Cumbrian Lives Abbreviations
Many of the entries on the Lives (Index) have sources given as an abbreviation. Please consult this list to elucidate each one.
- AC = Annals of Cartmel (J Stockdale, 1872)
- ACM = Appleby Grammar School (E Hinchcliffe, 1974)
- AHC = Ancient House of Curwen (JF Curwen, 1928)
- AK = Annals of Kendal (Cornelius Nicholson, 1861)
- AKL = Annals of Kirkby Lonsdale (A Pearson, 1930)
- AL = Armitt Library
- AJH = At Lakeland’s Heart (John M Carnie, 2002)
- AoH = Antiquary on Horseback (Jane M Ewbank, 1963)
- AWL = Armorial Westmorland & Lonsdale (Boumfrey and Hudleston, 1975)
- BC = The Braithwaite Clan (GE Braithwaite, 1974)
- BCC = Brougham Castle, Cumbria (H Summerson, 1998)
- BDBA = Biographical Dictionary of British Architects (H Colvin, 2nd ed 1978)
- BEDB = Burke’s Extinct and Dormant Baronetage (J and B Burke, 1841; new edns incl 2009)
- BGN = Bishop Gastrell’s Notitia 1714-1725, The Cumbria Parishes, 1998
- BHVS = Burneside: History of the Village School (S Shiels, 2010)
- BLG = Burke’s Landed Gentry (Burke, edns to 1906)
- BP = Burke’s Peerage (Burke, edns to 1970)
- BPP = British Parliamentary Papers
- BR = Beetham Repository (W Hutton, 1770)
- BSW = Black Sheep of Windermere (D Kinsman, 2001)
- CC = Coniston Copper (E Holland, 1986)
- CC (AH) = Cumbrian Characters (exhibition of famous people of the Lake District, Abbot Hall, Kendal, 1968)
- CCD = Crockford’s Clerical Directory (1858, now online)
- CCEd = Clergy of the Church of England database
- CCL = Cameos of Crosthwaite and Lythe (P Bownass et al, 2002)
- CCM = Cleator and Cleator Moor Past and Present (Caesar Caine, 1998)
- CCR = Charity Commission Report 1835
- Census (1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911)
- CFH = Cumberland Families and Heraldry (Hudleston and Boumfrey, 1968)
- CGD = Cumberland Guide and Directory (Jollie, 1811)
- CH = Church at Heversham (RK Bingham, 1987)
- CI = Cumberland Iron (A Harris, 1970)
- CL = Country Life
- CuL = Cumbria Life magazine
- CM = Chronicles of Milnthorpe (RK Bingham, 1987)
- CN = Cumberland News
- CNSG = Church Notes of Sir Stephen Glynne (LAS Butler, 2011)
- CoG = Church of Grasmere (M Armitt, 1912)
- CP = Cumberland Pacquet
- CPP = Cartmel, People and Priory (S Taylor, 1955)
- CRA = Journal of Cumbrian Railways Association
- CRL = Cumberland Rugby League: 100 Greats (R Gate, 2002)
- CTF = Clement Taylor of Finsthwaite Account Book 1712-1753 (RSLC, 135)
- CW = Cumbria at War 1939-1945 (R Mansergh, 2019)
- CWAAS = Cumberland & Westmorland Archaeological and Antiquarian Soc
- CW1 = CWAAS Transactions 1874-1900
- CW2 = CWAAS Transactions 1901-2000
- CW3 = CWAAS Transactions 2001to date
- CWH = Cumberland and Westmorland Herald
- CWHS = Cumbria Wesley History Society
- CWMP = Cumb and Westm MPs (RS Ferguson et al, 1871)
- CWN = CWAAS Newsletter
- DBS = Dictionary of British Sculptors (Gunnis, 1953, 1968, I Roscoe, new rev edn 2009)
- DEB = Dictionary of Edwardian Biography (ed.WT Pike, repr 1983-7)
- DH = Whitehaven: A Short History (Daniel Hay, 1966)
- DIF = Diary of Isaac Fetcher (AJL Winchester, 1994)
- DKK = Reminiscences of Kendal (DKK, 1890 new edn H W Duncan, 2009)
- DTC = Diary of Thomas Crosfield (FS Boas ed,1935)
- ECW = Ejected of C and W (B Nightingale, 2009)
- EIIF – Early Iron Industry of Furness (A Fell, 1908)
- EWMP = Early Westmorland MPs 1258-1327 (GHSL Washington, 1959)
- EWNL = Edward Wilson of Nether Levens (RP Brown, 1930)
- F1 = The Fothergills: A First History (R Fothergill, 1998)
- F2 = The Fothergills: A Second History (R Fothergill, 2001)
- FAO = Foster Alumni Oxford (J Foster, 1891)
- FF = Feet of Fines, Cumberland (JP Steel, 1929)
- FFF = Furness Folk and Facts (W White, 1930)
- FFHS = Furness Family History Society Newsletter
- FFW = A Few Furness Worthies (R Casson, 1889)
- FiO = Flemings in Oxford (SH Le Fleming, 1904; repr 2014)
- FLD = Folk Lore of the Lake District (M Rowling, 1976)
- FR = Furness Railway 1846-1923 (W McGowan Gradon, 1946)
- GASW = Great Age of Steam on Windermere (GH Pattinson, 1981)
- GDM = Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians
- GEC = Complete Peerage (GE Cokayne, 1982)
- GFN = Grand Fashionable Nights (M Eddershaw, 1989)
- GHC = Greater Houses in Cumbria (G Beard, 1978)
- GiC = Gypsum in Cumbria (I Tyler, 2000)
- GM = Gentleman’s Magazine
- GMC = Gunpowder Mills of Cumbria (I Tyler, 2002)
- GPK = Greater Parish of Kendal (J Hodgkinson, 2002)
- GPR = Greystoke Parish Registers (AM McClean, 1911)
- Green Man = The Green Man of Preston Patrick Church (PJY Lucas, 2012)
- HABSF = The Household Book of sarah Fell (ed Norman Penney, 1920)
- HC = History of Cumberland (W Hutchinson, 1794)
- HCS = History of Casterton School (G Sale, 1983)
- HoD = The Hasells of Dalemain 1736-1794 (F Wilkins, 2003)
- HF = A Short History of The Heelis Family (1979)
- HoP = History of Parliament
- HP = History of Penrith (J Walker, 1858)
- HPC= History of Penrith Church (D Scott, 1922)
- HPCB = History of the Parish Church of Burneside (E Bingham, 2012)
- HPT = History of Parish of Tunsatll (WH Chippindall, 1940)
- HS = Heversham: The History of a Westm Sch and Village (DR Humber, 1969)
- HSC = Hawkshead (HS Cowper, 1899)
- HUD (C) = Cumberland Armorial (Hudleston, 1968)
- HUD (W) = Westmorland and Lonsdale Armorial (Hudleston, 1975)
- HW = A History of Wigton (TW Carrick, 1949, repr 1992)
- HWC = History of Whittington (WH Chippindall, 1938)
- IALC = Industrial Archaeology of the Lake Counties (JD Marshal and M Davies-Shiel, 1969)
- IRW = Quakers of Kendal 1714-1785 (Isaac and Rachel Wilson, 1924)
- IwH = Ings with Hugill, A Westmorland Village (E and S Crookenden, 1993)
- JC = The Leaves We Write On (J Cropper, 2004)
- JCMB = James Cropper and Memories of Burneside (Jones and Willinck, 1945)
- JD = John Denton’s History of Cumberland (ed Ferguson 1887, new edn 2010)
- JHBH = John Harden of Brathay Hall (D Foskett, 1974)
- JP = John Peel (H Machell, 1926)
- KBR = Kendal Book of Record (Farrer and Curwen, 1924)
- KC = Keswick Characters (E Foot and P Howell, 3 vols, 2006-7)
- KFF = Kendal Fell Farers (R Atkinson et al, 1910)
- KHS = History of Kendal High School (MS Morris, 1991)
- KK = Kirkbie-Kendall (JF Curwen, 1900)
- KMT = Kendal Mercury and Times
- K150 = K Shoes 150 Years (S Crookenden, 1992)
- LAC = Lady Anne Clifford (RT Spence, 1997)
- LALD = Literary Associations of Lancaster and District (TC Hughes, 1929)
- LAR = John Ruskin and Lakeland Arts Revival 1880-1920 (S Haslam, 2004)
- LC = Lakes Chronicle
- LCP = Lake Country Portraits (HAL Rice, 1967)
- LanC – Lanercost Cartulary (J Todd, 1997)
- LDD = Lancaster Diocesan Directory
- LDF = Lake District Folk (WR Mitchell, 2015)
- LF = Lowther Family (H Owen, 1990)
- LG = London Gazette
- LaG = Lancaster Gazette
- LiL = Life in Lakeland (TFBuntin, 1993)
- LL = Lakeland Lives (P Hoyte, 2011)
- LM = Lonsdale Magazine (the North Lonsdale Magazine (4 vols ed Rev LR Ayre, 1894-1902)
- LMW = Labour Movement in Westmorland (D Clark, 2012)
- LRNW = Later Records of North Westmorland (JF Curwen, 1932)
- LPR = Lancashire Pipe Rolls (W Farrer, 1902)
- LTLD = Life and Tradition in the Lake District (W Rollinson, 1974)
- LVTT = Lakeland Valley Through Time (Staveley) (J Scott ed., 1995)
- LW = Lancashire Worthies (F Espinasse, 1877)
- LWO = The Leaves We Write On (M Cropper, 2004)
- MADC = Miscellany Accounts of the Diocese of Carlisle (Bp Nicholson) (G Bell, 1877)
- MH = Artists of Cumbria (Marshall Hall, 1979)
- MOK = Memories of Old Kendal (J O’Connor, 1961)
- MoN = Men of the North (RC Shaw, 1972)
- NA = Natural Awakenings (I D Hodgkinson, 2020)
- NAFM = Notes on the Ancient Family of Musgrave (P Musgrave, 1912)
- NESS = Northern England and Southern Scotland in the Central Middle Ages (Stringer and Winchester, 2017)
- NLM = North Lonsdale Magazine (4 vols ed Rev LR Ayre, 1894-1902)
- ODNB = Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
- ONK = Older Nonconformity in Kendal (F Nicholson, 1915)
- PENN = Penningtonia (J Foster, 1878)
- PoC = People of Cartmel (JC Dickinson, 1991)
- PPLC = Prelates and People of the Lake Counties (CML Bouch, 1948)
- PPLH = Persons and Places in Langdale History (AH Sykes, 2005)
- PSE = Provincial Society and Empire: The Cumbrian Counties and the East Indies, 1680-1829 (KJ Saville-Smith, 2018)
- RC = Rose Castle (J Wilson, 1912)
- RCC = Round Carlisle Cross (JW Brown, 1929), several volumes
- RCHM = Royal Commission of Historical Monuments, Cumberland (1936)
- RCHM = Royal Commission of Historical Monuments, Westmorland (1936)
- RL = Register of Landowners (1871)
- RM= The Rock Men: Pioneers of Lakeland Geology (ed R Alan Smith, 2001)
- RP/CP = Records/Chronicles of Patterdale (WP Morris, 2016)
- RPSB = Register of the Priory of St Bees (J Wilson, 1915)
- RPW = Register of the Priory of Wetheral (Prescott, 1897)
- RS = Rolls Series
- RSLC = Record Society of Lancashire and Cheshire
- SBD = Shappe in Bygone Days (Joseph Whiteside, 1904)
- SEW = In the Shadow of the Eagle’s Wing (P Connon, 1982)
- SF = Household Account Book of Sarah Fell (N Penney, 2012)
- SGDC = Stained Glass of Diocese of Carlisle (LNS Smith, 1994)
- SGNT = Savage Grandeur and Noblest Thoughts (Powell and Hebron, 2010)
- SH = Sedbergh Historian, Sedbergh History Society annual journals
- SLD = Story of the Lakeland Diocese 1933-1966 (K Harper, 1966)
- SNC = Some Notable Cumbrians (Sir Frederick Chances, 1931)
- SoL = A Survey of the Lakes (James Clarke, 2nd ed 1789)
- SoS = Stricklands of Sizergh (Henry Horneyold, 1928)
- SSC = Salkelds through Seven Centuries (JG Moore, 1987)
- SSR = Sedbergh School Register 1546-1895 (B Wilson, 1895)
- TC = Trinity College, Cambridge Admissions (Ball and Venn, 1913)
- TCAALS = Transactions of Cumberland Assoc for Advancement of Lit and Sci
- TD = Thomas Denton: A Perambulation of Cumberland 1687-1688 (Winchester and Wane, 2003)
- TGPE = Tinkers, Potters, Gypsies and Eccentrics (George Stewart, 2011)
- THSLC = Transactions of Historic Society of Lancs and CheshireTLCAS = Transactions of Lancs and Cheshire Antiq Soc
- TLCAS = Transactions of Lancs and Chesh Antiq Soc
- TWT = Wordsworth’s Hawkshead (TW Thompson, 1970)
- VAC = Venn Alumni Cantab
- VPCW = Visitation Pedigrees of C and W (ed Joseph Foster)
- VVL = Vikings and Victorian Lakeland (M Townsend, 2009)
- WA = Westmorland Advertiser
- WC = Worthies of Cumberland (H Lonsdale, 1867)
- WCC = West Cumberland Coal (O Wood, 1998)
- WCL = West Cumberland Leaders (E Gaskell)
- WCN = Westmorland Church Notes (E Bellasis, 1888)
- WCT = West Cumberland Times
- WDC = Cumbriana (W Dickinson, 1876)
- WDW = W and D Wordsworth (L Newlyn, 2013)
- WFDB = Walter Fletcher’s Diocesan Book 1814-1845 (ed J Platt, SS 219 and CW XXII)
- WG = Wesmorland Gazette
- WH = Whitehaven Herald
- WHC = Whellan, History of Cumberland (W Whellan, 1860)
- WHWK = Wilson of High Wray and Kendal (J Foster pedigree, 1871)
- WK = Websters of Kendal: An Architectural Dynasty (A Taylor and J Martin (ed) 2004)
- WL = Westmorland Lives
- WN = Whitehaven News
- WNB = Westmorland Note Book (Gill and Stock, 1888-9)
- WRM = Where Rise the Mountains (HAL Rice, 1969)
- WT = Wordsworth Trust
- WW = Worthies of Westmorland (G Atkinson, new edn 2015)
- WoW = Wings of Windermere (A King, 2009)
- WWW = Who Was Who
- YAJ = Yorkshire Archaeological Jounral
- YE = The Yellow Earl (D Sutherland, 1965)
- YoK = The Yards of Kendal (T Hughes and AR Nicholls, 2017)
- 1871 = Register of Landowners