Ubank family of Shap 1726-1927

Ubank, John (b.c.1855), clergyman, marr Julia Helen Benson

Ubank, Joseph (1779-1860), schoolmaster at Shap

Ubank, Joseph (1811-1879), wrestler

Ubank, Noble, wrestler, son of Joseph

Ubank (later Ewbank), Sir Robert Benson (b.1883), son of the Rev John Ubank, educ Carlisle GS and Queen’s College, changed his name to Ewbank, went to india, registrar of the Co-operative Society in Bombay, marr Frances Helen Simpson in Poona in 1916, in WWI officer in Indian Defence Force, deputy secretary of the government in India and private secretary to Lord Reading, retired to Grasmere, sheriff Westmorland 1958

Uglow, Theodore Sebastian (18xx-18xx), clergyman, MA (TCD 1861), d 1864, p 1865 Worc, curate of St Andrews, Droitwich 1864-1867, Wellington, Salop 1868-1870, and Lindal, Lancs 1870-1872, perpetual curate of Rampside, Barrow-in-Furness 1872-1885, retd to Cheltenham

Uldale, Master Thomas (occ.1423), official of bishop William Strickland of Carlisle; (CW2, xcv, 284)

Ulf, see TW Sykes CWAAS article

Ullock, John, hotelier, original proprietor of Royal Hotel, Bowness-on-Windermere, at time of visit of Queen Adelaide in 1840

Ullock, Joseph (Joe) (c.1929-2012), OBE, QPM, FBIM, police officer, born at Whitehaven, educ local grammar school before joining Cumberland Coal Company at Haig Colliery at age of 16, National Service with Border Regiment and two years with Military Police in Belfast, Egypt, Palestine and Tripoli, then returned to civilian life working at Haig Colliery (by now NCB), joined Cumberland and Westmorland Constabulary in August 1951, serving at Workington, Silloth, Wigton and Carlisle until 1956 when he moved to Carleton Hall HQ, Penrith, seconded to police training centre at Warrington as a sergeant instructor in 1962 for two years, promoted to inspector at Appleby in 1966 (with responsibility of managing travellers to the Horse Fair), promoted to chief inspector in 1968, chief superintendent in 1969, and Deputy Chief Constable in 1972, meaning a rise from rank of constable to second in command in just ten years, settled in Penrith, involved in three major incidents during his career (travellers at Appleby New Fair riot in 1970; police shooting of gunman at Brampton in 19xx; and riot at Haverigg prison in 1987), decided against seeking a chief constable’s post preferring to remain in his native county, retiring in January 1988 after 36 years in constabulary and 16 as deputy, awarded QPM, Silver Jubilee Medal (1977) and OBE (1983), chairman of governors of Wetheriggs School, governor of Ullswater School, Penrith, president of Penrith Rotary Club, also served on Scout Council for many years, did woodworking and gardening in retirement, marr Jean (decd), 1 dau (Julie, wife of Geoff Bancroft, of Solihull), of Wordsworth Street, Penrith, until moving into Yanwath Care Home where he died, 20 March 2012, aged 83, and buried at Beacon Edge cemetery after funeral at Christ Church, Penrith, 28 March (CWH, 24.03.2012)

Ullswater, Lord, see Lowther, James William

Ulverston (aka Ullerton), Richard (c.1360-1423), clergyman, Oxford, ordained 1383, fellow Queen’s, prebend Oxford, rector of Beeford, Yorks, later vice chancellor Oxford, proposed ecclesiastical reforms, wrote on the Creed (1409) and the Psalms (1415)

Unsworth, Walter (1928-2017), author and publisher, born at Ardwick, Manchester, 16 December 1928, evacuated with his family to Abram, near Wigan, during WW2, marr at Abram parish church (1952) Dorothy (died at Summerhill nursing home, Kendal, 17 April 2018, and cremated at Beetham Hall , 30 April), 1 son (Duncan) and 1 dau (Gail), main career in teaching, but took early retirement to concentrate on writing, moving to Harmony House, Milnthorpe, specialised in walking, climbing and travel writing (inc histories of Everest and Mont Blanc), editor of Climber (later Climber and Rambler) magazine, helping to re-launch it as The Great Outdoors (now TGO), a founder member of Milnthorpe Men’s Forum, the Outdoor Writers’ Guild and Photographers’ Guild, and co-founder with his friend Bill Evans of Cicerone press in 1969, producing more than 250 guides for walkers and climbers, starting with Lake District and Cairngorms, ‘written and produced by walkers and climbers’ before retiring in 1999, also author of trilogy of children’s books The Devil’s Mill, Whistling Clough and Grimsdyke, organised the annual Milnthorpe Art Festival from Harmony Hall, raising money for local artists and charities, in his later years, died at home, 6 June 2017, aged 88 (WG, 15.06.2017 and 26.04.2018)

Unwin, Sir Raymond (1863-1940; ODNB), engineer, architect and town planner, born at Whiston, near Rotherham, 2 November 1863, son of William Unwin (1826-1900), educationalist (from a leather making family), educ Magdalene college Oxford, worked Staveley Iron and Steel Co, Chesterfield, inspired by Ruskin and Morris to improve the quality of housing, author of The Art of Building a Home (1901), marr Fanny Ethel Parker at Chapel en le Frith, his brother William was curate at Crosthwaite (d.1900) to canon Rawnsley who wrote At William Unwin’s Grave (1900), designed a model village New Earswick also the garden city of Letchworth, in Manchester he was secretary of the Morris Socialist League, in 1936 he was appointed professor of town planning at Columbia university, died at Old Lyme, Connecticut, USA, 28 June 1940, aged 76, and at his own request his ashes eventually interred at Crosthwaite church, Cumberland with his brother William

Upton, Hon Arthur (1807-1883), general, born 15 January 1807, 3rd son of 1st viscount and 2nd baron Templetown and Lady Mary Montagu (only dau of 5th earl of Sandwich), marr (17 July 1866) Elizabeth Frederica (d. 8 July 1902), er dau of 3rd baron Wallscourt [ext.1920], no issue, hon col, 107th Foot, of 41 Bryanston Square, London (1874), succ to Levens estate on death of his aunt, Mary Howard (qv) in 1877, died s.p. 23 April 1883, when Levens passed to Josceline Fitzroy Bagot (qv)

Upton, Hon Fulke Greville (1773-1846) see under Howard

Upton, John (d.1832), of Ingmire Hall and Killington Hall, marr 1st Dorothy (buried at Sedbergh, 24 December 1796, aged 25), marr 2nd (1799) Florence, dau of Thomas Smyth, of Stapleton, Glos (er sister and coheir of Sir John Smyth, 4th Bt, of Ashton Court, Bristol), dau Mary, wife of John Morland (qv), of Capplethwaite

Upton, John Herbert (1865-1930), JP, landowner, born 1 August 1865, 4th son of Clement and Florence Anne Upton-Cottrell-Dormer (qv), educ Wellington College, adopted surname of Upton only on succ to Ingmire Hall in 1907, which he sold in 1922 (subsequently destroyed by fire), agreed to convey Vale of Lune Chapel on Ingmire estate to Ecclesiastical Commissioners, 16 February 1917, also of Lew House, Oxon, Captain, 4th Bn Oxfordshire LI, JP Westmorland, WR Yorkshire and Oxfordshire, Lord of Manor of Flamborough, marr 1st (12 Juy 1892) Hilda (d.15 June 1919), 3rd dau of Horace Dormer Trelawny, of Shotwick Park, Chester, 1 son and 2 daus, marr 2nd (19 July 1921) Petronel (b.11 February 1894), 2nd dau of Edward Sydenham Fursdon (1848-1930), of Fursdon, 3 daus, died at ?Morton Pinkey, Northants, 13 November 1930

Upton, Thomas Smyth (1830-1848), last of male line, son of Thomas Upton, died unm 12 March 1848, aged 18, but succ by sister, Eliza Frances (born 25 March 1832, died unm 27 January 1876), then by yr sister, Florence Anne (1837-1907), wife of Clement Cottrell-Dormer (qv)

Upton, William (16xx-1xxx), 3rd son of Arthur Upton (b.1614), of Lupton, Devon, acquired Ingmire Hall, Sedbergh, by marr to Catherine, dau of Sir John Otway (qv)

Upton-Cottrell-Dormer, Florence Anne, nee Upton (1837-1897), m. 1858 Clement Cottrell-Dormer [1827-1880], lived Rousham Hall, Oxfordshire and Ingmire Hall, Sedbergh, commissioned Harvey Miles (qv) to carve the large celtic cross to Queen Victoria (1902) in Queen’s Park, Sedbergh, which she gave to the town; David A. Cross, Public Sculpture, 2017, 205; photo of her in the vestry, Ingmire church; Hyde and Pevsner

Uren, Gilbert (1916-2017), see DCB Lives

Urien (d.c.570-590), king of Rheged, and his son, Owain (qv), whose administrative centre was probably based on Carlisle or possibly Lyvennet, near Penrith, became Christian champions of British resistance to pagan Anglo-Saxons during 6th and 7th centuries, but kingdom collapsed with his murder sometime during 570-590, with area becoming divided up as northern part was absorbed by later kingdom of Strathclyde in south-west Scotland; their feats merged with lore about Owain or Eugenius of Strathclyde and Cumbria during 10th cent revival of British power in north-west, poss giving rise to name of local Penrith giant as Hugh or Owen; lionised by the Welsh bard Taliesin

Urswick family, descended from Stephen de Urswick of 1160 to Thomas (d.1519), knights of Parliament under the early Edwards until Richard II, the heiress of the senior line, Elizabeth Urswick, married Sir Richard le Fleming c.1240 which conveyed much land in Furness to that family; Urswick hall survives only as a field called Hall Croft but the cadet branch of the family was more prominent, see Christopher below

Urswick, Adam de (1202-1244), a supporter of Furness Abbey; at least two other de Urswicks in the medieval period were called Adam

Urswick, Christopher (1448-1522; ODNB), cleric, courtier and diplomat, b. in Furness, son of John Urswick, confessor of  Margaret Beaufort and confidant of Henry VII, dean of York 1488-94, dean of Windsor 1495-1505; Urswick chantry in St George’s chapel Windsor, he appears in the play Richard III, also see Urswick School, Hackney

Urswick, Isabella, daughter of Sir John de Lancaster, co-heiress of Rydal (one of four sisters), married c.1409 Sir Thomas Le Fleming of Coniston Hall, hence the Rydal estates came to the Flemings

Urquhart, W V Binks (18xx-19xx), clergyman, of Hincaster House, Heversham (1921, 1925), following the Misses Swinglehurst (1914) and followed by Amias W P Ferrand (1929) – not in Crockford

Ussher, bishop,

Ussher, James MA DD (1581-1656; ODNB), son of Arnold Ussher, educ Trinity Coll Dublin, one of the six clerks in chancery in Ireland, VC of Trinity Coll, bishop of Meath, archbishop of Armagh and briefly in commendam bishop of Carlisle, a scholarly man, one of his most extraordinary pronouncements (after considerable research) was that the world was created on 23 October 4004 BC, several others including Isaac Newton made different calculations, buried in Westminster Abbey; his portrait in Bishop Cosin’s library, Durham has a row of embroidered shamrocks on the neck of his shirt; Hud (C); David A Cross, The Paintings in Durham Castle, 2001, unpub, pp.124-5, (copy in Palace Green Library, Durham)

Uther Pendragon (supp. fl. late 5th cent?; ODNB), supposed king of Britain, father of king Arthur (qv) by irregular liaison with a woman called I (unusually, she was known by a single letter), had legendary seat of Pendragon Castle in Mallerstang, where he tried and failed to divert river Eden to make moat for castle, giving rise to rhyme: Let Uther Pendragon do what he can, Eden shall run as Eden ran (for George Clifford’s speech as Queen’s Chief champion in Tiltyard as Knight of Pendragon, see CRO, Kendal, WD/Hoth/A988/6)