Quashy, Samuel (fl.1807), African man baptised Kirkby Lonsdale in 1807

Quayle, David Gunson (19xx-2012), farmer, national treasurer of NFU for six years, of Moordyke Farm, Aikton [William Martin was farming Moordyke in 1938], died 22 March 2012, aged 75 (CN, 30.03.2012)

Queckett, John Thomas (1815-1861), microscopist, b. Cockermouth, he and his elder brother Edwin John (1808-1847) were joint founders of the royal Microscopical Society in 1839, John Thomas wrote A Practical Treatise on the Use of the Microscope (1841)

[Queen’s College, Oxford, ‘the Cumbrian College’, see Robert de Eglesfield, who founded the college with a priority to be given to men from Cumberland and Westmorland, numerous people in this dictionary graduated here including the Rev William Gilpin (qv), this practice was eventually deemed to be discriminatory and discontinued; John Richard Magrath, A History of Queen’s College, 1921 (new edn 2019 )]

Quick, Oliver Chase (1885-1944; ODNB), theologian, born Sedbergh, son of Robert Herbert Quick and Bertha Chase Parr dau of Gen Chase Parr, educ Harrow (head of school), Corpus Christi Oxford, vice principal Leeds Clergy School, domestic chaplain to archbishop Randall Davidson, vicar of Kenley, Sy, canon of Newcastle and Carlisle, Paddock lectures delivered, pub The Christian Sacraments (1927), a keen ecumenist, canon St Paul’s, prof at Durham, regius prof Oxford, hon DD St Andrews, chaplain to the king

Quick, Robert Herbert (1831-1891; ODNB), father of Oliver Quick (qv), curate to J Llewellyn Davis at St Margaret Westminster, master at Harrow, vicar of Sedbergh, his library survives as the Quick memorial library at London university

Quiggin, Daniel (fl.late 19thc.), confectioner and sugar boiler, one of W Quiggin’s sons came to Kendal in 1872 from Douglas, Isle of Man and established a business, at 25 Allhallows Lane, Kendal (1894, 1905), making mint cake, by 1975 D Quiggin & Son were based at Kent Vale Works, Low Fellside, Kendal (1975)

Quilliam, Steven aka ‘Quill’, (1962-2023), punk metal stylist, anarchist, born Barrow-in-Furness to a Manx family, he was related to Captain John Quilliam (1771-1829), Nelson’s 1st Lt on the Victory, educ Barrow GS, offered an Oxbridge place but declined, worked in a variety of jobs, biker, bassist of some renown, raconteur, creator of pub harmonies, full of fun and wild impracticalities, a moorland mycologist and psychonaut, loved his cats, ancient fat mauled strays that found a home amongst the domestic wreckage, a trickster, hilarious company, a flawed and brilliant lovely man, a poet and a frustrated talented artist who drew and painted high quality cartoons, who if life or Karma had been kinder could have shone at Oxbridge, married, one son, lived in Northampton, divorced; taken from Paul Cross eulogy 2023

Quillinan, Dora (1804-1847; ODNB), dau of William Wordsworth, visited Greta Hall and stayed with the Southey and Coleridges, enjoyed the harpsichord and was instructed in drawing by Miss Barker, also by a dau of William Green (qv (WW, 1918), following gentle pressure from Isabella Fenwick (1783-1856) upon the reluctant poet, she married Edward Quillinan in 1839 as his second wife, though somewhat under the shadow of her father she did publish a travel journal, she was friendly with Maria Jane Jewsbury (1800-1833), after her premature death her father planted many daffodils in ‘Dora’s Field’ at Grasmere; K Waldegrave, The Poets’ Daughters, 2015; Olena Beal, Dora Wordsworth, 2017

Quillinan, Edward (1791-1851), son of a wine merchant of Oporto, of Loughrigg Holme, Rydal (1849), first wife died of burns in 1821 and he went abroad, returning years later, married Dora Wordsworth as his second wife in 1841, buried in Grasmere churchyard, 12 July 1851, aged 59

Quin, Roger (1850-1925), poet, b. and d. Dumfries but lived Cockermouth, The Borderland and other Poems and Midnight in Yarrow and other Poems [1918]; H. Winter, Great Cockermouth Scholars

Quincey, Paul Frederick de (d.1894), born Grasmere, son of Thomas de Quincey, educated Lasswade hotel, entered army and went to India, at the battle of Sobraon in 1846, in 1861 to New Zealand as a colonist, became a farmer, sergeant at arms of the House of Representatives, d.1894; Dictionary of NZ Biography

Quincey, Thomas Penson de (1785-1859; ODNB), essayist, born in Manchester, 15 August 1785, corresponded with Wordsworth and visited Coniston in summer of 1805 with intention of visiting him at Grasmere, but nerve failed, as it did again on visit to Coniston in 1806, met Coleridge in July 1807 and escorted wife Sara and children to Grasmere, meeting Wordsworth at last, spending two nights there before going north to Penrith and Keswick to meet Southey, visited Wordsworths at Allan Bank in October 1808, moved to Grasmere and rented Dove Cottage from 21 October 1809 and became friendly with Charles Lloyd (qv) and John Wilson (qv), returned to Grasmere in June 1812 to mourn death of Catherine, Wordsworth’s three-year old dau, as his opium use increased, conducting affair with Margaret (1796-1837), dau of John Simpson, of the Nab, Rydal, by 1814, whom he married at Grasmere (15 February 1817), but son (William) already born 15 November 1816, followed by 4 further sons and 3 daus (Margaret (b.1817), Horatio (b.1820), Francis John (b.1823), Florence and Paul Frederick (b.1827), Julius (b.1829, d.inf), and Emily (b.1833)), his opium use soured his relations with Wordsworth family, wrote pamphlet attacking Henry Brougham in 1818 election, leading to his being offered post of Editor of newly established tory paper, the Westmorland Gazette, his first issue on 11 July 1818, but often missed deadlines, having to travel in to Kendal from Rydal, and resigned in favour of  his subeditor, John Kilner (qv), on 5 November 1819, urged to write for Blackwood’s Magazine by John Wilson in Edinburgh, but quarrelled with William Blackwood and returned to Rydal in January 1820 and spent spring with his family at Fox Ghyll (rented), went to London in June 1821, wrote Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1821) and involved with London Magazine until 1825, but distanced from family, who were evicted from Fox Ghyll in summer of 1825 and moved back to the Nab, which was mortgaged to the Rydal Estate, started to contribute to Blackwood’s from 1826 (until 1849), retreated to Rydal in spring of 1829 and ended this divided family life by taking wife and children to join him at Edinburgh in December 1830, though he remained nominal owner of the Nab until September 1833 and continued to rent Dove Cottage until 1835, wrote biography of Coleridge after his death in July 1834, but constantly in debt, eldest dau Margaret managed his affairs better after death of wife from typhus on 7 August 1837, lost eldest son William to chloroleukaemia on 25 November 1834 and 2nd son, Horatio, Lieut in Army, to fever near Canton in China in 1842, died at 42 Lothian Street, Edinburgh, 8 December 1859 and buried in St Cuthbert’s churchyard, 13 December; CW2 xcix 257