitcheson: A Life in Colour (2014), Passionate Spirit: The Life of Alma Mahler (2019), marr Melvyn Bragg in 1973, divorced 2018, two children 1 son 1 dau; Guardian obit 10 May 2021

Hastewell, Robert Pratt (d.2012), of Musgroves Ltd, Kendal, died at Royal Lancaster Infirmary, 9 December 2012, and cremated at Lancaster and Morecambe crematorium, followed by thanksgiving service at Stricklandgate Methodist church, Kendal, 19 December

Haswell, John Francis (1864-1949), CIE, VD, TD, MD, Colonel, medical officer and antiquary, born at South Shields, 29 December 1864, son of F R N Haswell, educ Friends’ School, Stramongate, Kendal, the Leys School, Cambridge, accompanied his brother Cyril travelling to Rouen, Cronstadt and St Petersburg in 1880, and to Barcelona and North Africa in 1881 before going to Edinburgh University (entd 1881, MD 1898), served with Volunteer Force in South African War, and with Teritorial Army in India during 1914-1918 War, retd 1919, but served as member of Cumberland and Westmorland Territorial Force Associations, marr (1895) Frances Mary, eldest dau of William Little, of Hutton Hall, Penrith, 2 sons (Col Francis William, DSO, and Major Reginald Hugh, Border Regt) and 1 dau (Miss B M, member of CWAAS from 1931), Assistant Medical Officer to Morpeth Asylum, surgeon at Northern Hospital and Children’s Hospital, Liverpool for 3 years, house surgeon at Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle, studied further at Durham University Medical College at Newcastle, MRCS 1890, apptd medical officer to Fairhill Infectious Hospital 1904, Medical Officer of Health for Penrith Urban and Rural District Councils 1904-1935, also to Board of Guardians, also in private medical practice in Penrith for many years, Member of CWAAS from 1893, elected to Council 1894, Hon Secretary of Parish Register Section from 1911, Vice-President 1913 and Hon Member 1945, edited 19 volumes in PR series, transcriber, indexer and meticulous proof reader, also contributed many articles and notes to Transactions, speaker on excursions, photographer, referee on heraldry, preserver of finds, and consultant on local history in general and history of Penrith in particular, died at his home, The Friarage, Penrith, 3 February 1949, aged 84 (CW2, xlix, 232-33; CWH; Colin Bardgett, The Black Angel (1997), 100-103)

Hatfield, John, (17xx-1803; ODNB), bigamist and forger, alias ‘The Hon Alexander Augustus Hope’, who arrived at the Queen’s Head in Keswick in July 1802, making himself known to local society (incl Mr Crump (qv), who built Allan Bank, Grasmere), made way to Buttermere and seduced Mary Robinson (qv), married her at Lorton on 2 October 1802, but celebrity brought the real Colonel Hope back from Vienna, exposed and arrested, escaped, crossed over Sty Head Pass to Wasdale and Ravenglass, hid on ship, but captured in South Wales and taken to Carlisle for trial, discovered also to be a bigamist with several children by first wife, found guilty of impersonating Hope and gaining free franks for his letters, hanged at Carlisle, 3 September 1803, and requested to be buried at Burgh-by-Sands; case caused continuous interest at time and subsequently, from novel James Hatfield and the Beauty of Buttermere (1841) to The Maid of Buttermere by Melvyn Bragg (1987). Scott and Benson (publishers), The Life of John Hatfield, commonly called the Keswick imposter, who married the Maid of Buttermere, 1846, Horace Bleackley, Some Distinguished Victims of the Scaffold, 1905, The Newgate Calendar Part III 1800-1841

Hathornthwaite [Haythornthwaite], Richard (18xx-18xx), BA, clergyman, educ Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge (BA 1848), d 1848 and p 1849 (Ripon), incumbent of Firbank from 1868 until his resignation in June 1873, wrote to Henry Ware (qv) from Carlisle Station on 24 June 1873 to say that he had made farewell call at KL vicarage on his way to Thornton on 17 June and that following Sunday, 29 June, would be his last, having tendered his resignation to Bishop (letter in CRO, WPR 19), estate of 82 acres at Firbank (1873), of Bowdon, Cheshire (1890)

Hatton, Arthur (fl.mid 20thc.), in 1963 salvaged the remains of the Furness Railway steam yacht The Gondola at the south end of Coniston and took them to Coniston hall, later re-built by Vickers apprentices in Barrow

Haughey, Edward (Lord Ballyedmond) (1944-2014), businessman and politician, b. co. Louth, Ireland, educ by the Christian Brothers in Dundalk, career in pharmaceuticals, following time spent in the USA, established Norbrook Laboratories, bought Castle Ballyedmond in Rostrevor and the Corby castle estate, peer 2004, Hon DSc Ulster, died in a helicopter crash in Norfolk, m. Mary Gordon Young in 1972, two sons and one dau, Lady Ballyedmond has published on Cumbrian gardens

Havell, Thomas (1782-1857), artist, visited the Lakes

Haverfield, Francis John (1860-1919; ODNB), MA, LLD, DLitt, FBA, FSA, Hon FSA Scot, archaeologist, educ Winchester and Oxford, Camden professor Oxford, taught R.G. Collingwood (qv), excavated Hardknott Fort, president, CWAAS 1915-1919, vice-president 1899, and member from 1890, of Winshields, Headington Hill, Oxford, died 1 October 1919; CWAAS 250th volume, 303ff

Hawell, Edward (1815-1889), sheep breeder, born 21 October 1815, of Lonscale, Keswick, died 2 June 1889, (son, Joseph (born 24 December 1854, died 20 February 1891), noted breeders of prize Herdwick sheep (memorial cross on slopes of Skiddaw by H D Rawnsley); HD Rawnsley booklet on him; David A. Cross, Cumbrian Public Sculpture, 2017

Hawkes, Edward (1803-1866), MA, Unitarian Minister, born in Manchester, 27 July 1803, son of Revd James Hawkes (1771-1846), Minister of Congleton, Dukinfield, Lincoln and Nantwich, educ private school in Manchester and Glasgow University (MA, 1824), Secretary of Widows’ Fund 1827-1833, of Pendleton (not Pendlebury), near Manchester, when invited to Kendal, elected Minister of Market Place Chapel, 20 June 1833, marr (24 June 1835) Jane (born 23 December 1809, died at Lane Foot, Kendal, 29 September 1847 and buried in Chapel yard), 5th dau of John Greenhow, 2 sons and 3 daus (1 d. inf), [her sister Ann Greenhow was wife of William Pearson (qv)], noted orator, strong Liberal, organised appeal for subscriptions to repair chapel 1845, died 15 January 1866 in 63rd yr and buried in Castle Street Cemetery on 23 January 1866 (AK, 304.69; ONK, 402-427)

Haworth, Revd A (18xx-19xx), clergyman, vicar of Winster 1919/20-1939

Haworth, Florence (nee Ashworth) (1909-1999), county councillor, born 4 November 1909, marr Jack Haworth (died 20xx), 1 son (Roger, marr Lesley) and 1 dau (Rosalind, marr John Batchelor), Westmorland County Councillor for Castle (Western) Division of Kendal Borough from 9 April 1964 to March 1974, member of Archives Advisory Committee, of 66 Sedbergh Road, Kendal, died 9 November 1999, aged 90, and memorial service at Kendal parish church, 15 January 2000

Haworth, Frederick (1857-1945), OBE, VD, TD, DL, JP, Colonel, of Ashley Green, Loughrigg, Ambleside, High Sheriff of Westmorland 1919, DL (apptd in January 1910), first president of Windermere YMCA Red Triangle Club, member of general committee of Ethel Hedley Hospital for Crippled Children, Calgarth (1930), marr, son (Major Richard Haworth (1882-1954), DSO, MVO, housemaster at Stowe School), buried at Brathay, 31 January 1945, aged 87 (CRO, WDX 1532)

Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804-1864; American DNB), novelist, US consul in Liverpool, visited the Lakes; his Passages from the English Notebooks, (1870) cited in Norman Nicholson Lakeland anthology, 263

Hay, Charles Gore, 20th earl of Errol (1852-1927), KT, CB, DL, JP, LLD, lord high constable of Scotland, born at Montreal, Canada, 7 February 1852, 2nd son of 19th earl of Errol, educ Harrow School, entd Royal Horse Guards 1869, Lieut-Col 1887, Col 1895, succ father 1891, a lord in waiting 1903-1905, marr as Lord Kilmarnock (11 August 1875, at St Michael’s church, Muncaster) Mary Caroline (born May 1849, died 12 October 1934), yst dau of Edmond L’Estrange, of Tynte Lodge, co Leitrim, and sister of Lady Muncaster, 3 sons, moved back to Ravenglass after sale of his estates in Aberdeenshire in 1916, of Walls Castle, Muncaster (1921), unveiled Muncaster War Memorial in 1922, DL co Aberdeen, JP Cumberland, died 8 July 1927

Hay, Daniel (19xx-19xx), FRSA, FPhS, ALA, librarian and local historian, Whitehaven Borough Librarian, apptd at age of 23 until retired 46 years later, lecturer on local history to groups and WEA, chairman and former secretary of local Music and Arts Association, a secondary school governor from 1951, active member of Congregational church (URC since 1972) and member of Whitehaven Council of Churches, author of Whitehaven: A Short History (1966) and Whitehaven: An Illustrated History (new edn 1979), of 25 Tower Hill, Whitehaven, died c.1980; the new Whitehaven library is named after him; his bust in the library has disappeared

Hay, James (c.1580-1636; ODNB), son of Sir James Hay of Kingask, 1st earl Carlisle, ambassador involved in seeking a wife for Charles I, governor of the Caribbean Islands, marr 1st Honora dau of Sir Edward Denny and 2nd Lucy, dau of Henry Percy 9th earl of Northumberland, buried St Paul;s cathedral; portrait NPG; Hudleston

Hay, James (1612-1660; ODNB), 2nd earl of Carlisle, appointed Thomas Fuller (1608-1661; ODNB) his chaplain (Fuller wrote the History of the Worthies of Britain, 1662)

Hay, Lucy (nee Percy; 1599-1660; ODNB) beauty and wit, wife of James Hay (qv), 1st earl of Carlisle

Hay, Thomas (1873-1957), geologist, physiographer, born in Borders, educ St John’s Cambridge, schoolmaster, important writer on Lakeland geology publishing twelve papers between 1926-1951 including ‘The Glaciology of Ullswater’ (1934); Cumberland Geological Society Proceedings vol 6 1998-9 pt 3, 389

Haydock, Revd George Leo (1774-1849), Roman Catholic priest and editor of the Douai Bible, born at Cottam, near Woodplumpton, Lancashire, 11 April 1774, yst son of George Haydock, of The Tagg, Cottam, and his second wife, Ann(e), dau of William Cottam, of Bilsborrow, a recusant family, educ at school run by Revd Robert Banister at Mowbreck Hall, near Kirkham, and entered English College at Douai in April 1785, joining his brothers James and Thomas, from which he escaped during French Revolution in August 1793 with his brother Thomas, and Revd William Davis, staying briefly at Old Hall Green, near Ware, Herts, before returning home to The Tagg on 3 November 1794, where he remained until January 1796, when he rejoined many of his former Douai companions of the northeren vicariate in newly established college at Crook Hall, Durham, ordained priest on 22 September 1798 and appointed general prefect and master of all (RC schools, where ?) schools, appointed to poor mission of Ugthorpe, near Whitby, Yorkshire in January 1803, began work on new edition of Douai Bible and Rheims Testament in 1808, completed in 1814 and published by his brother Thomas (1772-1859), interdicted in 1831, priestly faculties restored in November 1839 and appointed to poor mission at Penrith, where he struggled to build a church and took part in quelling a navvy protestant-catholic riot, of Barco Cottage, Penrith (1847), where he died, 29 November 1849, and buried in new chapel which he had begun, his library sold by auction at Preston in 1851; portraits in silhouette and oils were in possession of Joseph Gillow in c.1900 (Michael A Mullett, The End Crowns the Work: George Leo Haydock 1774-1849, North West Catholic History Society, 2012)

Hayes, Sir John (1768-1831), explorer, b.Bridekirk, son of Fletcher Hayes and Elizabeth Martin, commodore RN, explored New Guinea, 1st European to land on Rossell island PNG, named several places including the river Derwent, Tasmania and died on the Cocos islands in the bay of Bengal; Dictionary of Australian Biography

Hayes, John Furnival (Jack) (1912-2003), airline pilot, b Holyhead, son of Samuel Victor Hayes (qv) electrical engineer and Lilian Alice Binks, educ Barrow GS and Crewe and Alsager training college, keen tennis player, taught briefly at Crosthwaite (near Kendal) primary school, learned to fly before the 2nd WW, in 2nd WW flew spitfires, then in commercial flying with British Caledonian, then British Airways, marr Freda Cullen (1914-2016) of High Ham, Somerset c.1937 (bred Pekingese and was a judge at Crufts), three daughters Jacqueline, Rosemary and Ellen (very keen horsewomen who drove traps at the White City), in retirement flew pilgrims to Mecca, during this period was highjacked (managing to fly his plane away intact as the highjackers did not know it had a reverse gear), ran an antique shop in Summertown Oxford, lived on Hinksey Hill and later at Letcombe Regis, where he kept black swans, finally at Waltham-le-Willows near Bury St Edmunds, keen on cruises and having met Arthur Negus was encouraged to lecture on furniture on board himself, died aged 90 in Sydney Australia on yet another world cruise, Freda lived to be 103, supported by her daughter Rosemary

Hayes, Samuel Victor (1884-1954), electrical engineer, born London, father John Samuel Hayes (1851-1909), head coachman and later land agent to Charles van Raalte (1857-1908) of London, Aldenham Abbey and later Brownsea Island, mother Emma Sarah Watson of Ipswich, dau of William Watson (1819-1919), solicitor’s clerk and Ipswich centenarian, sang in St Albans cathedral choir, taught to ride at Aldenham by his father alongside  Margherita van Raalte (1890-1874), dau of Charles, later Lady Howard de Walden, served premium apprenticeship at Euston, friendly with Tom Walls (1883-1949; ODNB) later a film actor in Hollywood, spent free time lighting concert parties with Walls, loved the music halls, met Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937; ODNB) on Brownsea Island who offered him a job but turned it down in the belief that the railway was a more secure employer, several years with the London Midland and Scottish Railway at Crewe station where he met his wife Lilian Alice Binks (1884-1974) of a Swaledale farming family, whose father was a first cousin of John James Fenwick (1846-1905; ODNB) founder of Fenwicks of Newcastle and Bond St, and whose mother Mary Ellen Furnival was a cousin of the Ridiards of Cockermouth (qv), three children: Jack, a Spitfire pilot who later flew for  British Airways (qv), Marguerite (Peggy) (marr John Hartley (qv)) and Sybil (marr Malcolm Cross (qv)), transferred to Holyhead where he maintained the electrical equipment on the Dublin ferries which were railway owned, in 1st WW sent on the HMS Scotia to the Mediterranean where he saw action during the bombardment of a Turkish fort and then the Red Sea to ferry supplies and men, (Scotia’s sister ship HMS Tara was torpedoed off Salum in Libya and many of his former colleagues perished as prisoners of Senussi tribesmen in the desert), often summoned by officers in transit to make up a four for bridge in games he frequently won,  returned to Holyhead, in 1927 moved to a more senior post at Barrow, his office was in the Paley and Austin railway building in St George’s Square which had been the headquarters of Sir James Ramsden (qv) as the town grew, here he led a team responsible for maintaining the electrical equipment on the line from Barrow to Lancaster and up the west coast to Carlisle, this also included the Barrow docks, then owned by the railway, the family survived a land mine which exploded in the garden at Wheatclose Rd in 1941 (the house was demolished), commuted from Ulverston for the rest of the war, retired 1949, joined Barrow golf club not to play golf but to compete in the clubhouse where he found the best level of bridge in the town, frequently won prizes, played the piano by ear and had a huge repertoire of music hall songs, a lively personality with a great store of anecdote, he was a cousin by marriage of Kathleen Blomfield (qv), his nephew Percy Hayes Sinclair, a hotelier at Studland, Dorset, was the grandfather of Andrew Sinclair, sculptor of a bust of Robert Woof (Dove Cottage) (qv); family information and ancestry.com

Hayes, Thomas Richard (1850-19xx), horticulturist, designer of rock gardens for industrialists who built houses in the central Lake District, opened Lake District Nurseries, now Hayes Garden World, on its present site in 1921

Haygarth, Dr John (1740-1827; ODNB) FRS, physician and pioneer of inoculation, b. Garsdale near Sedbergh, educ Sedbergh School, as an epidemiologist, urged inoculation before Jenner; J.A. Elliott, A Medical Pioneer, British Medical Journal, 1913, 234-41; Christopher Booth, Doctors in Science

Hayman, Rev Henry (1823-1904; ODNB), controversial headmaster and   rector of Aldingham, son of Philip Dell Hayman, journalist and clerk at Somerset House, educ St John’s Oxford, assistant master Charterhouse, headmaster St Olave’s GS and Cheltenham GS, appointed headmaster of Rugby 1870-1874 in succession to Frederick Temple, his appointment caused a furore as he had a tendency to be tactless and departed from the ideas of Thomas Arnold (qv) the founding headmaster, the new board of governors sacked him but he retaliated by taking them to court, though he lost he was well supported and the judge felt he had been shabbily treated, this very public row was expunged from the history of Rugby school by WDH Rouse (1898), moved to Aldingham as rector 1874, marr Matilda Westly, father of Lewin HD Fitzhamon (qv) the film maker (qv), died Aldingham, buried in churchyard

Haynes, James Allen (18xx-19xx), railway manager, joined Cleator & Workington Junction Railway Company about 1887, apptd goods manager in December 1896 (at same time as Miles Knowles was apptd secretary), general manager from 1907 (following Miles Kennedy’s resignation), with ‘Harcourt Villa’ in Carleton Road, Workington purchased as his family residence in January 1903, until February 1923, after the Cleator company was absorbed by the London, Midland and Scottish Railway (from 1 January 1923), emigrated to Australia with his wife, 3 sons and 1 dau, settling in Victoria, where his sons intended to take up farming, well regarded by all his colleagues on railway (CR, 132 (October 2009) and 133 (Feb 2010))

Haythornthwaite family, also see Hathornthwaite

Haythornthwaite, Alfred Parker (1910-1998), clergyman, born at Rowrah, 11 February 1910, er son of Dr E P Haythornthwaite (qv), educ St Bees School (Foundation 1923-1929), Wycliffe Hall, Oxford 1929, St Andrew’s College, Whittlesford 1933, d 1935 and p 1936 Carl, curate of Aspatria 1935-1938, acting curate of St Andrew’s, Penrith 1938-1946, rector of Kirkby Thore with Temple Sowerby from 1946, vicar of Seascale, vicar of Allithwaite, member of committee, Old St Beghians’ Club (to 199x), marr (1939, at Penrith) Janet Copland (secretary to Eva Hasell (qv), of Dalemain, died December 2007, aged 99), 3 daus (Margaret, Elizabeth and Gwendolen), died in Westmorland General Hospital, Kendal, January 1998, and buried at Kirkby Lonsdale

Haythornthwaite, Edward (c.1853-1916), chief clerk in county court (Kendal District), hon secretary of Conservative Club (1905), marr Harriet (buried 5 May 1920, aged 70), of 27 Lound Street, Kendal (1886), later of 1 Vicarage Terrace (1912), where he died, aged 63, and buried at Parkside cemetery, Kendal, 24 July 1916

Haythornthwaite, Edward Parker (1869-1953), BA, LRCP, LRCS, doctor, born at Alma Terrace, Silloth, 23 April 1869, 3rd son of Revd Richard Haythornthwaite (qv), educ St Bees School and Queens’ College, Cambridge, studied medicine at Edinburgh, marr (10 April 1907, at Glasgow) Constance Annie (1871-1951) (buried at Kirkby Thore, 6 March 1951, aged 80), dau of Alfred Sweetapple, 2 sons (Alfred Parker and John Parker) and 2 daus (Constance Parker and Anne Rosemary Parker), in general practice at Rowrah 1905-1948, succ Dr Wood, covering Lamplugh, Ennerdale, Loweswater and Buttermere, initially on foot or by cycle, later by motor car driven by his younger daughter, Medical Officer of Health to PoW Camps, regular attender of Mardale Hunt, and follower of Melbreak, Eskdale and Ennerdale packs, keen angler, enthusiastic antiquarian, member of CWAAS from 1915, President of Old St Beghians’ Club 1941-1943, of 14 Rowrah Road (1906), retired from Rowrah House to live with elder son (qv) at the Rectory, Kirkby Thore, where he died, 21 September 1953, aged 84, and buried in Kirkby Thore churchyard, 24 September

Haythornthwaite, John Parker (1862-19xx), MA, clergyman, born 22 May 1862, eldest son of Revd Richard Haythornthwaite, educ Sedbergh School (entd January 1876, aged 13, and left in August 1880) and St John’s College, Cambridge (BA 1883, MA 1887), d 1885 and p 1886 Carl, curate of St Luke’s, Barrow-in-Furness 1885-1888 and St Paul’s, Kirkdale 1888-1889, deputy secretary, ICM for Cork District/CMS assoc secretary for South of Ireland 1889-1890, principal of St John’s College, Agra, NW Province, India 1890-1911 and incumbent of St Paul, Agra 1894-1911 (retired), fellow of University of Allahabad 1894, ?retired to King’s Langley, Hertfordshire in 19xx, author of The Parish of King’s Langley (1924) (SSR, 271)

Haythornthwaite, Matthew (17xx-1xxx), of Captain French Lane, Kendal, marr Isabell, dau Mary (bapt 6 August 1758), Robert, son of Matthew and Mary Haythornthwaite, of Nethergraveship, Kendal, buried at Kendal, 26 November 1837, aged 9

Haythornthwaite, Richard (1838-1908), clergyman, born 13 July 1838 and bapt at Liverpool, 29 July, son of James Haythornthwaite (1810-1876) and Nanny (nee Foxcroft) (1810-1876), of Greenhead, marr (19 October 1859, at Low Bentham) Anne Parker (born 16 March 1837 and bapt at Clapham, 15 April, died at Cleator Moor, 18 February 1923), 3 sons and 3 daus, d 1867 Winch for Carl and p 1869 Carl, St Aidans 1865, curate of St Paul’s, Silloth 1867-1872, and Workington 1873-1877, vicar of Great Broughton 1877-1878, rector of Cleator Moor 1878-1908, died 3 October 1908

Haythornthwaite, Richard (1871-1943), JP, BA, clergyman and councillor, born 15 August 1871, yst son of Revd Richard Haythornthwaite (qv), educ St Bees School and Jesus College, Cambridge (BA 1894), d 1896 and p 1897 Man, curate of Harpurhey 1896-1898, Baughurst 1898-1899, Meltham Mills 1899-1907 and St John’s, Golcar in the Colne valley 1907-1909, rector of Lamplugh 1909-1942, member of Cumberland County Council for Lamplugh and chairman of Cumberland Education Committee, chairman of Ennerdale RDC, president of Old St Beghians’ Club 1932-1934, marr, 3 daus, died at Portinscale, 20 June 1943

Hayton, Gerard (1809-1880), clergyman, born at Huck’s Brow, Low Borrowbridge, and bapt at Orton, 20/24? April 1809, 2nd of six sons and 4th of ten children of Joseph Hayton (1775-1844), victualler there, and his wife, Agnes Huck (c.1779-1860), trained at St Bees College, first curacy near Louth, Lincs, marr (28 August 1846, at Kendal Holy Trinity) Jane Harrison, widow of Revd Greenhow, 3 sons (Joseph (born/bapt at Kentmere, 7 December 1847, died 19 February 1922), Gerard (born/bapt 8 October 1850, post office clerk at Barrow) and Thomas (born/bapt 17 May 1856)) and 1 dau (Agnes Augusta Louise, born 15 November 1851, wife of Thomas Dixon), nominated by vicar of Kendal to perpetual curacy of Kentmere, 6 June 1845, on death of John Greenhow (qv) (1858), bought Brow Top in Kentmere in 1851 and remained there until his death, 1 November 1880, probate 26 November 1880

Hayton, Thomas de (fl.1380), cleric, vicar of Edenhall as party with William de Kirkeby to grant of land in Catterlen from William le Vaux, 5 Ric II (CRO, WD/Hoth/ Box 35)

Haywood, Arthur Henry, gave Elleray Rooms to Windermere church which until then had no church hall

Hazelhead family, Duddon valley; CW2 lxii 238

Hazell, Marjorie E (1914-2008), BSc, teacher, Headmistress of Kendal High School for Girls 1948-1958 (and Maths teacher 1936-1939), then a maintained County Grammar School of 460 girls, inc 36 boarders, and staff of 25, Headmistress of Tunbridge Wells Grammar School 1959-1974, born in Surrey, educ Woking County GS for Girls and University College London (1st class Honours in Maths), close friend of Dr Sheila Cochrane, died 24 February 2008 and cremated at Tunbridge Wells (WG, 19.9.08)

Hazlitt, William (1778-1830; ODNB), literary critic and essayist, visited Robert Southey (qv) at Greta Hall

Head, Sir George (1782-1855; ODNB), commissariat officer and writer, author of A Home Tour through the Manufacturing Districts of England in the summer of 1835 (1836), in which he makes scathing comments on Lakeland road travel (pp. 379-389)

Head, George Head (c.1795-1876), JP, banker and abolitionist, only son of Joseph Monkhouse Head (1759-1841), of Carlisle, banker (son of George Head, of Cockermouth) and Elizabeth (1759-1825), marr 1st (1833) Maria Woudrouffe (d.1854, aged 59), dau and heir of Thomas Woodrouffe Smith, of Stockwell Park, Surrey, marr 2nd (1858) Sarah (d.1876, aged 64), dau of Samuel Gurney (1786-1856), of Upton, Essex, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1851, purchased Rickerby estate from Captain James R T Graham for £13,500 in 1834 (deed of 3 & 4 November 1834), established a reformatory, built County and Station Hotel, Carlisle (by Salvin in 1852-53), of Rickerby House, Carlisle, and Sprowston Hall, Norfolk, died 1876, aged 81; bequeathed Rickerby Park to the city as a park, buried Stanwix under unusual pierced chest tomb; his adopted heir Miles McInnes took over the bank in Botchergate and founded the race from Botchergate to Rickerby following the occasion when he had left the bank keys at home; (CW2, xcii, 243-244; CW2 xcvii 217); biography by Miles McInnes; he appears at the front on the rhs of Haydon’s painting of The Anti Slavery Convention (1840), Thomas Clarkson (qv)

Head Guy (1760-1800; ODNB), portrait painter, b. Carlisle, taught by Captain JB Gilpin; Marshall Hall

Headfort, Marquess of, see Taylour

Healey, George, one of the ‘Rochdale pioneers’, buried at Bowness on Windermere

Heap, I (18xx-18xx), headmaster of Windermere Grammar School 1869-1873

Heape, Robert Taylor (d.1917), of Healey Hall, Rochdale, nephew of James Wrigley (qv), of Holbeck, Troutbeck, founded the Art Gallery at Rochdale (now Touchstones) with a gift of £20,000, a frequent visitor to Lake District and elected a member of CWAAS in 1916, but died at Harrogate in August 1917 (CW2, xvii, 262)

Heard, Hugh, legendary giant of Troutbeck, see Hird

Heard, Joseph (1799-1859), marine artist, b. Egremont, some work at Liverpool Maritime Museum and the Beacon, Whitehaven; Marshall Hall, Artists of Cumbria

Hearne, Thomas (1744-1817; ODNB), artist, b.Gloucester, son of William Heare, visited the Lakes

Heath, Edwin (c.1840-1926), clergyman, vicar of Staveley-in-Cartmel from 1893 to 1916, retired to Lindeth Cottage, Bowness-on-Windermere, buried at Staveley-in-Cartmel, 14 October 1926, aged 86; Mary Pattinson Heath, prob his wife, of Lindeth, also buried at Staveley, 25 January 1933, aged 90; Esther Anne Heath, poss their dau, of Holmefield, Glebe Road, Windermere, died aged 91, with cremated remains buried at Staveley, 24 April 1965

Heathcote, Margaret (1800-1885), benefactor and painter, born in London, 24 October 1800, eldest dau of Revd Dr Charles Thomas Heathcote, Chaplain at the Coram Foundling Hospital, by his first wife Dorothea, stayed with Langton family at Barrow House, Grange-in-Borrowdale, as a child, givng her a lifelong love of the valley, moved to house Borrowdale Gates in 1845, having a chapel and a schoolroom where she taught local children, had Castle Crag House built to accommodate curates and a large schoolroom, determined to have church built in Grange, sold her paintings (travelled widely in Europe and Palestine) to raise funds until able to buy land (Little Field) from Skinner Zachary Langton (qv), of Barrow House, conveyed on 15 September 1853, which she then conveyed to Ecclesiastical Commissioners on 24 August 1859 for erection of new church, consecrated by Bishop Waldegrave on 17 May 1861 as Holy Trinity Chapel in Borrowdale, given right of patronage by Bishop until death or resignation of incumbent of Borrowdale [1872] and appointed first seven curates of Holy Trinity, school built in her memory (first stone laid by Miss Langton on 4 October 1894; closed in 1935), died at Borrowdale Gates, 12 April 1885, and buried in Borrowdale churchyard

Heaton, John (1888-19xx), TD, DL, Colonel, yr son of William Heaton (qv sub J R Heaton), High Sheriff of Westmorland 1945, of Prizet, Helsington (1929, 1930, 1934, 1938), formerly of Bolton, Holme Park, Lambrigg, (1925), and later of Barn Close, Beetham, marr ?Lucy, 1 son (Thomas Martin, qv)

Heaton, Joseph Rowland (1881-1951), JP, cotton spinning mill owner, er son of William Heaton (1851-1919), of Hollinhurst, Heaton, Bolton, of a yeoman farming family in Bolton area who turned domestic spinning and weaving business into largest cotton spinning company in country, William Heaton & Sons Ltd, owned (with his brother Thomas) Lostock Junction Mills, near Bolton (built 1860, closed 1971), marr (1913) Dorothy, 3rd and yst dau of Norris Bretherton (1859-1924), JP, of Runshaw Hall and Bowerswood, Lancs (she marr 2nd (1943) Lieut-Col John Salusbury Unthank, DSO, DLI (1875-1959), of Intwood Hall, Norfolk), 2 sons (William Norris, JP, of Keen Ground, Hawkshead, and Joseph Victor, born 9 September 1917, educ Eton and Christ Church, Oxford (BA 1939), gazetted Duke of Wellington’s Regt 16 February 1940, and killed in Burma, 17 February 1944), purchased Melling Hall, Carnforth, from Baldwin Dacres Adams in 1917, master of Oxenholme Staghounds from 1918 and of Vale of Lune Harriers (Miss Weston is master by 1934), became tenant of Dallam Tower in 1924 (1929, 1930, but gone by 1934),  JP Lancs, died in 1951 (porch door in Deane Church in his memory) (Dorothy divorced him and was of Skelgill Wood, Skelgill Lane, Ambleside in 1938)

Heaton, Thomas Martin (1915-19xx), High Sheriff of Westmorland 1972, son of Colonel John Heaton (qv), formerly of Dalton Hall, Burton-in-Kendal, then of Towcett House, Shap and later of Scotland

Heaton-Ellis, Carolyn Angela Jane (b.c.1930), actress, daughter of Cdr Frank Parish DSO RN, of Tomkins Farmhouse, Martley, Worcs, she lived at Redmain Gill with her husband Major Peter Heaton-Ellis (1923-2011), appeared in Dixon of Dock Green (1955) and Z Cars (1962)

Hebden, Jeffry (c.1795-1871), MA, clergyman, Perpetual Curate of Preston Patrick from 1829, of the Parsonage, Nook (1858), died at Preston Patrick vicarage, aged 76, and buried in churchyard, 2 February 1871

Hebson, Richard (c.1725-1799), clergyman, curate of Mardale for 51 years, and Master of Measand Free School for 53 years, ‘singularly remarkable for his faithful, assiduous, and conscientious discharge of the duties of both these stations’, died 25 September 1799, aged 74, and buried at Mardale, 27 September (Mardale PR)

Hebson, William (17xx-18xx), DL, JP, Captain, The Buffs, marr (1806) Mary Jean, dau of William Grieve, doctor, of Peebles, and his wife (marr 1779) Sarah (1748-1815), dau and coheir of Miles Corney, of Corney House, Penrith, where they lived from 1811, after death of Sarah’s elder sister, Catherine (1741-1811), until 1841 when they sold it, their dau, Catherine Corney (1809-1848), was wife of William Hugh Parkin (qv), of Ravencragg, Pooley Bridge, bringing Hebson lands in Morland to Parkin family (CRO, WDX 884/1/3 and 2/8)

Hechstetter, Daniel (1525-1581), mining engineer and agent, came from Germany to Keswick at the behest of Queen Elizabeth; CW1 vi 344; Elizabeth Battrick, Keswick Characters vol.2; his memorabilia and letters [1600-1639] ed. George Hammersley, Stuttgart, 1988

Hechstetter, Joachim (b.1505), master of mines, born Augsburg, son of Ambrosius Hechstetter, of a family of wealthy merchants of precious metals, appointed master of the mines in England and Ireland by Henry VIII, later involved at the behest of the king in silver mining at Combe Martin, associated with the Society of Mines Royal (est Elizabeth in 1658), doubtless related to Daniel Hechstetter, German miner in Keswick from 1564 who located veins of copper at Buttermere, Borrowdale and Coniston; Peter Ford Mason, The Pit Sinkers of Co Durham, 2012; William J Ashworth, The Industrial Revolution, 2017

Hechstetter, Thomasine (fl.early 17thc.), perhaps granddaughter of the above, marr Revd George  Tullie in 1610, parents of the Revd Timothy Tullie (qv)

Hedley, Ethel (d.1916), dau of Col Joseph Withers (qv), marr 1910 Oswald WE Hedley (qv), her husband set up the Ethel Hedley Hospital at Calgarth in her memory

Hedley, Oswald William Edward (1884-1945), OBE, JP, colliery owner and philanthropist, born in 1884, only son of Edward Hedley (d.1897), of Burnhopeside Hall, Lanchester, Durham, and his wife Sarah Jane (d.1914), dau of J Kent, and great grandson of William Hedley of Wylam on Tyne, educ Shrewsbury and Cambridge University, marr 1st (1905) Marguerite Cecil (died at Calgarth Park, aged 26, and buried at Troutbeck, 20 January 1909), yst dau of Colonel Joseph Withers (qv), of Briery Close, Troutbeck, 1 son (Edward), marr 2nd (1910) her sister, Ethel Mary (died 18 March 1916), eldest dau of Col Withers, and marr 3rd (1918) Edith Leetham, only dau of Thomas Leetham Wall, JP, of Hazelthwaite, Windermere, one son (Thomas William Ian, qv), one of owners of Holmside, Craghead and South Moor Collieries in co Durham, also of Dilston Hall, Corbridge, and of Briery Close, Troutbeck, commissioned T H Mawson to design garden (CRO, WDB 86/ roll 231), bought Fell Foot and Calgarth Park estates, handed over Calgarth Park for use as a hospital for Belgian wounded in November 1914, but after death of his second wife who had taken an active part in organisation and running of the hospital, he realised her ambition of reconstructing the house on lines of a modern orthopaedic hospital for wounded officers and dedicated it to her memory, reopening as an orthopaedic War Hospital (attached to 2nd Western General) late in 1917, with Harry Platt (uncle of John Platt (qv)), the innovative orthopaedic surgeon, as chief visiting surgeon,  until it closed in 1919, then converted at his own expense to Orthopaedic Hospital for Care and Treatment of Crippled Children in Westmorland, Cumberland and Lancashire north of the Sands from 1920, High Sheriff of Westmorland 1925, member of CWAAS (with 2nd wife) from 1915, purchased Town End Estate at Troutbeck from Browne descendant in NZ in 1944 (accepted by Treasury in lieu of death duties in 1947 and vested in National Trust), died 1945; supporter of scouting; Hudleston [W]

Hedley, Thomas William Ian (190x-19xx), MBE, DL, JP, Major RE, only child of O W E Hedley (qv) by his third wife Edith Leetham, High Sheriff of Westmorland 1965; is his wife Annette Hedley? Mark Beattie unveiled photograph of his grandfather, Oswald, at Calgarth in June 2012 (WG, 21.06.2012)

Heelis, Arthur John (18xx-1926), clergyman and antiquary, son of Revd John Heelis, educ univ, commissioned into Volunteer Forces as 2nd Lieut on 28 June 1890 (cert of proficiency in 1st Vol Bn of Border Regt 1891), ordained, curate of Holy Trinity, Grange in Borrowdale 1892-1901, rector of Brougham from 1900, member of CWAAS from 1898 and occasional contributor to Transactions, was paid £5 5s. 8d. ‘for excavating the dungeon at Brougham Castle’ in 1909 (BC, 74), one of first people in district to own a motor car (a Morgan 3 wheeler), cared for in old age by his brother William and Beatrix Potter at Castle Cottage, Sawrey, where he died, aged 64, and buried at Long Marton, 12 January 1926 (HF, 12, 31)

Heelis, Edward, coroner for Appleby (QS 1788)

Heelis, Edward (c.1796-1880), MA, clergyman, rector of Longmarton for 40 years 1833-1874, hon canon of Carlisle, marr Ann (died 20 April 1886, aged 83), died 27 April 1880, aged 84 (MI, WCN, ii, 162)

Heelis, Edward Alexander (18xx-1925), VD, DL, solicitor, registrar and high bailiff to county court, clerk to Lieutenancy of Westmorland (1922), steward to Lord Hothfield’s Westmorland manors, steward of manors of Crosby Garrett, Brough with Hillbeck, and Asby Winderwath, clerk to St Anne’s Hospital and Temple Sowerby Trust, and Coroner of Oglebird Manor, office at 33 Chapel Street, Appleby, Alderman of Appleby Borough for 35 years and Mayor in 1886-87, 1900-01, 1901-02, 1913-14, 1914-15, 1915-16, 1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20, DL Westmorland (apptd 9 May 1923), apptd Honorary Freeman of Appleby with Mrs Heelis in 1921 for eminent services rendered during ten terms as mayor, of Bongate Cross, Appleby, died 24 July 1925

Heelis, George Herbert (18xx-19xx), solicitor, clerk to Lieutenancy of Westmorland (1925), clerk to magistrates for East Ward Petty Sessions, clerk to Appleby Grammar School, of The Terrace, Bongate, Appleby

Heelis, John (c.1764-1843), of Appleby Castle, buried at Appleby St Lawrence, 14 July 1843, aged 79

Heelis, Brigadier John Eric (1921-2008), OBE, army officer and antique dealer, born 12 April 1921, son of Guy Hopes Heelis, solicitor, Appleby, (d. 1933, aged 42) and grandson of Edward Alexander Heelis, educ Appleby GS and Bedford School, RMC Sandhurst, 1939, served WWII with 2nd/1st Gurkha Rifles, I A, served Malaya with 1st/7th Gurkha Rifles, comd regt in Borneo 1962-65, Brig comd 99 Gurkha Inf Bde in Singapore, retd. 19xx,  started antiques business in Milburn, Chairman: Milburn Parish Council, Milburn Village Hall Committee, Governors of Milburn School, Governors of Appleby Grammar School (governor for nearly 30 years and chairman at time of HRH Princess Anne’s visit on 1 July 1985), chairman of trustees of St Anne’s Hospital, Appleby, member of Temple Sowerby Trust, President, Appleby-in-Westmorland Society, etc. author of The Tale of Mrs William Heelis: Beatrix Potter (198x) and A Short History of the Heelis Family (1979?, repr 199x), marr (1953) Joy Isard (d.1987), 1 son (Guy E), of Netherley, Milburn, died xx September 2008

Heelis, William (1870-1945), solicitor, born Dufton 1870, yst of 11 children of Revd John Heelis (qv) and his wife Esther, educ Sedbergh School, trained as solicitor in London, joined law practice of his uncle William Hopes Heelis (qv) and his cousin William Dickenson Heelis in 1899, with offices in Ambleside and Hawkshead, became partner, keen sportsman and one of best shots in county, also angler, golfer and member of Hawkshead Bowling Club, member of local volunteer force, first met Beatrix Potter (qv) when she was looking for property advice, this friendship led from 1908 to proposal of marriage in 1912, marr (1913) in London, against reservations of both families, and settled at Castle Cottage at Sawrey, left her to run estates and farms while he took care of the accounts, Armitt Trustee and its legal adviser from 1912, member of CWAAS from 1933, died only 18 months after his wife (December 1943); his family surname was adopted, via the fame and philanthropy of his wife, as the name of the new headquarters of the National Trust at Swindon 

Heelis, William Hopes (c.1832-1900), solicitor, clerk to Hawkshead Justices for 43 years and also to Ambleside Justices for nearly same period, secretary and treasurer of Windermere Agricultural Society (1863), member of CWAAS from 1874, author of paper on ‘The History and Custom of the Manors of the Marquis and Richmond Fees in the Barony of Kendal and of the Manor of Hawkshead’ (Trans CWAAS, iv, 1878-79), died at Hawkshead, 4 December 1900, aged 68

Helder, Sir Augustus (18xx-1906), MP for Whitehaven 1895-1906, member CWAAS 1879-1904, laid foundation stone of gym and swimming baths at St Bees School, died 31 March 1906 (CW2, vi, 343)

Hele, Thomas Stanley (1881-1953) OBE BA BSc MB CHB LRCP, master of Trinity college Cambridge, born Carlisle, son of Warwick Hele, dentist and his wife Catherine Mary Mummery, educ Carl GS, Sedbergh and Emmanuel college Cambridge, Bart’s hospital, moved to Trinity where he held all offices except dean, master 1935-1951; Biographies of the Royal College of Physicians

Hellen, Robert (1725-1793) LLB, Irish politician; b.Whitehaven, son of Robert Hellen Sr, ed Univ Dublin, Middle Temple, MP, solicitor general and judge of the common pleas in Ireland, died Donnybrook, Dublin

Helm, Robert Dundas (1862-19xx), MD, JP, physician, born 1862, son of Paul Helm (1818-1902), of Edinburgh, and his wife (marr 1844) Isabella, dau of Matthew Maudlin, of Medomsley, co Durham, educ, MD Edinburgh, Consulting Physician to Cumberland Infirmary, JP for City of Carlisle, of 13 Portland Square, Carlisle, marr (1893) Annie Carolina, dau of Henry Christian Lobnitz, JP, of Clarence House, Renfrew, 3 sons (Henry Paul Dundas (1894-1918), Captain, Border Regt; Leslie Robert Dundas (b.1898), Lieut-Comdr, RN; Adrian Charles Dundas (b.1903)) and one dau (Catherine Mary), died ??

Helme, Kathleen (1921-1919), actor, born Carlisle, cousin of the Thomlinsons (qv), Z Cars (1962), Coronation St (1969),  Meet the Wife with Thora Hird (1960s), Madame Bovary (1975), When the Boat Comes In (1976), All Creatures Great and Small (1978), Jessie Renfrew in Emmerdale (1978-1983), Fanny by Gaslight (1981),

Hemans, Felicia Dorothea (Felicity) (nee Browne) (1793-1835; ODNB), poetess, of Dove Nest, near Waterhead, Ambleside, noted for her The Boy stood on the Burning Deck of 1830, her correspondence in girlhood with older admirer, Matthew Nicholson, published by Francis Nicholson (qv) in Proc Manch Lit & Phil Soc (54, pt.2, 1910)

Henderson, Andrew (fl.1787), gardener, listed in 1787 census in Stricklandgate, Kendal, with wife Ann and daughters Nancy and Peggy

Henderson, Sir Edmund Yeamans Walcott (1821-1896), born Hampshire, son of Admiral George Henderson RN and Frances Walcott-Sympson, brother of Dean WG Henderson (qv), commissioned in Royal Engineers, Lt Col, Comptroller of Convicts in W Australia 1850-1863, surveyor general of Prisons 1863-1869, commissioner of the London Police 1869-1886, buried Crosthwaite

Henderson, George Francis Robert (1854-1903; ODNB), army officer, son of William George Henderson, dean of Carlisle (qv), director of military intelligence Boer War, wrote part of official history.

Henderson, George (d.1861), blacksmith of Crosby Garrett; for his account book of 1838-61, CW2 lv 293

Henderson, James FRS (1782-1848; ODNB), diplomat, geographical writer and Hispanist, born Whitehaven, married to May, two sons, in business, consul general in Colombia, travelled to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, published a History of Brazil and works on Spain, died at Madrid; M.D. Brown, James Henderson 1782-1848, 2009

Henderson, Joseph Rawlins (c.1784-1870), MA, clergyman, rector of Dufton from 1849-1867, church thoroughly restored in 1853, also presented stained glass windows, last par reg entry in 1868, wife Alice (died at Rectory and buried at Dufton,20 January 1868, aged 83), buried at Dufton, 20 April 1870, aged 86, succ by John Heelis (qv)

Henderson, Joseph (b.c.1784 -1870), clergyman, chaplain EIC Bengal and later vicar of Dufton

Henderson, Joseph (Lord Henderson of Ardwick) (1884-1950), politician, mayor Carlisle 1927-8, Labour MP for Ardwick 1931 and 1935-50, president of the National Union of Railwaymen, a Lord of the Treasury 1945, married Janet Glendenning Byers daughter of James Byers, created a baron 1950 but died the same year

Henderson, William (1813-1891), folklorist, native of Durham, author of Notes on the Folk Lore of the Northern Counties of England and the Borders (1866, reprinted 1973), dedicated to Earl Vane, researched folklore of district between Tweed and Humber, gave lecture on subject of Folk Lore of old Northumbria when President of Durham Athenaeum on 14 May 1861

Henderson, William Elmslie (18xx-1943), MA, MB, ChB, DPH, medical officer, educ Aberdeen University, County Medical Officer of Health for Westmorland 1909-1939, keen supporter of Boy Scout movement, one of Chief Scout Commissioners in north of England, had intimate knowledge of Border history and traditions, lectured on Border ballads, member of CWAAS 1937-1939, first president of Westmorland St Andrew Society [now Caledonian Society] on its formation in 1938, of Wheatlands, Windermere, retired to Aberdeen in 1939, where he died, 26 June 1943 (CW2, xliii, 217-18)

Henderson, William George (1819-1905; ODNB), clergyman, born Hampshire, son of Admiral George Henderson RN and Frances Walcott-Sympson, dean of Carlisle, brother of Sir Edmund YW Henderson (qv)

Hendry, C Scott (18xx-19xx), MA, Presbyterian minister, St John’s Presbyterian church, Sandes Avenue, Kendal, served in WWI (of St John’s Manse on roll of honour in CRO, WDX 1538), delivered prayer of thanksgiving at unveiling of Kendal War Memorial on 8 July 1921

Hendy, F J R (18xx-19xx), MA, headmaster, educ Lincoln College, Oxford (late scholar, MA), succ S Maitland Crosthwaite (qv) as headmaster of Carlisle Grammar School (1896, 1901), gone by 1906

Henley, Michael Francis Eden, 7th baron Henley (1914-1977), president of the Liberal party, chairman of the Council for the Preservation of Rural England, marr Nancy Mary Walton, bought and restored Scaleby Castle

Henry, Prince, son of David I (qv), established Holm Cultrum Abbey in 1150 for a Cistercian community

Henry I (1068-1135; ODNB), established an Augustinian priory in Carlisle in 1122 which became the cathedral

Henry II (1133-1189; ODNB), drove off the Scots from the Border region and established a royal mint at Carlisle

Henry VI, after the battle of Towton in 1461 he fled and having been refused shelter by the Yorkist family at Irton is believed to have been welcomed at Muncaster, he presented Sir John Pennington with a glass vessel in thanks, restored to his throne in 1470 he was finally deposed in 1471; the Penningtons built a memorial tower a mile to the north

Henry, Alexander (18xx-19xx), MA, LLB, Recorder of Carlisle, of 6 Pump Court, Temple, London (1894, 1896, 1901)

Henry, Hubert (1927-2010), see DCB Lives

Henry Frederick (1745-1790; ODNB), Prince, Duke of Cumberland and Strathearn

Hensie, Mme (fl.1850), itinerant photographer; CWAAS 2017, 181

Hensman, Hon Mary Sheila (1922-2008), OBE, company director, born 29 April 1922, 2nd dau of Lord Wakefield of Kendal (qv), educ Francis Holland School, Downe House, Newbury, marr (6 July 1945) Brigadier Richard Frank Bradshaw Hensman, CBE (d.1988), son of Captain Melville Hensman, DSO, RN (d.1967), of South Hay House, Bordon, Hants, 1 son (Peter R W Hensman) and 1 dau, Chairman, Cumbria Tourist Board 1990-1996 and director from 1996, also director of Battlefields (Holdings) Ltd, Lake District Estates Co Ltd, Ullswater Navigation & Transit Co Ltd, Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway Co Ltd, president DHO Ski Club 1975-1980 and Ladies Ski Club 1987-1990, a vice-president of Cartmel Agricultural Society, of Lindum Holme, Stricklandgate, Kendal, died 4 April 2008; Cumberland News and Star, 11 April 2008; [Mrs Claire Hensman (m. Peter Hensman above) was High Sheriff of Cumbria in 2007-08, appointed first woman Lord Lieutenant of Cumbria in December 2012, succ Sir James Cropper]

Hepworth, Barbara (1903-1975; ODNB), sculptor, her first husband John Skeaping ‘discovered’ Cumberland alabaster from Barrowmouth south of Whitehaven which was used by Henry Moore and Hepworth and others (examples in the Tate), Helen Kapp (qv) sent Mary Burkett (qv) down to St Ives to negotiate a free piece of her sculpture, she was not successful; soon afterwards Abbot Hall bought one of Hepworth’s works called Trezion, Hepworth came to Kendal to supervise its siting ‘at the intersection of various axes’ on the lawn outside Abbot Hall Gallery in 1966

Hepworth, Frank Nutter (1872-1957), CBE, FRSA, chairman of Metal Box, worked with Sir Benjamin Scott (qv) before the amalgamation of firms; Kevin Rafferty, The Story of Hudson Scott and Sons: Metal Box, Carlisle, 1998

Herbert (St. Herbert, Herebert, Hereberht) (d.687; ODNB), hermit, lived on island in Derwentwater that still bears his name, disciple and intimate of St Cuthbert (qv), to whom he paid annual visit in Carlisle for spiritual advice, both died on same day, 20 March 687 (acc to Bede); feast day of 20 March was to be observed on direction of Thomas Appleby (qv), Bishop of Carlisle, in 1374, by vicar of Crosthwaite holding a yearly mass on St Herbert’s Isle, with forty days’ indulgence granted to those visiting at time, thereby recognising it as a centre of pilgrimage; local church dedications at Braithwaite and Carlisle, also modern Roman Catholic dedication of Our Lady of Windermere and St Herbert (1883, 1964); There were also regular baptisms in the Derwent; the ruins on the island are said to be those of a summer house built by the Lawsons of Brayton and Isel (qqv); glass at Armboth church; Bede has the earliest reference to him; Hardwicke Rawnsley booklet; Rev. Thomas Lees, CWAAS I vi p.338; Norman Nicholson anthology 1977, 181;

Herbert, Alan (19xx-2004/5), clergyman, rector of Kirkby Thore, retired to his native west Cumberland, arranged Dialect Service at Rydal Church in 2004, died while preparing to take the service on Advent Sunday at Egremont Church

Herbert, Henry (1858-1928), photographer, son of Robert Herbert (qv), of Durham, employed by Brunskill Brothers of Lake Rd, Bowness-on-Windermere from 1886, took his camera out of studio to take scenic views, which were sold to holidaying visitors as mounted prints and as cartes-de-visite, and from 1894 re-used as picture postcards, later set up on his own

Herbert, Mrs Mary (19xx-2012), died aged 83 (CWH, 14.04.2012)

Herbert, Robert (18xx-1xxx), photographer, taxidermist, barber and poacher, had photographic studio in Durham before opening one in Bowness-on-Windermere in 1880s; business continued for three generations through son Henry (1858-1928) and grandson Frank (at Bank Terrace (1894, 1897), recorded many local events, inc celebrations for Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee in 1887 and the Great Frost of 1895 (Lake Windermere had nine inches of ice for several weeks), then at Lake Road (1905 onwards) until business sold in 1960 (Frank took first aerial photo of Bowness in 1912) (glass negatives in Museum of Lakeland Life and Industry, Abbot Hall)

Herd, Richard (Dick) (17xx-18xx), the Howgill Poet,

Herdman, Johnny Friend, hill farmer, of Garrigill, Alston, Chairman of Governors, Newton Rigg College 1958-1970

Herschell, Sir Farrer, 1st baron Herschell GCB PC DL (1837-1899; ODNB), born Brampton, Hampshire, son of the Rev Ridley Haim Herschell (of Polish stock) and his wife Helen Skirving Mowbray, educ at a London GS, Bonn and University Coll London, called to the bar Lincoln’s Inn, joined the northern circuit, recorder of Carlisle, MP for North Durham, appointed Solicitor General by Gladstone, Lord Chancellor, involved in boundary disputes wrt Venezuela and Alaska, died following a fall in Washington; his name appears (as recorder) behind the carved mayoral chair in the old town hall, Carlisle

Hervey, Frederick Alan Romaine (1899-1986), clergyman, Trinity College, Oxford 1917, Sarum Theol College 1928, d 1930 and p 1931 (Chich), Curate of Wadhurst 1930-1932, vicar of Woburn 1932-1937, vicar of Langcliffe with Stainforth 1937-1946, rector of Whicham and vicar of Whitbeck 1946-1955, rector of Inkpen, dio Oxon 1955-1966, retired to Two Oaks, Whitegate, Chard, Somerset (1971), then to 6 Millfield, Beaminster, Dorset (1975), where he died in 1986, aged 87

Hervey, George Aidan Kingsford (1893-1967), MA, cleryman and naturalist, late Exhibitioner, Trinity College, Oxford (BA 1916, MA 1920), Cuddesdon College 1920, d 1922 (St As) and p 1923 (Bang for St As), Curate of Ruabon 1922-1924 and Woodhouse 1924-1926, Vicar of Buttermere 1926-1931, Vicar of St Peter, Bushey Heath 1931-1934, Chaplain of Bryanston School 1934-1942, Vicar of Gilsland with Over Denton 1942-1946, Rural Dean of Brampton 1944-1946, Asst Director of Religious Education, Carlisle Dio 1945-19xx, Rector of Great Salkeld 1946-1968, Hon Canon of Carlisle 1950-, founder and chairman of Lake District Naturalists’ Trust, author of The Staircase to Truth (1956), died by 1971; A.Wainwright, Westmorland Heritage, 85

Hervey, Humphrey Archer (17xx-18xx), clergyman and schoolmaster, vicar of Bridekirk and master of Dovenby Grammar School, dau Mary Anne marr Fearon Fallows (qv)

Hervey, Thomas (1740-1806), clergyman and shorthand pioneer, born at Dovenby in 1740, Curate of Rampside 1763-1766, curate of Underbarrow 1766-1806, conducted private school at Underbarrow and issued prospectus in 1778 announcing a curriculum of English, Latin, Greek, writing, reading, book-keeping and navigation, together with shorthand in evenings, published small volume on shorthand system The Writer’s Time Redeemed and Speaker’s Words Recalled in 1779, based on earlier system by Peter Annet (copies in Kendal LSL and Lancaster University Library), associated with 18th century evangelical movement and friend of the Wesleys, described by contemporary as ‘a man of eminent piety and strictly moral conduct’, marr Ann Fell (buried at Kendal, 2 September 1805, aged 62), of Harborrow, Urswick, 3 sons (all clergymen) and daus (inc Selina, who died 2 November 1844), died aged 66 and buried at Kendal, 24 July 1806 (CRO, DRC/10; licences, WDX 243; obit in WDY 294; shorthand notebook, WD/HPG/A2166; WCN, ii, 30)

Hervey, Thomas (17xx-1821), clergyman, curate of Underbarrow 1806-1821

Hervey, Romaine (1772-1837), copy of portrait at Magdalene College, Cambridge

Hesketh, R H (1xxx-1962), BA, clergyman, vicar of Beckermet (death reported in Diocesan News of November 1962)

Heskett, Joseph J. (b.1865), shoemaker, singer and writer, b. Allonby, son of a shoemaker and his wife Frances Costin, m. Eleanor Litt and with her ran a business in Maryport which sold children’s toys, honey from their ‘own apiary’ and provided cycles and crockery for hire, he was also a photographer, prizewinning bass soloist, his Allonby 60 Years Ago is described as his ‘masterpiece’, in 1903 they emigrated to Vancouver, but his poems were published after this date in the W. Cumberland Times; Solway Plain website; lived Maryport; portrait Maryport Maritime Museum

Heslop, Adam (1759-1826), inventor, lived Coalbrookdale and Workington, invented inter alia the Heslop engine, and an atmospheric engine, established Lowca Beck Foundry; Grace’s Guide

Heslop, George Henry (18xx-18xx), MA, clergyman and schoolmaster, Headmaster of St Bees School 1854-1879

Hetherington, Revd Ambrose (d.1591), clergyman, ‘Mayster Ambros Hetherington, Doctor of Divinitie and Viker of Kendall’, buried at Kendal, 13 July 1591

Hetherington, Arthur Carleton (1916-1995), CBE, solicitor and county clerk, born 13 February 1916, son of Arthur Stanley Hetherington, manager of London Joint City & Midland Bank Ltd (formerly Carlisle City & District Bank), of Station Road, Silloth, and his wife Mary Venters, educ St Bees School, admitted solicitor 1938, Asst Solicitor, Peterborough 1938-1939 and Stafford 1939, marr (1941) Xenia (1917-2000) (b. in St Petersburg), dau of Nicholas Gubsky, of Barnes, a linguist and novelist, 3 sons, served WW2 with RA (temp Lieut-Col 1944-46, MBE), Deputy Clerk of the Peace and of the County Council, Cumberland 1946-1952 and Cheshire 1952-1959, Clerk of the Peace, Cheshire 1959-1964, also clerk to Lieutenancy, Police Authority, Magistrates’ Courts Cttee, Visitors under Lunacy Acts, etc,  Secretary of County Councils Association 1964-1974 and Association of County Councils 1974-1980, secretary of Local Authorities management services and computer cttee 1965-1980, CBE 1971, of 33 Campden Hill Court, London (1985), died in 1995

Hetherington, George (fl. late 19thc), a farmer near Kendal who set up an auction mart in the town, in 1896 he purchased a mart in Earl St, Carlisle, later he merged with Harrisons of Carlisle to form Harrison and Hetherington (H and H), there was a joint board at least from 1925, the firm has grown and is still thriving; H and H website

Hetherington, William (1787-1865), land valuer, surveyor and poet, b. Branthwaite Hall, Dean, lived Kirkgate, Cockermouth, Branthwaite Hall and Other Poems [1837] and another volume [1850] including Elegy on the Death of William Pearson, d.Ullock, 16 January 1865 buried Dean; H.Winter, Great Cockermouth Scholars

Heward, Sir Simon, (1770-14.4.1846), first member of the Medical Board, Madras; table tomb Crosby on Eden

Hewat, Richard (17xx-1827), steward, born at Bassendean, Berwickshire, marr Hyndmer, Steward to Hon F G Howard, Levens Hall estate, buried at Kendal parish church, 3 June 1827, aged 47 (CRO/ letter from Hymie Dunn, 15.11.08)

Hewetson, Henry (1821-1895), born in Keswick, London merchant, bequeathed money for the building and endowment of Keswick High School; MI Crosthwaite church

Hewetson, John (1806-1876), of Street and Hwith House, Ravenstonedale, and London, marr Adelaide Amelia Leslie (1831-1920), nee French

Hewetson, Mary, Keswick cottage hospital built by her brother Henry in her memory; elaborate marble plaque in foyer of the hospital; George Bott, The History of the Mary Hewetson Cottage Hospital, Keswick, 1992

Hewetson, Richard Percival (1888-1957), Captain, landowner, born in 1888, only son of Dr Richard Hewetson (1842-1926), descended from John Hewetson (c.1560-1639), of Ravenstonedale, yeoman,  inherited Stobars Hall estate, Kirkby Stephen, on death of his cousin, G E Thompson (qv), son of his father’s sister Ann, in 1940, marr, 1 son (Richard Tatton Wedderburn, Lord of manor of Ravenstonedale, of Stobars Hall), died aged 68, and buried in Kirkby Stephen cemetery, 17 June 1957

Hewetson, Robert (1802-1885), gentleman, of Front Street, Kirkby Stephen, died 19 December 1885, aged 83, and buried in Kirkby Stephen cemetery, 23 December

Hewit-Oliphant, George Henry (fl.1840s-50s), legal writer, lived Broadfield House, Southwaite, Carlisle, his daughter Sarah married John Cowley Fisher (qv), published legal volumes on horses (1847), metropolitan interments (1850), church ornaments (1851) and church pews (1853), he was born George Henry Hewit but inherited the estate at Broadfield and added Oliphant to his name

Hewitson, Anthony (1836-1912), newspaper proprietor and author, worked briefly in Kendal as compositor and reporter on Kendal Mercury from July to September 1857, later owner and editor of Preston Chronicle, ed The Diary of Thomas Tyldesley 1712-14, ed The Diary of Thomas Bellingham (officer under William IV) (1908), employed servant girls over the years from Howard Orphan Home in Kendal, retired to Bare, Morecambe, died in 1912 (Margaret B Dickinson email, 16.08.2010)

Hewitson, George (1910-1988), DSO, OBE, colonel in Parachute Regt., educated Wigton

Hewitson, James (1892-1963), VC, soldier, born at Thwaite Farm, Coniston, 15 October 1892, educ Coniston School, served WW1 1914-1918 joining Territorials on 17 November 1914 as L/Cpl, 1/4th Bn, King’s Own (Royal Lancaster) Regt, wounded at Ypres, Somme and Messines, winning VC for leading party in daylight attack on series of crater posts at Givenchy, clearing enemy from trench and dugouts, killing six who would not surrender, then attacked hostile machine-gun team coming into action, killing four and capturing one, and later routed a bombing party which was attacking a Lewis gun, killing six of them, on 26 April 1918 and his medal presented by king on 8 August 1918, marr (191x) Mary Elizabeth, dau (Dorothy May, born 8 March and bapt 18 April 1920), when of Thwaite Farm, Coniston, retired at The Forge, Coniston, died in Ulverston, 2 March 1963, aged 70, and buried by the War Memorial, Coniston, 6 March (WG, 10.11.2011); Commemorative Centenary Stone by his grave in St Andrew’s churchyard unveiled by Lord Lieutenant and dedicated by Vicar on 26 April 2018 (WG, 26.04.2018)

Hewitson, William (18xx-19xx), town clerk, apptd Honorary Freeman of Appleby in 1923 for “wise counsel and sound judgement” for over 37 years as Town Clerk of Borough of Appleby

Hext, John Wilfred Barratt (1916-2009), MBE, JP, Major, RA (retd), landowner and soldier, born in Coniston, 24 February 1916, and bapt there, 28 March, only child of Major Charles Wilfred Hext (1880-1919), IA, and Emily (marr 1915, d.1947), only child and heir of James Barratt, of Holywath, Coniston, educ Marlborough College and Jesus College, Cambridge (1934, reading agriculture), marr (1950) Dora Chapple Hodgson (decd), 2 sons (Antony John Hawkins (born 3 September 1953 and bapt 21 November) and Jonathan Charles Kitson (born 23 December 1954 and bapt 26 February 1955)) and 5 daus (Susanna Elizabeth Barratt (born 5 September 1952 and bapt 1 November), Rosemary Emily Petherick (born 23 October 1957 and bapt 7 December, and died 9 December 2010), Juliet Frances Chapple (born 9 October 1960 and bapt 17 December), Vanessa Jane Trelawney (born 28 July 1965 and bapt 4 September) and Dora Melanie Staniforth (born 19 February 1969 and bapt 12 April)), served WW2 in France with RA (wounded and evacuated from Dunkirk) and later in Burma, retd from army as Major in 1947 but stayed on reserve list until 1954, managed his own estate at Coniston, worked as voluntary observer for Met Office in Cumbria (MBE), railway enthusiast, esp of Coniston Railway (incl miniature railway in garden at Holywath and old photographs), Furness Model Railway Club from 1950s, last chairman of Hawkshead Magistrates Court for 30 years until 1975 and JP for 40 years, generated his own electricity supply for Holywath estate by water from Church Beck, died 7 January 2009, aged 92, and funeral at Coniston church, 16 January (Tennants sale on 8 May 2010); [John Richard Hawkins, son of Jonathan C K and Susan Hext, market gardener, of 15A Fair View, Dalton-in-Furness, born 28 August 1980 and bapt at Coniston, 25 October; Joshua James Barratt, son of Jonathan and Sue Hext, of the Garden House, Holywath, bapt at Coniston, 29 December 1996]; [Rebecca Dora Angela, dau of Dale Martin and Vanessa Jane Trelawny Woodbridge, company director, of Holywath Cottage, Coniston, bapt at Coniston, 16 November 2003]

Heys, Henry (1796-1876), calico and muslin manufacturer, brewer and hotelier, b.Whittle-le-Woods, Lancashire, son of Ralph Heys [d.1818] and his wife Ann Heatley, a cousin of Capt Heatley of Brindle Lodge, educ Sedgeley Park, a private RC college at Wolverhampton, ran a network of businesses in Whittle with his brother John including the calico and muslin mills, diversified into brewing after discovering a mineral spring on their land, built the Heys Arms [later the Howard Arms] at Whittle beside the Leeds Liverpool canal and laid out pleasure gardens where visitors could take the waters or indulge in less healthy beverages, this was rather like the ginguettes depicted by Manet and Renoir, then founded the Whittle Springs Brewery which also used the mineral waters, this business was sold to a group of businessmen which included James Thompson of Barrow qv, after Henry’s time this beer was sold more widely in Lancashire and was advertised inter alia at the Red Lion in Dalton-in-Furness, there is still a pub in Blackpool called Whittle Springs, his wider family owned Gorse Hall and Henry owned but did not reside at old Brinscall Hall (re-built 1880s and now an adult education centre), he was also a Land Tax commissioner for Lancashire, regularly stayed at North Meols (now Southport) where some of his children were born, built the Royal Hotel, Promenade, Southport and ran this business for ten years 1850s-60s, later running a wine and spirit merchant’s business with his son Ralph, m. at St Andrew, Penrith in 1842, Elizabeth Parker, daughter of Joseph Parker of the Low Hill Coffee House, West Derby qv (and Margaret Sawrey originally of Hawkshead; her aunt Agnes Sawrey had previously married the Rev Rowland Bowstead q.v. who taught at Hawkshead grammar school) six children: Ralph Heatley, Margaret, Emma, John, Emily and Elizabeth (1847-1913) who married Thomas Baker Ashworth (1944-1878) (qv), died Southport aged 80 in 1976, five of his six children appear in a group portrait The Children of Henry Heys (c.1852) by William Knight Keeling of Manchester (private collection, exhib Manchester c. 1857), his granddaughter Beatrice Ashworth m. Ernest Gunson (qv)

Heysham, Dr John (1753-1834; ODNB), physician and pioneering actuary, b. Lancaster, son of Myles Heysham, shipowner and Annie Cumming dau of a yeoman of Holme, lived in Carlisle from 1778, innovative doctor, prepared data for and conceived of the Carlisle actuarial tables which came to have wide use, founded the dispensary for the poor in Paternoster Row, moved after his death in 1857 to Church St (plaque), published Observations on the Bills of Mortality (1781), enthusiastic naturalist, his portrait displays a stuffed hawk (Tullie House), convivial and described as ‘a three bottle man’, marr Elizabeth Mary Coulthard, lived Castleton House, Rockcliffe; his daughter Isabella marr GG Mounsey, this being the origin of the Mounsey Heysham family; biography by Henry Lonsdale; CW3 xx 153

Heysham, Sybil Mounsey- (1875-1949), musician, born Kensington, dau of George Mounsey-Heysham JP DL of Castletown, a barrister, (alderman CCC and high sheriff 1893) and his wife Agnes Cope, in 1901 living in Dorset, Sybil was known as ‘Ba’, wore her hair short, dressed in puttees and was a keen and accurate shot when shooting duck, as a keen musician owned a violin by Andrea Amati (1505-1577), from the court orchestra of Charles IX of France and a cello by Giovanni Battista Guadagnini (1711-1786), later played by Mitislav Rostropovitch (qv), she was a friend of Ralph Vaugham Williams and of Olave Soames (qv) (later Baden Powell), she bequeathed the Amati violin to Tullie House in 1949

Heysham, Thomas Coulthard (1790-1857), naturalist, worked on ornithology and entomology, son of Dr John Heysham (qv), his mother was Elizabeth Mary Thomson (nee Coulthard); see Ian Hodgkinson, Antenna, 2021, p. 73-77

Heywood, Arthur Henry (1826-1901), JP, born 21 December 1826, 3rd son of Sir Benjamin Heywood (1793-1865), 1st Bt, FRS, of Claremont, Lancs, a Manchester banker, marr 1st (25 January 1853) Alice (died 16 July 1855), eldest dau of William Langton, of The Rookery, nr Manchester, 1 dau (Alice Sophia, wife of Samuel Henry Gladstone), marr 2nd (10 January 1861) Margaret Helen (died 9 December 1918, aged 75, and buried at St Mary’s cemetery, 12 December), yst dau of John Frederic Foster, DL, JP (Lancs), JP for Westmorland and co Lancaster, member (Windermere ward) of Windermere UDC (retd 1898), member of Thirlmere Defence Association 1877, of Elleray, Windermere (formerly home of Prof John Wilson (qv), but rebuilt by Thomas Pattinson in 1869, and now part of St Anne’s School), died 11 March 1901, aged 74, and buried in Windermere St Mary’s cemetery, 15 March; gift of Orrest Head (8.2 acres) made in his memory by his widow and daughter, Mrs Heywood and Mrs Gladstone, to Windermere UDC for use of public (commemorative stone placed on Orrest Head in 1902), also gift of Elleray Room, with caretaker’s cottage, for use of St Mary’s church and parish by same

Heywood, Brenda (nee Swinbank) (1929-2023), born at Ackworth near Wakefield, educated Durham university, met Eric Birley who inspired her and later her PhD was examined by Sir Mortimer Wheeler, she was a pioneering figure who set out to study the vallum of Hadrian’s Wall from east to west, one of the first women to become a professional archaeologist and only the fourth to be awarded a PhD in that discipline; obit The Times 23 January 2023; CWAAS newsletter 2023

Heywood, J H (Harry) (18xx-1914), clergyman, rector of Grasmere 1903-1909 (papers in CRO, WDX 1141)

Heyworth, Lawrence (1786-1872), chairman, Kendal & Windermere Railway 1855-1859 and director 1853-1859, MP for Derby 1848-1857, a Liberal of the Manchester progressive school,  supporter of Liverpool Anti-Monopoly Association (Liverpool Mercury, Sept 1843), visited New York with his son in May 1856, of Yew Tree Lodge, Liverpool

Hibbert, Sir John Tomlinson (1824-1908), KCB, PC, DL, JP, MA, barrister and politician, born in 1824, son of Elijah Hibbert, of Oldham, and his wife, Elizabeth, dau of A Hilton, educ Cambridge University (MA), DCL Vict 1851, called to Bar at Inner Temple in 1849, MP for Oldham 1862-1874, 1877-1886 and 1892-1895, secretary to Local Government Board 1871-1874 and parliamentary secretary 1880-1883, under-secretary of state for Home Dept 1883-1884, financial secretary to Treasury 1884-1885, secretary to Admiralty Feb-July 1886, financial secretary to Treasury for 2nd time 1892-1895, first chairman of Lancashire County Council 1889-1907, constable of Lancaster Castle 1907-1908, chairman of County Councils Association, had purchased land in 1857 on which Hampsfield was built in 1878-79, near Grange-over-Sands, marr 1st (1847) Eliza Anne (died in January 1877), dau of Andrew Schofield, 1 son (Percy John Hibbert (1850-1926), DL, JP, MA, barrister-at-law, High Sheriff of Lancashire 1916, was formerly of Hampsfield, then of Plumtree Hall, Milnthorpe, treasurer of Milnthorpe and District Art and Industrial Exhibition in 1891-92, marr, son (Brigadier Oswald Yates Hibbert (1882-1966), DSO, MC, was of Woodcroft, Haverthwaite), buried at Lindale, 2 October 1926, aged 76), marr 2nd (5 December 1878) Charlotte Henrietta (died 17 November 1918, aged 84 and buried at Westerham, Kent, 22 November), dau of Admiral Charles Warde, KH, of Squerryes Court, Kent, died at Hampsfield, aged 84, and buried at Lindale, 12 November 1908 (memorial window to Sir John in south of chancel in St Paul’s church, Lindale-in-Cartmel erected in 1913)

Hibbert, Percy John (1850-1926), MA JP, of Lindale, son of Sir John Hibbert and Eliza his wife, m. Diana Yates, dau Eliza marr Sir Thomas Symonds Tomlinson of Eller How; Gaskell, C and W Leaders, c.1910

Hicks, Sir Edward Seymour (1871-1949), actor, producer and playwright, began in music hall, most famous role Ebenezer Scrooge, wrote the musical comedy The Earl and Girl (1903), built the Aldwych Theatre in 1905, later in films including The Lambeth Walk and Businessman’s Honeymoon, played in Broadway at the Coronation Hall, Ulverston from 11-13th October 1920, also played opposite two Cumbrian born actresses: Kitty Melrose and Elizabeth (qqv), also in Vintage Wine with Elizabeth Croft

Higgin, George Nelson (1893-1965), heraldic artist, formerly ironmonger at 25 Stramongate, Kendal, hon secretary, Kendal RUFC (also press secretary and team secretary), marr (192x) Nellie (buried at Parkside cemetery, 11 November 1981, aged 87), of Punch Bowl Inn, Grayrigg, 2 daus (Alverella and Dorothy Lois, qv), of 5 Castle Grove, Kendal, died at Westmorland County Hospital, Kendal, aged 72, and buried at Parkside cemetery, 4 November 1965

Higgin, Dorothy Lois (1925-1982), heraldic artist and embroidress, yr dau of G N Higgin (qv), embroiderer of shrieval banners, died xx July 1982, aged 57, and buried at Parkside cemetery, Kendal, 30 July

Higginson, Francis (1586-1630; ODNB), Puritan minister, educated Jesus and St John’s Colleges, Cambridge, as a non-conformist deprived in 1627 of his living at St Nicholas, Leicester, so led a group of 350 settlers to New England, from 1629 minister at Salem, Massachusetts, published theological works, his son Francis (1618-1673) returned and became the vicar of Kirkby Stephen, a later US descendant was Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911), abolitionist; Hud (W)

Higgin-Birket, Major Myles, son of William Higgin-Birket (d.1914) buried at Ploegsteert, Belgium, lived Birket Houses, Winster; see his nephew William Cave-Browne-Cave; are they descended from the farmer Higgin Birket of Cartmel ?

Highton, Mark Edward (1888-1966), DL, JP, naval officer, born in 1888, son of Robert Ernest Highton (b.1858), JP, Major 1st Cumberland RGA, of Newlands, Workington (and son of Edward Highton, of Keswick), Commander, RN (retd), chairman of Derwent Catchment Board, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1948, JP for Cockermouth PS Division, marr, son (Noel Mark Edward, JP, FCA, of Birdinhand, Papcastle), of Scenery Hill, Branthwaite, near Workington (1938), latterly of Dunthwaite, Cockermouth, died in 1966

Hill family of Crackenthorpe; CW1 ii

Hill, Benjamin (fl.18thc.), of Crackenthorpe, fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford; CW1 ii

Hills, Edmond Grove-, see Grove-Hills

Hill, John (1797-1861), recorder of Appleby and antiquarian, Queen’s College, Oxford; mss listed at the college; CW1 ix 14

Hill, John Smith (1864-19xx), BA, BSc, agricultural college principal, worked as a science master at Woodbridge and with Dr Webb at Cowley College, marr (4 August 1896 at Aspatria) Ann, widow of Dr Henry Webb (d.1893) (qv) and dau of John Todd of Mereside, Principal of Aspatria Agricultural College 1893-19xx, awarded gold medal of Surveyors Institute for paper on ‘Agriculture in Cumberland 1850-1900’ in 1904, College trained students to be farmers, land agents and colonists, but closed for war and did not reopen, vice-chairman of Aspatria Urban District Council and member for West Ward (1906), chairman of managers of Aspatria Public Elementary Schools (1906), governor of Newton Rigg College from 1907, resident agent at Greystoke Castle 1916-1926 (known to Henry Howard when vice-chairman of Aspatria Agricultural College), keen cyclist and motorist

Hill, Lorna (1902-1991), children’s writer, born in Durham, dau of GH Leatham, educ Durham university, married Vic Hill a priest, when her daughter Vicky left home to be a ballet dancer she wrote forty successful books including Border Peel (1950), No Castenets at the Wells (1953) and Dancer in the Wings (1958, also La Sylphide (1978), the biography of the dancer Marie Taglioni, died Keswick

Hill, Octavia (1838-1912; ODNB), housing reformer and co-founder with Hardwicke Rawnsley and Robert Hunter (qqv) of the National Trust, planted a tree at Brandelhow on Derwentwater with her co-founders and Princess Louise on the occasion of its acceptance by the Trust; G Darley, Octavia Hill, 2020

Hill, Reginald Charles (1936-2012; ODNB), FRSL, crime writer, born at West Hartlepool, co Durham, 3 April 1936, son of a professional footballer, mother was avid reader of Golden Age crime fiction, educ Carlisle Grammar School and, after National Service 1955-1957, St Catherine’s College, Oxford 1957-1960, then worked as a teacher for many years, rising to Senior Lecturer at Doncaster College of Education, retired in 1980 to devote himself to full-time writing, best known for over 20 Dalziel and Pascoe novels, five Joe Sixsmith novels, and many others published between 1970 and 2010 (with one due for publication in 2013), winner of Crime Writers’ Association Cartier Diamond Dagger for Lifetime Achievement in 1995, died following brain tumour, 12 January 2012 (D Tel, 13 Jan 2012)

Hill, Thomas (17xx-18xx), organist and master of choristers at Carlisle Cathedral (1829)

Hill, Thomas (1812-18xx), schoolmaster, born in Green Street, East Ham Village, Essex, in January 1812, had four brothers and two sisters, worked for short time in the postal service before training at Borough Road College, Southwark, for about a year in 1834, apptd master of Pontefract British School in January 1835, but left in August when apptd master of new British School, Castle Street, Kendal, where he remained until 1875, Kendal British School was built in 1835 at cost of £610 (of which £125 was from govt), with 65 pupils at opening and rising to 221 in first year, no pupil teachers, but had 20 classes around sides of schoolroom, with cleverest boys acting as monitors and a general monitor for overall discipline, open to all religious denominations and conducted on Lancastrian system, apptd secretary of Kendal Literary Association on its institution in 1838, awarded 2nd class 2nd div certificate from Bromley Road College in 1848 (with 1st class 2nd div in 1859 and 1st class 1st div in 1864), school came under Govt Inspection in 1848 and pupil teachers (six to start with) apptd for five years, school enlarged by addition of class and committee rooms in 1857, had 312 pupils in 1860 paying 2d to 3d per week (totalling £129, with £33 from voluntary subscriptions), presented with gold watch, family Bible and purse of money for his silver jubilee in 1861, his yst son Alfred apptd assistant pupil teacher in 1862 (aged nearly 14), retired in 1875 after 40 years with elaborate presentation on xx October at King’s Arms Hotel of £350 and French visible clock (with long inscription engraved by a former pupil) by John Whitwell, MP (qv), with mayor presiding and eulogistic letter from W E Forster (qv), later presented with silver inkstand and pen by teachers and scholars in school on 23 December 1875, marr (26 December 1836, at Bromley, Middlesex) Sarah Littleford (d.1870, aged 58), 6 sons (two of whom died in inf) and 4 daus, of 3 Castle Street (1873), died ?? (Essays 1838-1840 in CRO, WDSo 15/2-9; Journal in WG, 5 October 1935)

Hill, Thomas (Tommy) (1832-1921), sportsman and cockfighter, builder’s business in yard off Stricklandgate, Kendal, not retiring until age of 75 in 1907, when his wife (nee Robinson) died, 9 children (of whom only three survived him: Mrs Turner, of Fellside, Mrs Bailiff, of Burnley, and Thomas Hill), link with old sports of earlier days, keeper of game cocks, well known throughout district (with ‘Brushy’ Dixon and Bobby Troughton, qv) as keen follower of sport, remembered cock fight at Cunswick as a lad before prohibition in 1849 (case heard in police court) and also at Sizergh, well known figure at Kendal races and greyhound coursing, also poultry fancier (present at first poultry show in Kendal held at National School in 1851 and won many prizes with black Spanish and Minorca breeds at shows held at Albert Buildings in Beezon Lane in 1860s), also time for rabbiting and otter hunting (last following when nearly 80), supporter of Kendal Rugby Football Club (serving on committee), accomplished bowls player, staunch old Tory, Orangeman, and member of Kendal Habitation of Primrose League and of Kendal Conservative Club, of 3 Fountain Brow, Fellside, Kendal, died 13 February 1921, aged 89, and buried at Parkside cemetery, 16 February (obit in WG, 19.02.1921)

Hillary, Sir Edmund Percival (1919-2008), son of Percival Augustus Hillary of Auckland NZ (served at Gallipoli), at Eskdale Outward Bound Centre in the early 1950s, after he had climbed Everest, met Ophelia Gordon Bell (qv), who later modelled his head; Dictionary of New Zealand Biography; Heaton Cooper Studio website

Hills, Sir Andrew Ashton Waller (1933-1955), 1st and last Bt., son of John Waller Hills (qv) of High Head castle, and his second wife Mary Grace Ashton who was about to be given a baronetcy but died, Andrew was five years old but the baronetcy was conferred upon him in lieu, his mother Mary Grace Hills officially being Lady Hills for her lifetime, died aged only 21 and the title became extinct

Hills, Eustace Gilbert (1868-1934), KC, JP, BA, judge, born 26 July 1869, yst son of  H A Hills (qv), marr 1st (29 July 1899) Margaret Blanche (died 19 October 1904), 2nd dau of Sir Walter George Frank Phillimore, 2nd Bt (later 1st Baron Phillimore), 2 daus, marr 2nd (21 December 1910) Hon Nina Louisa Kay-Shuttleworth (died 11 April 1948), 2nd dau of 1st Baron Shuttleworth, PC, 4 sons (John Michael Ughtred, of London, buried at Barbon, 4 August 1922, aged 7; David Saffery Hills, yst (born 1923), was of Whinyeats, Endmoor), barrister at law, Inner Temple 1894, KC 1919, bencher 1924, judge of County Courts 1929-1934, chairman of Cumberland Quarter Sessions 1930-1933, of Tolson Hall, Kendal, died 17 October 1934 (CRO, WDX 1334)

Hills, Herbert Augustus (1837-1907), JP, BA, judge, born 1837, only son of John Hills (1803-1848), recorder of Rochester, and Anna (d.1869), dau of William Foster Reynolds, of Carshalton, Surrey, and later (as widow) of Rydal Mount, educ Balliol College, Oxford (BA), Barrister at Law, Inner Temple 1864, judge of first instance of Mixed Tribunals in Egypt 1875-1882, judge of International Courts of Appeal in Egypt 1882-1894, marr (1863) Anna, eldest dau of Sir William Robert Grove, PC, FRS, High Court Judge, 3 sons (eldest, Edmond Herbert Grove-Hills (1864-1922), CMG, CBE, marr (7 April 1892) Juliet, yst dau of James Spencer-Bell (qv), of Fawe Park, Keswick, 2 sons and 1 dau), became tenant of Corby Castle in early 1890s, bought Highhead Castle in 1902, died 11 November 1907

Hills, John Waller (1867-1938; ODNB), PC, JP, BA, DCL, politician and angler, 2nd son of H A Hills (qv), of Highhead Castle, d Eton and Balliol, M P for Durham City 1906-1914 and 1918-1922, and for Ripon 1925-1938, Financial Secretary to Treasury 1922-1923, Privy Councillor 1929, served WWI Major, DLI 1915, Conservative thinker on social reform and author, devotee of fly-fishing and author of A History of Fly Fishing for Trout (1921), 1st wife Stella Duckworth (m.1897) was a step daughter of Leslie Stephen (founder of the ODNB) but she died three months later, 2nd wife Mary Grace Ashton (b.1905), one son Andrew, died in London on 24 December 1938 before his baronetcy was gazetted; [conferred on his only son, the five year old Sir Andrew Ashton Waller Hills (1933-1955) (qv), 1st and last Bt.]

Hills, Robert (1769-1844), artist, visited the Lakes

Hills, William Henry (retired c.1901), bookseller Ambleside, member Lake District Defence Society, retired 1901 and moved to Loughrigg Holme, Under Loughrigg Rd, Ambleside; see Albritton and Johnson, Green Victorians

Hilton, Agnes Aubrey (1878-19xx), author and religious writer, born in 1878, author of Legends of Saints and Birds (1908), An Imaginative Child, In the Garden of God, Gaudeamus, Tales of the Women Saints of the British Isles, and The Hermit of Eskdale: A Story of a Cumbrian Dale (1933), which was dedicated to late James Wharrier Hall (qv), priest, former Vicar of Eskdale

Hilton, Christopher (1629-16xx), landowner, last of male line of Hiltons of Burton, Warcop and of Ormside, bapt at Ormside, 5 May 1629, eldest son of Cyprian Hilton (qv), his mother ‘Mystris Hyllton the wyff of mr Cypryan Hyllton absolved and thrineled’ on 11 May 1629 (CRO, WPR2/1/1), marr (28 October 1660 [recte 1659?], at Warcop) Barbara, dau of Thomas Braithwaite, of Warcop, 1 son (Cyprian, bapt at Ormside, 2 July 1660 [4 months before parents’ marriage??], and buried 18 August 1712; his children: Hugh (bapt 21 June 1687), dau Elizabeth (bapt 9 April 1689 and buried 14 December 1698), Mary (bapt 20 July 1690), Abigail (bapt 9 November 1691), and John (bapt 19 October 1693), all at Ormside) and 3 daus (Winifride (bapt at Warcop, 10 September 1662), Susan (buried in wool at Ormside, 21 August 1699) and heir Mary, who marr (1713) Thomas Wybergh (qv), of Clifton), died ?? pres after 1712 [no burial in Ormside PR]; Mr Christopher Hilton of Ormside and Ms Mary Patison of Penrith married at Ormside in [January 1695]: Cyprian, son of Mr Christopher Hilton, bapt at Ormside, 22 August 1700; and Mary, dau of same, bapt November 1696 – but who are these? - is Christopher a yr son of above? – poss born after Cyprian in 1660 during gap in register?; Hugh Hilton, of Warcop, dau Theodosia (bapt 26 September 1713 and buried 16 June 1729 as ‘granddaughter to Richd Brathwait Esq’ at Warcop)

Hilton, Cyprian (d.1649/52), landowner, son of John Hilton, of Burton in Warcop, and his wife, Mary Sexton, of Byham Hall, Essex, acquired Ormside by his marriage (after 1620) to Frances (inventory 1673), widow of John Dudley (qv) and illegit dau and sole heir of Sir Christopher Pickering (qv), of Ormside, 6 sons (John (bapt and buried 28 October 1627), Christopher (qv), John (bapt 8 February 1630/1), Andrew (buried 20 May 1636), Andrew (bapt 26 April 1637), and George (buried 14 February 1643/4) and 1 dau (Mary (bapt 15 April 1632), wife of William Fairer, of Warcop Tower, who had son Cyprian (buried February 1670), all at Ormside), died in 1649 (Vis 1665) or 1652 (AWL) [Ormside burials very patchy between 1645 and 1660]; who is Cyprian Hilton, Esq, buried in wool at Ormside, 29 December 1693

Hilton, George (1673-1725), Jacobite and diarist, only son of Thomas Hilton (1651-1691), of Hilton House, Beetham, Lord of Manors of Hilton and Murton, by Elizabeth (marr 14 February 1672), of the Parsonage House, Beetham, widow of James Duckett of Grayrigg and dau of Christopher Walker, of Workington, bapt at Beetham, 27 October 1673, married (wife’s identity uncertain, possibly Ann Millar on 9 June 1692 at St James, Dukes Place, London), leased Beetham Hall from Thomas Brabin in 1700, bought Park End at Hale in 1712 (mortgaged in 1714), joined Jacobite rebels in 1715, but escaped and later pardoned, sold off many parts of the  Beetham tithes, kept diary for variable periods from 1700 to 1723, which journal was found twenty years after his death ‘in an old woman’s chest’, will dated 11 January 1724/5, inventory 1 February and probate 4 February 1724/5, died 11x30 January and buried at Beetham ‘under the alter table’, 31 January 1724/5 (Rake’s Diary; CRO, WPR 43/Beetham Repository, 12-22, 28, 37, 122-23); The Rake’s Diary, ed. Ann Hillman, Curwen Archives text, 1994

Hilton, William de (fl.1320s), rector of Wigton

Himsworth, Kenneth Stephenson (1913-2005), CBE, DL, MA, LLB, educ Cambridge University (MA) and London (LLB), admitted solicitor 1938, Clerk of the Peace and of Westmorland County Council 1950-1974, Deputy Clerk 1948-1950, marr E M (District Organiser of WRVS), of Cracalt House, Natland, before moving to North Wales, where he died, 9 August 2005, aged 92

Hinchcliffe, Dorothy (19xx-19xx), Westmorland County Councillor, local historian, marr Edgar Hinchcliffe (qv), 2 sons and 1 dau

Hinchcliffe, Edgar (1918-1985), BA, schoolmaster, born in West Riding of Yorkshire, educ Heath Grammar School, Halifax, and Reading University (classics), served WW2 with RA, returning to Reading (Dip Ed), apptd classics master at Appleby Grammar School in 1948, involved in establishing new school library as well as with Bainbrigg Library, part of which he found in 1956 and final 200 volumes in 1970, awarded first Schoolmaster Fellowship at Newcastle University in 1966, producing his Catalogue of the Bainbrigg Library of Appleby Grammar School, a pioneering work in the field of computerised bibliography, in 1974, did doctoral thesis on study of relationship between school libraries and curriculum of the grammar school, retired as Second Master of Appleby Grammar School in 19xx, chairman of North-West Branch of School Library Association, member of CWAAS from 1948, author of articles ‘Thomae Coryati Testimonium’ (Notes and Queries, n.s., 15, no.10, October 1968) and The Washingtons at Appleby and Whitehaven (CW2, lxxi, 151-198, 1971), and Appleby Grammar School – from Chantry to Comprehensive (1974), died at The Mill Cottage, Murton, Appleby, 27 March 1985, aged 66, and cremated, with memorial service at St Lawrence’s church on 4 April

Hinchliffe, Isaac (18xx-19xx), JP, Hinchliffe & Co Ltd, Tonman Street, Deansgate, Manchester, author of memoir on Mardale, A Backwater in Lakeland (1921), with A War-time Wandering and An Autumn Pilgrimage (from Manchester to Kendal, Appleby, Brough, Bowes, Barnard Castle, Richmond, Middleham, Tanfield, Knaresborough, Bolton Abbey and Skipton from 10-13 October 1924), third edition, Manchester, 1925 (with sketches by W H Longworth)

Hinckler, Bert (1892-1933), aviator, with John Leeming (qv) landed on the top of Helvellyn on 22 Dec 1926; J Leeming, Airdays, 1936; Ian Gee, CWAAS newsletter 2021 p.10-11

Hind, John (1796-1866; ODNB), mathematician and author

Hinde, William (1568/9-1629; ODNB), priest and author, ‘almost certainly born and educated in Kendal’, then attended Queens College Oxford, curate of Bunbury, Cheshire, as a leading non-conformist he clashed with bishop Thomas Morton (1564-1659), then as an admirer of John Rainolds (1549-1607) he edited the latter’s Prophesie of Obediah (1613), whilst his own work included A Path to Pietie (1613), his son Samuel Hinde may have been a chaplain to Charles II

Hindle, Richard (18xx-19xx), clergyman, educ Owens College, Manchester, University of London 1879, d 1883 (Man) and p 1887 (Rip), curate of Atherton, Lancs 1883-1886, Richmond, Yorks 1886-1888, St Oswald, Collyhurst, Manchester 1888-1891, Dalton-in-Furness 1891-1898, vicar of Walney Island 1898-1903, vicar of Crook 1903-  and Winster 1904-1907

Hinds, Samuel MA DD (Oxon) (1793-1872), son of Abel Hinds of Barbados, a sugar plantation owner who owned thirty slaves, educ Charterhouse and Queens, Oxford, ordained with a view to being a missionary, principal of Coddrington College grammar school, Barbados 1822-23, vice prin St Alban’s Coll, Oxford, prebendary St Patrick’s cathedral Dublin, chaplain to successive Lords Lt of Ireland (Bessborough and Clarendon), here his health failed, vicar of Yardley 1834-1843, dean of Carlisle 1848-9, bishop of Norwich 1849-1857, expert in colonisation, he had strong links with Maori chiefs, in 1857 he resigned the see for ‘domestic reasons much canvassed at the time’ and retired to London, this mysterious phrase seems to refer to problems of health rather than anything more dramatic, married twice, published verse and several books; Hud (C); letters from him in Nat Libraries of Wales and Ireland; wrote at least one hymn lyric

Hindson, John (d.1900), soldier in Boer War; unusual monument to him at Eamont Bridge, David A. Cross, Public Sculpture, 2017, 162

Hine, Wilfred (18xx-1921), shipowner, from Maryport, involved with Richard Nicholson & Son, shipowners, at Liverpool when he returned home in 1873 and formed Holme Line, operating from Customs House Buildings on South Quay, Maryport, owning 18 ships (11 steamers and 7 sailing ships, built at Sunderland) by 1886, going out of Maryport to all parts of world under Cumbrian names (Abbey Holme, Eden Holme, Aikshaw, etc), eg Abbey Holme taking steel rails from Workington to Port Adelaide in 1882, later driven onto rocks at South Shields in 1890, their shipping business bringing trade and employment to Maryport, built Camp Hill and Park Hill, died 26 February 1921;  Alfred Hine (18xx-19xx), JP, CC, shipowner, younger brother of Wilfred, of Park Hill, Maryport, was subscriber to The Old Manorial Halls of Westmorland and Cumberland by M W Taylor (1892), and both were members of CWAAS from 1880 (Robert Peel, Hine Brothers of Maryport: The Sailing Fleet based in Liverpool, then Maryport, 2012; review in CN, 01.02.2013)

Hird (Heard), Hugh, (a.k.a. Hugh Gilpin) [temp. Edward VI], legendary ‘Troutbeck Giant’, sometimes called ‘the Kentmere Giant’, of immense strength, differing accounts by Machell and Clarke (FLD, 19-22); Readihough, 202

Hird, Robert (late18thc.), artist, M. Burkett, Cockermouth School

Hitchens, Ivon (1893-1979; ODNB), artist, stayed Banks Head with Ben and Winifred Nicholson (qqv); work at Abbot Hall

Hobbs, J L (18xx-1970), FSA, librarian and local historian, member of CWAAS from 1946 and Vice-President 1958, author of papers in Transactions (incl Former Clock and Watch Makers of North Lonsdale, 1957) and co-author of Early Railway History in Furness (with J Melville) and A Hand-list of Newspapers published in Cumberland, Westmorland and North Lancashire (with F Barnes), CWAAS Tract Series XIII and XIV (1951), of 15 West Avenue, Barrow-in-Furness, retiring to Watchet, Somerset, died in 1970 (papers in CRO, Barrow, ref: BDHM)

Hobhouse, Henry (1742-1792), travel journal writer, of Bristol and Hadspen, Somerset, brother-in-law of John Jenkins, wrote account of a tour to Cumberland and Westmorland in July 1774, part of a travel journal in several volumes of his tour from London to the north and Scotland, going from Kirkby Lonsdale to Kendal, through Lakes via Ambleside to Keswick, Skiddaw, Penrith and Ullswater, then to Cockermouth, Whitehaven, Maryport, Wigton and Carlisle, then  on to Annan, being esp interesting on landscape and economy, industrial sites and processes (eg bark mill at Ambleside, lead mine at Derwentwater, lime kilns near Penrith, coal mine at Whitehaven and iron furnace at Maryport (ms – poss CWAAS pub); Henry Hobhouse’s Tour Through Cumbria in 1774, ed. Christopher Donaldson et al., CWAAS, 2018; this tour predates Father West’s Guide (qv) of 1778 by four years

Hobley, Edward George (1866-1916), teacher and artist, son of Frederick Hobley and his wife Mary (nee Parker), born Wallingford, Oxfordshire, childhood at Bradford, apprenticed to a draper, educ Leeds Academy under John Snowdon, then at the RCA and Academy Julien in Paris, exhibited RA A Shaft of Light (1898; Walker Art Gallery), also in Birmingham, Manchester and the Paris Salon, art master Penrith GS (some sources say Penrith Technical School), his studio at Castlegate, Penrith where he gave further classes, marr Annie Vipond dau of William Vipond, five children, his work includes portraits of Henry Winter and James Scott (Eden DC), about 20 views of Ullswater for the Ullswater Navigation Co which were sold as postcards, many works painted in the fells and Scotland, including Cumberland Hills (Shipley AG), also seascapes such as Seascape with Lighthouse (Sherborne, 20 April 2007), rural figures such as The Cobbler (1891),  Boy with Goat (art market) and Cutting Stack Rods (Cartwright Hall), a fine setting of cathedral choir stalls for A Shoulder to Cry On (Christies, 29 July 2007), and domestic interiors such as Lady Knitting by Window (1897), associate of the Royal Cambrian Academy in 1903 and later of the Lake Artists, suffered from mental illness, committed suicide at Swarthbeck Gill on 11 May 1916; Renouf 49-51; scafellhike.blogspot.com/2022/06/the-tragic-death-of-edward-george

Hobson, William (1829-19xx), JP, railway manager, born at Kaber, 12 January 1829, family moved when just a few years old to Heighington, near Darlington, where he attended village school, served clerkship in a Darlington solicitor’s office 1845-1849, entered service of Stockton and Darlington Railway Company in March 1850, later forming central division of North-Eastern Railway, retiring in 1894 after 44 years’ service, member of Board of Guardians and served several years as a co-opted member of Free Library Committee, closely associated with School of Art as Hon Secretary, member of committee and president when school was taken over by Technical College, total abstainer and active supporter of Temperance Movement, Liberal in politics, evangelical churchman, JP 1892, marr (30 April 1864), one son (Victor William, born 20 May 1865, died 8 January 1888 in Canary Islands); (Durham Contemporary Biographies (1906), 109)

Hobson, William Mounsey (1821-1853), doctor, of Bridgend, Deepdale, marr Elizabeth Mary Ann, dau of Revd John Thompson (qv), drowned in river Deepdale, 4 January 1853, aged 31, and buried in Patterdale churchyard, 9 January; (RP, 61)

Hochstetter, see Hechstetter

Hodge, Edmund Albert Whittaker (1901-1979), FRSA, FAMS, solicitor and antiquary, born in Southport, 4 February 1901, only child of Albert and Elizabeth Hodge, of The Priory, Birkdale, educ Mill Hill School and Balliol College, Oxford (BA 1922), admitted solicitor 1926 and worked for Liverpool City Council until after WW2, then retired to administer his Southport and Lake District properties, purchased Elterwater Hall in 1936 when estate of Colonel John Robinson (qv) was sold, member of Lakes Urban District Council, man of varied interests, motorcyclist and mountaineer in his youth (climbed all Munros and wrote guides for Scottish Mountaineering Club), but esp archaeology and stained glass, member CWAAS 1946, author of Enjoying the Lakes: From Post-chaise to National Park (Edinburgh, 1957), dedicated to Kenneth Bell and also Herbert Bell, a study of the ‘discovery’ of picturesque scenery, esp in the Lake District, which articulated two distinct attitudes towards the area (one from the countryman’s intimate knowledge and other from the personal discovery of the townsman), article on Stained glass of the 19th century and later in the diocese of Carlisle (1976), secretary of Cumberland and Westmorland branch of Mensa Society, marr 1st (1946) Joan Taylor-Jones (war widow with son Michael), 1 son (Edward Stephen, 1947-1981), divorced in early 1960s, marr 2nd (1966) Joan Mary Marris (widow from Edgbaston, Birmingham, with 4 adult sons, died in June 1996), died in 1979 (PPLH, 50-53); his son Edward Stephen married c.1980 Sarah Braddyll (c.1956-c.2014) of Ulverston, elder daughter of John RG Braddyll (qv) of Kirkby in Furness, a director of VSEL

Hodge, Joseph (17xx-18xx), business partner of William Banks (qv), built Highmoor House, Wigton, of five bays with a three bay pediment, in 1810

Hodges, Murray Knowles (19xx-200x), BA, clergyman, vicar of Muncaster 1945-1975 and of Waberthwaite 1957-1975, curate of Holy Trinity, Kendal 1927-1931, member of CWAAS from 1945, marr Dora S (died 6 January 2006, aged 100), dau of Revd W S Sherwen (qv) and member of CWAAS from 1958

Hodges, Thomas (18xx-1905), MA, clergyman, vicar of Seaton for 33 years, died in February 1905

Hodgson of Blascodyke, family; CW2 xxv 244

Hodgson, of ‘Hodgson’s Leap’ (19thc), Underbarrow Scar, said to have jumped off the Scar on a blindfolded horse, when he imbibed too much, neither horse nor rideer survived; Readihough, 203

Hodgson, Lt, of Ulverston, took the island of Curacao off Venezuela in September 1800 and was appointed to the command of the fortress; Fleming Diary, A Pennington Pepys cited Snell

Hodgson, Charles Courtenay (1860-1927), OBE, MA, clerk of peace and clerk to County Council, Cumberland 1910-1927, deputy clerk 1892-1910, educ Durham University (BA), admitted solicitor 1888, secretary to Education Committee from 1902

Hodgson, Colin (19xx-2011), council leader, South Lakeland District Council

Hodgson, Emily Hesketh (1854-1935), archaeologist, papers in the CWAAS, member of CWAAS council from 1916, joint paper with her dau Kate in 1910 (qv)

Hodgson, Francis (1781-1852), provost of Eton, grandson of James Hodgson (b.c.1745) (qv)

Hodgson, H W (Harry) (19xx-1987), FLA, librarian, hon librarian to CWAAS

Hodgson, James (b.c.1745), vicar Hawkshead, then Humber, Herefordshire, father of Rev James Hodgson (1774-1801), headmaster of Whitgift School, Croydon, grandfather of Francis Hodgson, provost of Eton (qv); David W. Garrow, History and Antiquities of Croydon, 1818

Hodgson, Lt James (fl.1800), prominent in the taking of the island of Curacao in the Caribbean in 1800 while serving as an officer of HMS Nereide, commended for his ‘zeal, bravery and universal steady conduct’ (letter Capt Frederick Watkins sending news of the surrender of Governor Johan Rudolph Lauffer of the Batavian Republic), Captain Watkins was later stripped of his command; An Impartial History of the War from the Commencement of the Revolution in France, 1811; is he identical with the Commander Hodgson below and the officer whose obit appears in the Westmorland Gazette 27 March 1852 ?

Hodgson, James (1861-1904), Ulverston councillor, grandson of Commander Hodgson RN, active in many spheres, see www.Furness Stories behind the Stones, Barrow News 9 July 1904

Hodgson, James (fl. early 20thc), garage manager and proprietor, managed the County Garage on Botchergate until 1909 when he resigned to set up his own business on West Walls, then moved to the County Mews building for which he paid £9000, this building was erected in 1869 by Henry Graham (designed by John Cockbain) who ran a carriage and later car business, here Hodgson sold Ford cars, tractors and agricultural equipment.

Hodgson, John (d.c.1753), poisoned his sweetheart, convicted of murder and executed at Appleby in c.1753, and his body delivered to surgeons in Kendal for dissection (LC, 5)

Hodgson, John (1779-1845; ODNB), clergyman and historian, born at Swindale, Shap, 4 November 1779 and bapt there, 13 November, eldest of 7 sons and 4 daus of Isaac Hodgson, stonemason and waller, and his wife Elizabeth (bapt 1755), dau of William Rawes, of old local family, later moved to Rosgill Head, where his brothers and sisters were all born, educ Bampton Grammar School from age of seven to nineteen under Revd John Bowstead (qv), well grounded in classics, mathematics, botany, geology, and acquired interest in natural history and local antiquities through his rambling in countryside, but too poor to be sent to university, apptd master of Matterdale School in 1799, with stipend of £11 pa, then master of Stainton School, near Penrith in 1800, but induced early in 1801 at suggestion of his cousin, Revd William Rawes, of Houghton-le-Spring, to take up appt as master of Grammar School at Sedgefield, co Durham, obtaining licence from Bishop Barrington, 21 July 1802, whose nephew George Barrington was Rector of Sedgefield, offered appt as director of Lemmington ironworks near Newcastle, with salary of £300 pa, but refused in favour of his wish ‘to pursue a literary rather than a mercantile life’, failed examination for holy orders in 1802…..ordained deacon at Rose Castle on 3 June 1804 (having walked from Newcastle) and priest at Durham by bishop of Lichfield on 29 September 1805, spent two years as curate at Lanchester, relaxing with “botanical recreations”, searching for Roman antiquities, and occasional poetry (Woodlands and other poems published in 1807), curate of Gateshead in 1806 and perpetual curate of Jarrow with Heworth in 1808 (on presentation of Cuthbert Ellison, MP), marr (11 January 1810) Jane Bridget (1786-1853), dau of Richard Kell, stone merchant, of Heworth Shore, Newcastle, nine children (2 sons, R W and John, CE, both of Newcastle, and 2 daus living in 1850, 3 others having died while at Kirkwhelpington), commissioned in 1810 to write account of Northumberland for Brayley and Britton’s ‘Beauties of England and Wales’ and in 1811 the same for Westmorland (widely regarded as best of the series), rewrote The Picture of Newcastle-on-Tyne, a guidebook to town, incorporating research on Roman wall and early history of coal trade, in 1812, published his funeral sermon for those killed in Felling pit colliery explosion in 1812 in his parish, with an accurate account of incident (An Account of the Explosion at Felling, 1813), met Sir Humphry Davy (qv) on his visit to Newcastle in 1815, instrumental in foundation of Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle in 1813 and served with John Adamson as co-secretary (1813-1834), later a vice-president, contributed many papers to Archaeologia Aeliana before beginning work on his History of Northumberland in 1817, visiting London and Oxford to carry out archive research, also a founder of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, published A Topographical and Historical Description of the County of Westmoreland (1820), inc ‘biographical notices of eminent and learned men to whom this county has given birth’, and Westmorland As It Was (reprinted in Lonsdale Magazine, III (1822), 248-254, 288-292, 324-326, 376-382, 409-413, with additional notes by John Briggs), also contributed papers to the Gentleman’s Magazine from 1821 under pseudonym of Archaeus, also raised money for new church at Heworth, which he designed himself (consecrated in May 1822), presented to vicarage of Kirkwhelpington in 1823 (instituted by Bishop Barrington on 31 March), but continued to hold living of Jarrow until 1833 when parish of Heworth was separated  from  it, appointing two curates, and when he was appointed to neighbouring parish of Hartburn (instituted by Bishop Van Mildert on 24 March 1833), with a larger income, enabling him to publish a further volume of the History, but still making a loss, elected a member of Royal Society of Literature in London in June 1828 and of Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries on 17 March 1834, awarded an honorary MA by University of Durham in 1840, but his health gave way while third volume of parochial history was at the press, forced to give up his work, later suffered a stroke and died at Hartburn vicarage, 12 June 1845, aged 65, and buried in churchyard, 17 June; the History of the County of Northumberland was completed in 15 volumes and published between 1893 and 1940 (WW, ii, 133-148; CW2, i, 254-255, 266-267; J Raine, Memoir 1857; The Antiquary, xvi (1887), 22-28; C M Fraser, AA 5th ser, 24 (1996), 171-185; over 100 volumes of manuscript collectanea in Northumberland RO)

Hodgson, John (18xx-1920), clergyman, St Bees College 1883, d 1885 and p 1886 (Carl), curate of Barton 1885-1887 and Workington 1887-1892, vicar of Nether Wasdale 1892-1920, died in 1920 (marble tablet in chancel)

Hodgson, Jonathan (c.1775-1835), JP, one of senior aldermen and magistrate of Borough of Kendal, of Stramongate, Kendal, buried at Kendal, 7 July 1835, aged 60

Hodgson, Joseph (1810-1895), ‘Putty Joe’, poet, author, miner and glazier, born in Whitehaven in 1810, lived Whitehaven, died 8 February 1895 (DH, 138-139); biography Jackson Library, Carlisle; Memoir of; Lindop, Literary Guide, 189

Hodgson, Joseph Stordy (1805-1879), phrenologist, b. Carlisle, son of Joseph Hodgson and Sarah Nicholson, m. Sophia Hesketh in Ormskirk in 1840, wrote Considerations on Phrenology (1839) d. Carlisle; plaque opposite Dean Close effigy in cathedral

Hodgson, Katherine Sophia (1889-1974), FSA, archaeologist, dau of T H Hodgson (qv), president, CWAAS 1948-1951, chairman of Council 1955-1965, member from 1918, and hon member from 1962, of Ridge House, Brampton, died in Penrith, 27 March 1974;  mss in CRO; CWAAS 150th volume, 303ff

Hodgson, Mary (aet 92) of Colthouse, Hawkshead, ‘Little Miss Mary’, a dwarf, dau of Braithwaite Hodgson, school contemporary of Wordsworth

Hodgson, Rainforth, brush manufacturer, bought 69 Stricklandgate, Kendal in 1869 for £650 and established brush factory and shop in the premises, and erected the bristled wooden hog sign at the front (ceased business in 1953, though hog remained after Thomson Matthews, chartered surveyors, took it over in 1970)

Hodgson, Sir Richard (fl.late 19thc), brewer, son of Richard Hodgson and Mary Clarke, unm., Carlisle, Carlisle Old Brewery Co. Ltd., Bridge St., est 1756 as Atkinson and Son and eventually by the state management brewery, sold by Sir Richard in 1916, bought by Theaksons in 1974; his name appears in green tiling on the facade of the Howard Arms in Lowther St

Hodgson, Sir Robert Christopher (1798-1880), 2nd Lt Governor Prince Edward Island, son of Robert (qv)

Hodgson, Robert (1763-1811), speaker of the House of Assembly, Prince Edward Island, Canada, bap Crosthwaite, Keswick, father died Keswick 1774, he marr Rebecca Robinson (1770-1825), their son Sir Robert Christopher Hodgson (qv) (as a child Rebecca had walked 800 miles with her mother and sister during the War of Independence in the company of loyal household slaves)

Hodgson, Robert (17xx-1855), JP, LLB, son of Robert Hodgson (d.1808, aged 72), of Alston Moor, bought Salkeld Hall from Colonel Samuel Lacy (qv) in 1836, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1843, marr, dau (Marianne, wife of Thomas Horrocks, qv), died in 1855

Hodgson, Robert (1773-1844), dean of Carlisle 1820-1844, born Congleton, son of Robert Hodgson and his wife Mildred Porteus, through her the dean was related to bishop Porteus for whom he wrote a biography, educated at Macclesfield School and Peterhouse College, Cambridge, he was rector of St George’s Hanover Square from 1803 until his death, thus a typical 19thc pluralist, he married Mary Tucker and their son Lt George H Hodgson died with Franklin, he was unkind to the sculptor Musgrave Lewthwaite Watson (qv), quibbling over prices and giving him ten days’ labour without recompense, Watson said of him: ‘I never met so mean a person as Dean Hodgson in my life’; Henry Lonsdale p.79

Hodgson, Sarah (nee Slack) (1760-1822), printer and newspaper proprietor, inherited the Newcastle Chronicle (est. 1764) from her parents Thomas Slack and Ann Fisher (1719-1778) (qv), married Solomon Hodgson (bap.1760-d.1800; ODNB) (qv) from Westmorland, collaborated with the Rev Joseph Dacre Carlyle (1758-1804) (qv) (who was born in Carlisle) to publish his translation of the bible into Arabic, Carlyle died in 1804 but Sarah drove the project ahead to publication (1811), the translation was a revision by Carlyle of the 17thc translation of Brian Walton (1600-1661) (who had attended Newcastle GS) and the text was edited by Professor Henry Ford of Oxford (1753-1813), the type had been produced by the typographer and orientalist Sir Charles Wilkins (1749-1836) and George Nichol, she also collaborated with Thomas Bewick (1753-1828) in publishing his Selected Fables (1820)

Hodgson, Solomon (bap.1760-d.1800; ODNB), printer and newspaper proprietor, baptised Long Marton, the son of Solomon Hodgson of Knock (1715-1779) and his wife Sarah Lothian, he married Sarah Slack of Newcastle who had inherited the Newcastle Chronicle from her parents Thomas Slack and her mother Ann Fisher (1719-1778) (qv), a grammarian, Sarah collaborated with the Rev Joseph Dacre Carlyle (qv) to publish his translation of the bible into Arabic (1811)

Hodgson, Studholme (1708-1798), army officer, rose to Field Marshal, m. dau Sir George Howard; TA Heathcote, Pen and Sword, 1999, 178-9

Hodgson, Terence H H (19xx-200x), DSO, MC, TD, DL, Lieut-Col, Vice-Lord Lieutenant of Cumbria, chairman of Governors, Kendal Grammar School (temp 1975) and governor 1960, President of Cartmel Agricultural Society for 1989 and a vice-president from 19xx, estate agent with Michael C L Hodgson, of Kendal

Hodgson, Thomas (d.1768), clergyman, Vicar of Brough, granted annuity of £3, payable out of his property in Brough, for benefit of poor of parish (to be distributed in bread at church on second Sunday of every month), by indenture of 17 October 1760, buried at Brough, 2 March 1768

Hodgson, Thomas (1837-1913), newspaper proprietor, established the Penrith Herald 1860, radical newspaper and was also editor of the C and W Herald]

Hodgson, Thomas Hesketh (1841-1917), FSA, JP, of the Admiralty President, CWAAS 1909-1915, marr Elizabeth, artist, dau of Master of Peterhouse (CW2, xvii, 262-264); CWAAS 150th volume, 303ff

Hodgson, William (18xx-1870), rector of Clifton 1868-1870

Hodgson, W, botanist, lived Workington, associate of the Linnean Society, author of Flora of Cumberland (1898)

Hodgson, William (1773-1850), clerk of the peace, Carlisle, (two generations 1839-1942) portraits CCC now in Lady Gillford House (upstairs), see website Your Paintings

Hogarth family, also Hoggarth and Hoggart

Hogarth, Bill OBE (d.1991), coppice merchant, learned woodland skills from his father, lived at Black Beck Bouth near Ulverston, produced coppice oak for swill making, bean poles, hedging stakes, hazel hurdles, beam and birch for Morecambe Bay haaf netting, and other traditional wooden products, a friend of Walter Lloyd (qv); Bill Hogarth, Coppice Merchant, c.2000; also see BHMAT, the Bill Hogarth Memorial Apprenticeship Trust which is training people of all ages in this sustainable work

Hogarth (Hoggart), Edmund, victualler, brother of Richard Hogarth and uncle of William (qqv), born Kirkby Thore, ran his business at London Bridge, not keen on his brother Richard and left his widow a derisory legacy, however, some sources indicate that it was through Edmund that William the artist was apprenticed to Ellis Gamble, the engraver

Hogarth, James (d.1796), linen manufacturer, was an agent of the earl of Lonsdale, as a linen manufacturer he employed spinners to work at home, built 117 houses at Mount Pleasant in SW of Whitehaven, also a church to seat 1000 but Lord Lonsdale forbade the consecration by the bishop, he also est a charity school and gave the building for the Dispensary after 1788, the following year his weaving shed collapsed, portrait at the Beacon; Cumb Pacquet 13 March 1796; Whitehaven News 2 July 2008; Sydney Biog of Joshua Dixon (qv)

Hogarth, (Arthur) Paul (1917-2001; ODNB), OBE, RA, artist and illustrator, born Arthur Hoggarth at 28 Caroline Street, Kendal, 4 October 1917, son of Arthur Hoggarth, hill farmer, butcher and then pioneer in Royal Engineers, of Lowgill, and Janet (nee Bownass), trained at Manchester and at St Martin’s School of Art, London, strongly architectural work (examples at Abbot Hall), illustrated numerous significant publications for Graham Greene, Robert Graves and Lawrence Durrell, elected RA 1984, OBE 1989, died at 1 Park Street, Cirencester, Glos, 27 December 2001, aged 84, and cremated at Golders Green, London, 9 January 2002; Kendal Civic Society plaque on birthplace installed in 2010; stated in a letter to David Cross c.1994 that little if any work of Cumbrian inspiration had survived;; paulhogarth.co.uk

Hogarth (originally Hoggarth), Richard [c.1663-1718], Latin master and author, b. in the Vale of Bampton (other sources state Kirkby Thore), educated at Bampton Grammar School or St Bees, yr brother of Thomas Hogarth (qv), marr, 1 son (William, the artist [1697-1764; ODNB]) and 2 daus (WW, ii, 289), Latin speaking coffee house proprietor at St John’s Gate, Clerkenwell, London, from 1704; The coffee house is now the Museum of the Order of St John; his publications include Thesaurarium trilingue publicum [1689]; Jenny Uglow, Hogarth, 1997, 7-12, 19-25 and 785

Hogarth, Thomas (1670-1727), poet, born at Bampton [no bapt], 2nd son of Ald Hoggart, yeoman, of Bampton, his er brother was on farm and yr Richard (qv), unmarried, died at Troutbeck in c.1730 (WW, ii, 287-294)

Hogarth, William (1786-1866; ODNB), RC bishop, son of William Hoggart, tenant farmer at Dodding Green Chapel near Kendal and the housekeeper to its priest Robert Johnson (Dodding Green was probably the oldest catholic mission in Westmorland). Fr Johnson was godfather to William’s two sons Robert and William and who paid for their education at Crook Hall seminary Durham from the age of ten, taught by John Lingard (1771-1851; ODNB) and ordained at Ushaw seminary in 1809, William remained at Ushaw as professor, prefect general and procurator until 1816 when he was appointed chaplain to the Witham family at Cliffe Hall, Piercebridge, from 1842 he was in Darlington where he was responsible for the building of St Augustine’s church (architect Ignatius Bonomi) and chose to remain there in a small house for the rest of his life, from 1838 he was vicar general to successive bishops of the Northern District. In 1848 appointed vicar apostolic, in 1850 he was made the first bishop of Hexham, later renamed the diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.  His origins and rough manner did not endear him to everyone.  Lingard thought he did not have ‘the manners of a gentleman’, but he was well respected and popularly known as ‘Bishop Billy’.  He was a capable administrator and was said to have built or enlarged every chapel or church in the four counties comprising his diocese. After the dispute that had closed Dodding Green for twenty years was settled with new arrangements ratified by the charities commission, he was the chief trustee for the Stephenson Trust and his elder brother Robert was appointed priest there in 1860.  William had been a strong supporter of Ushaw, where he was buried in the cloisters in 1866 after ‘a markedly energetic and expansionist episcopate’ (Gooch); Recusant History, 25, 2000; Sheridan Gilly, The Legacy of William Hogarth; Leo Gooch, Persecution without Martyrdom, 2013

Hogarth [or Hoggart], Thomas (1642-1709), playwright, village carpenter in Troutbeck, writer of ‘play-jiggs’, short plays in rhyme for village players, incl The Lascivious Queen (performed in 1693) and The Destruction of Troy (for which he built enormous wooden horse), also wrote epitaphs; probably William Hogarth’s great uncle

Hogarth, Thomas (or William), of Troutbeck (c.1660s-1740s), probably son of the above, uncle of the artist William Hogarth (qv), landlord of the Sun Inn, wrote and produced rustic plays, Adam Walker (qv) (b.1731; ODNB), friend of George Romney (qv) performed in one as a fairy as a small child; Walker’s, A Tour from London to the Lakes, 1790s has description

Hogg, Arthur H (18xx-19xx), portrait painter, draughtsman and etcher, born in Kendal, trained in London and Paris, exhibited his work at Royal Academy and other London galleries between 1913 and 1929, did pen and ink-wash drawings ‘Bits of Old Kendal’ in 1891

Hogg, James Henry (18xx-19xx), photographer, pioneer of photography in Kendal from 1858, first behind Stricklandgate House, then studio in Blackhall Yard from 1861?, international prize winner for portraits and landscapes, of 71 Stricklandgate, Kendal in 1914, son killed in action 1916

Hogg, Robert (1911-1995), BSc, FMA, museum curator, born in Carlisle, 28 October 1911, educ locally, joined Tullie House Museum as a junior museum assistant in December 1926, aged 16, and spent whole working life there apart from WW2 service with South Lancashire Regt and REME, graduated externally in Natural Science, London University (BSc), passed Associate of Museums Association 1949 and Fellow 1954, apptd Keeper of Archaeology and Geology and Curator of Art Gallery at Tullie House in 1949, and Curator of Museum in 1966 until he retired in 1975, responsible for complete re-display of Prehistoric and Roman galleries in old museum, urged more resources to develop site, increase display and storage capacity [new Tullie House developed in 1991, later Millennium development], keen on fieldwork, watching briefs and excavation on sites in Carlisle and region (esp Brampton tilery, Scotch Street, Carlisle (1953), Tullie House grounds (1954-56), fortified manor house at Burgh-by-Sands, and Eden bridges at Stanwix), also great interest in geology (esp paper on early settlement in Lake Counties (1972), member of CWAAS from 1946 (Hon Member 1984), Hon Curator of CWAAS 1949-1975, Hon Secretary of Excavation Committee 1948-1973, founder member and Hon Secretary of Carlisle Regional Group 1949-1975, in demand as lecturer to local groups and for extra-mural dept of Newcastle University, his wide contacts brought many prominent archaeologists to lecture at Carlisle (inc Sir Mortimer Wheeler), author of some 30 articles and notes in Transactions, keen oil painter and enthusiastic member of Carlisle Golf Club, marr Marjorie, 2 daus (Diane and Jennifer), of 72 Dunmail Drive, Carlisle, died 12 January 1995, aged 84 (CW2, xcv, 285-286; CN, 20.01.1995); Denis Perriam, Tullie House History, c.2015

Hogg, Samuel Rolleston (Sam) (1889-1976), DSO, MC and Bar, FCA, accountant, born 6 August 1889, apprenticed at Doncaster Railway Works for a short time, then went to London to train for accountancy, qualified as a chartered accountant in 1913, served WW1 with University of London OTC 1914-1915, gazetted 2nd Lieut in London Rifle Brigade and served on Western Front, promoted Lieut, 32nd Bn, Royal Fusiliers, 24 January 1916, awarded MC in October 1916 and Bar in May 1918, Acting Captain, 26th Bn, Royal Fusiliers, attached HQ, 122nd Infantry Brigade, promoted acting Brigade-Major and awarded DSO in September 1918 for directing operations in advancing front line, and mentioned in despatches by Field Marshal Haig on 8 November 1918, following demobilisation built up a commercial practice, becoming senior partner of Hogg, Bullimore & Co in City of London, specialising in liquidation of companies, later chairman of Hogg, Bullimore, Gundry & Co, Finsbury Square, London, also chairman of T G Tickler’s jam, served WW2 as a platoon commander in Kent Home Guard (when living in village of Matfield), first chairman of Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway Preservation Society from 15 July 1961 to 22 June 1963, died in 1976, aged 86 (Guy Moser’s notes compiled in 2000 in CRO, WD/MM/acc.10890)

Hoggarth, Arthur (1854-1930), land agent and surveyor, born in 1854, 2nd son of Henry and Harriet Hoggarth (qv), firm of A Hoggarth & Son, of Highgate, Kendal, of St Abbs, Gillinggate, Kendal, died aged 76 and buried at Parkside cemetery, Kendal, 25 March 1930 (family photographs in CRO, WDX 313; firm’s records in CRO, WDB 35)

Hoggarth, Henry (18xx-18xx), land surveyor and agent, marr (1850) Harriet (1827-1874, buried in Parkside cemetery, Kendal, 29 Decmber 1874, aged 47), eldest dau of Arthur and Mary Graham, of Carlisle, 2 sons (Edwin and Arthur (qv)), started as surveyor in Kendal in 1839, published survey of Kendal 1853, firm moved from 13 Finkle Street to 69 Highgate, of 34 Lowther Street (1873), then to Midland Bank Chambers, later to 35 Stramongate, before moving to its present location at 52 Kirkland in 1974 [Carter Jonas acquiring Fisher Hoggarth in July 1997]

Hoggarth, James (1834-1905), bobbin-turner and poet, born Ambleside to Sarah and Thomas Hoggarth, a gardener, apprenticed aged fifteen to Robert Seed at Oakbank Bobbin Mill at Skelsmergh, employed there for 38 years only leaving in 1888 when he became blind, published three books of verse, Evening Strains and Parlour Pastimes (1880), Echoes from Years Gone By (1892) and Outlets from the Hills (1896), in addition to a booklet in prose dialect (1880), his output was varied, often commonplace, but included Westmorland dialect songs, epitaphs, riddles, prayers, conundrums and humorous poems, married a widowed dressmaker Mary Wilkinson (nee Ware) in 1874 and moved to Stricklandgate, Kendal where he died in 1905

Hoggarth, Lawrence Steele (1881-1962), OBE, FRICS, FIAS, Major, land agent, (son of Arthur Hoggarth), of Dawson Fold, Crosthwaite (memorial window in south nave of Crosthwaite church erected by his widow Alice, who died 4 July 1971, aged 72)

Holden, Sir Isaac DL JP 1st Bt (1807-1897), son of Isaac Holden (1770-1826) of Gunends, Alston, and his wife Mary Forrest (1771-1851), inventor and manufacturer, born in Glasgow, pupil teacher, invented a version of the Lucifer match, book-keeper at Townsends factory near Bingley, beginning in Leeds and Bradford, with Samuel Lister (1815-1906) worked on improving the square motion wool combing machine, opened factories in France, by the 1870s Lister and Holden were the largest woolcombers in the world, MP for several searts in Yorkshire, his eldest son Sir Angus Holden 2nd Bt was created Baron Holden; Hud (C); ancestry.com

Holdsworth, Charles James (18xx-18xx), JP, of Hill Top, Hay in New Hutton (1894, but not in 1897), where he was resident after Stephen Brunskill (qv) from 1885x1894 (part of Underley estate)

Holgate, Thomas (c.1764-1840), gentleman, his widow Jane was of Stramongate, Kendal in 1829, died in Kirkland, aged 76, and buried at Kendal, 16 November 1840

Holiday, Henry (1839-1927), historical and landscape artist and glass designer, influenced by the PRB, in 1855 visited the Lake District and many times afterwards, said ‘for concentrated loveliness, I know nothing that can quite compare with the lakes and mountains of Westmorland, Cumberland Lancashire’, painted inter alia Dante and Beatrice (1883), Rhine Maidens (1883), built a house in Hawkshead, 300 designs for stained glass, worked for Powell’s Glass Works from 1861, in 1891 established his own works, work may be seen in Westminster Abbey, Casterton church, Keswick and Muncaster, member of Lake Artists; Renouf, 52-4; references Hyde and Pevsner

Holland, Albert (19xx-19xx), Methodist minister, served in Workington circuit in early 1990s and had oversight of church at Harrington, widow Marie, of 4 Applerigg, Kendal, is co-editor of Journal of Cumbria Wesley Historical Society (journals in CRO, WDSo 221)

Holliday, Catherine (1866-1949), embroiderer, marr Henry Holliday (qv), worked for William Morris (qv); work in the V and A

Holliday, Henry (1839-1927), artist, designer of stained glass, came to the Lakes in 1855 as a teenager and returned many times, built a house near Hawkshead called Betty Fold, stayed Brantwood, Ruskin introduced him to Burne Jones, from 1872 stayed at Muncaster, his windows may be seen at Ambleside, Bootle, Bridekirk, Buttermere, Calder Bridge, Casterton, Colton, Cotehill, Finsthwaite, Grasmere, Keswick (St John), Kirkby Lonsdale, Muncaster, Ponsonby, Warwick-on-Eden, Winster and Wythburn; Hyde and Pevsner, Peter Cormack, Henry Holliday, OUP online, 2007, George B Bryant, Henry Holliday, Stained Glass for New York, 2022

Holliday, Tom (Tosh) (1898-19xx), rugby international, born at Aspatria in 1898, played full back for Aspatria Rugby Union Football Club, won first cap for England v. Scotland in 1923 (year of England’s Grand Slam), won five more caps, but injured on tour of South Africa in 1924, captained Cumberland and Westmorland, master tactician of side, joined Oldham Rubgy League Club in 1926

Holliday, William (18xx-1910), miller and farmer, of Barrow Mill, Southwaite, corn mill on River Petteril, and farmed Petteril Bank Farm for 60 yrs until sale in 1897, prominent breeder of Shorthorns, Clydesdale horses and swine, retired to Barrow Mill until sale at death in 1910, marr Jane (Aunt Jane (?Bewley) to Margaret Shaw, qv) (‘Family Album’, 26-29)

Hollingworth, Sydney (1899-1966), geologist, born Northampton, educ Northampton GS and Clare College Cambridge, specialised in the Pleistocene geology of the NW, 25 years with the British Geological Survey in Cumberland, produced new maps and memoirs of the areas at Brampton, Whitehaven, Gosforth and Cockermouth, professor UCL, died in London, ashes scattered in Chile, Hollingworth Cliffs in Antarctica and Hollingworthite named after him; Times obit 24 Jan 1966, Cumberland Geological Society Proceedings vol 6 1998-9 pt 3; p.407

Holme, Benjamin (1683-1749; ODNB), quaker minister and author; b. Penrith, Testimony against Mixed Marriages (1717), The Life and Trials of Benjamin Holme (1749), A Collection of the Epistles and Works of Benjamin Holme (1754), Walker, History of Penrith 2nd ed. 1858, appendix

Holme, Catherine, daughter of John Holme (1702-1769), solicitor of Carlisle who went to India to be registrar of the mayor’s court Calcutta, she inherited her uncle Thomas Holme’s estate at Holme Hill and married Brightwell Sumner of the Indian Civil Service, she was described by Lord Clive as ‘a woman of the most diabolical disposition, ignorant, ill-tempered and selfish to the highest degree’; Hudleston (C)

Holme, Edith Constance, later Punchard (1880-1955; ODNB), novelist and short story writer, born Owlet Ash, Milnthorpe (W), yst dau of 14 children of John Holme (qv), land agent Dallam Tower, educ early as weekly boarder at small Methodist school, Oldfield Place, Arnside, then as boarder at Buckingham House, Birkenhead, and then at Cedar Lodge, Blackheath, London, author of novels featuring country life in area around Milnthorpe, inc Crump Folk Going Home (1913), The Lonely Plough (1914), The Old Road from Spain (1916), The Beautiful End (1918), The Splendid Fairing (1919), The Trumpet in the Dust (1921), The Things Which Belong (1925), and He Who Came (1930), with ms part of novel The Jasper Sea (in CRO, WD/PD/5, with poem and notes for other stories), stayed with Lady Ottoline Morrell (ODNB) [sister of Lord Henry Cavendish-Bentinck (qv), of Underley Hall] at Garsington Manor, Oxfordshire, on one occasion, marr (1916) F B Punchard (qv), no issue, interested in her family history, making several visits to Somerset House in London, became something of a recluse at Owlet Ash after husband’s death in 1946, with her cats, but moved to a smaller property in Orchard Road, Arnside, after her sister Agnes Rheam died aged 93 in 1954, aged 93, to be near her nephew, died 17 June 1955, aged 74, of cancer, and buried at Milnthorpe, leaving estate of about £26,000 mostly to her nephew, Mennel Rheam (papers in CRO, WDX 1652); mss Windermere library see A-Z file; photograph in N. and P. Dalziel, Kirkby Lonsdale Photographs; Tim Cockerill, The Ancestry of Constance Holme, Cumbria Family History Society, newsletter no 139, May 2011

Holme, Edward (1770-1847; ODNB), MD, FLS, physician, born in Kendal, 17 February 1770 and bapt at Market Place Chapel, 11 March, son of Thomas Holme, woollen draper and mercer, Stricklandgate (also trustee of chapel from 1782 until his death on a visit to friend at Gill on 3 September 1801) and grandson of Edward Holme, mercer (also trustee of chapel 1737-1755), educ Sedbergh School and Manchester Academy, acted as amanuensis and reader for Thomas Percival, MD, FRS (1740-1804) as inmate of his house in Manchester for 2 yrs, pursued studies in Gottingen 1790, Edinburgh 1791-93 and Leyden (MD, 1793), began practice in Manchester in 1794 and apptd Hon Physician to Infirmary, first president of medical section of British Association at inaugural meeting at York in 1831, President of Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society 1844-1847, vice-president for 46 years and secretary for 4 years, contributing a wide range of papers (14 between 1794 and 1838), one of founders of Portico Library and president for 28 yrs, first president of Manchester Natural History Society, one of founders of Chetham Society and first president, etc, left fortune of about £50,000 (£30,000 and large library to University College, London, £2,000 to Cross Street Chapel, Manchester and £1,000 to Market Place Chapel), had strong attachment to Kendal, which he visited every year of his life, his elder sister Mary (bapt 14 February 1769) living in Kendal until her death in 1830 (buried 1 September), unmarried, died at his house in King Street, Manchester, 28 November 1847, aged 77, and buried in Ardwick cemetery, Manchester (WW, ii, 217-224; ONK, 418-19; SSR, 159; LC, 117; memoir with portrait in E M Brockbank, Honorary Medical Staff of the Manchester Infirmary, 191)

Holme, Henry, born in Kendal, later Dr Holme of Manchester and one of founders of the Chetham Society; engraving of his portrait given to Kendal Corporation by William Wiper, of Manchester, on 28 June 1887, along with steel engraving of Henry Warburton, MP (qv), and oil painting of Richard Brathwait (qv) (WNB, 251)

Holme, Hugh (fl. early 13thc), of Mardale, said to have been implicated in the Canterbury Conspiracy against King John in 1208 and to have fled to the inaccessible Mardale valley where his descendants remained until 1885, the heads of the family were known as ‘kings’ of Mardale until the 19thc (qv John Mounsey, ‘king’ of Patterdale); Hud (W)

Holme, Hugh (17xx-1765), attorney, Deputy Recorder of Kendal, and Postmaster, commissioned Romney to paint sign of a hand posting a letter to be erected at post box at King’s Arms, Kendal [now in Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall, Kendal], died at his residence, 100 Highgate, Kendal, in December 1765 (portrait by GR)

Holme, Hugh Parker (1851-1885), last ‘King of Mardale’, born 12 July 1851, last male survivor of Holmes of Mardale from 13th century, of Chapel Hill, Mardale, died 27 November 1885, aged 34 (memorial plaque in Shap church)

Holme, John (1701-1769), attorney, son of John Holme of Holme Hill, Dalston, lived Carlisle, went to India, became registrar of the mayor’s court, Calcutta; Hud (C)

Holme, John (1747-1834), steward to Wilson family of Dallam Tower, marr Anne (d. 2 November 1824, aged 80), 1 son (John, qv) and 1 dau Margaret (d. 10 March 1825, aged 40, unm), died at Milnthorpe, 2 March 1834, aged 88, and buried at Heversham

Holme, John (1785-1851), land agent, born in 1785, son of John Holme (qv), succ his father as agent to Dallam Tower estate, living in agent’s house Parkside, marr (18xx) Margaret (d.1870, aged 69), dau of George Whitaker, of Milnthorpe, postmaster, ironmonger and seedsman, son (John, qv), died in 1851

Holme, John (1829-1905), DL, JP, land agent, born 1829 and bapt at Heversham, son of John Holme (qv), succ his father as agent to Dallam Tower Estate, lived at Parkside until he purchased Owlet Ash (previously a young lady’s seminary), a Georgian house in Milnthorpe in 1860 (following death of Edmund Harrison, qv) and extended it in 1869 to accommodate his growing family, spent last period after his retirement from estate management in 1880 in public life as DL and JP for Westmorland, Chairman of Kendal Poor Law Guardians, Westmorland County Councillor for Milnthorpe (1894), marr (1860) Elizabeth (d.1931, aged 93), dau of William Cartmel, of long established yeoman farmer family of Farleton, 14 children (of whom three died in infancy; eldest son, John Cartmel, killed in Boer War in 1900; Ada, wife of Major John Fitzgerald-Burke; Agnes, wife of Philip Rheam, solicitor; and Edith Constance, the novelist (qv), known locally for their standoffishness, died at Owlet Ash in 1905, his widow continuing to live there until her death (CFHS Newsletter, No.139, May 2011)

Holme, Marmaduke (c.1681-1760), clergyman, rector of Cliburn 1739-1760, died aged 79 and buried at Cliburn, 2 May 1760

Holme, Richard (1656-1738), MA, clergyman, born 5 April 1656, son of James Holme, of Milthropp, Sedbergh, educ Sedbergh School and St John’s College, Cambridge (matric 1672 aged 16, BA 1675), ordained deacon 7 March 1677, Vicar of Aspatria 1686-1695 (collated 7 March 1686), rector of Lowther 1695-1738 (instituted on presentation by Sir John Lowther, 26 February 1695 and inducted by archdeacon William Nicolson, 28 February 1695), vicar of Aikton 1707-1738 (instituted on presentation by Lord Lonsdale, 7 April 1707), prebendary of Carlisle 1727 (apptd 28 October), described as ‘an old man about seventy and lying lame of a hurt he had got by rising in his sleep’ (Sir John Clerk, 18 August 1731), will 28 January 1735, bequeathing £100 for maintenance of a poor scholar at Cambridge, also endowed two girls’ schools at Lowther (divided equally between Hackthorp, Whale and Melkinthorpe), buried at Lowther, 10 November 1738 (ECW, i, 637, 645; ii, 1238; SSR, 92; CW2, lxi, 214; CCR, 144-146)

Holme, Capt Thomas (1524-1595), surveyor, the son of George (1592-1630), of Waterhead, Monk Coniston, a yeoman, and his wife Catherine Whiteside, appointed surveyor general of Pennsylvania 1582-95 by William Penn (1644-1718), in which capacity he laid out the city of Philadelphia, he also produced the first map of Pennsylvania, he was a quaker and a member of the ‘Valiant Sixty’, in 1863 a memorial obelisk was erected to him in Pennypack Park; Hud (C) supplement

Holme, Capt. Thomas (bap.1624-1695), surveyor general to William Penn; CW2 xxiii 78; b. Hawkshead

Holme, Thomas (1626/7-1666; ODNB), weaver, quaker missionary and surveyor, parents unknown, b. Kendal, one of ‘the valiant 60’, effectively the quaker apostle to Wales, bur Cardiff

Holme, Thomas (c.1710-1782), mayor of Kendal 1741-42 and 1755-56, of 95 Stricklandgate (Prince Charlie’s House), Kendal, buried at Kendal, 17 March 1782, aged 72 (portrait by George Romney in Kendal Town Hall)

Holme, Thomas (17xx-18xx), high constable of West Ward accounts 1801-02, appt renewed for year at Easter QS 1812, also bridge master

Holme, Thomas (1810-1880), MA, clergyman, nephew of Revd William Holme (1765-1848), former Rector of Loughborough, educ Queen’s College, Oxford, curate of All Saints, Loughborough 1837-1849, rector of Puttenham, Herts 1849-1858, perpetual curate of Mardale 1858-1880, instit on 26 March 1858, built parsonage at foot of Castle Crag and made it over to the living, and restored chancel and fabric of church with help of his relations and Lord Lonsdale from 1860, died 23 April 1880; his wife (Mrs Mary Elizabeth Holme, of Mardale Green?) gave baptismal font in 1872 in memory of her mother and died c.1912, aged 90, and was aunt of Hugh Parker Holme (qv) and last Holme in Mardale (pedigree in CRO, WDY 602; LRNW, 363)

Holme, Thomas Redmayne (1826-1877), naval chaplain, with the British Pacific Fleet, on HMS President visiting Callao, Valparaiso, and witnessed revolution in Peru, August 1856-June 1857 (log book in CRO, WPR 9/Z57; WDX 1213)

Holmes, Sir Charles John, (1868-1936; ODNB), artist and curator, marr Florence Mary Hill (b.1873), dau of Charles Robert Rivington (qv), one son Martin (qv), director of the National Portrait Gallery 1909-16 and then the National Gallery 1916-1928, retired to Cumbria, enjoyed fishing

Holmes, James, Nonconformist Minister of Underbarrow, buried at Kendal, 17 October 1688

Holmes, John (19xx-19xx), JP, of Fell View, Elterwater, Chairman, Lakes Urban District Council 1967-1968, descended from Holme family of Holmestead Farm, Skelwith Bridge

Holmes, Martin Rivington (1905-1997), FSA, MA, museum curator, born 1905, er son of Sir Charles John Holmes (1868-1936; ODNB) (qv), director of National Gallery 1916-1928, painter and art critic, educ Oxford University (MA), asst keeper of London Museum, mayor of Appleby town council 1975-76, 1983-84 and 1984-85, of Castle Bank, Appleby, died in Appleby, 4 January 1997 (Independent, 09.01.1997)

Holmes, Wilkinson (d.1895), the captain of The Raven steam vessel on Ullswater, during the great freeze of 1895 skated on 11 February from Pooley Bridge to Glenridding but did not make it on the return journey, searches by friends discovered his distinctive blue cap with a yellow band near a hole in the ice, his body was found below surface near Lyulph’s Tower, his widow Elizabeth moved to Yorkshire to live with her family but she drowned herself 15 May

Holmes, W., (fl.early 20thc.), printer, Otto Press Lightburn Rd. Ulverston, Frederick Vincent Davies, A Shorthand Writer’s Common Phrase Book; A Furness Year Book (ed) (1907); Ruskin Pamphlets (1900)

Holst, Gustav Theodore (1874-1934; ODNB), composer, b. Cheltenham, m. Isabel  Harrison (1876-1969), one dau Imogen (qv), wrote music for the St Stephen band in Carlisle, conducted by his daughter

Holst, Imogen (1907-1894; ODNB), b. Richmond, Sy, daughter of Gustav Holst (qv) and Isabel Harrison, conducted the St Stephen brass band, Carlisle [see above], national prizewinners

Holstead, Thomas, founded a confectionery and chocolate business in 1839 in Carlisle, taken over by Isaac Teasdale (qv) in 1872

Holt, Sir Edward (1849-1928), 1st Bt, CBE, JP, brewer and paper manufacturer, chairman of Holt Brewery [est.1849], Lord Mayor of Manchester, born 9 September 1849, only son of Joseph Holt (d.1886), of Manchester, and of Catherine (d.1892), marr (4 September 1879) Elizabeth (died 10 June 1934), dau of Joseph Brooks, of Cheetham Hill, Manchester, 2 sons (Joseph, born 10 November 1881, Capt, 6th Bn. Manchester Regt (TF), killed in action at Gallipoli, 4 June 1915, aged 33 (memorial tablet in Winster Church) and Sir Edward, 2nd Bt (1883-1968), unm) and 3 daus, commissioned Mackay Baillie Scott (1898-1900) to design Blackwell, Bowness on Windermere, a very fine example of an Arts and Crafts house, with garden landscaped by T H Mawson in 1902 (no evidence now), City councillor, chairman of Manchester Waterworks Committee, involved with Haweswater Hotel, Alderman and twice Lord Mayor of Manchester, Freeman of City of Manchester, JP Westmorland and for Manchester, CBE 1920, created a Baronet, 8 July 1916, died 11 April 1928; estate bought by Sir Oliver Scott (qv) after WW2 and house let as a girls’ school, later converted into offices for Nature Conservancy Council, until bought by Lakeland Arts Trust in c.2000

Holt, J G (18xx-19xx), clergyman, author of ‘Cartmel Priory: Buildings before the Dissolution’ (KMT, 8 April 1881, later reprinted by Edward Gill, Kendal, and William Brickell, Cartmel)

Holt, John (1704-1772), dissenting minister and schoolmaster, educ Glasgow university, minister and schoolmaster Kendal, described as ‘eccentric’, then schoolmaster at Kirkdale outside Liverpool, here he may have taught George Stubbs, in 1750s invited to the Warrington Academy, being of ‘great abilities and amiable character’, colleague of Joseph Priestley,  Holt donated scientific instruments some were used by Priestley; Blake, Life of George Stubbs, 2005

Holt, Philip Henry (1873-1938), son of Alfred Holt (b.1829) of the Ocean Steamship Co., Liverpool (later the Blue Funnel Line) and his second wife Frances Long, the firm operated steam ships to China, of Kingfield House, Penton, near Catlowdy, was High Sheriff 1924-5, his brother Alfred (1879-1931) was the reader in chemistry at Liverpool university; Hud (C)

Holt, Robert Durning (1832-1908), DL, JP, Liverpool merchant, politician and philanthropist, son of George Holt, cotton broker, of Liverpool, first Lord Mayor of Liverpool 1892-1893, of Sefton Park, Liverpool, and of High Borrans, Windermere, trustee of Market Place Chapel, Kendal 1868-1877 (then of Orrest Head, Windermere), died 11 December 1908

Holt, Robert Durning (1872-1960), son of above, marr (1899) Alice Norah, dau and coheir of William Samuel Graves, of Horsham, Sussex, 2 daus [Alice Barbara, of 32 Greenside, Kendal (CW member 1956) and Mary Frances, of Hartsop, Patterdale (CW member 1957)], High Sheriff of Westmorland 1923

Hone, Evie (1894-1953), stained glass designer, b Ireland, dau of Joseph Hone and Eva Robinson, dau of Viscount Valentia, related to Nathaniel Hone the 18thc artist, attended Byam Shaw art school, friend of Winifred Nicholson, early pioneer of Cubism, commissioned by Winifred to design the memorial window for her mother Lady Roberts at Lanercost (1949), most famous work the window at Eton College chapel, also work at Trinity College Dublin, Church of Immaculate Conception at  Farm St, London, St John Baptost Black Rock

Honeyman, Mrs (fl.mid 20thc), involved in Carlisle WRVS, welcomed some of the youngsters of the Kindertransport to the city and arranged for them to be fed on arrival

Honeyman, Mrs, pilot during 2nd WW, in the WRACs, flew children in the kindertransport to Carlisle

Honywood, Philip (c.1710-1785), army officer and politician, born in 17xx, 3rd son (had two elder brothers, Richard and John, who died young) of Robert Honeywood, of Marks Hall, Essex, and his wife Mary, dau of Sir Richard Sandford, 3rd Bt of Howgill (qv), inheriting the Howgill estates, which he later sold to Tuftons, inc Milburn and Little Asby in 1780, also succ to large family estates in Essex worth £6,000 a year after death of his nephew Richard without issue, in action against Jacobites at Clifton Moor in 18 December 1745, wounded at the battle, MP for Appleby 1754-1784, sat to Gainsborough for an equestrian portrait, marr Elizabeth Wastell, of Tower Hill, 1 son (Philip), of Howgill Castle, Milburn, of Gainford 1786? (N&B, I, 388; CWMP, 373-374); obit. Gentleman’s Magazine 1785; CW2 i 147;

Hope, Joseph (1808-1873), wine and spirit merchant Carlisle, son of Joseph Hope who est a grocery and spirits business in Rickergate by 1811 and his wife Sarah, lived Aglionby, three daughters married well, Sarah to Benjamin Scott qv, manufacturer, Caroline [b.1851] to William Wright [1830-1914] biscuit manufacturer [of South Shields est 1790 making ship’s biscuit] and Alice [b.1840] to James Robert Creighton timber merchant qv; CRO Carlisle DSL/3/36a

Hope, Linnaeus Eden (1864-1944), curator of natural history at Tullie House Museum, Carlisle, son of Thomas Hope, a taxidermist, lived 21 Victoria Rd., Perriam, History of Tullie House, 68

Hope, Sir Percy Mirehouse (1886-1972), OBE, DL, JP, LRIBA, MIMCE, architect, hotelier and huntsman, born at Keswick in 1886, 3rd son of Joseph Fearon Hope, manager of Liverpool (later Martin’s) Bank at Keswick and Appleby, educ Keswick School and King’s College, London, articled to J J Bell, Cumberland County Surveyor, licentiate of RIBA, member of Institute of Municipal and County Engineers, apptd surveyor and engineer to West Ward RDC in 1910, served WW1 with 4th Bn Border Regt in India and Burma (on SS Deseado), psc in India and transf to RE, served in Mesopotamia, Lieut-Col and deputy director of works at Baghdad, asst director of Works, GHQ Mesopotamia Expeditionary Forces (despatches twice, OBE), offered permanent commission in 1919, but chose to return to civilian life, had office in Penrith for short time, but established practice as architect in Keswick, many other business interests, developing Manor Park estate, formed Lake District Hotels (inc Royal Oak, Queen’s and George hotels) and was chairman and man dir, Lake District Hotels Ltd for many years, also of Pape’s Garages and other companies, founder member and chairman of National Council of British Hotels and Restaurants Association for 11 years, doing much to encourage tourist industry, prominent in local government, member of Keswick UDC (chairman 1926-1928), elected member of Cumberland County Council for Keswick in 1946, later alderman  19xx, and chairman of standing joint committee (Police), member of Lake District Planning Board from 1957, chm of govrs, Keswick School, DL and JP Cumberland 1934, chairman of Keswick bench for many years, keen sportsman, representing county at rugby, cricket and tennis, president of Cumberland and Westmorland RUFC, Cumberland County Cricket Club and Cumberland County Tennis Club, master of Blencathra Foxhounds for many years, founder member of Derwentwater Lodge of Keswick Freemasons and of Keswick Rotary Club, knighted in 1954, marr (1919) Constance Mary Mark (1887-1970), no issue, died at 39 Brundholme Terrace, Keswick, 6 December 1972, aged 86, and funeral at St John’s, Keswick, 9 December (donor of Hope Park memorial gardens to Keswick); Keswick Characters, 87; C. and W. Herald 30th March 2012

Hope, Rev Robert Dixon; Gaskell, C and W Leaders, c.1910

Hope, Sir William Henry St John (1854-1919; ODNB), LittD, DCL (Hon), FSA, KStJ, antiquary and architectural historian, editor of The Archaeological Journal from 1885, assistant secretary of Society of Antiquaries 1885-1910, knighted 1914, major papers in Transactions on Shap Abbey and Furness Abbey, died 18 August 1919, aged 65

Hopkins, Frederick William (18xx-19xx), MA, clergyman, of Selwyn College, Cambridge, vicar of St James, Denton Holme, Carlisle from 1919

Hopkins, Gerald Manley (1844-1889; ODNB), poet, taught at Highgate by canon Richard Watson (qv) later dean of Carlisle, maintained correspondence with him which is now published

Hopkinson, John Henry, (1876-1957), MA (Oxon), clergyman, archdeacon of Westmorland 1931-1944, vicar and PC of Winster 1936-1944, vicar of Burneside 1921-1928, died 22 October 1957

Hopkinson, John Michael (1934-2018), solicitor, son of Lieut-Col John Hopkinson, marr Freda (decd), 1 son (Edward) and 1 dau (Lorna), partner, Arnold Greenwood, solicitors, Highgate, Kendal, died 3 December 2018, aged 84, and buried at Winster, 11 December (WG, 06.12.2018)

Hopley, Micah (c.1938-2017), United Reformed Church minister, marr Linda, 3 sons (Tim, Roger and Matthew), served as URC minister for Whitehaven and Bootle 1985-1996, reorganising the district system and improving facilities at the church, also involved in a church venture called Mission Pursuit in the area, and supported the centenary celebrations of the Whitehaven church, also served at Stockton-on-Tees, Ilkley, Broxbourne and Bootle, Clayton and Silverdale, and Newcastle-under-Lyme before retiring in 2002, died in hospital in May 2017, aged 79, with funeral at Malvern, Worcs (WN, 08.06.2017)

Hopper, Joseph (1709-1795), of Hole in Priorsdale, Alston, father of Nicholas Hopper (1738-1807) of Black Hedley, an eminent agriculturalist (no details located online), there is a huge and elaborate mausoleum to the family at Shotley St Andrews (N); Hud (C)

Hormyshede, Master Robert (occ.1423), priest, Vicar of Crosthwaite (CW2, xcv, 284)

Hornby, Anthony Feilden Mason- (d.1994), succeeded to Dalton Hall, Burton in Kendal, by then ‘a monstrously overgrown and incoherent mansion’ riddled with dry rot which he demolished and commissioned a new house on the site by Clough Williams-Ellis (1883-1978) in 1968, this was described by Pevsner as ‘a stately doll’s house’ which ‘sits inside the ghost of its predecessor’; Pevsner and Hyde, 209; Adrian Tinniswood, Noble Ambitions, 2021, 114-5

Hornby, Edmund George (1799-1865), DL, JP, landowner, Constable of Lancaster Castle 1860-1865, grandson of Revd Geoffrey Hornby (1750-1812), DL, JP, of Scale Hall, Lancs, who bought manor of Dalton in 1803, marr (18xx) Sarah, dau of Thomas Yates, of Irwell House, Lancs, and sister of Jane Yates (qv), dau (Elizabeth Sarah, first wife of Bishop Henry Ware, qv), died aged 65 and buried at Burton, 4 March 1865

Hornby, Edmund Geoffrey Stanley (1839-1923), DL, JP, landowner, son of E G Hornby (qv), of Dalton Hall, educ Bonchurch, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, Woodcote House, Henley-on-Thames, and Eton College (letters 1848-1853 in CRO, WD/CAT/A2053), JP Westmorland (qual 5 January 1866), unmarried, died 13 January 1923, aged 84, and buried at Burton-in-Kendal, 17 January

Hornby, William (18xx-196x), MA, clergyman, educ Hertford College, Oxford (BA 1900, MA 1908), Wells Theological College 1902, d 1903 and p 1904 (Newc), curate of Warden, near Hexham 1903-1907 and St John, Keswick 1907-1910, vicar of Burneside 1910-1911, St Michael, Carlisle, Stanwix 1912-1919, rector of Caldbeck 1919-1931, vicar of Santon, Norfolk 1931-1938, rector of Whatley with Chantry, near Frome, Somerset 1938-1940, vicar of Gressingham 1940-1946, lic to offic, dio Sodor & Man from 1948, of Cultra House, Castletown, IoM, later of Barrule Cottage, Maughold, Ramsey, IoM, died by 1965

Hornby, Charles Wyndham Leycester Penrhyn- (1873-1966), JP, son of Revd Oswald Henry Leycester Penrhyn, MA (Vicar of Huyton, Lancs) and of Charlotte Louise Jane (nee Hornby) (1836-1924), assumed addnl name of Hornby on succ to Dalton Hall in 1923 on death of his uncle, E G S Hornby (qv), High Sheriff of Westmorland 1940, opened Burton Memorial Hall on 18 May 1957 (souvenir in CRO, WDX 974), died at Brook House, Church Road, Lymm, unmarried, aged 92, and buried at Burton-in-Kendal, 24 September 1966, and succ by cousin, Anthony Feilden Mason-Hornby (died 5 October 1994), who assumed addnl name of Hornby on succ to Dalton Hall, grandson of Col Henry Paul Mason (qv)

Horne, Robert (1513x15-1579; ODNB), clergyman, son of John Horne of Cleator , bishop of Winchester 1561-1579, dean of Durham 1551-1553 and 1559-1560

Horne, Willie (1922-2001), rugby league player, born at Risedale Maternity Home, Barrow-in-Furness, 23 January 1922, 2nd son and 3rd of seven children of Alfred Horne, lathe turner at engineering works, and his wife, Ethel (nee Skelton), both of Shipley, educ Cambridge Street primary school 1927-1933 and Risedale secondary modern school 1933-1937 (despite passing entrance exam to Barrow-in-Furness grammar school, but parents could not afford uniform), made early mark playing for school’s first team at age of twelve, left school in 1937 to become apprentice turner at Vickers shipyard, stand-off half and captain, Barrow RLFC, Lancashire, England and Great Britain 1943-1959 (Willie: The Life and Times of a Rugby League Legend by Mike Gardner, 1994); NB: Bill Burgess and Phil Jackson also both at Risedale School and also captains of GB and England, who trained this remarkable trio ?; David A. Cross, Sculpture of Lancashire and Cumbria, 2017; A. Leach ed., Our Barrovians, 32-9

Horner, Maude (c.1869-19xx), headmistress, educ Truro High School, Croydon High School, and Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford (Honours degree in history), one year teacher training, taught in two secondary schools, Head of Sale Girls Grammar School and Francis Holland Girls School in London, apptd to Kendal aged 43, Headmistress of Kendal High School for Girls 1912-1931, developed greater Public School spirit, new boarding house of St Katharine’s opened at Thorny Hills at start of Autumn term 1912 with her sister Winifred Horner (‘Skinny Winny’) as Housemistress, and also two houses for day girls (St Ursula’s and St Elizabeth’s) founded on 11 October 1912, instituted system of head girls in her first term, with Head Girl of school chosen annually by vote of staff, started form drill competition in spring of 1913, also started annual celebration of School Birthday on 30 June 1914, adopted school badge (designed by H B Greenwood (qv), with motto of Amour avec Loyaulte, and presented on school’s second Birthday in 1915), talented writer and producer of plays, retiring to Nailsea, near Bristol in 1931

Hornsby, Percival, R.C. servant, Hutton in the Forest; CW2 lix 121

Hornyold, see Strickland, Hornyold-

Horrax, Charles (1807-1889), bobbin manufacturer, from Sheffield, apptd manager of Waterfall mill, Ambleside in 1823/4, which then switched from cotton mill, producing gingham and fabrics to bobbins and other wooden artefacts (esp for hats and umbrellas), also at mill in Allithwaite in 1840s, in position to buy Stock Force mill in 1856, but in same year Waterfall mill was sold without reference to him, so raised £800 mortgage to buy it, though still rented on long lease at high rent, fitted it out with more bobbin lathes in 1863, with over 50 lathes in end and over 70 employees, Stock Force mill burnt to ground on 4 January, left business to sons, Richard and Alfred, but little for his daughters (of whom Sheona started a laundry on site to cater for growing hotel and guest house business) (ALH, 69-73); Alfred Horrax, bobbin manufacturer, Ambleside (1894); Richard Horrax was corresponding secretary of Ambleside District Branch of Manchester United Friendly Society, Independent Order of Oddfellows for 30 years (testimonial in December 1896 in CRO, WDSo 20/2/1), of apartments, Millan’s Park, Ambleside (1894); Bernard Horrax, of Whitriggs, Oakfield, Ambleside, buried at Ambleside, 2 April 1980, aged 84; also ashes of Agnes Hilda Horrax, of same, aged 88, buried in grave of Alfred Horrax at Ambleside, 19 September 1985

Horrocks, Eliza (nee Miller) (d.1856), of Preston, bought Merlewood from the Binyons in 1856, her brother Thomas Miller Jr was by then the senior director of Horrocks’ cotton mill in Preston, her nephew William Pitt-Miller (d.1893) (his mother was the dau of the Rev Cornelius Pitt) bought the house from her estate; Margaret Burscough, Horrockses, Cotton Kings, 2004

Horrocks, RH, of Salkeld Hall, Langwathby, first president of Alston Golf Club, also a founder member of Penrith Golf Club, high sheriff in 1911, also a fine cricketer

Horrocks, Robert Hodgson (1851-1913), JP, MA, only son of Thomas Horrocks (qv), educ Oxford Univ (MA), succ to Salkeld Hall estate in 1904, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1911, marr, son (Walter, qv), died in 1913

Horrocks, Thomas (1825-1904), DL, JP, barrister, only son of James Horrocks, of Orrell Lodge, Lancs, marr (1848) Marianne, eldest dau and coheir of Robert Hodgson (qv), of Salkeld Hall, thereby acquiring Salkeld estate after his death in 1855, living at Acorn Bank in 1854, 1 son (Robert, qv), died in 1904

Horrocks, Walter James Hodgson (1880-1940), golfer, son of Robert Hodgson Horrocks (qv), educ Harrow, succ in 1913 but sold Salkeld Hall estate in 19xx, served WW1 with distinction as 2nd Lt in Gordon Highlanders, an all-round sportsman, but the form player of 1920s in golf, won C & W championship three times and also captain of counties team, marr Mary Park dau of John Park of Northumberland; mss at Kew, after hisdeathhis widow married Sir Charles Chisholm Hobhouse 6th Bt in 1946

Horsfall, Miss, artist, Barrow; Renouf, 15

Horsfield, Theresa (d.1969), a nurse working in Laos, she was killed by armed soldiers on 29 November 1969 between Thaklek and the capital of Laos, Vientiane, the soldiers were not members of the Royal Laotian Forces, the British ambassador in Vientiane made a vigorous protest and hoped that those responsible might swiftly be brought to justice; Hansard 18 December 1969 

Horsfield, Keith, physician and archaeologist; attended A.S. Neill’s school Summerhill; CW3 iv 1

Horsley-Berresford, William Robert John, 3rd baron Decies (1811-1893), desc from 1st baron (1794-1812) who was archbishop of Tuam, Ireland (this see is now held by an RC bishop), capt in 10th Hussars, lived The Craig, Windermere from 1867 until his death, he was the son of the 2nd baron and his wife Carlotta Philadelphia Horsley heiress of Robert Horsley of Bolam Hall [N]

Horton, Percy Frederick (1897-1970; ODNB), artist and teacher, born and educated at Brighton, when working at the RCA he was evacuated to Ambleside with Gilbert Spencer (qv), other colleagues and their students, finding the travel between Lakeland and Oxford difficult he resigned, later went with Paul Hogarth (qv) and others to Yugoslavia on commission from a railway company, his works at Dove Cottage include Storm over Loughrigg, A Corner of Ambleside and The Shepherd, his self-portrait (Ashmolean) appears to have a fell in the background, he died in Tooting, other work is at the V and A and the Tate

Hoskins, Alexander (1722-1800), chairman of Cumberland Quarter Sessions for 40 years, oldest magistrate of county, died at Hornby Hall, Lancs, home of his dau Ann, wife of Timothy Parker, 1 July 1800 (CP, 08.07.1800; DIF, 431-32)

Hoskins, Thomas Allison (1800-1856), writer, lived  Higham, Bassenthwaite, Sacred Songs of an Old Life’s Borderland, H. Winter, Great Cockermouth Scholars

Hothfield, Lord, see Tufton

Hoton, Thomas de (occ.1404-1415), Prior of Carlisle Cathedral (Le Neve; CW2, xcv, 284)

Hotspur, see Percy, Henry

Hough, Charles Henry (1855-1933), JP, FRCS, physician, 3rd son of James Hough (1818-1900), FRCS, of Cambridge and Elizabeth Hayward, ed Uppingham and St Thomas’s hospital, Derby Royal Infirmary for 25 years, assisted Oswald Hedley (qv) in setting up Ethel Hedley Hospital for Crippled Children, Calgarth (1930), then medical director, author of A Westmorland Rock Garden (1929), dedicated to his daughter Dorothy ‘without whose amazing energy and unselfish devotion, there would be no Rock Garden to write about’, marr Alice Maud Redmayne, sister of Hugh Redmayne (qv), daus (Dorothy and Marjorie, wife of George Aitchison, (qv), of White Craggs, Clappersgate, Ambleside, buried at Brathay, 18 October 1933, aged 78; recollections of history of White Craggs by Marjorie Aitchison, 1980 (CRO, WDX 703); Alice Maud Hough 1910 – his mother ?; William Woodcock Hough?

Hough, John (1651-1743; ODNB), bishop, of Oxford, Lichfield and Worcester, mon. by Roubiliac at Worcester; his descendant Charles Hough (1855-1933) (qv) married a Redmayne daughter

Housman, John (1764-1802), agricultural topographer, b. Great Corby, son of James Housman, gardener to Henry Howard, of Corby Castle, Cumwhitton, and Hannah Morley, of Cumwhitton (marr 1762), said to be a native of Cumberland  (Jollie, CGD (1811), 50), of Cumwhitton in 1790, tour through England in 1796, of Great Corby in 1802 when inclosure commissioner for Castle Carrock, but late of Lopham Park, Harling, Norfolk (900 acre estate of Duke of Norfolk) in 1808 when now of St Cuthbert’s, Carlisle, on his marriage, as widower, to Mary Wilson, of Bigland, Aikton, near Wigton, contributed agricultural history to The History of the County of Cumberland (1794) by William Hutchinson (qv), and warmly praised in Analytical Review of 1797, author of A Topographical Description of Cumberland, Westmorland, Lancashire, and a part of the West Riding of Yorkshire (printed by Francis Jollie, Carlisle, and sold by C Law and W Clarke, London, 1800), in position with Howards until at least 1811, may possibly be identified as Duke’s steward on his Sheffield estate from 1813 to 1819 (qv), but no firm connection (Bicknell, 68; CRH, xi; CW3, xii, 217-230); obit. Carlisle Patriot, 27 August 1819; Denis Perriam, Cumberland News, 4 July, 2008, 34

Hoskins, Thomas Alison (1800-1886) JP  DL, railway pioneer, (son of George Hoskins, merchant, author of Travels in Ethiopia, who was of Great Broughton, descended from Alexander Hoskins of Moor Park, Herts, and his wife Mary Alison of Liverpool), worked as a lawyer, marr Sarah  dau of Thomas Irwin of Justicetown (qv), she was sister of Thomas Irwin of Calder Abbey, commissioned an architect to build Higham Hall in 1827-8, later chairman of the railway running after 1865 from Keswick to Cockermouth on the route now occupied by the A66, also built the Keswick Hotel beside the station, high sheriff 1854, published poetry as Sacred Lays of an Old Life’s Borderland: in memory of Thomas Alison Hoskins (1879), buried at Setmurthy church; Landed Gentry, Pevsner

Hoste, Col Sir George Charles CB RE (1786-1845), Waterloo veteran, son of the Rev Dixon Hoste (1750-1805), brother of one of Nelson’s proteges Capt Sir William Hoste Bt (1780-1828) who fought at the Nile, Sir George also saw action at Sicily, Egypt and Antwerp, gentleman usher to Queen Adelaide, married Mary dau of James Burkin Burroughes of Burlingham Hall, Norfolk, their marriage settlement included Croglin Low Hall and Croglin High Hall; Hud (C)

How, Peter (c.1699-1772), tobacco merchant, of Whitehaven (DIF, 432), legal case following a shipwreck of 1733, large portrait group of his second wife Christian and her children by James Cranke Sr. (The Beacon, Whitehaven)

How, John Maxloe (Jack) (1915-xxxx), MA, clergyman, born in 1915, educ Magdalene College, Cambridge (Exhibitioner, BA 1937, MA 1949), Westcott House, Cambridge, d 1939 and p 1940 (Durham), curate of Norton St Mary the Virgin, Durham 1939-1944, curate-in-charge of West Pelton, Durham 1944-1945 and of Stella, Durham 1946-1947, vicar of Thornley 1947-1951, Monkwearmouth St Andrew 1951-1959, and Barton with Pooley Bridge 1959-1973, rural dean of Penrith 1961-1973, vicar of Kirkby Lonsdale with Mansergh 1973-1976 (instituted and inducted at St Mary’s, Kirkby Lonsdale on 25 October 1973), team rector of Kirkby Lonsdale 1976-1981, hon canon of Carlisle Cathedral 1972-1981, retired in 1981 to 4 Kilmidyke Drive, Grange-over-Sands (1998)

How, William Walsham (1823-1897; ODNB) bishop, son of William Wybergh How, solicitor of Shrewsbury, a descendant of Peter How of Whitehaven (qv) and his son the Rev Peter How rector of Workington, ed Shrewsbury school and Wadham Coll, Oxford, priest in Whittington, Shropshire, London, bishop of Bedford and then the 1st bishop of Wakefield, wrote 36 hymn lyrics including: ‘For all the saints, who from their labours rest’; Hudleston (C)

Howard [nee Dacre], Anne, Countess of Arundel (1557-1630; ODNB), noblewoman and priest harbourer, born in Carlisle, 1 March 1557, eldest dau of Thomas Dacre, 4th Lord Dacre of Gilsland (qv), and his 2nd wife, Elizabeth, dau of Sir James Leyburn (qv) 

Howard, Brian (c.1931-1983), FRCO, music teacher and organist, on staff of St Bees School from 1965, died suddenly aged 52, 8 March 1983 (WN, 17.03.1983)

Howard, Charles, 1st earl of Carlisle (c.1629-1685), cr Earl of Carlisle, 30 April 1660, died 24 February 1685

Howard, Charles, 3rd Earl of Carlisle (1669-1738; ODNB), PC, politician and landowner, born at Naworth Castle, Brampton, in 1669, eldest son of Edward Howard, 2nd earl of Carlisle (qv), educ Morpeth Grammar School, also spent time at Carlisle as a boy with Thomas Story (qv), later a noted Quaker leader, embarked on grand tour in 1688, taking him to Netherlands, German states, and Italy over following three years, having before leaving marr as viscount Morpeth (25 July 1688, licence at vic gen office) Lady Anne Capel (died 14 October 1752, aged 78, and buried at Watford, Herts, 19 October, noted for her charity work), dau of Arthur, 1st earl of Essex, 2 sons (Henry, 4th earl (qv) and Charles (qv)) and 3 daus (inc poet Anne Ingram) (qv), MP (Whip) for Morpeth 1689-1692, when he succ father in titles, governor of Carlisle Castle 1693-1738 (appointed 1 March 1693), Lord Lieutenant of Cumberland and Westmorland 1694-1712 (28 June 1694 to 29 April 1712) and 1714-1738 (October 1714 to his death), also appointed vice-admiral of Cumberland, a staunch whig and anti-Jacobite, used his local standing to influence result of 1695 general election, often to annoyance of neighbouring local families, moved to family’s London residence in 1695 at Carlisle House, 20A Soho Square, which became his base for his political and cultural life in capital, his support for whig cause put him in favour with William III, who appointed him a gentleman of the King’s Bedchamber on 23 June 1700 (until 1702) with annual salary of £1000, a privy councillor on 19 June 1701, deputy earl marshal on 8 May 1701 (officiating at coronation of Queen Anne) until 26 August 1706, a first lord of Treasury from 30 December 1701 to 6 May 1702, a commissioner for the Union on 10 April 1706, but his political career began to falter under Queen Anne until the Hanoverian succession when he served as one of the lord justices of the realm from 1 August to 18 September 1714, served a second time as a first lord of the Treasury from 23 May to 11 October 1715, had subsequent appointments as constable of Tower of London 1715-1722 (16 October 1715 to 29 December 1722), lord lieutenant of the Tower Hamlets 1717-1722 (12 July 1717 to December 1722), constable of Windsor Castle and warden of the forest 1723-1730 (1 June 1723 to May 1730), and master of the harriers and foxhounds from May 1730 when King wished to appoint duke of St Albans to Windsor (being offered £2,000 p.a. and a deputy for the office), his principal ambition beyond political advancement was the building of Castle Howard, having visited village of Henderskelfe, near York, in 1698, he decided to site his new family seat there (on property which had come to the Howards from the Bassets) to designs of his friend and fellow Kit-Cat Club member, Sir John Vanbrugh, in 1699, having superseded William Talman, comptroller of HM works, whose charges for his designs for Castle Howard were regarded as unreasonable, (Vanbrugh replaced Talman as Comptroller in June 1702), building started in 1700 with assistance of Nicholas Hawksmoor and continued to 1726, Vanbrugh also designing the Obelisk (1714), the Pyramid Gate (1719) and the Belvedere Temple (1725-28), staying at Henderskelfe in first week of March 1700/01 when planning to go to London (with Sir Richard Sandford, qv) (letter of Lancelot Simpson to Sir D F in CRO, WD/Ry/HMC 5649), house intended to reflect importance of Howard family, while impressing king (who took such interest in its progress that he had a wooden model of it sent to him at Kensington Palace), but built at considerable expense for a relatively minor peer, financed from land revenues, loans and gambling successes (gaming providing almost a third of his annual income), involved with the fraudulent schemes of the pirate John Bulholt who raised money to salvage a wreck off Havana, renewed his acquaintance with Thomas Story on latter’s return from America, who regularly visited him at Castle Howard and in London, engaging with his chaplain in protracted religious debates with him, regarded as a good friend of Society of Friends, using his interest to relieve many Quakers persecuted for non-compliance with the form of affirmation and to get this form altered by arranging meeting at his house in Dover Street, London between Story and Sunderland, then secretary of state, to discuss matter [in 1717/18], also planted extensive woods at Castle Howard after advice from Thomas Story, who had seen forests in America and made his own plantations at Justus Town (Justicetown), Kirklinton, near Carlisle, keen sportsman, also a writer and poet, ‘a gentleman of great interest in the Country and very zealous for its welfare; hath a fine estate and a very good understanding, with a grave deportment, is of a middle stature [and] fair complexion’ (Macky’s Characters quoted in GEC, III, 35), increasingly plagued by gout in later years and spent more time in seclusion at Castle Howard, but died at Bath, 1 May 1738, aged about 69, and buried at Bulmer parish church, near York, 14 May, his remains being moved to mausoleum at Castle Howard on 28 June 1745 (CWMP, 381-383)

Howard, Charles (169x-1765), KB, army officer and politician, yr son of Charles, 3rd Earl of Carlisle (qv), (CWMP, 383-384)

Howard, Charles, 10th Duke of Norfolk (1720-1786), FRS, FSA, landowner, born 1 December 1720, son of Henry Charles Howard, of Greystoke (son of Lord Charles Howard, d.1713), and his wife, Mary, dau of John Aylward, merchant, of London, became heir presumptive to dukedom of Norfolk on death of Edward Howard, son of Lord Philip Howard, in 1767 and succ in 1777, of Greystoke Castle, marr (8 November 1739, at Worksop Manor) Katherine (born 30 April 1718, died at Norfolk House, 31 August 1784, aged 66, and buried at Arundel, 2 December), 2nd dau of John Brockholes, of Claughton, Lancs, 1 son (Charles, qv) and 2 daus (Winifrid, buried 10 April 1751, and Catherine, buried 19 May 1753, both at Greystoke), elected FSA 14 January 1768 and FRS 24 March 1768, author of Anecdotes of the Howard Family, &c, died at Norfolk House, 31 August 1786, aged 65, and buried at Dorking, Surrey, 7 September (with his father and grandfather); will proved September 1786 (PCC, 485 Norfolk)

Howard, Charles, 11th Duke of Norfolk (1746-1815), FRS, FSA, landowner and politician, born 15 March 1746, only son of 10th Duke, styled Earl of Surrey from 1777 until he succ his father in 1786, MP (Whig) for Carlisle 1780-1786, being returned for both Arundel and Hereford City in 1784, much engaged with his northern inheritance of Greystoke, made his mark by rebuilding farmhouses on estate in idiosyncratic manner and erecting Lyulph’s Tower on Ullswater in 1780 (prob to his own design) in romantic memory of legendary Saxon hero reputed to have given his name to lake, noted as first Picturesque mock-medieval house in area, intended as a maison de plesaunce for shooting picnics, etc, died 16 December 1815 and buried at Dorking (WC, iii, 57-64; CL, 30.06.1985)

Howard, Charles Wentworth George (1814-1879), politician, born 27 March 1814, 5th son of 6th Earl of Carlisle (qv), marr (8 August 1842) Mary (died 26 August 1843), 2nd dau of Sir James Parke, Baron Wensleydale, 1 son (George James, 9th Earl, qv), MP for East Cumberland from 1840 on death of Major Aglionby, Liberal candidate in 1868 when he pledged to erect a limekiln for local farmers in return for votes, which was duly built at Pike Hill in 1874 against advice of Naworth agent, but local source of limestone was quickly exhausted and kiln went out of use in 1880, died 11 April 1879 (CW2, lxx, 137-151; A Hillman, CRiBoK, 105)

Howard, Charles JS (1867-1912), 10th earl Carlisle, son of 9th earl and Rosalind Stanley (qqv), captain in Border Regt in 2nd Boer War, MP from 1904-1911

Howard, Christian DBE (1916-1999), theologian, dau of Geoffrey WA Howard and Ethel Christian Methuen, born Castle Howard, much involved in the campaign for the ordination of women, lay canon provincial of York, delegate to World Council of Churches; mss Borthwick Institute

Howard, Edward, 2nd Earl of Carlisle (c.1646-1692), politician, aged 25 in 1671, son of Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Carlisle, succ father in 1685, MP (Whig) for Morpeth 1666-1679, for Cumberland 1679-1681 and for Carlisle 1681 (succ his uncle, Sir Philip Howard, qv), not an active speaker in debates, Joint (with his father) Lord Lieutenant of Cumberland 1668-1685, Governor of Carlisle 1679-1687, Mayor of Carlisle 1683, Colonel of Regt of Foot 1678-1679, Deputy Chief Butler at Coronation of James II on 23 April 1688, marr (licence to marry at the Savoy, 27 April 1668) Elizabeth (bapt 8 June 1646, died 15 December 1696 of breast cancer, and buried at Wickham, 30 December), widow of Sir William Berkeley and 2nd and yst dau of Sir William Uvedale, of Wickham, Hampshire, son (Charles, qv), died at Wickham, 23 April 1692, and buried there, aged about 46; will proved 6 May 1692 (CWMP, 381)

Howard, Elizabeth (later Manners) (1780-1825),  duchess of Rutland, daughter of Frederick 5th earl of Carlisle (qv), m. 5th duke of Rutland, gave her name to ‘the Rutland set’, friend of the Prince Regent and involved in the design of the Royal Pavilion Brighton, supervised the rebuilding of Belvoir castle upon which she spent £200,000 [£8 million today]; portrait by Hoppner (Lady Lever Coll.); Tim Cockerill, Notes on Bishop Sparke of Ely, 2020

Howard, Elizabeth Catherine (1856-1929), dau of Henry Howard of Greystoke, marr as his second wife Henry 4th earl of Caernarvon (1831-1890), thus was the stepmother of the 5th earl of Caernarvon (1866-1923; ODNB) who with Howard Carter (1874-1939; ODNB) found the tomb of King Tutankhamun

Howard, Sir Esme William GCB GCMG CVO LLD, Baron Howard (1863-1939), diplomat, son of Henry Howard of Greystoke (qv), ambassador at Madrid 1919-1924 and Washington1924-1930, cr baron in1930 as Baron Howard of Gowbarrow; Hud (C)

Howard, Ethel Christian (1889-1932), dau of Field Marshall Paul Methuen 3rd baron, sister of Paul Ayshford Methuen (1886-1974) the artist and 4th baron, married Geoffrey WA Howard (qv), lived at Castle Howard, mother of Dame Christian Howard (qv)

Howard, Frederick (1748-1825), 5th earl of Carlisle, statesman, diplomat and author, part of syndicate to buy the Orleans Collection, sat to Reynolds 1769, guardian of Lord Byron who later lampooned him, wrote poetry, political tracts and two plays

Howard, Frederick (d.1815), soldier, son of Frederick 5th earl (qv), died at Waterloo

Howard, Geoffrey William Algernon (1877-1935), MP and vice-chamberlain of the (Royal) Household, son of 9th earl of Carlisle and Rosalind Stanley (qqv), marr Ethel Christian, dau of Field Marshall Paul Methuen 3rd baron

Howard, Hon Fulke Greville, formerly Upton (1773-1846), Colonel, born 1773, 2nd son of Clotworthy, 1st Baron Templetown, and Elizabeth (d.1823), dau of Shuckburgh Boughton, of Poston Court, Hereford,  marr (7 July 1807) Hon Mary Howard (qv), heiress of Levens, assumed surname of Howard , took up residence at Levens after marriage and started to put house and gardens in order, died s.p. 4 March 1846, aged 73

Howard, Geoffrey William Algernon (1877-1935), politician, born 1877, son of 9th Earl of Carlisle (qv), served as Temp Captain, Royal Marines 1914-1915 (despatches, 1914 star), marr (1915) Hon Christian Methuen (d.1932), dau of 3rd Baron Methuen, 3 sons and 2 daus, contested Richmond Division of Yorkshire 1900, Liberal MP for Eskdale or Northern Division of Cumberland 1906-1910, Westbury Division of Wiltshire 1911-1918, and Luton 1923-1924, Parliamentary Private Secretary to Prime Minister 1910, Vice-Chamberlain of HM Household 1911-1915, a Lord Commissioner of Treasury 1915-1916, Lord Lieutenant of North Riding of Yorkshire 1931-1935, of Castle Howard, died 20 June 1935 (WWW, III, 669)

Howard, George, 6th Earl of Carlisle (1773-1848), KG, politician and landowner

Howard, George James, 9th Earl of Carlisle (1843-1911; ODNB), BA, JP, landowner and artist, born 12 August 1843, MP for East Cumberland 1879-1880 and 1881-1885, marr (4 October 1864) Rosalind Frances (qv) (died 12 August 1921), yst dau of 2nd Baron Stanley of Alderley, 6 sons and 5 daus, secretary for Ireland, longest serving trustee of the National Gallery, benefactor, friend of William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones, died 16 April 1911; Tullie House exhibition catalogue c.2012,

Howard, George William Frederick (1802-1864; ODNB), 7th earl of Carlisle, statesman, from 1825-1848 lord Morpeth, viceroy of Ireland; statue by Foley at Brampton, a second cast blown up by the IRA in Phoenix Park; David A. Cross, Public Sculpture, 2017, 136-7

Howard, Georgiana (nee Cavendish), countess of Carlisle (1783-1858), dau of the 5th duke of Devonshire and Lady Georgiana Spencer (the lively Whig hostess and socialite), marr 1801 Lord Morpeth, 1825 Morpeth inherited the earldom of Carlisle, Georgiana is the child in the fine portrait of the duchess by Reynolds, her son George became the 7th earl of Carlisle, her dau Lady Harriet marr the 2nd duke of Sutherland, another dau Blanche marr the 7th duke of Devonshire (qv)

Howard, Harriet Elizabeth Georgiana (1806-1868; ODNB), courtier and abolitionist, dau 6th earl Carlisle (qv) and granddaughter of the celebrated Georgiana, duchess of Devonshire, marr the George Granville the 2nd duke of Sutherland, mistress of the robes during Whig administrations, in 1839 the catalyst for the Bedchamber Crisis, a friend of Q Victoria, three of her daughters married dukes, her son Roald was a sculptor (qv);

Howard, Henry, 4th Earl of Carlisle (1694-1758; ODNB), KG, politician and landowner, born in 1694, er son of 3rd Earl, educ Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge (matric 2 May 1711), completed the grand tour before being elected MP for Morpeth in 1715, which he held until he succ father in 1738, marr 1st (27 November 1717) Lady Frances (died 27 July 1742), dau of Charles Spencer, 3rd Earl of Sunderland, 3 sons and 2 daus, supported his father-in-law during whig schism and became opponent of Walpole government in 1720s and 1730s, when he called for reduction in size of standing army, made several unsuccessful attempts to gain office after fall of Walpole in 1742, marr 2nd (8 June 1743) Isabella (1721-1795), dau of William, 4th Baron Byron, and later wife of Sir William Musgrave, the antiquary, and died 22 January 1795, made KG in 1756, held no local offices in Cumberland, died 3 September 1758 and buried at Castle Howard

Howard, Henry, 12th Earl of Suffolk and 5th Earl of Berkshire (1739-1779), KG, PC, MA, DCL, politician and landowner, born 10 or 16 May 1739, son of William Howard, Viscount Andover (1714-1756) and Mary (qv), and grandson of Henry, 11th Earl of Suffolk, whom he succ on 21 March 1757, having been styled Viscount Andover 1756-57, educ Eton 1748-1756 and Magdalen College, Oxford (matric 1757, MA 1759, DCL 1761), ^^[career details]^^ marr 1st (25 May 1764, at St George’s, Hanover Square) Maria Constantia (died in childbed, Duke Street, Westminster, 8 February 1767), only dau of Robert, 1st Viscount Hampden, marr 2nd (14 August 1777, at Lime Grove, Putney) Charlotte (died 7 July 1828), dau of his maternal uncle, Heneage, 3rd Earl of Aylsford, 2 sons (George, Viscount Andover, born 24 September 1778, bapt 18 October, godson of King George III, and died v.p. 27 December 1778, aged 3 months, and Henry, who succ as 13th Earl of Suffolk on his birth on 8 August 1779, but died two days later), died s.p.m.s. at Bath, 7 March 1779, aged 39, and buried at Charlton, 20 March; will proved March 1779 bequeathing all his Westmorland estates to his mother, Mary, Lady Andover (qv) and after her death to his sister Frances, later wife of Richard Bagot (Howard) (qv)

Howard, Henry (1757-1842), antiquary, Catholic of the Enlightenment and family historian, of Corby Castle, son of Philip Howard (1730-1810) and Anne William of Cliff (Y), built chapel at Wetheral for his late wife’s statue by Nollekens, said to have been a friend of Louis Philippe, erected cross on Wetheral green in place of the maypole, wrote Memorials of the Howard Family; David Cross, Sculpture of Lancashire and Cumbria, 2017, 185-7;  CW3 xviii 243

Howard, Henry (1802-1875), of Greystoke Castle, son of Lord Henry Molyneux-Howard (1766-1824) yr bro of 12th Duke of Norfolk, MP for Steyning 1824-1826 and for Shoreham 1826-1832

Howard, Henry Bowes, 11th earl of Suffolk and 3rd Earl of Berkshire (1687-1757), son of Craven Howard and Mary Bowes (his 1st cousin), marr (5 March 1709) his first cousin, Catharine, only surv dau and heir of Colonel James Grahme (qv), of Levens Hall and Dorothy Howard, sons, deputy earl marshall, recorder of Lichfield, died at Bath, 21 March 1757, aged 69, and buried at Charlton, Wiltshire

Howard, Henry Charles (1850-1914), DL, JP, BA, landowner, born 17 September 1850, eldest son of Henry Howard (qv), of Greystoke Castle, educ Cambridge (BA), marr (6 June 1878) Lady Mabel Harriet McDonnell (qv), 2nd dau of 5th Earl of Antrim, 1 son (Bernard Henry Esme) and 1 dau (Joan Mabel, born 11 October 1879, of Bushby, Greystoke), MP for Penrith 1885-1886, Chairman of Cumberland County Council 1892-1913 and councillor 1889-1914, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1879, DL and JP for Westmorland and Cumberland, instrumental in creation of agricultural college at Newton Rigg and one of founders of its dairy school and demonstration farm in 1890s, Chairman of Governors, Newton Rigg College 1906-1914, vice-chairman of Aspatria Agricultural College (1894, 1906), died 4 August 1914; Henry Charles Howard Exhibition Scholarship set up from funds raised as a memorial to him, which paid for his portrait (loaned by Cumbria County Council to Newton Rigg College in July 2012, CN, 3 August 2012)

Howard, Henry Edward John, dean of Lichfield (1795-1868), youngest son of the 5th earl of Carlisle; effigy at Lichfield cathedral by H.H. Armstead, George T. Noszlopy, Public Sculpture of Staffordshire, 228

Howard, J., cartographer, A Plan of the Town and Harbour of Whitehaven, F Jollie 1794 (taken from Hutchinson’s History)

Howard, John (1753-1799; ODNB), schoolmaster, poet and mathematician, born Fort George, son of Ralph Howard, a private in the army, brought up in Carlisle,  worked as a cork cutter, sailor, carpenter and flax dresser, became interested in reading and mathematics, opened a school in Carlisle and then appointed head of the Grammar School by Bishop Law (qv), for a while steward of Law’s son Bishop of Clonfert, then schoolmaster again in Newcastle, published his Treatise on Spherical Geometry (1798) and died the next year, friend of John Sanderson (qv)

Howard, Lady Mabel Harriet (nee McDonnell) (1858-1942), CBE, JP, local councillor, born in 1858, 2nd of five daus of 5th Earl of Antrim, marr (6 June 1878) Henry Charles Howard (qv), of Greystoke Castle, 1 son and 1 dau, Hon Sec, Cumberland War Pensions Committee (awarded CBE 1920), Cumberland County Councillor for Greystoke, chairman of health committee, became great friend of Jack Adams (qv), Chairman of Governors, Newton Rigg College 1935-1942, JP for Penrith Division, laid foundation stone of new chapel of St Bees School on xx xxx 19xx, of Greystoke Castle, died 31 December 1942

Howard, Mary (d.1708), daughter of the 1st earl Carlisle, married Sir John Fenwick 3rd Bt (qv), after his execution in 1697 lived as a widow until her death, in her portrait by Dahl she holds a miniature of Sir John, erected his memorial in York Minster, she was buried there at her death

Howard, Maria (1767-1789), dau of Andrew, Lord Archer, wife of Henry Howard of Corby Castle (qv), died in childbirth, chapel built at Wetheral church and a fine marble sculpture by Joseph Nollekens in her memory, David A. Cross, Sculpture of Lancashire and Cumbria, 2017, 185-7

Howard, Mary (nee Finch), Lady Andover (1717-1803), born 1 March 1717 and bapt 14 March, 2nd dau of 2nd Earl of Aylesford, marr (6 November 1736) William, Lord Andover (1714-1756), eldest son of Henry, 11th Earl of Suffolk and 4th Earl of Berkshire (1686-1757) and his wife (also his first cousin) Catherine (d.1762), dau of Col James Grahme (qv), of Levens Hall, 1 son (Henry, 12th Earl of Suffolk, qv) and 1 dau (Frances, wife of Richard Bagot, later Howard, qv), spent most of her 47 years of widowhood at Levens Hall or at Elford, but not succeeding to estates herself until 1779, inherited fortune in her own right in 1798, died at Elford, “immensely rich”, 16 March 1803

Howard, Mary (early 18thc.), of Greystock, R.C.; CW2 lix 118

Howard, Hon Mary (1785-1877), landowner, of Levens Hall, Elford Hall, Staffs, Ashstead Park, Surrey, and Castle Rising, Norfolk, born 9 May 1785, only dau and heiress of Richard Bagot, later Howard (qv) and Frances (d.1817), dau of William, Lord Andover (son of 11th Earl of Suffolk), marr (7 July 1807) Col Hon Fulke Greville Upton (qv sub Howard), came to live at Levens immediately after their marriage, although they did not inherit property until 1818, presented colours to Volunteers in 1803 (hung from new chancel arch in Kendal parish church in 1829), re-roofed Bellingham Chapel in church restoration of 1850, founded home for destitute orphan girls on Helsington Laithes estate near Stonecross Barn, Kendal (foundation stone of Howard Home laid, 6 March 1863, built 1864 and closed 1990) with endowment of £2,000, spent her closing years at Ashstead Park, Surrey, where she died s.p., 19 October 1877, aged 92; succ at Levens by husband’s nephew, General Hon Arthur Upton (qv)

Howard, Lady Mary (1865-1956), dau of 9th earl of Carlisle, her daughter Elizabeth Agnes Murray’s letters from William Morris edited by R(obin) A(lexander) Wilson as For What in all the World........ (2021) with an essay by Florence Boos in a hand printed edition on original Kelmscott paper by Flagstone Press

Howard, Philip Henry (1801-1883), DL, JP, FSA, politician, of Corby Castle, marr (18xx) Eliza Minto, er dau of Major John Canning, HEIC, sometime Political Resident at Court of Ava, niece and heiress of late Francis Canning, of Foxcote, Warwickshire, son (qv), High Sheriff of Cumberland 1860, MP for Carlisle 1830-1847 and 1848-1852

Howard, Philip John Canning (1853-1934), JP, landowner, born 14 March 1853, only son of Philip Henry Howard (qv), of Corby Castle, marr (1875) Alice Clare, yr dau of Hon Peter Constable-Maxwell, and niece of 10th Baron Herries, 1 dau, educ Stonyhurst College, Sub-Lieut, Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry 1876-1878, of Corby Castle and Foxcote House, Shipston-on-Stour, died 22 April 1934 (WWW, III, 670)

Howard, Richard, formerly Bagot (1733-1818), landowner, born 13 November 1733, 4th of six sons of Sir Walter Wagstaffe Bagot, Bt, and brother of William, 1st Baron Bagot, marr (25 February 1783) Frances (d.1817), dau and yst child of William Howard, Lord Andover and Mary, Lady Andover (qv), and eventual heir of her nephew, Henry, Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, 1 dau (Mary, qv), of Castle Rising, Norfolk and Levens Hall, Recorder of Kendal 1797-1818, died at Ashstead Park, Surrey, 12 November 1818, aged 85, or 18 February 1819 (BP)

Howard, Rosalind Frances (nee Stanley) (1845-1921; ODNB), 9th countess of Carlisle, dau of 2nd baron Stanley of Alderley, marr George 9th earl of Carlisle (qv), radical supporter of women’s rights and temperance activist, she said: ‘fanatics have done a lot of the world’s work and I don’t mind being classed with the fanatics’, GB Shaw used her as the model for Lady Britomart in Major Barbara; Dorothy Henley, The Radical Countess, 1958

Howard, Sir Simon (1768-1846), surgeon in chief, Madras

Howard, Sir Stafford Vaughan Stepney (1915-1991), of Greystoke Castle, Captain, Coldstream Guards, Cumbria County Councillor for Greystoke and Mungrisdale from 1974, High Sheriff of Cumbria 1979

Howard, Lady Susan Ankaret (19xx-2018), dau of George, 11th Earl of Carlisle, and Esme Mary Iredell, died 13 April 2018, with memorial service at Lanercost Priory, 2 June 2018 (CN, 11.05.208)

Howard, Lord William (‘Belted Will) (1563-1640; ODNB), landowner and antiquary, born at Audley End, Essex, 19 December 1563, 3rd son of Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk (exec.1572), by 2nd wife, Margaret (d. at Norwich, 10 January 1564, 3 wks after birth), only dau and heiress of Thomas, Lord Audley of Walden, Essex, betrothed at age of eight and marr (28 October 1577) Elizabeth Dacre (qv) (‘Bessie with the braid apron’) (d. 9 October 1639), dau of Thomas and sister and coheir of George, Lord Dacre of Gilsland, becoming in her right proprietor of Naworth Castle and of Henderskelfe (site of Castle Howard), bought back forfeited Dacre lands (confirmed by letters patent of 19 December 1601) and repurchased barony of Gilsland from crown in 1602, restored in blood by Act of Parliament 1603, probably in residence at Naworth by 1604, which he restored vigorously, Survey of Barony of Gilsland 1603 (CW, Extra Series, XVI, 1934), Household Books (SS, LXVIII, 1878), 10 children, became a Catholic in 1584, renowned for his efforts to stabilise Border area, scholar and antiquary, ‘a singular lover of valuable antiquity and learned withal’, known as ‘Bauld Willie’ in his own time and ‘Belted Will’ later (Walter Scott), died at Greystoke Castle, 7 October 1640 and buried in Greystoke church, 9 October (portraits of him and wife by Cornelius Jansen) (CC(AH), 7-8); CW3 ii 87; Perriam, CN 12 September 2008

Howarth, Edna (1848-1914); see DCB Lives

Howarth, Frank (1916-1981), physician and administrator, b. Pelsall, Staffs, ed. Corpus Christi, Cambridge, established medical schools in Ethiopia, Jordan, Nigeria, Yemen, his first six students graduated in Addis Ababa in 1968; published Undergraduate Medical Training in Ethiopia, The Lancet, 15. February 1969

Howe, Charles John JP BA LLM (Cantab) (1847-1903), solicitor, son of John Howe (1822-1866) solicitor of Scotch St, Carlisle, parliamentary agent, partner in the form Brownlow and Howe, New Court, Carey St, London, lived Matson Ground, Windermere; Hud (C)

Howe, Joseph (1800/1- 1868), hatter, born in Carlisle, made hats in fur and wool, married Esther Baldwin, several sons, the business advertised its centenary in 1938 and was wound up in 1976, Joseph Wolfenden Howe was the president of the Felt Hat Manufacturers Association in 1922, it seems possible that the Jovial Hatter pub in Carlisle was named after someone of this family or their workmen

Howgill, Ann (fl.early 19thc.), organist, daughter of William Sr. and sister of William Jr (qqv), worked at Staindrop and Penrith; Simon DI Fleming, The Howgill Family: A Dynasty of Musicians in Georgian Whitehaven, 2013

Howgill, Francis (c.1618-1669; ODNB), Quaker activist

Howgill, William Sr (1768-1824), organist, worked at St James, Whitehaven; 19thc Musical Review, June 2013, vol.10 no 1, 57-100; Simon DI Fleming, The Howgill Family: A Dynasty of Musicians in Georgian Whitehaven, 2013

Howgill, William Jr (fl.1794-1810; ODNB), organist and composer, son of the above, went to London; Simon DI Fleming, The Howgill Family: A Dynasty of Musicians in Georgian Whitehaven, 2013

Howie, James Witton (18xx-19xx), JP, marble mason and builder, J W Howie & Sons, builders, contractors and concrete specialists, Bridge Street, Kendal, built Witton Street, near Parr Street, Kendal, Borough magistrate by 1906, Mayor of Kendal in 1930s??, marr (2 December 1886) Emily Herd, seamstress and alterations hand at Musgroves of Kendal, son, Kendal Working Men’s Association presented illuminated testimonial on occasion (CRO, WDS 375), KWMA met in Howie’s Room in Old Post Office Yard, of Corrie Linn, 38 Gillinggate, Kendal (Reginald J of 17 Gillinggate and Douglas of Windyridge, Gillinggate (1929); granddaughter, Miss D Howie, is of Alyth, Castle Green Lane, Kendal, 2012)

Howson, Joan (nee Cropper) (18xx-1964), stained glass designer, sister to James Cropper (qv), marr John Saul Howson (1816-1885; ODNB) (qv), dean of Chester, studio at Putney in partnership with Caroline Townshend, designed stained glass for windows in Burneside Church (1938), St George’s Barrow  (replacing Schneider memorial destroyed in war), Mosser Old Church, Thursby, Seascale (1911), Killington (1907) and Skelsmergh (1937), also worked on windows in Chapter House at Westminster Abbey, New College, Oxford, and Savoy Chapel, invited to Coronation as Queen’s Glazier in 1953 (CW2, lxxvii, 206-207)

Howson, John Saul (1816-1885; ODNB), clergyman, dean of Chester, m. Joan Cropper (see above)

Hoyle, Sir Emmanuel Bt OBE JP (1866-1939), woollen manufacturer in Huddersfield, son of Joseph Hoyle of Stranraer House, Longwood (Y), his father est Joseph Hoyle and Sons in 1865, cr Bt in 1922, built Banney Royd, Huddersfield, also lived at Inglewood Bank, Penrith; Hud (C)

Hoyle, Sir Fred (1915-2001; ODNB), astronomer and novelist, son of Ben Hoyle a violinist, formulated the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis, director of the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, lived latterly at Cockley Moor, published the novels Andromeda Breakthrough (1965) and Ossian’s Ride (1959)

Hoyle, Henry (d.1676), MA, clergyman, ordained in Scotland by bishop of Galloway as deacon, 13 November 1661, and priest a month later, instituted as Vicar of Kirkby Lonsdale by certificate on 8 June 1664, but first entry in parish register is dated January 1661/62 [though not in contemporary script], register for previous sixteen years being written up in 1674, ie from 1658, with vicar thinking it necessary to take it on himself (churchwardens’ accounts in CRO, WPR 19/4/1/1), marr (21 June 1664) Isabella Dunwell, six children bapt at Kirkby Lonsdale, buried at KL 25 September 1676 (CW2, xxix, 187-88)

Hoyle, William H (18xx-19xx), JP, cotton manufacturer, partner of Barlow, Jones & Hoyle, of Bolton, of Above Beck, Grasmere (house built 1859 by Stephen Healiss) by 1905, commissioned T H Mawson to design hillside garden in 1908 with extensive alpine gardens, terraces and chalets (CRO, WDB 86/ roll M14, photos); William Henry, of Above Beck (1914), Mrs Hoyle (1921, gone by 1925 when Tom Jackson is of Above Beck)

Hoys, Dudley [1899-1980], farmer and author, son of a game dealer and fish monger in London, enlisted aged 15 in 1st WW, fought in Machine Gun Corps and ended the war as a Lieutenant aged only 19, later a farmer in Cumbria, wrote a guide to the Lakes entitled Below Sca Fell [1955] also English Lake Country [1965] and Old Will Stories. The 1955 volume was reviewed by Norman Nicholson in the TLS; Comet [NN Journal] vol.10 no 1

Hubner, Rudolph, chemist and dyer, born Austria, worked with James Morton (qv), colour fast dyes using anthraquinoid were in use from 1906, in 1915 as head dyer at Mortons he re-created these new dyes in the lab though he had no chemical training, for a period during WW1 he was interned as an alien but released ‘under strict conditions’; Mclure, Quye and France, James Morton and the Anthraquinoid Dyes: A Revolution in Synthetic Dye Fastness, Royal Soc of Chemistry newsletter no 69, winter 2016, 12 ff

Huck, Richard, MD (1720-1785), later Saunders, son of Robert Huck of Knock, Long Marton and his wife Jane Hodgson of Bascodyke, military surgeon in Canada, West Indies and America, marr Jane Kinsey niece of Sir Charles Saunders

Hubbersty, John Lodge (1759-1837), son of Zachary Hubbersty (qv), senior fellow of Queens Coll Oxford, recorder of Lancaster 1799-1837; Hud (W)

Hubbersty, Cantrel-, Major William Philip Cantrel OBE  DL (1877-1947), of the same family as the above, born Alfreton, married Phyllis Mary Hermione Bethell (1889-1982) , lived Ragdale Hall Melton Mowbray, died there, also Canon Robert Curteis Hubbersty (1815-1905) of Cartmel Priory; Hud (W)

Hubbersty, Zachary (17xx-17xx), attorney, Kendal, son of Robert Hubbersty, of Fallen Yew, Underbarrow, marr 1750, bankrupt in 1763, brother John (letters to ZH in CRO, WDX 744), monument by Flaxman in Kendal parish church; Zachary, son of Mr Zachary and Phillis Hubbersty, of Highgate, bapt at Kendal, 26 January 1758; Robert, son of Mr Robert and Elizabeth Hubbersty, of Highgate, bapt at Kendal, 25 September 1758; Susanna, dau of Zachary Hubbersty, of Great Winchester Street, London, Esq, died at Highgate, Kendal, aged 49 and buried 18 September 1837; and Susanna, widow of same, died at Lowther Street, Kendal, aged 84, and buried at Kendal, 24 February 1838

Huddart, James (1847-1901; ODNB), shipowner, son of William Huddart, shipbuilder and his wife Frances Lindow, educ St Bees, lived Whitehaven

Huddart, Joseph (1741-1816; ODNB), hydrographer, engineer and inventor, b. Allonby, son of William Huddart (1704-1762) farmer and shoemaker and his wife Rachel, attended a local school where the vicar introduced him to astronomy, surveyed the coast of India and Sumatra for the East India Co, established a lucrative business in rope making and improved the quality by his experiments, purchased an estate in Wales; (fine marble church memorial at Allonby by ‘Petrus Fontana’, Hyde and Pevsner); a Memoir by his son; he appears in William Walker’s Memoirs of the Distinguished Men of Science (1807-8)

Huddart, Ray, policeman, awarded the Queen’s Police Medal, wrote A Cumbrian Copper [2008]

Huddleston, William Henry (1795-c.1863), Methodist minister, born at Whitehaven, 22 August 1795, grandfather had been Baptist minister in Whitehaven for 40 years, left on death of his father and moved to Preston, where he was greatly influenced by preaching of Revd Thomas Jackson (1804-1873), entd Wesleyan Methodist ministry in 1822, marr Mary Singleton (c.1806-c.1858), 1 dau (Amelia Edith (Mrs Barr, qv) born in new manse, Chapel House, Ulverston in 1831), later moved to Shipley (Yorks), Penrith, Ripon (Yorks) and then to Castletown, Isle of Man, but family impoverished in 1847 when he lost his independent means through a friend’s fraud, had gift of some property from his wife’s uncle to cover losses (CN, 24.09.09; CRO, WDSo 221/65)

Huddlestone, David (17xx-18xx), of Elterwater, formerly banker in Kendal, widow Mary, of Highgate, Kendal (buried in Kendal churchyard, 17 June 1838, aged 77)

Hudleston family of Millom, CW2 xxiv 181; monuments CW1 xii 129

Hudleston family of Hutton John; CW1 xi 433; the Huttons lived at Hutton John until the death of Thomas c.1628, his daughter Mary had m. Andrew Hudleston in 1564

Hudleston, Amelia (1831-1919), see Amelia Barr

Huddleston, Andrew (1795-1861), East India Co, his fortune benefited the Hutton John family, later of Rydal, he supported Wordsworth in his battle with Lady Anna Le Fleming against eviction

Hudleston, Andrew (1734-1821), diarist, born Hutton John, marr Elizabeth Fleming of Rydal, bencher Gray’s Inn, kept diary for most of his life in shorthand, deciphered c.1950

Hudleston, Annette (later Harwood) (d.2023), only daughter of Nigel Hudleston of Hutton John, married Christopher Harwood, lived Watermillock, cousin of C Roy Hudleston (qv) enthusiastic genealogist; Keswick Reminder 31 March 2023

Hudleston, Christophe Roy (1905-1992; DCB), MA, FSA, FSA (Scot), genealogist, of Little Mead, Chapel Lane, Bristol (in 1928), president, Cumbria Family History Society 1976-1992 (and editor of its newsletter to 1991), president, CWAAS 1960-1963, editor of Transactions 1956-1974, chairman, parish register section from 1955, bursar of Hatfield College, Durham 1955-1965, lecturer in Palaeography, Durham University, co-wrote with RS Boumfrey (qv) a pair of volumes on Cumbrian heraldry, retired in 1970 to Far Oak Bank, Ambleside, then to Hove, Sussex, and finally to Hazel Bank nursing home at Yanwath, Penrith, and died in Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle on 8 February 1992, service of thanksgiving at Carlisle Cathedral, 7 June 1992; (CW2, xcii, 95-98); CWAAS 150th volume, 303ff; obit. CW2 xcii 95; extensive archive at Durham University

Hudleston, Curwen (1709-1771), MA, clergyman, son of Wilfrid Hudleston (1673-1729), of Hutton John, and dau of Thomas Curwen, and nephew of Revd Joshua Burrow (qv), educ Oxford (MA),  Incumbent of St Nicholas, Whitehaven 1735-1771 and Rector of Clifton 1735-1769 (resigned), marr, son (Wilfrid, qv), died in 1771

Hudleston, Daniel (1733-1832), of Rainors, Gosforth, bought this estate in 1771 and he and his son John (1772-1834) built it up, the Cumberland Pacquet said of John that no other person in England had so many enclosures of the commons entrusted to him, this statement would be disputed by those who view the enclosures as the misappropriation of the commons; Hud (C)

Hudleston, Ferdinand (1857-1951), JP, civil engineer, antiquary and landowner, born at Bath, 7 November 1857, 2nd son of William Hudleston (1826-1894), CSI, JP, Madras Civil Service (Acting Governor of Madras in 1881), who succ to Hutton John estate on death of his kinsman, Andrew Fleming Hudleston (qv) in 1861, by his wife, a dau of George Ledwell Taylor, architect (ODNB), and yr brother of Andrew John Hudleston (1856-1912), JP, whom he succ at Hutton John, educ Repton, studied civil engineering in Liverpool, then established himself in practice in London, where chief work among his many undertakings was the Central London Underground Railway, came up to live at Hutton John on death of his brother in 1912 and took active part in county affairs, active magistrate, but esp interest in antiquarian matters (inherited from his parents), member of CWAAS from 1895, member of council 1930, vice-president 1932, and Hon Member 1949, became a well known writer on antiquarian subjects (inc five papers in Transactions), but with high degree of accuracy limiting his output, working on a paper on Neville glass in St Andrew’s church, Penrith within days of his death, strongly independent in all his views, cared nothing for his personal appearance, but took great pride and joy in his house and gardens, died at Hutton John, 15 February 1951, aged 93 (CW2, l, 223-224)

Hudleston, Eleanor Mary, of the Hutton John family, m. George Townsend Warner [1865-1916], a housemaster at Harrow and was the mother of Sylvia Townsend Warner [1893-1978] qv

Hudleston, Sir John (fl. late 13thc-early 14thc), fought at the Seige of Caerlaverock 1300, mentioned in the record as ‘prompt in warfare’; Hud (C)

Hudleston, John (fl. late 15thc), fought on the Yorkist side during the Wars of the Roses

Hudleston, John (1608-1698), Catholic priest, 2nd son of Joseph Hudleston, of Hutton John, ordained as a Benedictine monk, helped Charles II after battle of Worcester, hiding him in priest’s hole in Moseley Hall, Staffs, invited to live at Somerset House after Restoration and appointed Chaplain to Queen Catherine Braganza, received Charles II into Catholic Church on his death bed in 1685 (portrait by Jacob Huysmans in CC (AH), 12)

Hudleston, Fr John (fl.late 17thc.), OSB, monk of Lambspring, Westphalia, established a studentship there; mss Roy Hudleston collection, Durham

Hudleston, Nigel Ferdinand (1901-1969), local councillor and landowner, born in London, 13 December 1901, son of Ferdinand Hudleston (qv), of Hutton John, educ Cheltenham and South Eastern Agricultural College, Wye, Kent, succ to Hutton John on death of his father in 1951, member of Cumberland County Council and Penrith Rural District Council, first chairman of Joint Archives Committee for Cumberland, Westmorland and City of Carlisle, member of CWAAS from 1949 and chairman of Penrith Regional Group, marr, son (John Andrew, born 1931), died at Hutton John, 31 January 1969 (CW2, lxix, 351)

Hudleston, Sir Richard de (fl.early 15thc), of Millom, fought at Agincourt in 1415

Hudleston, Sir Richard de (1441-1485), of Millom, son of John de Huddleston, 9th lord of Millom, m. Margaret Neville 12 June 1464, fought and died at Bosworth Field 1485

Hudleston, Richard (1583-1655; ODNB), Benedictine monk, taught by the future catholic martyr Thomas Somers

Hudleston, Wilfrid (1745-1829), BA, clergyman, son of Revd Curwen Hudleston (qv), educ Cambridge (BA), succ father as incumbent of St Nicholas, Whitehaven in 1771 and held living until 1811, also rector of Clifton, succ father on his resignation in 1769, until 1801, marr, son (Andrew, qv), died in 1829 (LRNW, 297)

Hudleston, Col William, of the Millom family, fought for the king at Marston Moor in 1644

Hudlestone, Andrew (1779-1851), MA, DD, clergyman, son of Revd Wilfrid Hudlestone (qv)

Hudson, Rev Charles (1828-1865; ODNB), cleric and early mountaineer, born Lincolnshire, educated St Peter’s York, son of Josiah Hudson (qv) and lived at Brantwood in his childhood, he was ‘an immensely strong walker’ and claimed the first ascent of Monte Rosa in 1855, then he successfully climbed the Breithorn and Mont Blanc in 1855 without guides and then on ascending the Matterhorn, with others and again without guides, fell to his death ten years later on 14 July 1865, he is considered to be the pioneer of guideless climbing

Hudson, James (d.1839), schoolmaster and clerk of Crook Chapel, buried at Kendal, 22 December 1839, aged 49

Hudson, John (1662-1719), classical scholar, b.Wythop, near Bassenthwaite

Hudson, John (1773-1843), MA, clergyman, born at Haverbrack and bapt at Beetham, 14 March 1773, yst son of John Hudson, of Haverbrack, and his wife Isabella (nee Muckalt), educ Heversham Grammar School and Trinity College, Cambridge (entd 1793 (sizar, 20 March 1793), scholar 1796, BA, senior wrangler and first Smith’s Prizeman 1797), fellow of Trinity College 1798, MA 1800, asst tutor 1805-1807 and tutor 1807-1815), priest (Ely) 1807, vicar of Kendal 1815-1843, involved in legal battles re Kendal tithes and rights of patronage to chapelries, responsible for major alterations to vicarage (CRO, DRC/10/Kendal glebe papers 1822-1826) and began restoration of church from 22 February 1829, laid foundation stone of Boys’ National School on 16 December 1817, preached at special service marking coronation of Queen Victoria, his wife was patroness of balls held at Whitehall in 1828, marr (22 February 1816, at Beetham) Frances (bapt at St John’s, Preston, 30 July 1779, bur at Beetham, 11 September 1856), only dau of Captain William Culliford, of Beetham, 2 sons (John, died 26 February 1818, and William Culliford, bapt 4 May 1823 and died 16 January 1829) and 1 dau (Isabella, born 14 April 1819, wife of John Yeats Thexton, qv), died at Haverbrack (his 28 acre estate), near Beetham, 31 October 1843, aged 71, and buried inside Holy Trinity Church, 12 November (WG, 4 Nov 1843; for marble monument on south wall, see AK, 63-64), papers re Heversham GS (CRO, WDS 14/acc 689) (AK, 374-375; GPK, 24-26, 59, 136; CW1, xvi, 178-184; CW3, viii, 85-91; TC, III, xx)

Hudson, John (1796-1869), naval officer, 2nd son of Rev Joseph Hudson of Stanwix, joined navy in 1811, lieutenant 1822, commander 1831, coast guard 1833-1843, keeper of the Queen’s Prison, London 1842 until death; Boase v 718

Hudson, John (18xx-1879), JP, printer, stationer and bookseller, and mayor, son of Thomas Hudson (d.1811), who purchased his business premises (later Titus Wilson’s, now 28 Highgate, Kendal), apprenticed together with Cornelius Nicholson (qv) at Kendal Chronicle Office and devoted themselves to wood engraving in their spare time, illustrated old edition of Markham’s Spelling Book (published by Branthwaite in Fish Market), went into partnership as Hudson & Nicholson booksellers on 12 November 1825 in a small shop on site of later County Club, one of three and nearest to Town Hall, having succeeded to printing and stationery business of Benjamin Dowson, firm’s rag warehouse was broken into in September 1829, announced that The Annals of Kendal by Cornelius Nicholson was in the press in November 1831 (published in May 1832), and also A Guide through the Lakes by William Wordsworth published in August 1835, printed many public notices, firm started Burneside paper mills in 1833 as Messrs Hudson, Nicholson and Foster, making their paper by machinery, taking over old hand-made paper works at Cowan Head (Thomas Ashburner (qv)), continuing manufacture until 1845 when mills were sold to James Cropper (qv) and Hudson retired, printing firm passing to Titus Wilson (qv), director of Kendal Union Gas and Water Company from 1846, member of Corporation committee of inquiry into abuse of charities 1847, mayor of Kendal 1852-53, laid corner stone of Parkside cemetery chapel on 28 November 1854, Kendal Fell trustee 1861, marr 1st Elizabeth, 2nd Margaret Mary Wilkinson, and 3rd Jane Ann, 2 sons (James Wilkinson and Henry John), ‘who have been afflicted from their birth’ and lived at his house, ‘South View’, Staveley (to be managed by his executors on behalf of his sons, with his housekeeper, Susannah Sharpe), while he was of Larch How, Kendal, when he died in 1879; will made 13 March 1876 (mentions portraits, inc one of wife Elizabeth by Bowness), his heir at law after his two sons, being Charles Wilkinson, of Kendal, the brother of his late wife Margaret Mary; his sister Mary Ann was wife of Cornelius Nicholson; residue of all his pictures and prints to his three nephews (John, Thomas Barrow and Cunningham Hudson), and sums of money to his three nieces (Mary Hudson (also residue of plate), Mary Agnes (nee Nicholson), wife of James Stuart, and Cornelia Nicholson); his executors were his friends Titus Wilson, Richard Nelson, manufacturer, and Richard Lewis Robinson, manager of Kendal Union Gas and Water Company, all of Kendal, with codicils of 10 September 1878 and 28 February 1879 (copy will in CRO, WD/AG/ box 113) (KK, 76-77; LC, 60a, 64, 78, 85, 102; AK, 158, 184, 211, 248, 303)         

Hudson, Josiah, lived Brantwood mid 19thc, father of the Rev Charles Hudson (qv) an early mountaineer

Hudson, Paul Greville (1876-1960), artist, worked for Hudson Scott (qv) in Carlisle designing images for biscuit tins, also his paintings include Halcyon Days : Chatsworth Square (1958; Tullie House), The Death of Sweet Milk (Hawick Museum, Walton Lodge) which depicts a death in a  sword fight; and several portraits

Hudson, Robert Spear, 1st Viscount Hudson (1886-1957; ODNB), PC, CH, politician, born 15 August 1886, son of Robert William Hudson (1856-1937), JP (Bucks), of Villa Paloma, Monaco, by his first wife, Gerda Francesca (d.1932), only dau of Robert Johnson, educ Eton and Magdalen College, Oxford, marr (1 December 1918) Hannah, dau of Philip Synge Physick Randolph, of Philadelphia, USA, 1 son (Robert William, qv infra), Attache in HM Diplomatic Service 1911, First Secretary 1920-1923, resigned to follow a political career, MP for Whitehaven 1924-1929 and Southport 1931-1952, Parliamentary Secretary to Ministry of Labour 1931-1935, Minister of Pensions 1935-1936, Parliamentary Secretary to Ministry of Health and representative of HM Office of Works in House of Commons 1936-1937, Secretary, Dept of Overseas Trade 1937-1940, Minister of Shipping April-May 1940, Minister of Agriculture 1940-1945, apptd Privy Councillor, 24 February 1938, created Viscount Hudson, of Pewsey, co Wiltshire, 5 January 1952, member of council, Royal Agricultural Society of England, president of British Percheron Society 1946-1947, seat at Fyfield Manor, Pewsey, but had residence at 26 St Leonard’s Terrace. London, SW3, also of Ingwell, Moor Row, died 2 February 1957 and succ by only son, Robert William (1924-1963), 2nd Viscount, born 28 April 1924, educ Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge, marr (14 October 1948) Marie Claire, dau of Adrien Schmitt, of Paris, and died s.p.m. when title became extinct

Hudson, Thomas, first Secretary, Kendal & Windermere Railway [incorporated 30 June 1845, opened to passengers 22 September 1846 and to goods traffic 4 January 1847] (letters 1846 and 1857 in CRO, WDB 12/ acc.2067)

Hudson, Thomas (1741-1807), son of Christopher of Lonning Foot, Wigton, clerk to the dean and chapter of Carlisle, his eldest son Robert was killed in action in 1783 aged 19 on the Magicienne and his younger son Thomas (1772-1852) was MP for Evesham; Hud (C)

Hudson, Thomas MP (1772-1852), wine merchant and politician, born Wigton, son of Thomas Hudson (qv), established a wine merchant’s business in London, married Ann Dodgson also of Wigton, his brother-in-law was Alexander Donaldson (qv), bought an estate at Cheswardine, Salop, MP Evesham 1831-35; Hud (C); Hist of Parliament

Hudson, William (1730/32-1793; ODNB), FRS, FLS, botanist, born at the White Lion Inn, Kendal (kept by his father), educ Kendal Grammar School, apprenticed to Hole, an apothecary in Panton Street, Haymarket, London, first botanist to adopt Linnaean classification in his Flora Anglica, died in Jermyn Street, London, 23 May 1793 and buried in St James’s church (WW, ii, 331-334)

Hudson, William (1734-1793), apothecary, demonstrator at the Chelsea Physic Garden, donated specimens to the Royal Society, his Flora angelica (1762) includes plants not previously known

Hudson, Charles Frith- (c.1850-1918), JP, landowner, born at Marylebone, London, assumed addnl surname of Hudson on marr (1878) to Jennet Frances (bapt at Beetham, 9 September 1852, only dau of John Yeats Thexton (qv), assumed surname of Hudson in compliance with her grandfather’s will, died 1926), no issue, member for Beetham on South Westmorland RDC, vice-chairman, Beetham Parish Council (1905), will dated 16 May 1918, bequeathing moiety of leasehold premises at 10 Warwick Street, Regent Street, London to Governors of Heversham Grammar School to found scholarship for students at Oxford or Cambridge (regulations for Frith-Hudson Scholarship adopted 14 December 1932 (CRO, WDS 14/ acc.1002), also bequeathing books to school library, died 1918, estate of Ashton House, Temple Bank, Wheatsheaf Inn, etc. and about 425 acres of land, left to his wife’s cousin, Oswald Victor Nickel (1882-1942), whose son, Charles Gaston Cartmel Nickel (b.1923), inherited (deeds in CRO, WDX 948)

Hudson, Josiah, lived briefly at Brantwood c.1852, father of Rev Charles Hudson, priest and early Alpinist; James Dearden booklet (Woodville (qv))

Hudson Scott, Sir Benjamin, (1841-1927), industrialist [Metal Box], six times mayor of Carlisle, lived Stanwix; cathedral gates in his memory; contributed to Victoria monument, Bitts Park; Lorimer’s wrought iron gates and fence by cathedral precinct is his unlabelled memorial; items Tullie House collection; Kevin Rafferty, The Story of Hudson Scott, 1998

Hudson Scott, William (1842-1907), industrialist [Metal Box], brother of Sir Benjamin, commissioned George Dale Oliver to design and build (The) Red Gables, Chatsworth Square, Carlisle, contributed a bronze relief to the Victoria monument in Bitts Park, latterly lived in an arts and crafts house in Portinscale, celtic cross in his memory at Crosthwaite with inscription by Canon Rawnsley (qv); Kevin Rafferty, The Story of Hudson Scott, 1998

Hudspith, Tom, keeper and raconteur, caught pike and two ducks flew out of its mouth; L Harwood, Fish and Fishers, 295

Hugh-Jones, Elaine (1927-2021), composer and pianist, born London, the dau of Thomas Hugh-Jones and his wife Dorothy Bousfield, whose family lived on the Solway near Carlisle, she had five ‘indomitable’ aunts on her father’s side who were musical and nurtured her talent, an early teacher was Gertrude Boggis, following her parents’ separation she returned to the Solway with her mother, studied with Lennox Berkeley and her work shows the influence of Benjamin Britten, as a teacher she worked at Derby High School and Kidderminster High School from 1955 and then from 1963 Malvern Girls School, her songs were written to accompany texts by Frances Cornford (1972-4), RS Thomas (1991), Wilfred Owen (2002) and Edward Thomas (2003-2011), she also set texts by Emily Dickinson and Shakespeare’s ‘Fear No More the Heat of the Sun’

accompanied many celebrities at Pebble Mill with the BBC from 1956-1983, many songs were published and several recordings made the soprano Jane Manning wrote of the pleasure of discovering a composer with a complete mastery of voice and piano writing whose work has ‘a wonderful assurance and freshness of approach and an exceptionally sensitive response to words’ (her reaction to lyrics of Walter de la Mare); Guardian obit 7 May 2021

Hughes (d. December 1726), a young Londoner who fell through the ice at Haweswater and drowned, buried Bampton 20 December; Bampton History Society website

Hughes, Edward (1953-2006), craft potter, son of Ken Hughes an architect, educated Lancaster Grammar School, Cardiff school of art, Bath Academy, Corsham, commercial pottery, worked and exhibited in Japan for eight years at Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto, returned to England and lived first at Renwick and later the stables at Isel Hall (which he expened great energy in restoring), he was one of the potters reviving the English slipware tradition, his glazes were achieved by using wood ash from local estates including Dalemain and the Fitz, Cockermouth, work bought by major collectors in the UK and Japan, marr Shizuko a translator who worked for several years at the Teikyo university campus at Durham, no children, died while climbing in the snow on Pillar; Manchester Metropolitan University exhibition catalogue: Stephanie Boydell, Shizuko Hughes and Alex McErlain, A Japanese Passion: The Pottery of Edward Hughes, 2012

Hughes, Emlyn Walter (1947-2004) OBE, footballer, b. Barrow-in-Furness, son of Fred Hughes (who had played rugby league for Barrow Workington and Wales), played for Blackpool from 1964, then captained Liverpool to four league titles and an FA cup victory, then with Wolverhampton won the League cup, captain of England having 62 caps, dynamic statue opposite the duke of Edinburgh hotel in Barrow; David A. Cross, Public sculpture, 2017, 124-5

Hughes, Father Francis (c.1915-1998), Roman Catholic priest, born in Barrow (aged 2 on death of shipyard worker father), boarding school at Bolton, joined Salesian Order of Don Bosco, priest at Whitehaven 1959-1971 and at Kendal 1971-1979,  Glenridding from 1979 (built chapel by raising own funds of £50,000 (closed in 2009)), member, Patterdale Mountain Rescue team till age of 75, died 1998, aged 83

Hughes, Joseph (Fred) (1916-2000), FSA, Historic Buildings Officer, Cumbria County Council 1974-1981, President, CWAAS 1981-1984, Joint Editor of Transactions 1975-1982, etc., Vice-President, Cumbria Family History Society from 1988, made weekly broadcasts on topics of Cumbrian Heritage for Radio Carlisle 1968-1970; (CW2, c, 295-297); CWAAS 150th volume p.303ff; CW2 c 295

Hughes, Ken (1921-2022), architect, brought up in Liverpool, established his practice in Lancaster, married Rose, four sons: Edward, Robert, Gavin and David, the boys attended Lancaster GS, Edward was a fine craft potter (qv), retired to Windermere where he died July 2022

Hughes, Margaret (1933-2023), bookseller, born London daughter of Mary and Harry, went to Annan, then Keswick, caught TB and recovered in Barrow and High Carley, Ulverston, married Dan Hughes and went to Manchester, then in Grasmere where she ran Sam Read’s bookshop, member of Grasmere Players, directed plays, made costumes and sets, retired to Leece, great passion for the arts; Westmorland Gazette, 5 January 2023

Hughes, Wyndham Hope [1849-1948] stained glass artist, born St Bees, worked with Kempe in London, Holy Trinity Barsham and the Grand Ducal Mausoleum  in Darmstad; Adrian Barlow, Espying Heaven, 2019, 9-15

Hughes-Le Fleming, Maj Gen George Cumberland Hughes DL JP (1807-1877), Madras Native Infantry, son of John Cumberland Hughes of Bath, inherited estates in Rydal etc; Hud (C)

Hulbert, Hugh Reginald (1884-1978), composer and poet, born Kensington, son of Robert Hulbert, educated at Felsted, of Rydal Mount and then Storrs Hill, Windermere, his ‘Glow of the Western Sky’ has been performed at the Proms, other works include a choral piece ‘Mithras’ and ‘Brown Sails, Red Sails’; Hud (W)

Hull, William (1820-1880; ODNB), landscape artist, born Grafham, Huntingdon, educated by the Moravians, clerk in the printing works of Bradshaw and Blacklock, publishers of the railway guides, travelled in Europe, after 1884 devoted his life to painting, member of Manchester Academy of Fine Arts and the Letherbrow Club, exhibited in Manchester, encouraged by Ruskin (qv), his 1850s drawings include The Mill at Ambleside and Wythburn church, his best work comprises views of Oxford and Cambridge, had a stroke in 1850 which hampered his mobility, married Mary Newling in 1861, much inspired by Lakeland he moved to Rydal to live in 1870, buried Grasmere

Hulton, Arthur Emilius (1812-1868), MA, clergyman, educ Cambridge, Incumbent of Threlkeld 1849-1853 and of Ivegill 1853-1868, built Ivegill church (Christ Church) and vicarage entirely at his own cost, consecrated in July 1868, but he died two months later, also gave church a silver gilt communion set, and gave north-east window (by William Wailes) in Crosthwaite church in memory of his brother in c.1850

Humble, Robert Alfred (18xx-1929), BA, clergyman, educ University College, Durham (BA 1887), d 1888 and p 1889 (York), curate of St Bartholomew, Sheffield 1888-1890, Lindley, Yorks 1890-1897, vicar of St Mark, Huddersfield 1897-1901, vicar of Christ Church, Silloth 1902-1928, died in January 1929 (memorial windows by J Holmes in east apse of church)

Hume, George (16xx-1703), MA, clergyman, brother of Robert Hume (qv), educ Edinburgh Univ (MA), ordained deacon 21 December 1684, instituted to Beamuont and Kirkandrews-on-Eden on 9 May 1692 (on presentation by Sir John Lowther) and was rector 1692-1703, buried ‘sub Dio in ye Quire!’, 12 May 1703 (ECW, i, 221)

Hume, Robert (16xx-1706), MA, clergyman, brother of George Hume (qv), educ Edinburgh Univ (MA on 15 April 1645) [if so, what did he do between 1645 and 1670?], ordained by Bishop Rainbow, d 25 September 1670 and p 24 September 1671 (Carl), vicar of Crosby-on-Eden 1672-1680 (collated on 13 August 1672), Lazonby 1680-1703 (collated on 26 March 1680 and inducted on 19 April), and Aspatria 1703-1706, collated on 16 October 1703, but could ‘get no Right of his new parishioners at Aspatrick’ (Bishop Nicolson’s Diary, 7 August 1704, in CW2, ii, 202), marr ?Anna, 3 sons (George (bapt at Crosby, 7 December 1675), John (bapt at Lazonby, 14 June 1682), and Timothy (bapt at Lazonby btwn August 1683 and April 1684 [hole in BT], entd Sedbergh School c.1700 and St John’s College, Cambridge 1704, aged 20)) and dau (Rebecka, bapt at Lazonby, 30 November 1680), died in 1706 (ECW, i, 205-06, 326, 646)

Humphrey-Ward, Mary Augusta, (nee Arnold) (1851-1920), novelist, see Ward

Humphrey-Ward, Thomas (1845-1926), fellow and tutor at Brasenose College Oxford, married Mary Augusta Arnold (1851-1920), daughter of Thomas Arnold (qv), with William Roberts (1862-1940) he co-wrote the 1904 catalogue of the work of George Romney (qv)

Humphreys, William Edward (18xx-19xx), MA, headmaster, Jesus College, Oxford, headmaster of Nelson School for boys, Wigton (1910)

Hunt, Arthur William (1849-1917), stained glass maker of Shrigley and Hunt of Lancaster, his partner was Joseph Shrigley (d.1868), made windows for Lorton Hall, Barrow town hall, Barbon, Bardsea , Broughton-in-Furness, Crosby Ravensworth, Finsthwaite, Great Strickland and Windermere churches and Cartmel priory; William Waters, Stained Glass from Shrigley and Hunt, 2003, 63ff

Hunt, Alfred William (1830-1896), artist, visited the Lakes, painted Coniston Old Man, Ambleside Mill, Yewdal Crags, Styhead Pass (1854; Harris AG)

Hunt, Thomas (aka Thomas Benstead) (c.1573-1600), martyr, studied at the English College in Valladolid and then at Seville, ordained 1599, captured at Lincoln and executed with Thomas Sprott

Hunter, Benjamin (17xx-1821), mayor of Kendal, elected for 1821-22, but died 22 November 1821, aged 35 (LM, III, 40)

Hunter, Paul W W (1942-2012), PhD, MSc, BSc, chemist, born 8 October 1942, er twin brother of Christopher (with yr brother Robert), educ Harecroft Hall School, Gosforth, St. Bees School (Grindal House 1956-1961), University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (BSc in chemistry and mathematics, chemical engineering and Russian; also captain of ski team in 1964-65), and University of Surrey (MSc in spectroscopy, followed by PhD in spectroscopy and inorganic chemistry; also secretary of university mountaineering club), while also working at ICI, Cadbury Brothers, and MoD, assistant professor of chemistry at Pars College, Tehran 1972-1975 pioneering undergraduate and postgraduate courses, moved to USA in 1975, working first as assistant professor of chemistry at Michigan State University before becoming director of general chemistry in 1998, had exuberant teaching style and dedicated to high academic achievement at MSU, faculty advisor for MSU Outdoors Club, received a Distinguished Faculty Award in 2003, deeply committed to education, diverse range of enthusiasms, esp rock climbing dating from his school days in Lake District and love of outdoors, marr Teresa, 1 son (Daniel) and 2 daus (Kathryn and Lauren), died 21 March 2012, aged 69 (OSB, No.183, January 2013, 37-38)

Hunter, Sir Robert (1844-1913; ODNB), solicitor and co-founder of National Trust with Hardwicke Rawnsley and Octavia Hill (qqv), did the legal work for the establishment of the Trust, planted a tree with Princess Louise and the other NT founders at Brandelhow beside Derwentwater on the occasion of the transfer of the land to the NT in 1902, he was the solicitor to the GPO and involved with Hill in preserving open spaces in London; B Cowell, Sir Robert Hunter, 2013

Hunter, Samuel (17xx-1802), clergyman, curate of St Mary’s, Walney for 61 years, apptd in 1736 or 1741, had first benefaction under Queen Anne’s Bounty made to him in 1750, with £200 being invested by Ecclesiastical Commissioners in estate at Cocken for Walney chapelry, assisted in laying out and allotment of common fields in 1770, responded to bishop of Chester’s ‘No Popery’ circular of 1780 with information that there was ‘neither Masshouse, popish school, convert to Popery, nor more than one person professing the Popish Religion within the Chapelry of Walney’ [a customs officer stationed on the island], died in 1802, aged 88 (CW2, xx, 98; Gastrell, 182)

Hunter, Thomas (1711/12-1777; ODNB), clergyman and schoolmaster, born and educated at Kendal and at Queens College Oxford, headmaster Blackburn GS, 1738 married the widow of Hugh Baldwin (d.1736/7), his pupil Edward Harwood spoke highly of him, then vicar of Garstang, Lancashire, from 1750 and Weaverham, Cheshire from 1755 where he lived until his death, published Observations on Tacitus (1752), A Sketch of the Philosophical Character of Lord Bolingbroke (1770) and Reflections on the Letters of Lord Chesterfield (1776)

Hunter, Thomas (1806-1837), of Archerhowe near Orton, who ‘was waylaid and shot dead by a daring assassin and his money taken from him in a solitary lane not far from his own door’…. ‘cut down as a flower in the 32nd year of his age.  By his loss an endearing wife and three children were bereft of their parent. What is now unknown the judgment day will reveal.’  The murderer was never brought to justice, though a local suspect had borrowed a shotgun on the night the deed was committed  From William Andrews Epitaphs (1883 rpr 1899)

Huntington, John ((fl. early 18thc), apothecary, Carlisle, admitted freeman of Carlisle as a member of the merchants’ Guild on Low Sunday 1717; Hud (C)

Hurst, John (1929-xxxx), journalist, educ Penrith Grammar School, took correspondence course with London School of Journalism, started as a junior reporter on 2 January 1945 under mentoring of sub-editor Robert Irving, retired as editor of Cumberland and Westmorland Herald, Penrith in May 1995, but continued to write a weekly column, author of Lakeland Reporter: Recollections of a Cumbrian Newspaperman (1996)

Hurt, Elizabeth (1893-1869), dressmaker, worked at the Devil’s Porridge factory at Gretna, the largest munitions operation during the 1st World War, later married a Presbyterian minister

Huson, Thomas (1844-1920), artist, born Liverpool, brother of Ellen first wife of Miles Moss, vicar of Windermere and uncle of the Rev Arthur Miles Moss (1873-1948) the lepidopterist (qv); paintings at Turton Tower, Lancs

Hutchinson, Arthur OBE FRS (1866-1937; ODNB), mineralogist, born in London, the son of George Hutchinson of Woodside (W), a silk merchant Land Tax Commissioner in 1836, his mother was Deborah Richardson of Culgaith, educated at Clifton and Christ’s, Cambridge, took his PhD on the reduction of aromatic amides, lecturer in crystallography, professor of mineralogy, tasked with the design of gas masks in the 1st WW, in time appointed as the master of Pembroke College and later the vice chancellor of Cambridge, he was also vice president of the Royal Society, entertained Gandhi at Pembroke, his wife was Evaline the daughter of Sir Arthur Shipley (1861-1927), zoologist, master of Christ’s and himself vice-chancellor, his son was Evelyn Hutchinson (1903-1991) (qv), the founder of modern ecology

Hutchinson, G. Evelyn (1903-1991), limnologist and ecologist, born in Cambridge, son of Arthur Hutchinson (qv) and grandson of George Hutchinson of Woodside (W), a graduate of Cambridge following his father and grandfather, his academic career was spent from 1928 at Yale university, he has been described both as the founder of limnology and the founder of modern ecology, from 1947 he taught his students that rising atmospheric CO2 would increase global temperatures, his publications include A Treatise on Limnology in four volumes (1957-1993), An Introduction to Popular Ecology, Recollections of an Embryo Ecologist (1979) and A Preliminary List of the Writings of Rebecca West; The Art of Ecology: The Writings of G Evelyn Hutchinson, 2011; Nancy Slack, George Evelyn Hutchinson and the Invention of Modern Ecology, 2010; Stephen J Gould (1941-2002), a prominent historian of science, has described him as ‘the most important ecologist of the 20th century’ and elsewhere he has been described as ‘a genius’ and a rare original thinker in a world which tends to think and make scientific decisions by committee

Hutchinson, John (17xx-18xx), MA, Queen’s College, Oxford, headmaster of St Bees School 1788-1791

Hutchinson, Sir Joseph Turner (18xx-1924), judge, son of Isaac Hutchinson, of Braystones, educ St Bees School and Christ’s College, Cambridge, called to bar, Middle Temple 1879, chief justice of Gold Coast 1889, Grenada 1895, Cyprus 1898, and Ceylon 1906, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1918, president of Old St Beghians’ Club 1912-1914, died at Newtown, Ravenglass, 20 January 1924, aged 73 (CW2, xxiv, 381)

Hutchinson, Stephen (1xxx-18xx), clergyman, perpetual curate of Soulby, Kirkby Stephen parish from 1834, chaplain of East Ward Union Workhouse at Kirkby Stephen, had letter from Crayston Webster 1856 (CRO, WPR 49/1/4/21)

Hutchinson, William (1732-1814; ODNB), FSA, topographer and antiquary, born in Owengate, Durham City,  31 December 1732, son of William Hutchinson (1705-1777), attorney, of Durham, and Hannah, dau of Humphrey Doubleday, of Butterby, co Durham, marr (30 September 1758, at Stockton-on-Tees) Elizabeth (Fidelia) (died 2 April 1814, aged 77), only child of William Marshall, of Stockton, 5 sons and 4 daus, author of An Excursion to the Lakes in Westmorland and Cumberland, August 1773 (1774), with expanded version of tour in 1773 and 1774 published in 1776, A History of Durham  and A History of the County of Cumberland (1794-97), but published nothing thereafter, died 7 April 1814, aged 81, and buried together with his wife in Barnard Castle churchyard, 11 April (CRH, v-xxiii)

Hutton (or Hotton) family of Hutton-in-the Forest and Hutton John; Hutton Hall, Penrith also named after them

Hutton (or Hotton) family of Penrith and Beetham; Barbara C. Lee, The Legacy, 1997; CW2 xxx 68

Hutton, Anthony (1582-1637), master in Chancery, son of Sir William Hutton of Hutton Hall, Penrith, Anthony and his wife Elizabeth, are the ‘well be-ruffed’ effigies on the gallery stairs at St Andrew’s, Penrith, she lived until 1674; Hyde and Pevsner 566; Hud (C)

Hutton Brothers (est 1791), seedsmen and nurserymen, precursors of Ballantyne and Little (qqv)

Hutton, Cuthbert (c.1504-1553), of Hutton John, son of Hugh Hutton (d.1522), married Elizabeth Bellingham, (d. c. 1556-9), dau of Sir Robert Bellingham, she was mistress of the maids of honour at the court of Queen Catherine Parr, who was her friend, their son Thomas (c.1538-c.1628) fell into debt, was persecuted as a RomanCatholic and was imprisoned for fifty years; Hud (C)

Hutton, Henry (c.1607-1655), canon of Carlisle, bibliophile, effectively founder of the post-Reformation library, his collection of books given to the dean and chapter by canon Arthur Savage in 1691; David Weston, The Library of Henry Hutton, CWAAS newsletter autumn 2017, 7

Hutton, Dr Hugh (1911-1996), physician, GP Silloth, married Mary Dunlop (d.2008), memorial window by Peter Strong now at Christ Church Silloth

Hutton, John (1739/40-1806; ODNB), MA, BD, clergyman and writer, born in Westmorland, parentage unknown, but cousin of William Hutton, of Overthwaite, educ Sedbergh School and St John’s College, Cambridge, vicar of Burton-in-Kendal from 1764 until his death, author of A Tour to the Caves in the Environs of Ingleborough and Settle in the West Riding of Yorkshire, (2nd ed 1781) (papers in CRO, WDX 558; Trevor Shaw in Studies in Speleology, Vol.2, parts 3-4, 1971)

Hutton, John (18xx-19xx), LRIBA, MRSI, architect and surveyor, new Kendal Grammar School 1887, of 22a Highgate, Kendal, many alterations to Kendal hotels and public houses, inc Railway Hotel (119) (plans in CRO, WDX 1538)

Hutton, Lancelot (1582-16xx), son of Thomas Hutton (1549-1601), of Hutton-in-the-Forest, Cumberland, and Barbara, dau and coheir of Thomas Middleton (qv), sold (with his mother) manor of Skirwith to John Robson, of Stanhope in Weardale, co Durham, for £700, by deed of 7 August 1604 (CRO, WD/Ry/39/2/4), and manor of Hutton in 1606 to Richard Fletcher (qv)

Hutton, Marie (fl. early 16thc), dau of Cuthbert Hutton (qv), was a god daughter of Queen Mary (1515-1558) and married Andrew Hudleston (qv)

Hutton, Mary (b.c.1550), third daughter of Cuthbert Hutton of Hutton John, mother of Richard Hudleston (1583-1655), Benedictine monk qv

Hutton, Sir Richard (1561-1639; ODNB), judge, b. Hutton Hall, Penrith, son of Anthony Hutton and his wife Elizabeth Musgrove, became a Judge of Common Pleas, opposed Ship Money, died in London in 1639

Hutton, Robert Howard (1840-1887; ODNB), bonesetter, born Soulby, the son of Robert and Mary Hutton, thus from a dynasty of farmers who had specialised in bone setting for 200 years, Robert’s uncle Richard Hutton had set up in this capacity in London, after a spell in Milnthorpe Robert followed in 1869, his method involved the use of a poultice and oil, followed by a wrench of the affected limb, he made a good living and would go to Melton Mowbray to join the hunt, he wrote On Bone Setting and its Relation to the Treatment of Joints, 1871, reprinted 2018; John Atkinson, Robert H Hutton, Bonesetter: his Life and Work, 1887

Hutton, Thomas (d.1362), of Hutton in the Forest, bought land from John de Rachden and held it by the service of ‘holding the stirrup’ when the king mounted his horse at Carlisle castle; Hud (C); CW2 xi, xxv, xxx

Hutton, Sir William (d.1623), of Hutton Hall, Penrith, commissioner of the middle shires, was prominent in Border affairs, steward of  George, earl of Cumberland, High Sheriff 1603 and knighted 1604; Hud (C)

Hutton, Thomas (17xx-1831), guide and museum proprietor, of Keswick, rival of Peter Crosthwaite (qv) who described him and his associates as ‘the junta’

Hutton, William (1737-1811), clergyman and antiquary, born at Overthwaite, Beetham, 29 January 1737, and bapt there, 4 February, son of George Hutton (d.1736) and Eleanor (d.1758), dau of William Tennant, of York and Bedale, and brother of George, merchant at Liverpool, educ Sedbergh School and Trinity College, Cambridge, curate of Beetham 1760-1762 and vicar 1762-1811, compiled The Repository 1770 (edited by J R Ford, CWAAS, 1906), environmental observations in parish registers, etc, author as William de Worfat (a contraction of Overforth or Overthwaite) of A Bran New Wark, tract written in provincial dialect of the Barony of Kendal, printed in London, 1784, with fifty copies printed in Kendal in 1785 (CRO, WD/CAT/A2217), marr 1st (10 June 1765) Mary (d. 5 July 1768, aged 29), dau of John Hutton, of Hazelslack, 1 son (George, d.1770, aged three and a half years), marr 2nd (23 April 1771) Lucy (author of The Punishment of Eve and of letters entitled On the Antediluvian Females, d. 6 September 1788, aged 43), dau and coheir of Rigby Molyneux, Esq. of Preston, Lancs, issue, moved home to mother’s house at Cappleside (formerly Hilton House), rebuilt 1771 and known as Beetham House, governor, Heversham School, died 6 August 1811 (BR; CW2, lxxxiii, 141-149; WPR 43)

Hutton, Sir William (mid 18thc), lived Hutton Hall Penrith with his wife Dorothy, their initials W + DH on chimneypiece, he was high sheriff in 1604 and 1610; Pevsner and Hyde

Hutton, William (18xx-1881), clergyman, vicar of Beetham 1844-1881, grandson of above, enlarged and improved on new vicarage built by Joseph Thexton (qv) on succ as vicar of Beetham in 1844, with new part to the north east of the old house, died in 1881 (BR, 113)

Huxtable, Isabella (b.1831-1909), school founder, dau of farmer, moved to London, established Westbourne college, tombstone at  Lorton by Eric Gill; Lorton History Society issue 43

Hyde, Matthew (1947-2014), teacher, lecturer and architectural historian, b. London, son of John Hyde of the Foreign Office and Lavender Lloyd, a novelist (published The Lavender Room, 1955), parents divorced, lived in Kenya with his mother, educ St Paul’s school Hammersmith, Bristol university, later MA in architectural history, church organist Macclesfield, wrote  Buildings of England: Cumbria (2010), co-wrote with Clare Hartwell and Edward Hubbard the new edition of Pevsner’s Buildings of England: Cheshire (2011) and co-wrote Arts and Crafts Houses in the Lake District (2014) with Esme Whittaker;  Guardian obit. 15 December 2015

Hywell Dda (c.880-948; ODNB), a king of Deheubarth who came to rule most of Wales, led codification of Welsh law by assembling the lawyers and leaders of Wales, he was a pilgrim to Rome, one of the princes who met Athelstan (qv) at Eamont Bridge in 927 to swear fealty, Henry VII claimed descent from Hywell Dda